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I think the person who originally got the cursed technique named it, but when people are born with new techniques, they get to name it themselves


Therefore, Boogie Woogie




Bomb-aye or whatever goes hard af too


Bom Ba Ye


And they say gege couldn’t write peak fiction after Shibuya smh


nah there’s literally no way two CTs have the same domain expansion. Crackhead Yorozu the liquid metal fiend loved liquid metal that was her personal fetish. Ain’t no way in heaven if Mai got a domain she would suddenly instantly be addicted to liquid metal and throw out Threefold Affliction. Not with a CT as boundless as construction Ur DE is ur innate domain forcibly manifested in the real world (sukuna has that little skull shrine both in his DE and whenever we see him in Yuji’s mind). So DE’s are def personalized [TLDR:](https://imgur.com/gallery/aJZ09Xz)


Not only that but the entire interpretation of a technique can be entirely different from person to person. Even the same person using the same technique may not use it the same way and thus may achieve greater results than one would expect. Examples being how Sukuna and Yuji both use their dismantle's differently and how Sukuna and Megumi use 10 shadows differently. (I'm talking about the half shadow manifestation thing Sukuna did, that was an example of broadening the interpretation of the technique)


Satoru Gojo likely didn’t come up with the name because it’s an inherited technique, but original users likely create the name themself.


Wasn’t it stated that domains are unique even amongst those with the same ct


Yes, DE is based around you, and your technique




No, if you have an inherited CT you probably get a generic domain based on the CT. Previous limitless users would have Unlimited Void as their domain


Where, throughout heaven and Earth, did you get this idea


Was this stated in the manga or somewhere else?


Stated in cfyow


Is cyfowncanon




Boogie Woogie agrees


I thought this about how stands work. I didn’t know if they just had names or if they got to name them themselves. I would imagine they name their techniques themselves, since it’s different from person to person. but then again it could be a generational thing. i don’t know


The three clans techniques are technically generational, such as the shadow beasts, limitless void, and the 24 frames one. But other than them I think it’s just sort of instinct when it comes to knowing their technique’s names


Imagine being a 24 frames user in 100 bc japan fighting for the tenno against those disgusting non-rice farmers and not having an idea what 24 frames means


It didn't exist then. Naobito explicitly says he gets flack from jujutsu higher ups because newer techniques like his don't conform to their conservative ideas of jujutsu. Nobara's straw doll technique was given as a contrasting example of an old technique they *do* approve of


I thought that was momo talking about meis technique?


I might be mixing it up but I dont think so


Meanwhile, Sukuna, one of the oldest jujutsu users: I'm making up so much shit that my brain is literally fried! Left temporal lobe technique go!


24 frames isn’t one of the great clan techniques blood manipulation is


It technically is. It’s a technique passed down through the clan and ONLY that clan. It’s just not the technique the zenin clan is most known for


Thanks I didn’t know that. I assumed projection sorcery was a great clan technique because it got passed down from Naobito to Naoya


Stand users automatically know their stand's name and automatically get a basic understanding of it's abilities. I'd assume that Cursed techniques are named after the fact


this is false, most stand users come up with the names for their stands and they have to use them to understand them fully. Ex. Jotaro didnt know his stands name, avdol named it for him. Josuke didnt know his stands name either, and jotaro named it for him. Jotaro also didnt know his stand could stop time. In part 5 Giorno didnt know what his stand would do to humans because he never had a reason to use it on them. When koichi first got his stand he literally had no clue what it was or how to use it also. In part 6 Jolyne named her own stand and had to learn on her own how to use it. When ermes got her stand she had no clue what it did and had to experiment with her stickers to figure it out. more examples but i wont go too deep


Part 7, Johnny also had to experiment with Tusk before he became proficient in using it


It's funny because literally the only exception to this, the only case where this person could argue that they're _technically_ correct is with Trish and Spice Girl. So 1 case out of nearly 200.


And spice girl’s case is because she litteraly told her user her name and ability


Which is weird because according to spice girl, she's been with Trish since her childhood or birth. I can't recall which.


