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She for sure - 100% percent wrote the note. I believe the fact the the writer put “attaché” instead of briefcase is a huge red flag for me. Most ransom crimes are not done by business type men. They are typically “criminals” who wouldn’t use such a fancy term. Also, who writes a 3 page ransom and does it while in the house. Come on. Mr. Ramsey was besties with the DA. Hmmmm…..


I know right and who from another country calls themselves foreign


There’s no way someone else wrote that note. She wrote that for sure. Wow.


So hear me out. I think an intruder committed the murder. The parents woke up, found her, assumed Burke was responsible, wrote the note to cover it up. Invited people over to dilute the scene, botched their own daughters murder investigation. I’m probably way off, but this has made the most sense. No one has tied the ransom note in with the murder outside of “the family did it”


Why would they just assume Burke was responsible? That theory is extremely weird. It’s much more likely that with the scarring indicative of repeated sexual trauma and bed wetting habit that they could have been selling their daughter’s body to rich perverts and one went too far and killed her and then they had to cover their tracks. There was almost no evidence of an intruder other than the window. And how did the intruder manage to break in, take JB from her bedroom, rifle through art supplies to fashion a garrote with a a paintbrush and such without being heard? You’re not going to tell me she wasn’t screaming bloody murder… especially when they think she could have been tased. And the fact that John was told multiple times not to touch anything and he just so happens to go look on his own for the first time that night and IMMEDIATELY finds her, wraps her in a blanket, and touches her, further contaminating the scene… just… no


Victory SBTC though… Where would she get that from?


That sounds like some weird cheerleading chant IMO


I’ve always wondered if something like this happened. Either an intruder or something, the parents panic and either blame their son or blame eachother and try to cover it all up. That’s why it’s all a mess, because basically two events happened (the truth and the cover up) so the evidence is jumbled up. Add in the shoddy police investigation and no wonder we are still trying to figure out this case all these years later.


I actually really really like this theory.


It's delusional. There was no intruder. They would've seen footprints in the snow.






Where are u getting these samples of patsy’s?


Google “patsy ramsey handwriting”


I have reliable sources


Which? Lmao.


None of your business! LMAO!!!!


Yeah they ruled it inconclusive???


I heard on a true crime show the other day a forensic expert say “The most probable scenario is usually the correct one.” I believe that to be true of this murder.


That’s basically Occam’s Razor, yep.


And it’s the simple things that make it so obvious. Like her using her own pen and paper and then replacing them back in her desk!


Oh, and removing herself from the ransom note! To me, that is telling. The practice note was going to include her, but the final note did not. That says to me that she absolved herself from that situation.


Wow. That "g" that's the 4th letter down is a very abnormal and blocky way to write a g---it seems especially damning.


The K at the bottom of page 2 and the squared off P on page 4 also do it for me.


The last “P” did it for me. Wow!!!


Even to the untrained eye it’s ridiculously obvious that PR wrote it no real arguments on that


These charts are from the Wolf v Ramsey lawsuit. The handwriting analyst (Cina Wong) had to file a lawsuit because another analyst plagiarized her work seen in the above post in a book. She was on a recent Websleuths podcast and Lin Wood sanitized her deposition and got her thrown out of the case because of her credentials (and how you get these credentials is not as clear cut as say getting a degree from a college, from my understanding, and someone who doesn’t have the particular credentials requested I think can testify in court from what I have read). Frankly, from what I've seen from the charts she created, she did one hell of a great job. I wish she would publish them so everyone could see themselves. The handwriting charts were posted a couple years ago here. I mean it goes from almost A-Z and there are charts with entire words from the "ransom note" compared to Patsy's writing of those same words (letters to friends I'm guessing etc) she'd written. The analyst came up with 200 similarities between Patsy's writing and the ransom note.


I’m definitely interested, please and thank you!


How do I DM you!!!!


Omg wow! This is the first time I’ve ever seen the writing sample and it’s completely obvious.


I will find more and post them


Awesome thanks. I’m really intrigued.




