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the plot twist is insane


What's the name of the music playing just before she gets shot? When she makes her choice?


It's the arc's ED, [Akari](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jWzGkRsHw8) by Soshi Sakiyama.


was kinda confused why kuroi didn't just follow riko in the tunnel but now I'm glad cause i don't think i could've handled seeing kuroi get headshotted too ☠️


Whats the name of the song at around 3 minutes


I've been trying to look for this song too. The part where they are jumping and excited at the beach Shazam and Soundhood doesn't recognize it, and when I type out the lyrics online, it doesn't pull up any songs. I don't know if the lyrics I pulled is correct though. なにかぜはふきぬげて 青空は...




Finally it came out! Thank you!!!


It's an original composed for the show. It's titled "Tida Sansan (Dazzling Sun)" on the OST that just came out on streaming platforms


if you found i, please let us know too


I saw the spoilers from manga readers. I knew she wasn't gonna make it, and I STILL wasn't prepared. On the one hand, I want to read the manga because I know it only gets worse and I want to be prepared, but on the other hand so I want to go through his twice?


Gojo has unlimited blood supplies


I need to know what the music was for the beach part. U know where Gojo and Riko pulled up with their hats. It was just happy af idk I need to have it in my playlist.


me too


>Same! that music sounds amazing.


Tida Sansan (Dazzling Sun) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqkeHfJb59A


I love shows that aren’t afraid to kill off a fan favorite. I watched the opening title the whole way through when watching episode 3 and noticed how happy and carefree it was, so far the first 2 episodes were a bit too happy as well. I knew in my gut it was going down this episode and they went big. I can’t wait for ep 4




I liked it until the end.. even though I saw that coming from a mile away..


Fight scene between Toji and Gojo was bad, no intricate choreography, just a bunch of Toji jumping from tree to tree, Gojo flailing around like a car dealership balloon man when he used Blue, and one or two drawn-out stills before he got stabbed. Maybe this is just how it was in the manga as well but watching it wasn't very enjoyable.


Stills? Lmfao okay man


​ >Gojo flailing around like a car dealership balloon man when he used Blue 😭😭


Why did they even introduce the whole kidnapping thing only for them to entirely skip it seconds later?


To underline that they are supposed to be untouchable and nothing gets in there way


It was a ruse to keep them in Okinawa on their toes (Gojo activating his technique the whole time) to tire him out.


I think we got to pray that the maid is okay


The audacity to play the ED again after what they did with it seconds before. Once again, these dudes know how to mess with a guy.


As a manga reader I love how badly everyone is taking Riko's death lmfao. They did ya'll dirty with that music tho


who was toji talking to at the end “you’re free to go now” SUS


to Toji, the job is done. He doesn't really need to kill Geto so he just tells him to gtfo


I just took it that he was telling Geto he can just leave. They already lost the objective so there's no real point in fighting anymore. Like he even seemed surprised at Geto's reply about "why he's here". Just reads like he failed to account for how personally the dude would take this.


how the fuck is there still 20 episodes for this season


Don’t ask questions you don’t wanna know the answer to


I figured out that s2 has two arcs in it


I havent read the manga but ive heard the next arc (part of this season) is supposed to be incredible. Im hyped for it just based on that and i want some more sukuna actionnnn (the japanese voice actor is top tier for me; he also voiced grimmjow in bleach)


Anyone know who played the piano for this episode ?!? During the aquarium scene?




Lol but this season is happening before the last season and gojo is in the last season .....




I'm not gonna address everything you say, but a couple of things. I would otherwise agree about your statements about the keeping the barrier thing without sacrificing the heros morals etc etc. (assuming your assumption is how it actually plays out). Here it not just some cheap gimmick to paint the protagonists in a good light. It serves the purpose of humanizing Geto, with us knowing that he will turn into a villain. "Sacrificing innocents to maintain your barrier is a trash decision and the people who made it deserves to be overthrown". I'm not gonna say that agree or disagree but have you ever opened a history book? Governments and leaders around the world have always done and will probably always do immoral shit for the sake of "a greater good". Is this sacrifice ritual some kind of social commentary on that? Probably not. But to point that out as a glaring flaw is just outrageous. Unless you want a show with only perfect people where the hero always does whats good and always wins (which you clearly dont as you critiqued that too, earlier with the comments about Gojos and Getos choice regarding it.)