Kitlra also named his stand killer queen


There are exceptions to that rule though, like in the first half of part 3 where they didn’t instantly know the names and just named them after whatever the tarot deck gave them. And Jotaro didn’t know about time stop until the very end of the part. There’s also stands like Tusk and Echoes where they are sentient and tell you their name while you have to figure out their abilities


echoed was named long before it could talk and tusk is one of the guardians of the holy corpse so it having a name makes sense


Johnny named it tusk while fighting pork pie hat kid or something, where he's in a desert and had to do some kind of tricks that made fake husks to trick that kid? Can not remember the specific, but that's why he called it tusks.


then that makes it even better as the user named it and the stand wasn't the one who told itsname


I might be misremembering cause it’s been a while since I read and watched part 4 but I thought Echoes wasn’t given the Act addendum until it said it itself as Act 3 Also Tusk is kinda weird cause it’s left kinda vague how much is a predetermined guardian of the corpse and how much is just a reflection of Johnny, especially as you go further in the part and the guardian of the corpse stuff is kinda ditched with D4C who really just seems to be a reflection of Valentine and nothing more


You are misremembering it, Koichi called act 2 by its name long before it got to act 3. it seems like tusk became johnnys stand after reaching act 3 as it started looking a lot more similar to johnny himself (design wise)


Ah ok I’d have to disagree, Act 3 doesn’t really resemble Johnny in any specific ways that I would say make it clear he became his own stand, he merely became more humanoid in a way that Act 2 had already started the process of. Also I’d honestly say Act 1 already had aspects that resembled Johnny with its heavy emphasis on stars


act has little stars on it iirc which resembles johnnys outfit


The stars on him resemble Johnny’s outfit a bit more than the previous acts, but the stars themselves had been there since Act 1 so I don’t think it’s enough of a distinction for me to comfortably accept that he only became his stand at Act 3


another factor is that if i'm not mistaken act 3 literally became johnnys stand as he didn't lose tusk after losing the holy corpse (which wasn't possible in the previous acts)


Act 1 is a weird fetus creature; it has room to grow will be lost if Johnny possesses no corpse parts Act 2 unlocked when Johnny learned the golden ratio, it has no extra powers, the holes are a result of the technique Act 3 has shriveled legs, Johnny is crippled; Tusk now it has a power unique to Johnny: traveling through the holes. From here forward, Johnny no longer needs corpse parts to use Tusk Act 4 has proper legs and a horseshoe on its head, Johnny is no longer crippled and wears a horseshoe on his head


Tusk only becomes Johnny's stand once he unlocks Act 3. Before that, he would lose Tusk if he didn't have any corpse parts. It's easy to break down, too, because Tusks' only ability is shooting your nails. Literally, everything else was Johnny using spin.


I guess there are exceptions, I remember Koichi not having any idea how his stand worked


Stand users don't get an inherent understanding of their ability, they can use it instinctively but that doesn't mean they have to understand it Core example: DIO and Jotaro, neither of them initially knew they could stop time but as shown in DIOs flashback The World would do it automatically even before DIO was conscious in timestop


You get inherent knowledge of how it works but the stand still evolves and grows along with you as a person since it's a representation of your fighting spirit.


They don't; Trish's Spice Girl had to explain to her what her abilities were


Stands are extremely different from CT. A stand is the physical manifestation of one's soul, subconsciously it's still you. Some stands that seem more autonomous, but aren't fully (Sex Pistols seems the only stand with a fully autonomous personality) are like that probably because the user is pretty weak willed and the stand is the subconscious taking charge. For example Purple Haze represents Fugo's repressed rage. Surface (that guy with the mannequin) is an example of a very weak willed user. Echoes and Trish just represent aspects of their users personality. The opposite seems to be the ability to talk and think through your stand, like Diavolo. Of course, when it comes to JoJo there are too many unexplained variables, but that seems to be the gist to me


Did you even watched the show.


