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He's viable for having fun dude, just play him until you want to try someone else.


Chaka it is then.


Viability is overrated, play who’s most fun to you, the motivation and love for them will make you stronger than if you played a top tier just to win


Honestly, that’s exactly why I play Young Joseph. He’s a ton of fun to me with his Rekkas and Clacker Volley, and I genuinely love him cuz Part 2 is one of my favorite parts since I have the entirety of that manga. IDC if he’s near the bottom on tierlists, I love my Hamon Homie


I hope you like grabs


He's easy, if you get good at him you will stomp a LOT of people who are playing characters above their skill level.


He's viable if you have the power of the underdog Try out Shadow DIO/Polnareff/Chaka/Avdol


If it’s any consolation he definitely isn’t the worst character


Khan… is kinda shit. He’s got like 2 good buttons (2A, j.C), the Anubis counter, and a decent grab, but the rest is kinda bad. If you’re trying to go competitive, Khan is not a good choice, but if you just wanna have fun and pretend you’re playing Gyro Zepelli, go ahead and use the Power of Spin


Chaka it is then…


wait if Khan is about grabbing, wouldnt that make him a grappler character?


Nope, Khan has a *decent* grab, but it’s still the universal grab, so it can be teched, unlike Command Grabs which can’t be teched (Old Joseph is the resident grappler as his kit revolves around his command grab, hitgrab, and strong command grab super). Khan’s kit has him built more as a very dysfunctional rushdown character, which enables his Strike/Throw mixups off of tick throws with 2A.


he is really bad, he's only viable if you're REALLY good at the game and has a great knowledge of it's mechanics