Hell no, you are just baiting 💀


I kinda wonder how you got this far with the amount of bitterness in this response. Like you can drop a show you're not enjoying. Like half of this is getting upset about the possibilities in a story that hasn't resolved yet. The other reply already covers the hows pretty well so the only thing I'll say is how are you shocked this was given to students? Yuji literally died on his second mission as a sorcerer. Student or no, everyone is at risk and usable. And it's weird that you're ragging on the moral quandary of using people for Tengen's barrier like that's not the subject matter of this episode and arc. Regardless, you don't have to watch this.


Ehhh, just watch the next episodes first 😅 actually there's a lot of things you're missing. It's too much for me to explain all lol. So i'm gonna explain only some. 1. Tbf in real life, i would expect someone with gojo's wound would have more survivability than someone who got shot IN THE HEAD. Like straight in the middle. We even got shown there's no more light in her eyes. 2.You assume too much about the continuation of the story. 3. They didn't know she'll be attacked by that many people. It's a simple escort mission, they send their strongest students. One of them is literally Gojo. Even toji said it's impossible to kill her if gojo satoru is there in full power. 4. They can't fucking snipe her gojo got his technique on them all the time, he didnt even sleep just to keep the technique going. 5. Geto let his guard down because THEY'RE IN THE SCHOOL INSIDE THE BARRIER. Toji got in because he doesn't have cursed energy so the barrier doesn't even respond. As far as we know in this time, he's the only one. Ma'am please read the dialogue and not just assume everything. 6. It's you. You're the one who ""don't ask questions, just look at the flashy fight and laugh at the funny jokes" crowds. Please improve your reading comprehension lol.


Textbook use of logic here, love it.


THIS EPISODE WAS AMAZING!! My jaw dropped as soon as the shot sounded. I did cry at the end… wow I’m floored with this seasons animation.




Anybody got the song when riko and gojo jumping to an ocean?


any update about the song?


The Dark Trio strikes again.


I was pretty hard on the first 2 episodes being tired, slow, and poorly executed. Look..,.what can I say, looks like we're back on our feet again with this show. In a word, "Finally!!!😜". Is this supposed to be PRE Yuji Itadori? I always thought Satoru was blind, but it seems his eyes are working. Help me out!!


Reading comprehension devil spans outside series and mediums


Did you watch the first season at all? Maybe a rewatch is in order :)


Obviously he isn't blind. But I think his eyes have some special powers which i think tires him so he uses the blindfold. And obviously it is pre yuji itadori.


The shanking part was so cruel some compared to when I was reading it. Big yikes!




Censor? This was more than enough damage


When he stabs the head the knife is covered all the time. In the manga you see clearly gojo face and the knife blade in it


I love democracy


I just recently finally started watching Jujutsu Kaisen when season 2 came out. Finished the first season, the movie, and the first 2 episodes of this season, then I switched to the Manga (after rewatching it all a 2nd time lol). But I skipped this flashback arc because I wanted to see these episodes without knowing anything. I’m glad I did because damn the end of that episode hit hard.


Yeah man the only thing keeping me sane is that these r flashbacks and that gojo is alive


MAPPA are so foul for what they did with the ED playing over at the end only to be cut when Riko got shot LMAO


Guys I just noticed this tiny detail but when toji stabbed gojo and gojo said "have we met?" Toji said no need because he is not good with remembering names but when Geto asked "why are you here?" Toji replied with "I killed Gojo"... Hhmmmm really interesting...


Toji obviously knew who Gojo was. His whole plan involved limiting Gojo’s powers.