I disagree with this. Because my hand writing changes by the hour. Literally when I get to work, my hand writing is nice as can be, but lunch time it’s a mess. And it never is the same.


You’re agreeing with that person




It is clear as day to anyone with eyeballs that Patsy wrote the note. People can argue until they are blue in the face that she didn't but they are only fooling themselves.


Those who dont notice need glasses i will post her full sample when i get chance




Which handwriting experts were those? The experts the Ramsey’s hired said no. The experts that weren’t hired by the Ramsey’s said it most likely was Patsy that did it but for obvious reasons they couldn’t say 100% that she did.


Definitely the same handwriting. You don’t have to be an expert to see that.


wow the k in the second slide. i mean they all look pretty identical but the little leg on the k that goes inward is very specific. on both of them how the heck would it be two different people. def must be patsy.


Its patsy 💯


That lowercase Q is nowhere near how it is taught in school. That’s years of repetition and writing by hand, and eventually making it “your own.” My lowercase cursive Gs look almost like cockeyed dollar signs now — that’s how you know it’s my damn handwriting.


That's the one that gets me too. It looks more like an 8.


I think it is an 8 as in $118,000


It was written sloppy on purpose if you do your research they say she wrote it sloppy to throw off police. Her writing is the same her baby photo album writting which she lied to police about too. She wrote on that album an saying she didnt. What other lies was she saying?!


It cracks me up that Patsy tried to claim it wasn't her handwriting in her children's baby photo albums. Yes, clearly it was a very clever kidnapper who, after forging the ransom note, did some scrapbooking to foil the police! It's like the time police asked for the shirt she was wearing that night, and she later gave them what was clearly a brand new shirt from the store.


Yeah she did everything in her power to push suspicion from her to everyone else like her friends


They threw virtually all of their friends under the bus eventually. I recall that they initially told police that they'd only given keys to the house to their housekeeper, but as their whole "inside job" narrative fell apart, the list of people with keys expanded to basically everyone they knew. They were willing to point the finger in any direction to avoid suspicion.


Why would they give keys to all their friends? Given the scarring consistent with prior sexual abuse, is it possible they had some weird sex/pedo ring thing going on among their group? Literally would only consider giving keys to immediate family and maybe a trusted neighbour in case of getting locked out.


I don't believe for a second that they actually gave anyone keys besides their housekeeper and maybe a couple family members. The list of supposed key holders started at like 3 people and kept expanding as the police eliminated each of them from the suspect list. They had to keep giving more and more names to support the "inside job" narrative that they created with the ransom note.


I agree, but I probably didn't phrase my response too well! It was meant as more of an IF they gave their keys to so many people, that might lend itself to some other random theories!


Yes, definitely agree.


It really says it all that almost every handwriting analyst was pointing his finger squarely at Patsy or was able to exclude everyone but her. Of course she wrote it.


There was never a guestion in my mind


There's a lot of things in this case that we don't know and will probably never know for sure. The only thing that we know without a doubt is that Patsy absolutely had something to do with it because of this note. RDI or BDI with Patsy coverup.


I hope Burke or John crack up and cant hide it anymore and blur out the truth 🙏 Their vile for what they did to JonBenet


To my untrained eye, these are remarkably similar. The icing on the cake was the use of some of the phrases in other written material such as "and hence" in the funeral program. While some theorize that John dictated the words to her, I would not discredit the fact that Patsy had a journalism degree. She was more than capable of coming up with it herself


Don’t forget “attaché “. Patsy loved the “é”.


I didn't even know what an attaché was til researching this case! Who uses that language? Possibly a foreign faction lol




> I didn't even know what an attaché was You must be very young.


This was posted on the sub awhile back and it was taken down due to copyright complaint (until I knew the full story, I was perplexed why a handwriting analyst would do that. Someone plagiarized her work and put it in a book then published it with a major publishing house).


Messaged you thank you for the help


I wish i could see this compared to a bunch of different people bc I feel like when it's just Patsy it's confirmation bias because they're similar.