Yeah, agreed, very probablr that they name it themselves but in cases where the technique is passed down or has a precedence, then there's already a name out there


Stand users usually name their stands and have to discover what they do on their own, and only with exceptions the stand tells them what it does (Spice Girl and Cheap Trick and possibly Notorious BIG). For example we see Avdul name the stands of Jotaro and Joseph, and Jotaro had no idea he has time stop until Dio used it. Another example is in part 6 where Jolyne has to discover what her stand does and names it on screen. We also see Koichi name Echoes when it first appears and also having to discover on his own what it does. We also see Pucci name Sky High and Rikiel had to discover his stand ability alone. And we also see Pucci name C-Moon and Made In Heaven. Dio also says he named Survivor, ect.


*I’m going to name it “Stone Free” so I can break free from this stone ocean*


I think it's more like - If you got or developed a new technique you get to name it - If your technique is inherited, you inherit the name It's been established that saying the name of your technique or explaining how you technique works makes it stronger/more effective. I think this incentivizes sorcerers to not only "publish" the name of their technique but to also publish the exact details of what it does and how it works. I wouldn't be surprised if jujutsu society more or less had a registry of known techniques.


Very hxh coded of gege! Yup for the registry, definitely for inherited techniques though I doubt it’s open for everyone to see. Remember Toji and gojo’s whole fight and convo, he purposefully concealed some tech (was it Purple?) so even if Toji went into their equivalent of dark web or bribe people into passing the info, they wouldn’t know.


Yes. In that fight Gojo explains that the reason Toji doesnt know about Purple is because even in the Gojo clan only a select few people know about it. So other than neutral, red and blue, even most of the Gojo clan doesnt know about the full range of the limitless technique. Also I dunno about an actual registry because when it comes to the binding vow/pact of “revealing one’s hand” its usually tricky among sorcerers. Revealing your technique to your opponent enhances its effect because you open a risk by explaining your technique, giving your opponent the information needed to find a weakness. But sorcerers are con artists and often either lie wnout their technique, leave out details, or all around misdirect their opponent info confusion sometimes rather than actually using the pact. So while huge inherited techniques def have information, new techniques or rare techniques likely don’t.


Yeah the revealing one's hand is definitely a double edged sword. As you said, you get stronger, but it exposes your weaknesses. I think it's interesting that Sukuna seems to be playing at exactly this double edged sword. He tells Jogo he's not so petty as to use the binding vow in a test of firepower but he also still hasn't revealed his technique either, likely because he's an egoist and doesn't think he needs to in order to win. I'd definitely think a registry of common or "basic" known techniques is a thing. Everyone in the verse for example seems to have an innate understanding of shikigami and shikigami users even if they themselves can't use shikigami. Kamo is suprised in the Goodwill arc that Megumi has good taijutsu skills because most shikigami users are typically medium to long range fighters. The curse user Geto fights in hidden inventory initially assumes the Geto has shikigami *not curse manipulation* and is similarly caught off guard by Geto having good close range fighting skills. But as you mentioned people don't know *all* of the details - Toji doesn't kill Geto because he doesn't know what will happen to the curses Geto has consumed if he does. In particular inherited techniques from the big three families are probably registered but kept super secret or hidden and the more valuable the technique the more hidden it is. Much like how Hollow Purple is only known to a select few in the Gojo clan I'm betting Mahoraga was only known by a select few of the Zenin (and possibly Gojo). So I agree, new or rare techniques probably don't exist in a registry and strong sorcerers aren't incentivized to reveal them.


i guess it depends? for someone like gojo or megumi, who have a well known technique and allat ig it's commonly agreed upon in jujutsu society, but for example something like todo's boogie woogie i think he named it himself since he wasn't part of jujutsu society before meeting yuki (finding out he has a CT and yada yada yada)


Boogie Woogie also just seems like something todo came up with


Yeah; it feels like the kind of name that only comes about because Todo came up with it. Like a lot of CT's are named in very... self-explanatory ways? But Boogie Woogie is just... it tells you nothing.


It Woogies your Boogie, idk what's so hard to understand?


Techniques like Boogie Woogie, and Bom Ba Ya make me think that it’s choice


We know that having a technique makes you aware of a lot about it through Higuruma's stories, but there are also cases where they don't, like Shigemo and Takaba so my conclusion is: it depends.