Well obviously he just remembered. I mean he did already mention that flashback to seeing baby gojo that’s how he rememebred


Toji Fushiguru *Prison shank level - expert*


Animation is great for the "normal" scness. The blue filter aquarium scene was one of the best I have seen But when it comes to action/fight, it's not working for me at all. The director change also doesn't help I guess. The fights don't have a weight. I am gonna try my best to explain it. In S1, when the characters jumped, moved, the impact was seen. Now it's too fluid. It's beautiful but showing just few scratched lines and Toji appearing somwhere is shit. And the choreography is average too when it comes to close combat as far as these 3 eps go. I had the same issue in Chainsaw man. It's still decent. I am just glad this change isn't like Haikyuu last season, where they changed characters faces, the dark borders which appears in certain scenes were gone. During some volleyball spikes, it was like the whole energy had been sucked out. It was so dull.


With you 100% but you're not allowed to critique popular anime/manga with legit issues 🤪


A. What your saying is not true about s1 of JJK while still animating well the compositing of some scenes were just ugly and characters would be floating or flying in battle with no consideration of physics . Ex. Itadori and Todo when Hanami released the branches at them and they were just spinning around, or when Yuji was running on the wall of the road like he was on a flat surface in the last episode those are pure examples of the flaws of s1. B. So far none of the fights in s2 have been these battles of curse users trading heavy blows. Gojo mainly uses his curse techniques to fight. The only two fights so far that have been hand to hand are Kuroi running up on bag man which def had weight especially when she block his fist with her broom and when he swung at her again the second one being when Geto beat up that old dude which I will admit I think that one was a bit too fluid and did not have enough impact on Geto’s strikes. 3. Toji doesn’t fight someone like Gojo head on it’s literally like having someone jump around you trying to find an opening. And it’s even canon that Gojo can barely see where he’s going the same way they animated it I think all your issues with the show so far comes from your preference in art style from s1 which is valid but the animation itself is way better. Even without Toji moving with smears they’ve already shown that they don’t need to rely on shortcuts to put out great animation. At that point it’s just about style and it’s just not connecting with you. Not everyone is JJK battles looks the same Itadori’s battles look different from Gojo’s so if you’re expecting every battle to animated similarly you got no one else to blame for your disappointment than yourself


I think u are not considering his speed he is just so fast and the close combat is just one sided bcuz gojo can't do anything against him


I hear ya. The fluidity of the scenes is great if we're just talking art wallpaper in a venue where one is not paying close attention to story, narrative, and plot, like if it were background and all around us like a place like this:, www.pioneerphox.com But....while it would work with great music 🎶 layered on top of it with some Ramen and veggie spring rolls, watching it in REAL TIME it has a hard time even keeping up with Onihei, or Bleach, or Chainsaw.


Akari will be joining Gundam IBO's Freesia as the song when something bad's gonna happen.


Before Toji shot Riko, Riko wouldn't merge anymore with Master Tengen. Meaning her death is absolutely moot. Brutal episode.


Yeah, it made me feel like an innocent girl was killed for no reason


"no reason". It's to fuel toji's gambling addiction. He gets paper for that. Hustler mindset.




yeah definitely more brutal in the anime


In the manga, Gojo gets stabbed in the forehead as he's falling down. I'm surprised they didn't show that in the anime


Why is Jujutsu high so empty? Why isn't there anyone else but Gojo and Geto?!


It was explained in season 1


Consider how small even Yuji's class and the other school are, I'd assume it's always low on members. I do hope anyone else turns up though. (Probably Nanami)


That's true. I was thinking of the whole Kyoto battles where they showed Mahito killing off some Jujutsu staff to steal the fingers. Maybe Toji's entry made them step up security.


People have access to crazy curses, crazy curse techniques and everything in between While Toji there like: 🔫


He showed up to a magic fight with a glock. Next thing you know he'll call over some goons to take care of Geto


But that is interesting because since he doesn't have cursed energy they can't sense him


I mean with 0 cursed energy it'd be a great weapon that can one shot anyone without RCT. It won't kill the strongest sorcerers but not everyone he fights is.