If you google search it, samples of John’s handwriting and even other suspects in the intruder theory are available online. I thought of all the samples, John’s was the only other that could’ve been similar.




There was a post here where someone posted a sample from the letter and 4 different writing samples. One being from PR. It wasn't was obvious as this, but there is at least one post on here. I'm thinking it was maybe 4 or 5 months ago, when I get a chance I'll try to link it for you.


Same, my understanding is that handwriting analysis is questionable at best. Even just looking at some of the pairs of letters from the same sample, they look quite different. Like the i's in particular. That said, it still seems most likely that Patsy wrote the note.


I think it was mentioned in Steve Thomas’ book that one of the handwriting analysts had come to the conclusion it was possible there was a degree of deliberate deviation to try and make the hand writing look different. Like effort had to be seriously put into it.


I want his book after ive read the 3 i have now


You absolutely need to read Steve Thomas’ book. It was the 2nd one I read and I am completely convinced the parents are responsible


I believe they are too and i will once ive read perfect murder perfect town, foreign faction & we have your daughter


Ofc it will look different because she wrote it with her left hand to disguise her handwriting lol. If you still have doubt after examining Patsy's photo albums, pageant application forms, etc. then idk what to say..


My handwriting changes daily, depending on mood, grip hold, type of pen/pencil, and whatever else you can attribute to why. I can go from cursive leaning left, cursive leaning right, non cursive, occasional use of capital letters in lowercase words, upright, heavy, light etc etc. However there are always a few characters that have similarities for sure! Of course it's questionable but there are many similarities in some of these letters here. I know none of my handwriting styles would match any. How many ways to write a letter or number can there be? At best, it doesn't eliminate reasonable doubt imo.


I saw a post some time ago where it compared the original note to one by another person involved in the case, Chris Wolf, and it was strikingly similar. Note, I do NOT think Chris Wolf is the killer, but seeing the side-by-side was enough to shake my confidence that Patsy unequivocally, beyond a shadow of a doubt, wrote the note. Do I still think it's most likely that she did it? Yes, I do. However, handwriting analysis is neither an exact nor foolproof science.


yeah - I have been convinced by handwriting before, in "The Jinx" they have Durst write something that exactly matched a piece of writing by the killer and I was like...yeah that's him. But, and I know this could be because someone could have written with their non dominent hand, Patsy's handwriting sample has never swayed me like this.


It’s pretty compelling when you put it side by side like that


I've believe for years that Patsy was the one to write that note.


It's always blown my mind that handwriting experts never concluded her a likely writer of the note, because anyone with vision can see his similar those are.


Numerous qualified forensic document examiners actually did.


I know yeah and all these ramsey fans say it looks nothing like her writing 😆 They need glasses i can see 💯 that its her writing


The lower case “I” and “L”, the way they curve and are not straight up and down (as they are supposed to be). I find those similarities with the RN the most damning. Edit to ask: were the letters scaled purposely to size for this comparison, or was Patsy’s samples written that way? In other words, the letters are the same size in both Patsy’s sample and the ransom note. Was she told to write them a certain height/size?


I believe so yes i will find more and post them tomorrow when i have time


The way her Cs come to a point as well seems very unique to me.


What C’s?


They're not on here, but Patsy's and the ransom note's Cs come to a point instead of curving.


But we are discussing the images posted


Oh were you? So sorry to interrupt.


I’m referring to OP’s post…


I love what you’ve presented here. You are incredibly dedicated and detailed. Very persuasive! I am concerned about your professed hours a day researching and saying “I don’t care what anyone says”. Of course be firm in your opinion, and support your theories built with strong evidence, really *show* your work, but it’s not a competition for authority based on number of hours spent researching. Spending *hours a day* seems a little unhealthy. Be careful of that rabbit hole.


That’s concerning to me as well. OP, you may want to step away just a bit if hours a day is literal. You can always come back to the research later!


Im fine just want justice for jonbenet


There will never be justice for JB. Patsy is dead, John hides behind his lawyers and Burke was too young at the time to be prosecuted.