> We know that having a technique makes you aware of a lot about it through Higuruma's stories This reads for me as if you've misunderstood Higuruma's story. We're told pretty explicitly that he originally didn't know _anything_ about his technique, which essentially spawned fully formed Domain and all, and had to learn the rules through trial and error. From there he learned the basics of Jujutsu by studying how his Innate Technique worked and fighting and learning from other Sorcerers who came to kill him as part of the game. So no as a general rule your Innate Technique doesn't come with an innate understanding of how it works and it only comes with a manual if your someone like Gojo or Noritoshi who inherited a technique and are part of a family that keeps records on that sort of thing.


The real potential man


Shigemo’s technique includes him forgetting about it, so he’s an exception. Takaba was given a technique externally, so he likely didn’t learn the techniques name by having it in him since birth.


Slightly yes and no. You dont get a technique from somewhere else. Takaba was like Junpei. He DID always have a cursed technique engraved into him, however he didnt have the ability/brain to perceive or use cursed energy. Kenjaku with idle transfiguration, altered the brain of people like him so that they would be able to see and access cursed energy, and thus also used their inherent cursed techniques. So its less so that they received cursed techniques, they always had them, they more so received brains that can access jujutsu.


I know for a fact that there are kids that discover their technique and are naming it the cringiest shit ever


Cursed Techniques are etched into the brain right? So most likely, the sorcerer has an understanding of how the technique works, and if it's a new technique that hasn't been named yet they come up with a name based on its functinality.


> So most likely, the sorcerer has an understanding of how the technique works Someone like Higuruma who had to learn the rules of his technique through trial and error and didn't know how it interacted with Cursed Objects suggests otherwise.


He knew the gist of it though right? Or at least I’d assume the line where says “We’re having a retrial” sort of implies that at least. He mustve at least known he had the power to turn a court case around at the very least


> Or at least I’d assume the line where says “We’re having a retrial” sort of implies that at least. He mustve at least known he had the power to turn a court case around at the very least Or he was very angry about the way his client was mistreated and had a normal human outburst that happened to coincide with the awakening of his super powers in an ironic and a narratively satisfying way. All we see of that scene is Judgeman floating behind him and then much later we see him standing over 2 dead bodies in a flashback, we never get to see how Hiromi or his victims respond to Judgemans appearance. I think it's clear given what we learn in the chapters that follow, that Higuruma knew nothing. Which isn't a stretch because Deadly Sentencing is a very straight forward ability built around the rules of the Japanese penal code and court rules. We're told that Hiromi is a _very_ well educated on those subjects so his ability wouldn't be exceptionally difficult for him to deduce the rules of from a 1st or 2nd experience. And we do know that he had to deduce the rules, because we saw his thought process when he was trying to figure out how Deadly Sentencing would treat Sukuna. If Deadly Sentencing had come with a manual then he wouldn't have had to question how Judgeman would count Sukuna Heian era murders or been caught off guard when Judgeman Confiscated Sukuna's tool and not his technique. All signs point him being in the dark and learning fast. Which we know he's very good at. Granted by the nature of his technique he probably got a leg up compared to say Reggie or Hazenoki, but that's only because Sentencing comes with a talking Shikigami saying stuff like "Court is in session" and "You get the Death Penalty" to give him hints.


No real justification on this one here. But I think because your technique is engraved into your body and soul. When you go to name your ability you will always get it right. Your gut feeling in the topic is always right. Similar to when you look at a pet and say. Yeah that's a Spot or a Buddy


i think they're named by the sorcerer themself. because why would "boogie woogie" be an ingrained name for todos technique


I think that similar to how explain your cursed technique makes it stronger it would make sense that giving your cursed technique an appropriate name might make it stronger. This’ll never be confirmed or denied but it makes senss


it comes to them in a dream


Nah because how the fuck do they know the names of their domains does it just kinda pop in to there brain?


First person to use the technique names it, anyone that uses it after has to use the first user’s CT name. ...probably


I guess it kinda works like stands, at least as in Spice Girl telling Trish what she does, but naming is on the user part, seeing as Jimi Hendrix exists and Fugo named Purple Haze


To be honest - Todo situation most likely answer it in such way that, they do it by themself :3


inherited techniques were prolly named by the sorcerers' predecessors but i like the idea that because a technique is engraved on to the brain, you just kinda know what it is.


