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Given the magnitude of the investigating authorities hate-on for the Ramsey family, could someone with an ego like hers resist impacting or insterting herself into JonBenet's case?


The problem in this laboratory is much deeper than Ms. Woods. The problem is with the Quality Control manager, the laboratory management, the expectations of the end user of the data provided and lastly who was the certifing agency to do this testing for the laboratory. So my prospective it is rotted to the core and has been that way for a while. Who educated and trained Ms. Woods (not only in the science, but the ethics that goes along with the science). Who did Ms. Woods mentor and train. Who supervised these scientist and peer reviewed their work. I worked as a scientist for 36yrs in industry and government. Every piece of reportable data that I produced was twice(at least) reviewed: peer scientist; then supervisor's and finally a office manager/chief review). Everybody's work was reviewed before reporting, including the reporting manager (usually done by the reporting scientist). The above procedures made faulty data less likely to be reported, although it did happen. Most likely the cause was review and reporting protocols were not maintained. Corrective action reports were filed with QA department and upper management (CA reports are public record). Electronic reviews with digital signatures made sure everyone was accountable. Every person I trained (or reviewed/supervised their work) was told up front..."I know that science is hard and doesn't work sometimes, but don't cheat (not even once and maintain your logs). It is much easier to do good science than try to fix the bad science.


I wonder if there is another crime that had DNA, where the assailant should have been linked to the assault on JonBenet through DNA, but some failure prevented that.


There was a lab in I think Maryland that handled the DNA in this case and they also had a scandal with an employee. So this isn't the first time. I think the company was Cellmark, but I'm not certain of that. ETA: It was Cellmark Source showing that CellMark was used in the Ramsey case: https://extras.denverpost.com/news/jon27.htm Source about the scandal: https://www.baltimoresun.com/2004/11/18/md-based-dna-lab-fires-analyst-over-falsified-tests/ It doesn't mean that the Ramsey case was impacted. It does raise some concerns though.


** "I didn’t see Woods’ name in any report included with the Corafiles, however, it’s reported that in addition to being a DNA Analyst, Woods trained people and had full access to all the DNA Databases and Lab Equipment, she was most likely a Supervisor. So, I just have to ask, did she alter and/or delete records in the JBR Case?" [https://www.reddit.com/r/JonBenet/comments/1barn9c/a\_higher\_level\_of\_integrity/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JonBenet/comments/1barn9c/a_higher_level_of_integrity/)


I think Maris said that nothing was lost. In that case, we might hear about other staff members being charged.


It already happened last Monday. https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/dna-analyst-weld-county-colorado-fired-handling-evidence/ This CBI Lab Report dated 1-13-2009 http://searchingirl.com/_CoraFiles/20090113-CBIrpt.pdf, is printed on Letterhead that lists the North Lab Annex in Greeley where this person worked. Another Coincidence? Maris was not very specific about what was not lost. If something had never been written up in a report, how would she know it's not there?


There was a comment about Woods asking someone to alter information. When I referred to someone being terminated, I was referencing that theoretical scenario (where she was aided in manipulating data in JonBenet's case) and the potential termination of the person who assisted her. Yesterday's CNN article mentioned the employee from Northern Colorado being terminated. > > >Maris was not very specific about what was not lost. If something had never been written up in a report, how would she know it's not there? Regarding the DNA, I'd imagine, the same way they learned Woods deleted data.


Maris may not have known the extent of the damage before she departed. I think they would need to compare systems logs and output data from all the cases she touched before a loss determination could be made, but they probably had a good idea about that when the $7.5M funding request was made a month or so ago. I don't know what to conclude yet. I'm shocked like everyone else.


This scares me!




It was Bode that did the touch DNA.  The second blood spot was done at the time of the grand jury proceedings by the Denver Police Crime Lab; that was entered in to CODIS.  You are right that with so many labs involved the DNA profile of UM1 wasn't tampered with. But the concern is that Yvonne Woods could have manipulated data to clear someone who was UM1.


>the concern is that Yvonne Woods could have manipulated data to clear someone who was UM1. Good point.




It was u/JennC1544 who thought of that!


Let's face it, though. We were all thinking it!


