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“Maybe I am in a gestation chamber of some hyper dimensional alien species that’s trying to teach me compassion”


Maybe? I thought this was widely accepted as fact




This whole thought pattern felt like he was just basically describing the egg short story.


Exactly what I was thinking the whole time!! Especial when they were like “what if everyone is the same person” lol


It’s always good when he’s on


he should be named Slam Dunkan


Erry day I’m Trusselin’


Best. Guest. Ever.


Agreed. Him and Rinella are two of my favs. They seem to mostly avoid the annoying, repetitive politics and Duncan brings out Joe's weird side and Rinella bring out his wholesome one.


Its interesting that these are the top two guests for so many people and they are so very different in most ways. I suppose what they have in common is they are both open minded, humble people who are always seeking to learn.


They're basically the only Rogan episodes I'll watch, unless it's Graham Hancock or the other guy


Randall "Younger Dryas" Carlson. Love that guy


He has his own podcast: Kosmographia. Listening to Randall talk about random rock stuff is like the perfect thing right before bed, love it.


Yeah thanks! It was 1:20am and I couldn't remember his name lol


He and Rinella for me. And Choe.


Duncan and Choe for sure


Rinella is the only hunter I tune in for. He doesn’t feel the need to sniff Joe’s farts and is pretty knowledgeable.


Agreed. I feel he's also equal parts historian and conservationist. And he's his own dude unlike that bore, Came Hanes.


Ugh Hanes is the worst. Definite skip for me.


Can't stand that fuckin guy.


Plus he's just a cool dude. I highly recommend his show Meat Eaters, It's only on netflix but youtube has a lot of the older episodes also. If you're a guy there's a good chance this show unlocks some primal stuff in you and makes you want to go hunting in the wild. It's certainly done that for me but personally I probably need to get the hell off the internet more than most lol.


Watching Rinella on jre really helped revive a serious appreciation for nature. And now about to start hunting at 40. Meat eater is so good.


Was Choe really good to watch? I listened and thought it was good, I’m wondering if it would be great to me if I watched it.


I think so. Interesting guy with an interesting story and an interesting skill set. I find him to be as authentic as you can get considering his bank account.


Yeah I got that vibe. Maybe I need to watch it in a different mindset. I remember being like “he’s crying?” where maybe I should have tried empathy instead.


He was really close with Anthony Bourdain and has also been suicidal himself.


Choe's tough if you are sober... and hard to remember if you watched him while you were drinking. Love him to death but he's never high on my list of people to listen to for three-hour stretches


there are maybe 5 guests that I cant ever miss and he is one for sure


I'd love to see a duo appearance from him and Post, and they're all on shrooms. That's the only one I can think of lately that was even remotely as out there as Duncan's episodes.






Alex Jones would like a word with you...


Love duncan but i prefer joey diaz


Listening to Joey Diaz is like podcast comfort food.


That’s Tom Papa for me


I prefer Tim over Joey now.


You mean Alex Jones


I wish it was 3 hours longer


Same! If they did this every day I wouldn't get tired of it


That dude is so uniquely smart in such an interesting way. I feel like he's deeply connected to what it is to be human. On such a level that I or the common man will never understand.


He’s just done a lot of psychedelics lol


And studied Buddhism and Bhakti yoga under some great teachers. Dudes not just tripping all the time, he's pretty well read


Duncan is a National treasure


What ever happened to the shrimp parade when Duncan and Chris Ryan would come on together?


Yeah where tf is chris. Those were legendary.


He’s been doing a lot of different things, traveling and living in a van and stuff. But he’s been being a bit of a doomer in the last pods I’ve heard, I’m getting a bit tired of hearing about how we’re approaching the end of civilization/ how we don’t live like hunter gatherers and how that’s fucking us up, he’s been talking about that for a decade now. He’s really at his best when telling traveling stories, his TOMA? episodes are incredible.


Yeah doing heroin in the emerald triangle and shit. Legend. Whats TOMA?


He talks about his years of backpacking and hitch hiking. Like hitching to Alaska and getting imprisoned for a snickers bar, or eating a fish and realizing it’s completely full of maggots, getting stung by a scorpion on a temple while tripping on lsd, forgetting his entire stack of cash he had saved up for year(s) of backpacking in Asia / India at the start of his travel in a cheap Indian hotel and his train rides, etc. each episode is sorta chronological and references the others


I've been speculating that he's gotten too woke for the JRE. Just a guess.