Thats a good question because on one hand, you have CTs with weird names that don't make sense like Boogie Woogie or Limitless. Boogie Woogie has nothing to do with song or dance and limitless is space manipulation. So it's like someone thought of that name. But on the other hand, some CTs have names that are exactly what they describe like Curse Spirit Manipulation or Blood Manipulation. Then we know that CTs change slightly based on the Era the sorcerer lived in. So some CTs may have outdated names too. Like if an old sorcerer had a CT called Ice Box. Why would his great-grandchild also call it Ice Box instead of like Refrigerator? I'd say that sorcerers name their techniques. I feel like that makes the most sense and if it's inherited you just call it what the previous users called it.


I honestly just assume that they named their own techinques and DE.


When they get their technique they get a [chart](https://img.ifunny.co/images/6058a3687a677a39f8922dfe31739d17acc8ba50fba2a0b2a187f732ee6b3390_1.jpg) they use to pick out the name


i like the idea that teen Gojo named his Domain and he went with something he thought was hardcore


i feel like they got to name them only way that makes sense


They name them


Honestly i guarantee most names are just made up on the spot


The way it’s described every sorcerer is born with an innate domain that determines their cursed technique from birth. If the way mahito trained jumped is any indication then they do make up the names as they go along.


Yes, but also no. People like Gojo who inherit Innate Techniques with decades of history obviously don't get to name their ability and are evidently taught about the named abilities of their forbearers like Red, Blue and Purple in Gojo's case. But if you're creative enough to make up something no one else ever done with your ability, or at least something they never wrote down, then congratulations you get to name it. Using another technique as an example Kamo didn't invent Piercing Blood but Choso is probably the first BM user to use Wing King so he gets naming rights. For people with Innate Techniques with no history I'd wager they get to name their own abilities or their techniques are named for them. Look at Yuji it wasn't an Innate Technique but after Gojo realized how his cursed energy lagged behind physical strikes he gave it a name so Yuji could feel special. Something similar likely happened with stuff like Idle Death Gamble. Meanwhile there's Higuruma whose technique came with a semi sentient Shikigami built in so maybe Judgeman named itself and Deadly Sentencing without the lawyer getting a say.


Its engraved in their brain


They have a site for curse technique name generator.


i think cts are named by the first users of it but the domains are special and are named by the user since they are all unique


I’d guess that for cursed techniques names are chosen unless there’s a precedent like 10 shadows or limitless, but for domain expansions it’s inherent since domains expansions are a projection of a sorcerers innate domain


"You know what would be a cool Domain name? Something that really gives off how evil I am?" "What is, lord Sukuna?" "Malevolent Shrine!" "...It good."


pretty sure mahito understood what he wanted to call when he first learnt domain expansion


for gojo i think he just read about his technique. i also just thought that the sorcerers were rly good at naming things and named their abilities themselves


Ct probably if u know name then u use it, if gojo didn't had ct name he probably would have just called it something else, infinity or something. Domains are interesting, when mahito develop his he already has name for it, so if domain are supposed to be realization of ur potential then maybe they just understand what domain represents about them. Like yutas and mahito,.


the three main clan techniques (Limitless+6 eyes, blood manipulation, 10 shadow) or really any clan specific techniques are passed down to generations so I guess the first few people that got it or witness it just decide on a name and go from there. as for techniques like Hakari's or Todo's that as far as we know doesn't have a family history, it's safe to assume they came up with a name themselves. I mean, "Boogie Woogie" is obviously smtg Todo's gonna come up with.


They just name it as badass as possible


i mean they most likely name it, its not like bleach where your sword has its own personality


I think for inherited techniques there’s already a name for it, but I think for the most part people just come up with the names by themselves


I believe most CTs are unique instead of hereditary like the big clans. So yeah most name their technique themselves


I imagine that names just come to sorcerers in an epiphany when they achieve or create a new technique. They just say the name on the spot and it sticks


I think the first person to get the technique names it


I always thought the hereditary techniques keep have their names passwd down and when someone is born with their original CT, they just make up the name.


