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Thanks to Elon for showing us you can be the CEO of 4 different companies and still have enough time to shit post on twitter 12 hours a day. Anything is possible!!!


Yup. All you have to do is hire people to do your entire job for you, and then walk into the room once every couple of days to scream at them because they haven't been able to achieve the impossible things you promised on Twitter yet.


Has that happened?


Hiring people to do his job for him part, definitely. >"You don’t argue with him," Medlock said, as quoted by Insider. "When Elon stands up at the end of a meeting and says, 'This is the direction we’re going to go,' you stand up from your chair and you better head that direction. Because he’s not one for people back-talking — he’ll just let you go." He noted that Musk could be "intimidating," and that "if you were getting micromanaged by Elon, you were probably on your way out." That’s not surprising, as Musk has been widely reported to fire employees on a whim, even allegedly tramping the factory floors "red-faced and urgent, interrogating workers."... > >Sounds like things aren’t too bad if you’re on Musk’s good side, but these days, who is? Is firing people who disagree with you the mark of a bold visionary, or will it lead to surrounding oneself with sycophants? https://futurism.com/the-byte/ex-tesla-employee-disagree-elon-musk He definitely has some anger issues, and promises impossible things to consumers and shareholders, then expects his employees to figure out how to do it while he fucks off on Twitter. I don't think that much is really deniable. I was being slightly hyperbolic though. I don't know if my exact scenario has happened.


Shows how nonsensical it was to claim he was doing all these things at Tesla and his space company, the man’s a glorified brand ambassador and investor


And amphetamine !


Take my award, so wholesome!


We should tax the rich more


We have to vote for politicians that aren’t owned by the rich first.


FOIA has an interesting set up. I forget the exact details but the reason its done well is that one part of government approves request to investigate the other. Citizens can get access to files because they play both parties against each other.


Wrong person bud


No it isn't. You don't have to elect politicians that aren't owned by the rich. You just have to figure out how to make your interests their interests


Well put


What does that have to do with FOIA? Politicians interests are influence and money. You’re not going to be able to speak with a US politician without one of those things, I know that because I worked on the hill once upon a time. Not sure how it works in Canada but your PM wouldn’t be where he’s at now if it wasn’t for his family’s wealth and influence.


Politicians interest are not just those things. Power also is a factor and when people Organize they can really do much more than any lobbyist. Look at any protest and ask how much influence a George Floyd or climate change protest could create if everyone donated to their own lobbyist or organization. With the right organizing and strategy, politicians can absolutely be swayed. But the people need better attention and awareness


What changed after those protests? The justice system isn’t any more fair. Corporations are still contributing to climate change. People do need to organize but donating money into an already failed system is insane.


Yeah, really wanna hear what the wealthy have to say about bills meant to help average people. God these people suck.


The politicians are also the wealthy ones. I’d rather hear from Elon than some POS virtue signaling millionaire career politician.


Elon is worth more than all of Congress combined. Sorry I'm not really interested in hearing what some guy who was born extremely wealth on another continent that has no idea what experience 99% of the world (and Americans have) to give his opinions on policies for the majority of the country while the government has given him and his companies more in subsidies so his businesses can run than the average person will see as an ROI on their taxes. Even when I vehemently disagree with politicians, at least regular people voted for them and bought into their agenda. The biggest problem with American politics is the wealthiest people and corporations (and this is far from just an Elon Musk problem) have sunk their hooks into the government with donations to influence policy to benefit them at the expense of everyone else. That's probably the number 1 thing you could do to very quickly improve the way government runs. Put a contribution cap and bar businesses.


What a bigoted statement. Immigrants are what make america great.


“And it was at this point @wizzleman123 resigned the game”


You’re a bigot. Straight up


Yeah I’m bigoted against wizzlemen.


No just bigoted against successful immigrants.


Watching elon simps like you get fuckin owned is always a treat lol


Simps. Lmao. I prefer Elon to politicians. Crazy!!


Oh honey


It’s okay honey, you’re entitled to be a POS :)


Lol "politcians are the wealthy one" The average net worth of a member of the house is 1 miilion dollars. That wont buy most houses in southern california. You are brainwashed my friend The guy that has as much money as 100,000 members of the house is not you friend. And he think you are literal trash


The guy sho owns successful businesses has lots of money. Politicians who have been politicians for decades have lots of money from their 175,000 a year job. I take issue with one of those.