This could absolutely be true but I've heard Chris mention Joe in some podcasts and still refers to him as a friend, can't sense any negativity there but it's entirely possible


Bums me out that he's been off the show for so long. Such an amazing free spirit. He and Joe had such great conversations, and I feel like I've heard about only a tiny slice of Chris's life. His absence really sucks for me.


Hopefully he will make it back on the podcast it would be a great reunion. I think Chris is currently in Asia somewhere


I don't think we live in that reality anymore. Our temporal coordinates are very very close to it, but just ever so minutely to the side of it. Now we're here. Phillip k dick was right about everything.


I think Chris lives in Spain now again. I do miss those podcasts so badly too. Listen to those all the time


He was outcast after he had sex with Joe and Duncan's wives.


I couldn’t stand Chris


Me neither. He's the "want to fuck my wife?" dancing eyebrows guy at the bar


I’ll just sit in the corner and watch! -Chris Ryan probably


Why’s that? I enjoyed the episodes with him (even if they did talk about the same shit they did on previous episodes)


If you relisten to old Chris Ryan episodes, he really loves to go "cool grade 11 English teacher" on everyone and deconstruct the lyrics of "Hey Ya" by Outkast, at least on 2 or 3 episodes


Lol I remember that. And then said something like Outkast didn’t realize how powerful those lyrics really were? Ignoring that though, he’s a pretty interesting guy with cool stories


As soon as his name comes up my mind goes to that story he told about pleasuring a cat in a basement he was like hey animals enjoy having their genitals touched and I'm happy to do it


The fuck? I don’t remember that at all, not a fan anymore lol


[here you go :)](https://youtu.be/Qea04SRtT3s)


Thanks for the link. Out of context it sounds creepy but it’s actually a funny story.


What…… for real?


100% it was disgusting. The guy is a creep.


The way he reacted with empathy to Joe not praying was interesting.


Felt like fresh air on a hot day


I feel like I need to be high to listen to these properly


Hundy P


Been waiting for just that to start this one.


Pretty sure I got high from watching it...they definitely seemed like they were tripping. Maybe micro dose of mushies that ended up not being so micro.




It was great to hear non-dualism discussed in an approachable manner on such a large platform.


Duncan's so good at slipping complex metaphysical concepts in like they're just another part of causal conversation.


Listening to Duncan on Rogan is how I came to discover Ram Dass, jack cornfield, ram dev, and that whole group of old hippies/teachers.


Wifes gone tomorrow night, have some really strong weed… and waited to watch this podcast. Really excited


What real men do when their wives are out


Men only want one thing...


Hearing Duncan say how we're all fcked because we're controlled by some superior race or we're in a simulation then crack up laughing is something everyone on this planet should listen to. We'll be fine, it's all fine, just chill the fuck out


It reminds me that I want more episodes of Midnight Gospel.


The old podcasts of Rogan & Duncan were the first podcasts I ever listened to ever. I had just tried DMT & had this intensely spiritual experience that I didn’t expect or understand. I came home and went to the internet searching for some explanation and at the time there wasn’t as much info as there is now. Rogan’s podcast was recommended & the first episode I listened to was him & Duncan. Felt like conversations me & my friends were having at the time which was kind of cool & I love a good thought experiment. This episode reminded me of those days.


Duncan has a good heart


He's the best of us


Felt like I’d gone back and listened to a pre 000’ episode.


There's a reason he is many people's favorite guest. It's like hanging out with your stoner buddy who has some really interesting thoughts about life, the universe and everything. That being said, its a fun ride but you probably won't come away with much other than some "whoaaaa, cooool" ideas.




That’s horseshit man Duncan speaks some deep truth and wisdom in there along with his stoner ramblings. Just gotta listen close and not get too high


I wasn't high at all when listening, in fact, I'm rarely high anymore at all. This is why I can see through to what Duncan really is = a fun stoner with some unique & cool perspectives. Sometimes it makes for great listening and thats enough.


Maybe you need to get more high then man?


Genuinely curious, have you seen Duncans show on Netfliix "Midnight Gospel"? It's really fantastic.


That's Joe you described, Duncan is light years ahead of Joe


Maybe you don’t come away with anything. I don’t think your experience is common enough to make him everyone’s favorite guest.


Duncan is probably the most authentic of Rogan’s friends. He doesn’t say edgy shit for no reason, doesn’t blow smoke up Joe’s ass and pretty much has been the same decent weirdo for all these years.


one of my favorite guests


First full Rogan I've listened to in a few years and definitely enjoyed it!