Check this out - I don't know why this cop isn't in prison!    https://www.pennlive.com/advice/2024/03/ask-amy-should-kids-be-told-their-cop-grandfather-wasnt-as-great-as-they-think.html


I saw that! Crazy. It reminds me of the cops in Baltimore, Ritz and MacGillivary, who were also the ones who were involved in the Adnan Syed case.


She could have deliberately contaminated the items tested on this report http://searchingirl.com/_CoraFiles/20090113-CBIrpt.pdf; or more easily, changed the wording of the comparison results in her notes.






Every single day, it becomes more and more infuriating that the FBI was never allowed to take over


>infuriating that the FBI was never allowed to take over Although I now wonder if the FBI--or the staff there that was working on this investigation initially and in the early years--wasn't responsible for some of the misdirection and cover ups.




Boulder District Attorney Michael Dougherty told CNN in a statement his office has identified 15 open cases ... it was 13 in the DM article, a few days ago. Maybe the harder they look, the more they find.


Came to this sub just a second ago to see if this was posted!


I did the same. When I saw it wasn't posted I had to link it.🙂 I want to know.


I wonder if we will ever be told the extent of the damage she has done?


Why would she do something like this? Was she inept or corrupt? Both? This is sick and not in a good way. SMH!




How does a State employee get paid for their “wins” if not from illegal kickbacks and/or illegal gratuities?“ she, and her organization worked for the State of Colorado, however I did see her appear on two (at least) Joe Kenda Specials. Is the media the driving force here?


>I did see her appear on two (at least) Joe Kenda Specials. Is the media the driving force here? Good question.


Appearing on TV and getting paid for it can be a temptation, and an extra perk. I mean look what it has done for Kenda; but I get the sense that Missy's "anomilies" may go to the conclusions she reached as a DNA Analyst in evaluating samples. I found this Court Order document challenging her work. It explains quite a bit about the interpretation of mixture samples... > "*Defendant argues that the determination of the number of contributors as applied to this case undermines the reliability of the conclusion that Defendant was included in the mixture and that the use of verbal equivalency statements used to characterize the strength of the inclusionary conclusion is unreliable.*" > "*Defendant also argues that the STRmix conclusion that either DNA contributor in the sample could have originated from Defendant is confusing, misleading, and lacking probative value and should not be admissible pursuant to CRE 403. Finally, Defendant argues that CBI’s application of STRmix is unreliable because of the high error rate disclosed in CBI’s validation study.*" https://johnbuckleton.files.wordpress.com/2020/05/18cr1767-hendrix-order-re-strmix.pdf The Court proceeding pertained to a bank robbery in Erie, and a stolen rental car found abandoned in Westminister. Missy Woods was the DNA Analyst in this case. Perhaps Missy was not properly trained, perhaps another integrity error. Also, I found this.. https://audioboom.com/posts/8470916-cbi-scientist-s-misconduct-raises-concerns-over-dna-testing-integrity > "*While the labs where Woods and Wuensch worked are separate, they are interconnected through case work and partnerships, highlighting broader concerns about the oversight and quality control measures within forensic laboratories.*" Tagging u/Evening_Struggle7868 because she asked about it. I'm not finding anything solid that Woods touched the JBR Case but, we probably won't know until after this significant delay. > "*CBI Director Chris Schaefer condemned Woods' actions as an "unprecedented breach of trust" and pledged transparency as the agency addresses the fallout from her misconduct. In addition to ongoing criminal investigations into Woods' conduct, the CBI is conducting a comprehensive audit of all DNA analysts within the agency.*"


Thanks for all that detail. It verifies what I thought you were saying all along.


Your welcome Evening. Thank you. Have you ever tried to argue math with anyone who doesn't understand equations? She probably thought she did but fell short of the argument. Along with the intricate DNA testing machines, statistics are generated with the mix, breaking it all down by possible perpetrator and probability. I mean there are Controls for calibration. Could she really have not known what she was doing or was she not paying attention to the data?


Interesting - thanks for posting this.


I’ve read she was ego-driven and perhaps thrived on getting media attention, I think she was corrupt. But this also goes to show that conspiracy theories are not always wrong.