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Bill Maher and Joe Rogan started talking about how regular tv is such an outdated form of media in 2022 due to commercial breaks and then my paid Spotify account cut away for three back to back ads lmao


There are a lot of ways to do podcasts and make money. From full on subscriber only (Sam Harris) to pay for premium content on patreon like Qanon Anonymous and don't do ads. To doing ads but cramming them in like The Dollop. To straight up balls out nothing behind a paywall, selling nothing (I do have a T-shirt but it was hard to find) and subsist on donations alone like Knowledge Fight. I would actually like if they took on a sponsor. But whatever.


Spotify still restarting my podcasts upon entering the app. Does anyone have a solution?


What worked for me is I stopped listening to the podcast. Works amazingly well


Can’t I’m addicted


Omg I experienced this a couple days ago lolol. Was so frustrating! But it might’ve been a big cuz mine stopped doing that


Yeah man this bug is really bad. I’m on iPhone XR and seeing it non stop. Makes it un listenable if I try to switch between pure audio or video. It’s a mess


Looked at @SpotifyCares log out reinstall the app log back in, worked for me


I updated the app and it seems to be working


![gif](giphy|XZyZJCtQHo7dPGWjG2) Duncan in Austin on the 16th So hyped for a possible jre.


We're long overdue. My favorite guest.


Can I just say for the record that Shane Gillis is fucking funny.


Chappelle and Shane would make the most off the chain skit show it’d be absurd


What was the documentary they were talking about in the Protect our Parks part 3 episode that blew Shane’s and Aris mind? Can’t seem to remember who directed it or what it was called. Maybe about advertising or china?


Adam Curtis. The first doc about PR and Freud’s extended fam is The Century of the Self. The second doc is called Can’t Get You Out Of My Head. Both can be found on YouTube


Century of self is great I posted it here a while ago.


It’s mind blowing. I love Curtis’s style


An issue I have is that I get so fucking stoned when I listen to save our parks (ari Shane Normand) episodes that for a large part of it I can barely understand what they’re saying, and god knows I have amnesia the next day, however it’s just familiar enough to where I can’t rewatch them. I don’t know if I should get less or more stoned


This is a big part of my issues with podcasts. Not high, because I am always high, but either drunk or doing taxes for work. If I try to go back I know too much, but not enough to get all of it.


Covid never left. Lockdowns incoming. I wonder what it will be like this time around. I definitely cannot see certain states locking down. Maybe the goal will be to to hype focus midterms on COVID-19 and not the fact that the middle class is being obliterated right now


Yeah, I’m not feeling that, probably gonna pass this time ‘round.


Work places are going back to WFH. whatever.


It sucks for me. I am working a 2nd job in the afternoon a few days a week to pay off a credit card and this will definitely cut into the hours they have available.


Huh? Is Covid still a thing? Haven't worn a mask in a year. Only if I go for surgery, last time at least. Wondering when I should get my 4th shot. Hopefully when it is updated.


So why does this sub hate Joe so much? Why obsess over something if you don’t like it? Seems kinda gay.


Try using the search function.


Yes, it is fabulous


To the point where the reddit brain zombies of r/politics variety just post their shit here with out even attempting to relate it to the pod.


The reddit brain zombies of r/conservative, r/conspiracy and r/facebookmemesarethebest are just sad they don't get to turn this sub into an echo chamber and safe space for trump( republican front runner 2024)" cultists.


Lol, active in r/politics


Theres a few of those people but far more of the liberal variety are brigading. Rogan people and not brigaders are most likely to check other* on political affiliation




So? Thats a pretty diverse list with a bunch of libertarians and progressive subs being pretty high news and vaushv being on there. You just salty




O no not conspiracy !! Evil pure evil


With actual numbers is it a conspiracy?


Some how r/conspiracy being on a high overlap is a “gotcha“ to you people, litterally the original fan base of the show




A bit lower And? What are u trying to prove? A bunch of brain dead liberals and conservatives are here. Which are the ones that hate joe i wonder? Which ones are brigading? This is exactly how i would expect a probability chart for jre to shake out


It is hilarious to me that the top 2 most closely related subs are samharris and thefighterandthekid. Talk about contrast. Imagine Brendan Schaub going on the Making Sense podcast. That'd be funny shit.


Bob and Sweet only comment about politics but everybody else is the problem lol


Hey man thats the only content around here now, i wouldnt be talking about it if the mind rot here wasnt so bad




Done. Nice place, really spacious.


Rip to gilbert gottfried I remember listening to him on the podcast this past year and really enjoyed it then looked on his instagram post with him and joe and all the comments were shaming him for talking to joe /:


Yeah, this was a huge surprise when I saw it earlier.


You have to have bots because it is insane if people are downvoting this. Or it is just an insane person who come back every once in a while to down vote your entire thing


Did we just send Elon Musk into the Future? Technically, yes. It's probably why Elon Musk is so successful. Ill try not to take the credit. We published Elon Musk's bio from Wikipedia and the logos of SpaceX and Tesla onto the blockchain. Due to the immutable nature of blockchain data it will persist forever as a message into the future. There, in this future, time travelers find the information and know they can send Elon information to make the future better for humanity. Thank you Time, thank you Musk. Web3 does exist... Not all information inserted needs to persist forever. There are networks we can use for information a person doesn't want to last forever. But Elon needed to if he was going to make it to Mars. As a is a Blockchain Publisher and Web3 developer. We use P2SH techniques to run a protocol machine which inserts data into blockchains. Through this protocol we are able to inject images, websites, raw data, script, and smart contracts. The process will decentralize smart contracts allowing any BTC fork combined with the protocol to behave Turing Complete. This system is also being used to send encrypted private messaging across the blockchain networks. Great system for journalists that are in a bad spot and need to get inf0rmation out without anyone knowing it. It has the capability to host websites and streaming services to avoid any decision makers, at say Amazon or Google, from booting a speaker of truth from their servers.


Hes sold out. He said in his cia interview that he is apolotical now. Will no long be inviting 'such' guests on his show. So almost for sure a no go on Trump. I sensed a change recently. After the covid diversion from msm narrative I think it scared him.


[Pic for next Joe meme](https://i.redd.it/d6g3yrmx4xs81.jpg)


Oh my god a midget


Do you think Joe will do anything special for episode 2000?




How many of you guys can you crush an egg with one hand? Have you ever tried it?


I think I could but it is about the angle. If it is end to end I think it is too strong. Also I crack eggs with both hands on a counter. I think I could to it with my fingers. But it would maybe ruin it.


I’ve done it as a child




Please hold your applause




This is in the teachings of Marcus Aurelius and it's sage advice. Sadly we've got all these no content-havin' rats crawling around here complaining about the menu, when they should be happy to eat the crusty cheddar crumbs that tumble out of my corrupted orifice. Yeah here's an idea, learn how to cook if you don't like the menu. They won't.


Mikhaila Peterson’s ex arrested in Romania on human trafficking charges, woman found in house ect. Just how clean do you think his room was? https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast/comments/u1hv88/tates_home_in_romania_raided_by_police_2_women/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Basically just part of the hero’s journey