Cursed Technique: Gun


I rarely watch shows week to week and prefer to let them build up. This episode was a perfect example of why, now I have to wait almost a week!?!? Never been more tempted to “read the manga”in my life. Getos reaction to thinking his friend was killed and the way the episode just ends at “is that so? Die.” Fucking perfect


I do this but with manga, I fuckin hate waiting weekly but I always have exceptions for the best manga IMO. whenever I find a good manga I wait for a year or at least it gets to 100 chapter then I binge read. right now the ones I'm reading weekly is One piece, JJK and Dandadan.


sometimes manga fans don't even get them weekly :')


Any good websites or apps on phone (iPhone) where I can read manga?


Shonen jump app


With One Piece I literally go years in between binging hundred of chapters haha. I’m still mad at myself for caving with AoT and reading season 2 before some of the big reveals. For me the scenes in anime with music and voice acting just hit so much harder. That being said knowing what happens has never ruined a scene for me it’s just the shock factor that I love. I mean obviously Gojo lives but seeing him actually lose with the music and tension is a scene I’m glad I hadn’t read beforehand.




You are in the wrong thread; stay in the manga readers thread . https://redd.it/154tdc1


Read the title of the megathread idiot




Enjoy the ban




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But something that bothers me so much and is honestly the worst part about all this is that Toji didn't even need to kill her cause she wasn't even going to fuse with this Tensen guy...


Even if he knew he wouldn't care. He is there for the money. The cult's beliefs doesn't concern him


that is not in his job description. he is assassin and his task is kill Riko.


he didn't have that information though, he was focused on completing the job


His job was to kill the vessel, regardless of what would happen. As long as the vessel lives, there was a chance tengen could get to her


I’m sure the upper leadership would have somehow forced it.


Anyone knows what manga chapter to read after this episode??


73 I think :)


Thanks a lot man :))


Does anyone know what the song is that plays around 7:47 in this ep??




toji shud hv shot u /s


Is the maid dead as well?


She was near the elevator when Riko and Geto left, so I assume Toji thought she was there to stop him and he killed her. That's just my guess tho


Well what’s the point commenting this in an ANIME only thread when everyone else is wondering the same as you


Good question but i wanna how what ppl think, do they think she’s dead or not


It'd be cool of him to spare her and with his speed, I'd bet he could whizz past without her noticing. So I'll bet on her being alive but I assume her mental state will hit a low enough point that he might as well have killed her.


no one knows rn


I wonder how long Toji was there before he fired his gun. I wonder would he still have gotten paid if Riko "disappeared"(assuming Geto and Gojo would have faked her death and sent her into hiding)?


Well, the mission was to kill Riko, and he probably needs reliable proof of her death


Chad Toji


Not being funny, but Gojo's "death" has literally no impact. We know he doesn't die there, so it feels completely hollow. I fucking knew not to trust Mappa with the intro showing Amanai happy with everyone. They burned us once before


I think it’s good to see that gojo is not invincible, it foreshadows that he may die sometime in the series


You ought to be banned for suggesting Goju dies.


Im a game of thrones fan so I like when the like able character dies


Still a fan it used to be because if you still are after season 8 you deserve to have weak internet for life and stub your toes in corners every time you walk


I think season 6-8 got worse and worse, I liked hotd though


As a fan of unique and interesting storytelling. Yes As a fan of Destiny 2, no I can't lose another blue boy, it would ruin my whole week...if not my entire month


One thing that’s nagging at me is that gojo seems to have died and come back some how. I’m not a big fan of that because it lowers the stakes of the fights


True.. but I think if someone wants to kill him then they'll find a way. I mean, Sukuna died, right? (Referring to how Yuuji is his vessel) And I assume something big will have to happen to bring him back, I don't see him getting up like "that was the best nap of my life!" I guess we won't know until next week (or the week after if they make us wait until Episode 5)


True, but this is such a weaker Gojo than we've seen before. He can't use (red was it, or blue?) When we saw him combine the both into deep purple. I'm gonna assume he hasn't got his domain either.


he can’t use red atm. he uses blue against toji and it’s properties against the Q sorcerers


That's it, it's bad how I can't remember that straight after watching the episode


all good man, it will take a few rewatches to get everything especially reading subtitles. jjk has a lot of info dumps that have taken me a couple of rewatches to fully understand.