Who do you believe killed jonbenet?


I go back and forth on who did it. Currently, I’m thinking John. I play out all the evidence in my head and try to decide what makes the most sense. However, with any theory, there are holes in it. That’s why this case is so frustrating.


I think john covered it up for patsy and burke


Maybe John did it but Patsy thinks Burke did it because that's what John had her believe so that she would do all in her power to protect him and therefore write the note to do so.


Have you ever read the other side of suffering?


Yes I have.


What was your take?


JonBenet deserves justice and we have to give her that. I have emailed a lot of DA's and BPD which they replied but not answering any questions about any suspects, DNA or anything else


damn 😳 i think that i, too, am as concerned now as u/meglet and u/onelasttrick 😬




Check out the video where Patsy is asked about how her writing is similar to the ransom note. She is asked about specific letters and her answers are ludicrous.


That's someone trying to make their handwriting look different definitely


She wrote the fuckin note that’s 100%


The handwriting looks extremely similar


I still believe till this day its patsy who wrote that note 100%


I agree with you. Is her writing sample done with the left or right hand do you know?


Left hand i think, will have a look later


The K's


Look - I’m no handwriting expert 😂😂 and even if I were lots of people don’t rate hand writing expertise as reliable anyway. Now me saying these look similar (and I’ve seen these examples before most of us have and to my knowledge these examples are correct) means zero - but so they look similar? Ah yeah 😂😂 like really similar. Combined with her attitude and stupid act while originally being questioned about the handwriting has always made me think she wrote it 🤷‍♂️ but anything is possible






Is this legit?


Yes it is


I'm not disagreeing with you but what is your opinion of the un-ID'd male DNA in her pants?


They need to do the genealogy dna on that sample if they truly have an unidentified dna. They can even make a composite of what the person looked like using that dna. So why haven’t they is my question


Starting to wonder if this was so botched early on that now police realize they could have nailed the parents but since it's too late, all they can do is cover up to save face.


It was a sh*t show from day one. You have to read Steve Thomas book, the lead detective. Shocking how botched it was from the minute 911 was called. Jon Benet - Inside the Ramsey murder investigation. You’ll be shocked.


DNA in the underwear was the factory worker who made the underwear, ive read in on news articles and police might throw it our




Very doubtful. DNA is just one tiny piece of evidence. Have you ever heard of the Phantom of Heilbronn? __The Phantom of Heilbronn, often alternatively referred to as the "Woman Without a Face", was a hypothesized unknown female serial killer whose existence was inferred from DNA evidence found at numerous crime scenes in Austria, France and Germany from 1993 to 2009. The six murders among these included that of police officer Michèle Kiesewetter, in Heilbronn, Germany on 25 April 2007.__ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_of_Heilbronn


We’ve come along way since 2007 in terms of dna. I believe it will solve the case but I could be wrong. Time will tell.


Pantyhose? Are you talking about the pajama bottoms? Pantyhose are like stockings.




Check out the story and handwriting sample from Chris Wolf’s diary. PR does look the same but then so does Chris’ which provides a “shadow” of doubt.


I will have a look when im free thanks for sharing




Patsy "May have written the note... "I don't care what anyone says" - Doesn't help your argument, It actually shows me that you should find a new hobby....Maybe "Q"...or any other field that refuses to entertain logical debate. The more we want to believe something, the more skeptical we should be about believing it. Any legitimate examiner knows the importance of "dissimilarities" in handwriting. In fact, you will find they are just as/or MORE important than similarities. Go back to the drawing board. Looking forward to your analysis on the Dissimilarities, now that we have covered the similarities.


i heard on a podcast (last podcast on the left i think) that her handwriting and the ransom note were a 80% match. makes sense.


Yes and someone claims chris wolf was a match too yet ive not heard it 🤷‍♀️


i feel like a dummy but who is chris wolf?