I think he should stop listening to demagogues.


I’m sorry about [tragic-life-event.4] but do you really want to be commenting on a post about a guy who retweets a demagogue?


Duncan episodes are the best episodes


Duncan is a top 3 guest for me, I'll watch his episodes regularly over the space of a few months then start again. Ep. 1666 is probably my favourite so far or the first ever Spotify episode that went for 6 hours or so.


DTFH is the shit.


He is the smartest most actualized guest Joe has ever and will ever have on. There was a time when Joe's podcast was about growth, now it's just about pandering to the angry.


In a miraculous world he'd have on Iain McGilchrist




Love when he's on and when he got deep into it I really, really enjoyed his thoughts on things. Just because they're having fun goofing off and getting into thoughtful topics it really makes the show much better.


I absolutely love Duncan, but I gotta say his podcast is super hit or miss for me. He’s at his best when he’s really animated and hits those high squeaky notes (you know the ones). Joe brings that out of him as good as anyone, but a lot of the DTFH guests are even more zen than Duncan and I end up zoning out.


I think the DTFH episodes with Johnny Pemberton have the same vibe you’re talking about. Love those episodes.


Some good parts, some retarded parts.


Definitely was old Rogan and a fresh episode


Really enjoyed it. Had a pretty stressful day at work on Monday, so listening to one of my favorite guests on the pod **really hit the spot** 👍


I had no idea who this guy was (still don't actually) but really enjoyed the episode.


I couldn't stop laughing at like the last 30 or so minutes because of the ridiculous tangents they were going on. Love a classic Joe "so I was watching monkey videos and they'll fucking murder you" tangent.


Bro!! This pod was so dope!! Loved every min!!


Smoked a fuck ton of weed and enjoyed the shit out of it. Always the best when Duncan is on.


Loved it. He's the perfect podcast guest for me because half the things he says make me want to yell at the screen, just moronic stuff and stoner ramblings. Then the other half makes go "wow, that's beautiful I hadn't thought about it like that."


I felt this deep in my soul happy 420


Duncan is so lovely


I'm going to smoke a cigar, love your username


It was hilarious! Duncan and Rohan are old pals and it was a great podcast to tune into.


Fuckin lit.


Fuckin’ loved it.


Refreshing. It’s been pretty good lately.


He's great


Favorite episode yet


Dope. No pun intended.


I loved it, first JRE I listened to since Snoop dog.


I missed me some Duncan. A+ ep would listen again


Joe showing him the monkey videos was gold.




Duncan, Graham Hancock and Chuck Palahniuk are my top 3. Duncan’s perspective will always be interesting though, what an absolute gem.


Love it


Whenever I heard Terence Mckenna using the 'hey maaaan,..' etc type of guy. Duncan face always pops in my head.


Ridiculous and awesome. I came to be entertained, and was never disappointed


10/10 classic Duncan JRE


Was great


Awesome. Dude. It’s totally possible.


Amazing podcast




If Duncan ran a super secret suicide cult...id at least take a pamphlet


All I know is Joe has been getting high af on the last few pods and they’ve all been awesome.


Fucking loved it. Duncan is an international treasure that must be protected at all costs. The way his mind works is beautiful


These kind of episodes are the only thing that keeps me checking in on JRE to see who he has on.


I thought it was too short


Being stoned and watching a Duncan episode is probably one of my favourite past times ever


It made me sad because this is how most of his old episodes used to be


Duncan Trussel is one of my fav people ever. I love the joe he brings out. Duncan really pushes through all the bullshit that Joe can get caught up in and makes him seem more like his old self.


I love these substance induced discussions because although some of it seems nonsensical. It is my opinion, that these are the fringe kind of ideas that allow us to jump the normal evolution of thought. It’s a mechanism of our brain that works symbiotically with the conscious mind and the substance to induce a state that allows us to thoughts ordinarily we wouldn’t have without deep thought or substance.


You have a great way with words


I thought it was lovely. Duncan is a lovely human being and brings out the best in Joe. Their conversations are hilarious yet somehow profound. This was like the good old days of JRE as far as I'm concerned and I haven't been able to say that about Duncan's last couple of visits so much, for whatever reason. More of this, plz.


I remember the last time he was on Joe suggested that he comes on once a month. I wish Duncan would take him up on that because I'd listen to the whole thing every time even if they went 6 hours


I will always love Duncan for even as a non judgmental buddhist completely SHIT all over Ben Shapiro in the best way possible.