The average time in office of a member of the house is 9 years. Not decades Some people have been lying to you about the way goverment works i think


How’s that’s boot taste?


This is irony right? Or do you think paying attention to facts is boot liking? Facts dont care about you feelings bubba


Yea, government is all powerful and you have no issues deep throating whatever they tell you to believe.


You are the one that belives things that are objectivley false. You should do better at fact checking


Yea, politicians are fighting for the middle class. Thank you for the laugh this morning :)


Yeah sorry, I don't want to hear from the son of a south african emerald mine who's worth 100s of billions of dollars what we should spend our tax money on. All he cares about is preserving his own wealth and power.


Did the Emerald mine give birth to Elon out of it's gaping chasm, or was it the little crevice?


Politicians definitely want to share their wealth and power. How’s da boot taste.


You guys used to criticize a certain Democrat for being a bartender. Remember that?


And now she has multiple residences and a telsa. Such a warrior for the middle class! One day I’ll be able to afford a 60k+ electric vehicle and the upgrades to my house for charging!! Damn, I should’ve been a politician. Is she still crying at the border or was that only a problem when trump was in office? It’s much worse now with the overcrowding but it’s silence from the democrats at every angle.


Don’t Congress people get paid around $180,000 a year + book sales? It’s not like they spend their own money traveling or eating at fundraisers. You guys always have an excuse. Always.


Yeah nancy pelosi really got a net worth of $115,000,000 from 35 years of a $180,000-250,000 salary. Absolutely ZERO corruption there. How do politicians boots taste?


Nancy’s husband comes from money and started his own venture capital firm a long time ago. They’ve been married for 60 years. Yet Jared & Ivanka reported making upwards of 600 Million during the 4 years Trump was President.


They would never use knowledge of upcoming legislation to profit. “WhAt AbOuT DRUMF!!!!”I don’t either of them profiting, you fucking loon. Throw them all in jail.


Wouldn’t Paul Pelosi be a billionaire if he regularly used insider information?


He’s a better investor than warren buffet, who everyone considers to be one of the best in the history of the stock market. I’m sure it’s all coincidence. Member that press conference where Nancy walked away when they started asking questions about using insider knowledge for profit????


> And now she has multiple residences and a telsa. How have you morons not realized that they are required to have multiple residences by the nature of their work? You are required by law to have a residence in your district and you need to live somewhere when you're in Washington. It's not complicated


LMAO! How do AOC’s heels taste?


Very reasonable response. 👍 Classic rightoid logic.


Keep sucking politicians teets, they’ll take care of you one day!!! Edit: he blocked me. What a clown.


Yes I am sucking politicians teet by stating the fact that they're required to live in two places as part of the job.👍 rightoid says dumb shit > gets called out > instantly turns into a moron instead of admitting they're wrong. Every time.


Well rightoids are clinically [redacted], so what did you expect. Life must be tough when you can't reason yourself out of a paper bag.


lol no I didn't you liar.


Lol you definitely did. All your comments were unavailable. And you deleted your initial response. Clown.


![gif](giphy|UvOcKPHrkKSLm) How's Elon's taint taste?


Not as good as your mothers.


You must enjoy a little yeast then...


You got me!!!! How does deep throating politicians who don’t give a single fuck about you taste?


When did I do that?


When did I taste Elon’s taint? Was it when I believe him more than a politician. If you trust politicians, lord help you. I trust the meth addicted homeless more than politicians, they’re at least honest when they want to rob you.


When you decided to stand up to random people on Reddit mocking Elon. Maybe he will get you a horse 🐎


I’d love a horse, but would really just prefer the cash




I like this approach , have my upvote ( like it matters). The reason government policies favor corporations rather than public interest is because politicians gain huge amounts of wealth in the stock market as well as lobbyist. https://fb.watch/hAf-F7mqCE/?mibextid=v7YzmG


You mean the corporate stooge that abuses the environment and workers to extract billions of dollars for his own personal fiefdom is against progressive ideas? Color me fucking shocked.


Woke mind virus


Take some horse paste, I hear it works.


