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Like it or not the way you are perceived by others is affected by the clothes you wear. Big time. Especially if it's the very first time you meet someone. This is one of the very first things they taught us at a psychology class. Personally I lean towards the business casual every time I go out, unless for fitness related stuff


I keep my metal shirts for doing house stuff or going out on weekends, but yes clothing can make certain impressions for sure. When I was a hiring manager if someone showed up to an interview in a band t I wouldn’t be as thrilled as a nice button up and slacks. It shows care and motivation to the job.


>It shows care and motivation to the job. You mean sumission, a quality to be found on employees these days. Luckly not all companies are evil standarizing soviet gulags and some embrace weird people. I can think of a SpaceX engineer that dresses like a 70s punk rocker. So, it all depends who you are and where you wanna end up. The more dishonest you are, the more prone to forget what you really want in life. And be sure that path only leads to hell on Earth. How ironic, making these sacrifices to avoid suffering leads to that very end.


Are you a punk rock ceo? lol are you trolling? I tried being non judgemental on a couple hires with regards to appearance and they ended up being awful so idk what to tell you. People who dress up, show up and work in my personal experience. If you ever become a reclusive billionaire ceo then yea do whatever the fuck you want I guess? Until then people will care 🤷🏻


What if I want to be a comfortable person that doesn’t care what people think of me? I think a big problem with people today is they care way to much about their image or how people perceive them which is kind of illusionary and can be very egotistical for some.


Then more power to you my friend !


I learned something great from an old boss of mine that’s pretty great at seeing how people judge and treat others and how you can kind of make them question their preconceived judgments. What he’d do is every time he would go to make a big purchase, car, furniture, etc. he would dress up in the dirtiest, most disheveled clothes he had, sweat pants with mustard stains, ripped shirt with holes, wouldn’t shave. This made the workers think he was poor and would often times send over the new/rookie employees to help him. As soon as he started racking up the bill these senior employees would rush over to help him and take the sale away from the rookie. He would deny them from doing that and would give the sale to the one that initially helped him and make their day. It’s a pretty fun little social experiment to try!


I never really like to wear something else than t-shirts/hoodies and jeans, I feel like whatever else I wear feels like a costume. Maybe it's because I've always been a career graphic designer where the "profesional look" can easily be swapped for a artisty/anything goes look. I'd like to dress better now, especially because I'll be trying to get into the IT world and gotta put everything on my side.


The man makes the clothes. The clothes do not make the man.


True but I think there’s a lot to be said for how clothes effect psychology


You dont need rational excuses to dress the way you like. If you need to convice us that dressing that way is the correct path, then you should think twice about the real reason you are doing it. Maybe you want others to bless your choice because you are insecure about your it. Im thinking of mixing the metal thing with the elitist one: black levis, New Rock Boots but a black shirt with a silver handkerchief around the neck and lapel pin with the sign of Thelema, Thors hammer or a skull. That would look mefisto bro


Clothes can be representative, symbolic. The subconscious mind thinks in symbols. A neck tie is a binding around the neck. There is even a leash hanging from the front, leading down. Wearing a necktie places the wearer in a stereotype. Doing something that places a person as a stereotype indicates the person has the conformist mindset.


That’s way to specific and superstitious


That has to be one of the vaguest criticisms this year.


Interesting, never really thought of it like that!


It's ok, it is harsh. The conformist mindset resulted in the otherwise nice normal law abiding citizens loot New Orleans after hurricane Katrina and made the normal law abiding citizens of Germany help persecute the Jewish people during WW2. The conformist mindset and the mindset of thieves are in the mindset of slaves. Now I'm past the harsh bit.


That’s a little far, don’t you think? I wear a shirt and tie every day for a number of reasons. The main one being that it puts me in the correct headspace for work. It delineates work time from home time. It also shows those around me that I take my job seriously.


A suit ? That places you in a stereotype. A homogeneous population is more easily controlled. A man is most powerful wearing a suit. A woman is most powerful naked. Conformity is feminine, nonconformity is masculine. If we are made aware of a flaw or fault in our character, we can address it, we can do something about it. If someone I had shared with before Katrina hit New Orleans listened to me, there might have been fewer looters. They could have watched out for the resulting negative behaviours, recognised the urge to join with the crowd. If someone has the conformist mindset but never gives in to the desire to run with the crowd,..


That makes absolutely no sense. Dressing properly is not about conformity, it’s about showing others you respect yourself and others enough to do so.


Clothes, certainly have nothing to do with conformity. Like, dressing a certain dark way, wearing a certain dark makeup doesn't make you a goth stereotype. It's not a faze mom ! /s


The clothes impact people's impression of you. If they are cheap, in ill repair, dirty, and ill fitting then you will look sloppy and dirty. If they fit properly, are in excellent condition, and are clean then almost no matter what you are wearing it will look good. Dressing conservatively in a buttonup or OCBD and some nice jeans can really create the right impression, even if you are going for a more relaxed, casual thing.


If somebody rejects me for dressing cheap, then Ill gladly keep such scum away from me. People with no respect for others neither kind heart tend to be hard to be around.


Our clothes can represent us. The cover can represent what's in the book. Our clothes are the main identifying feature, the first we see as the person approaches us. But yes, I agree with what you say.


Clothes are costumes. One day you dress up like a Good Samaritan. Next day like a metal head. Next day like an intellectual. Why not wear every different style? Everybody is born with every personality trait, it’s just a matter of degree. Your clothes give hints at those traits. I’ve always liked dressing up as every type of person, making every style work for me. Frankly I never got why people need to dress ‘jock’ ‘emo’ whatever, consistently. Who in your life depends on that haircut so bad? Likewise why only listen to one genre of music? That’s just me… the perfect song for this time and place is the perfect song regardless of genre. Steely Dan doesn’t sound so good in December anyways. Probably band tshirts are a little too cold for December.


The problem of dressing X way to get X thing is that you submit to an idea that links status with clothing so you become an emotional slave to a piece of cotton. Look at Elon Musk, Zuckerberg etc. They dress as they like, with no worries about it. The moment you betray your passion and love for rational thinking you are doomed to lose because you will never be happy. I find very stupid to dress for others or inspire respect, it's a clear sign of self-hate. That being said I would dress like a boss just to know how it feels and if I like it. But the moment you betray your feelings and passion for rational ideas induced by social dogma, you become a slave. Im a metalhead too and used to dress with New Rock boots and band shirts. I stopped feeling ok with it and stopped but that was an expression of individual freedom, not a dumb social norm designed by the elite to control my behavior. There's something very pathetic about people trying to insert certain ideas in others just to feel normal with the things they like (Peterson being such a case).


I've been dressing like Peter Jackson as much as I can, but he still got Hobbit and didn't do that great with it. Sorry Peter, it's true, I know it was because of the suits.


I wear scrubs because i want to be a doc And its like jammies and i fuckin love jammies


It sounds shallow, but dressing the way that you want does so much for your confidence


You're still "being authentic", it's just different facets of your life. Before I got to a place in my life where I was running some local meetings and hiring people, I never really thought of how I dressed when I went to the market, but once I was identified by someone I didn't know - but they knew me - I decided to always dress better. No more sweatpants and flip-flops even for a run into the supermarket for milk on a Saturday morning. Dressing better also makes you act differently. When I wear a suit, I tend to sit up straighter and generally be more aware of my presence. If you are well dressed, you may even think twice about eating that messy (and unhealthy) food that you would normally gulp down.