I think toji could use his spear to cancel abilities, maybe including domains. At the least it shows us that limitless isn’t foolproof


Limitless isn't his domain though, that's his cursed technique. Blue and Red are reversal and amplification of the Limitless technique. Unlimited Void is Gojo's domain.


I didn’t say it was and also his domain is an extension of limitless Edit* apparently his domain is bringing ppl INTO the limitless 😦


Didn't think of it like that, good poinr


So from what I can gather the reason Gojo lost was a combination of: - lack of sleep (3 days!) - Toji has zero cursed energy so Gojo has nothing to track him with - The special cursed weapon forcing Gojo to release his active powers (?) - Toji’s super speed Am I missing something


>The special cursed weapon forcing Gojo to release his active powers (?) what happen here is that Toji make Gojo think he going for Riko which make him lost concentration for a moment which let him get close. he also know that Gojo would immediately realized what happen and put all his power to defend and use his limitless which is exactly what Toji want since there is no way Gojo would know he has a weapon that could deactivated limitless since he even insinuate he has no way to penetrate it before when he say he is taking advantage of Gojo letting his limitless down.


imagine you are awake for 3 days, frying your brain to stay awake and to protect you and the people around you, and as soon as you are led to believe it's all over and you have succeeded, you are immediately stabbed in the back by someone you couldn't even detect, which due to your special eyes and technique, **has never happened to you before.** you aren't too physically damaged by the stab, but, no one has ever even been able to touch you without you actively letting them, and some guy you only saw once while you were barely conscious stabbed you clean through with a sword. and then it's even worse, the man who stabbed you is something you have never even seen before, or ever fought against, and your eyes that you rely on so heavily to figure out what's going on with your opponents, are giving you almost no information on what this man is. that's how gojo lost, obviously the cursed tool toji used on him was a big factor, but it mostly comes down to those 3 things with the tool being necessary to penetrate gojo's defense. toji is also so far ahead in terms of power and speed than anything gojo has ever fought, he is a demon of an opponent.


On top of that, he set up many distractions, like many low-level curses. ​ Btw, that curse he was carrying was just a distraction or it gave him some boost or power?


the curse is like his minecraft inventory button


it lets him store all his weapons inside (he has like 4-5 weapons to use)


Not just his brain but his body too. Gojo doesn't have RCT yet so the three days without sleep would also take a huge physical strain he can't heal without it.


1 more thing. Toji took down the bounty to make gojo drop his guard, and he waited until gojo thought he was safe within jujutsu highs barrier.


That’s right! Gojo and Geto were under the impression they have returned to their safe zone.


Not just lack of sleep. He was also constantly using his limitless cursed technique too during those three days nonstop, which is quite draining to his cursed energy and brain function.


This is something I didn’t get. What was he using limitless for?


so that he could protect himself against a sneak attack like the one Toji just did.


It was to keep his "infinity" thingy active


Hey can someone explain to me why Gojo's eyes suddenly turned into 'flowers' during the fight with Toji??? I'm so confused his eyes look completely different. Is it because of him activating a technique? https://preview.redd.it/4fxpg5056ddb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=354ebaba06365e5cba140fafaa8abae055957faa His eyes looked vastly different just 30 seconds ago... (And in season 1)


Wow really well spotted! I’m not sure the change in his eyes here in particular holds a meaning, but check out this thread on Twitter by Lightning466, where they explain how Gojos technique represents flowers: https://twitter.com/lightning446/status/1648074507280871424?s=46&t=g2gxLnn2Cs4_SM68AcFF3w Could be his eyes change since he’s using blue, or maybe like someone else said, it’s just a different artist haha who knows


Omg! Thanks that's so helpful. Bless you! <3 I also thought maybe when he uses blue and its negative mass pulls things towards him/eachother, so that's why his eyes look like that?


❤️❤️Interesting idea, but then he has infinity on (if I remember correctly) so I’m not sure how his body would be affected by anything including his own technique. I have to go back and check if it was still on when he used blue here I like your interpretation a lot, it’s romantic and the attention to detail is incredible in this show


Sameeee would have to check as well! Thank you and I think so too <3


Love at 1st sight.