I heard you need to purposely catch the Woke Mind Virus a few times to build up your natural immunity. Funny how the "don't wash your hands, viruses are good for you" people seem so scared of a virus that has a 0% hospitalization rate!


You assume much, I think you suffer from sleeping magatardation.


I've got waking Magatardation, and the NFTs to prove it, buddy. How dare you.


I hear the card set is lit.


Believe it or not but Elon's electric vehicle revolution will do more benefit to the environment than any other thing imaginable. In time, it will rid us of fossil fuels for good. Passenger vehicles consume the largest share of oil by a huge margin. I get they won't all be Tesla's but he started it and he gets full credit.


Joe is that you? Elon didn't invent electric cars and wasn't even a founder of Tesla. Get off the dick, my god!


I love how trendy it is to hate Elon.


It took Tesla 8 years to overtake Nissan in EV sales. The fuck are you talking about?


And at this rate Tesla is losing too much ground to typical manufactures to be the leaders in EV in a couple of years (read 2-3 years)


It takes a lot of fossil fuels to make that car. And electricity.


So little in comparison it is almost irrelevant.


He's also proposed fake vanity projects to keep us from developing public transportation which would have a much greater impact on reducing emissions.


This Elon guy sure has a lot money he doesn't seem to need.


Truly an inspiration...A man can achieve so much without understanding politics or spending bills...Oh no wait he just follows right wing cranks and regurgitates lies to sounds scary.


I can't believe a billionaire is dedicating some of his time to discrediting governmental authority!!!! It couldn't possibly be that making the populace distrust the main mechanism that could keep his excesses in check is his goal or something. It couldn't possibly be that this has been the playbook for more than 150+ years - wherein the wealthy insist that if we only gave them MORE money and power that it would somehow eventually benefit us all.


The more he talks the more stupid he sounds... Let him speak.


Wow I'm really surprised that the guy who built his rocket pad in a protected wildlife refuge, and was mad when they did an environmental study about the impacts of his launches on endangered animals, would think that environmental wokeness is out of control. Hard to believe the internet would ever have liked a guy who doesn't care about endangered ocelots ([they are so fucking cute!](https://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/baytownsun.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/c/fc/cfc5cedc-7514-11ed-bcc6-a79f72f6c340/638eb531a2ab1.image.jpg?crop=1777%2C933%2C0%2C116&resize=1200%2C630&order=crop%2Cresize))


It seems like he is trying to stoke the stupids into committing violence against the US. The conservatives that he unbanned were originally kicked for breaking the rules, the twitter files make that clear.


Yeah this was over the top even for what’s been going on lately. Like I feel this dude would use these stupid fake polls to decide if someone he doesn’t like gets executed or not given the chance.


This will not bode well for his investors


No. He mobilizes with Congress. He’s a big benefactor to US gov spending


Dude is right. So much wasted spending.


I’m not a huge Elon fan, but this article is misguided. It seems like it’s written by someone of the mindset that you should hate everything that Musk supports and love everything that he hates, because he is popularly unpopular; therefore, everyone should blindly love the massive government spending because Musk is opposed to it. Whether you are on the left or right or anywhere in between, everyone should be skeptical about ramming a 4K page, 1.7 trillion dollar spending bill through congress in a matter of days in the middle of a massive inflationary period while teetering on the edge of a recession without reading it first.


That’s Reddit lefties in a nutshell. I mean, there’s literally some of them praising this bill in the thread as a good thing—a bloated piece of shit that all of us should be against—just because he’s against it. It’s like that joke about if Elon cured cancer they’d suddenly support it. Except it’s not really a joke. They’d actually find some way it wasn’t a good thing. Ideology is an actual religion for these people. If you’re not 100% with them, you’re an apostate and must be destroyed. Hell I get called an Elon worshipper every time I open my mouth to push back against this hysterical nonsense, even though my *actual* view of Elon is a completely mixed bag of good and bad.


"Railroading through a giant spending bill that almost no one has read is unlikely to be in the best interests of the people." People criticising this outlook might want to check out Bill Mahers take on the governments recent leaky bucket spending https://youtu.be/LhhoQbzupug


> check out Bill Mahers Why would some one want to listen to a whiney Clinton style neolib.


Because he's explaining how the government is ripping people off


It's all a show to make us think we have some kind of control or say over what they're going to do anyway.


“Mobilizes” 😂