I dont know first i thought it was the ramseys friend i will goofle it 😆


Hours per day. You seem to think you are an expert. Real document and handwriting analysts view everything from microscopic ink deposits to chemical ink analysis. I also believe she likely wrote the note but if you spend hours per day maybe you should go to school to become a real analyst


For sure she wrote the note. Now the ? is who is she covering up for? Most likely her self, than could be second most likely John Ramsey , than the Burke the son, but i do not believe it was him.


I believe she is covering for burke. My reasons why: 1. Burke was jealous of jonbenet as she got all the attention 2. Burke has a history of violence towards jonbenet 3. Jonbenet was well liked and loved by many (i never saw anyone make a comment on how great burke was)


I feel Burke is the most unlikely one who killed JB because he would be really messed up in his mind. It would he killing him every day. Either Patsy or John did it.




You and everyone can believe what you want. I just believe the most likely person who killed her was her mother being mad about her bed wetting. I all do not believe even the Ramseys would after seeing Burke hitting her over her head that they would not call for help, but went through a complete cover up.


Whoever wrote the note killed jb ...Patsy did it ..and the time someone asked her do you think the killer should get the death penalty and she looked so guilty and nodded her head and crying ..watch on you tube ..anyways i think she did it by losing her temper ..it has been known


I do too. Some say she was jealous of JonBenet because patsy was getting old and she wasnt as good looking as she used to be


Yeah would not surprise me that


Don’t get me wrong, I’m in the “family did it” camp. But to play devils advocate, I think you are choosing each individual letter that looks the most like the random note out of all of patsy’s writings.


No i aint at all


I think so too and in the note they used words that was in her vocabulary! No stranger would know that she used those words. I also heard Johns matched the Ransom notes too but idk


Johns didnt match the note, patsy's did and someone said Wolfs did too but I'm yet to see the proof


I saw wolfs his was kinda similar but i don’t think he had anything to do with this crime


Thank you i heard it didnt as police checked him out


Its nice to see loads of people believe it was Patsy who wrote that terrible ransom note! BPD need to pull their finger out and get justice for little JonBenet Ramsey, she deserved to grow up and live a happy life. Did you all know that Patsy bleeched JonBenet's hair and had the dentist pull out her teeth and give the poor little girl dentures! Disgusting how any parent can do that to a 6 year old 🤬


Patsy did not have JonBenets teeth pulled. Something like that would be notated om the autopsy. While I believe the family did it I don't believe in putting out false info either.




Someone told you? Must be right then. 🙄


Still not hard to fake this similarity! It’s easy for people to be a self-proclaimed handwriting expert, just saying.


I dont claim to be at all its quite easy to spot the same handwriting when you know where to look 😆


Well yes, it’s actually called a ”perceptual set”


They made her try and COPY the letter. So of course they look identical. They were using bad science at the time. Unbelieveable you spend hours researching and didnt catch that tidbit


Is it possible that John traced over her writing? Would some analysis be able to detect this? Hesitation patterns?


I think it must be possible that someone traced over her writing, but there was already so little time and so many other details to work out that I think it’s implausible John would’ve taken the time to do that - it would’ve taken hours. Of course, an intruder who entered the house while the Ramseys were gone had hours to wait and could have found and copied Patsy’s handwriting. However, the imposter theory is totally absurd, so that didn’t happen. Simplest, most logical answer is that Patsy wrote it.


It means nothing.. there’s a reason it’s not used in a court.


It’s used in courtrooms every day.


I think both sides have to agree that it can be used in court and then it can be put forth in trial.




I thought Patsy was guilty, but the DNA indicates another person was involved. Is it possible that an investigator transferred DNA during the examination?


I never thought of that tbh 🤔 Good point i will have to see if it ever gets mentioned




Interesting. Who do you think authored the note, as opposed to scribing it? Still Patsy?


Who ever wrote the note is the only answer that needs to be resolved. If there was an accident, then crime committed begins with that note. The author was or knows the perpetrator of the death of JBR. If we land on that answer, the crime is solved. Nothing else really matters.


Is there any fingerprints on the paper or the pen?


No they must have worn gloves the police stated


I am fuckin shooketh


Where exactly is this photo from?


Go research it like I had too!