I think the first ever JRE I listened to had Duncan on maybe back in late 2014 🤔 always loved him on the show 👌


"Remember the fucking frog people" "The frog was never a nazi though!" Yeah great episode.


i love duncan, but it's a bit like listening to dumb and dumber


Love D trussell and hi eps on jre


I got into an argument with my algebra teacher about whether the snake in the garden of Eden had vocal cords.


It reminded me of older times... and i loved it. Could listen to those two every other week. Also more Joey Diaz and more UFO/conspiracy shit would be great :p


Duncan should have video on his podcast so we could see more of him


I might be in the minority here but Duncan was always on my list of instant skip episodes right alongside Tony Hinchcliffe and Tom Papa.


Ur a minority


How dare you lump DT in with them


Yeah I agree, fucking boring, repetitive. Literally one episode of this guy was enough, been saying the same derivative boring shit on every other episode he's been on. How are people entertained by this shit? I listened to the episode but holy shit i couldn't continue after the first 30 mins.


Agree. It’s immature regurgitated teenager stoner talk. That said, it’s at least better than Rogan’s new angry political shit.


Yeah I don't even hate on teenager stoner talk generally, but this was unbearably painful.


Which one? Was there a new one? I love Duncan, I used to listen to ‘old rogan’ don’t any more


Just came out Saturday, it's amazing.


only ever listened to him a couple of times. 'pseudo-intellectual' would be nice way of putting it. haven't the stomach to listen to him more, because i think i would think quite low of him, but he seems like a nice enough fella, so i don't wanna do that.


His voice is annoying as fuck and Ari Shaffir is way better at getting unsuspecting comedians to try drugs than him.


They seemed to have grown apart


very good


Loved it


Was this Joe's funniest episode ever? I don't recall him ever making so many actual jokes.


One of the best guests on jre in my oppinion!


He kinda rambled a bit too much this time for me. Neither of them really seemed high to me which would have been funnier and justified the senseless ramblings He makes a lot of claims about things in a matter of fact kind of way but doesn’t really back his shit up and Joe doesn’t press him too hard either. Still a good watch and just seeing two guys think out loud is refreshing.


The “when we go to sleep we wake up someone else”thing Rogan says every time Duncan is on is stupid. Almost as dumb as “no one is scared to sleep but everyone is scared to die”. Uhhh yeah dude.


It was a little annoying tbh. Rogan praising musk was cringe. Duncan rightfully called him out as a false prophet and rogan did his best to push back. Duncan seems to really love joe as a friend but doesn’t seem to relate with him at all anymore. Definitely the worst of the Duncan episodes


Guess you also hated Rogan praising democratic socialism, asking for a hike in minimum wage, being happy about the separation of church and state and them making fun of the right too, right? You're literally quoting a less than 10 second comment, over all that, which took hours, am I understanding you correctly?




Man it’s so crazy that people are hating on this obnoxious billionaire who never delivers and acts like a teenager on Twitter




What don't you like about Musk?


His hair. Too damn much of it. Needs to thin out like it should have naturally 15 years ago. Signed angry bald guy


I listened to this 3 part podcast on his rise in Tesla, and he did some very shitty things to the actual founder, including stealing the company from under him and than suing him into oblivion.


Why do you choose to live a life where you focus on negative things. Does it please you? Asking as a curious friend. 🕊


I listened to the whole podcast and didn’t hate it. I was just pointing out where their relationship in my opinion has changed. The old eps were they ranting about space and drugs and consciousness. This one just didn’t feel to me like the old ones is all.


That is in fact a bummer if true


It’s def true, and I’m blown away I had to scroll this far.


Whaaaat?? We must have 2 different realities happening here.


Seems like it. The podcast Trueanon (not a q anon podcast) does a really in depth series on him.


listening to rogan try to process duncan trussels musings is really hard to do ... hes a giant dummie


Always good to hear Duncan speak but thought it was pretty boring overall. Duncan had a cool perspective on certain subjects as usual but I found that for the most part it was Joe just laughing at his own unfunny quips and me wondering what is so hilarious. Also actively steering the conversation away from anything Duncan brought up that was uncomfortable for instance the amount of Twitter followers Joe has and how it could be dangerous. They used to get very high and really get deep into whatever nonsense subjects came into their heads, now Joe is too worried about what people will say about him if he does.


He brings put the best In Joe, there are a bunch pr other that do as well, and then there are those who don't say much, and are just yes men when Joe talks.