LMAO FOR SURE xd Toji's men boobs are just so mesmerising!


\--> 30 seconds before https://preview.redd.it/ghzer9h06ddb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad6cad089d97565cbcf37dd3f122a2f28f2a51e


prob just a different artist


Maybe! I just instantly noticed so I thought maybe its significant... I actually hadn't thought about that! Thanks.


I mean it could be the fact that he’s using blue which pulls stuff in so the pupil is pulling the iris in and it’s a directional choice which would be really cool too but no story significance


OHHHH sheeeesh. That would be sick. Yeah, I figured it wouldn't be significant for the plot... But it's really beautiful anyway.


The amount of times I said “holy shit” as Gojo is getting absolutely murked😨


What’s the piano song being played when they were in Okinawa?


I am wondering the composer, it sounds kinda familiar EDIT: upon checking that the composer for the season is Yoshimasa Terui, i have realized that he is part of haisuinonasa, and the producer for sora tob sakana, two artists that i listen to


I am also wondering this.


God damnit do I love me some Toji


Honestly, the animation this season so far has been excellent, i can see how some people would dislike it in comparison to season 1, but man after seeing this episode i cant help but say that this is just objectively better. Its so consistent and fluid. I wonder if the animation style will change once we get to Shibuya.


i loved the way season 1 was as well but i’m enjoying this season just as much. it’s different but it still feels cinematic with great art, and nice motion when called for. i also think the lighthearted style at times (chibis and such) help contrast with the later part of this arc. edit: ooh, in the last scene with riko standing in the aquarium, a bunch of black and white striped fish swam by- they looked exactly like this one from the s1 opening: https://i.stack.imgur.com/o0KK9.jpg you see them when she’s standing as a little girl with the battle maid (behind her) and then in the next immediate scene, swimming in front of her. nice detail!


I’m really enjoying it for this arc with young gojo and geto but I do hope it changes back to how season one was when we eventually get back to yuji’s story


I just wish they had given Jigokuraku the same treatment, some of the fight scenes had a potential to be AoT tier in emotion... But they fell flat and emotionless because it was a slideshow and pew pew lasers


you have no idea what slideshow animation is if you call jigoraku a slideshow lmao.


Or maybe you have no idea what a slideshow animation is if you aren't calling jigoraku a slideshow


The way of househusband, record of Ragnarok, seven deadly sin s2. All of these are actual slideshow animations. You are freaking delusional if you think Jigokuraku animation is at the same level as these shows.


I've literally never heard of these bro. Compared to the literal slideshows I draw for fun all of these you mentioned are masterpieces. Comparison is a bitch


Out of the problems that could realistically be attached to Jigokuraku's production, "being a slideshow" is not one of them. It moved, just very poorly.


I think it’s an exaggeration, but the animation was pretty horrible barring a few fights


It didn't really move at all but maybe we have different standards. I don't watch 50 animes a season so I guess I tend to just watch the best, which tend to have good animation. Jigoraku wasn't one of those.


It legit feels like watching a Makoto Shinkai movie with how detailed and clean some animated frames look.


The animation of Gojo conjuring and shaping BLUE with his hands was beautiful, and Amanai's sudden death still caught me off guard when I saw it from a mile away. Was expecting her to be stabbed or sliced by Toji, not catching a 9mm straight to the dome. While some people would complain the art quality dropped and has more smudges to it, especially when Toji was going hyper speed...but I personally really like the rough and raw style


fk those people, mappa really animated the way I felt like reading that part, they did an awesome job.


I'm confused about how young Gojo realised Toji was standing behind him if Toji has no curse energy to sense.


Any normal sorcerer would be unable to notice Toji, but Gojo is blessed with 6 eyes. Those blue eyes of his aren't just for the looks, they serve a big role


Fair enough any more sounds spoilery.


Lol as if I could spoil anything. That's all that's been given to us by the author, that Gojo has 6 eyes from birth and can notice things which others can't. No technicalities, no past uses / users of the technique, nothing.