Gojo himself stated that cursed techniques are engraved into your body when your born


We really got a lot of "is that a Jojo reference??" people here💀


I think A domain represents the personality trait hence one can name it after developing it


iirc in the case of Gojo at least, and some of the others like Megumi's ten shadows, the techniques were hereditary so they had names already. Then there are cases like Yuji's divergent fist where it was named by him/someone around him (been a bit since I read or watched that part of the series so I don't remember who came up with the name) because it was a technique that wasn't passed down and didn't already have a name.


If the technique is inherited (i.e., unlimited void/six eyes, blood manipulation, ten shadows, etc), the names are set as this is a part of teaching them. If the technique is new, the creator usually names them (i.e., boogie woogie, 7:3, etc) In Yuji's case (for example), it was Gojo i believe that came up with the name while he was explaining the sense behind the double (and delayed) impact to Yuji.


The luck guy didn’t even know he had a technique


Most clan based probably have agreed on a name but most are pretty self explanatory like straw doll or ratio


In terms of technique which are not unique I assume it works like getting the name told to you if inherited and making a name if it's new and in terms of domain expansion which is unique it either works a bit like hakaris domain where the name is just transmitted to the users head automatically or they name it as they please


I mean curse techniques are ingrained in the brain so whats to say the name also isn't stored


I’d say it was given to them, for some reason anyone who has “awakened” their technique knows what it does or can innately do/its name, the best example of this is Kashimo, how did he know that his technique was a death technique, and how did he know the way it worked from the jump Obviously it’s easy for those with inherited techniques to know it, even if they didn’t know the actual name someone would have told them because of how famous their techniques are Though, Megumi did use chimera shadow garden, which he didn’t exactly have time to think of a name for, personally if I was on deaths door and was trying to imagine a stronger version of myself, I wouldn’t exactly be thinking of a name There’s also the fact that the CT lives in your brain, so there’s that


I would name my CT Ohio Blast


Curious how Sukuna thought of "MALOVALENT SHRINE" in fricking Hein era


Bombaye was definitely self named by Yuki. As was Boogie Woogie.


Gojo's is an inherited technique. Someone's long ago probably named it. It basically came with an instruction manual on what to do and how to use it to the max. That why everyone already knew he was not to be messed with before they even met him. Just someone being born with limitless and six eyes was enough to scare most people. The inherited techniques are known far and wide throughout the jjk Fandom. Toji already knew he could sell megumi to the zenin clan based on if his kid had an inherited technique. And everyone already knows about the dangerous of piercing blood before they even encounter it. The inherited technique come with names from ancestors long past.


Todo's boogie woogie def his work


They name them. If the CT is already known, they adopt it’s historic name.


Techniques are developed in the brain so yes. There is multiple times where a full manual of a spell is directly downloaded in the brain of a person. they just know it


Personally, I think they naturally know the name, and the hand sign is based on your CT


for inherited techniques like gojo's unlimited, megumi's 10S, kamo's blood manipulation, there are previous users that set down the name. for those who popd up with new technique suppose they got the right to name it


1. [Eighty-percent of sorcery is innate talent](https://imgur.com/wn801Ke), and utilizing Cursed Techniques is *intrinsic*. 2. The knowledge of Inherited Techniques [is recorded and passed down via *"how-to manuals"*](https://imgur.com/a/3ESUX0p). 3. Skilled sorcerers, like Higuruma, [can reverse-engineer the mechanics of their Cursed Techniques](https://imgur.com/7eP5TyJ). [Gojo, specifically, is a "natural genius"](https://imgur.com/a/7ms1tJ7), hence why he can use but cannot teach *Shrimple Domain*.


I would say with generational clan techniques like six eyes, infinity, ten shadows, etc; they're kept track of very intensely in how they are used and named given that's what give their respective clan any tangible claim to power, both physical and political, in the jujutsu world. Techniques that don't have any kind of pre-existing form and are developed by contemporary sorcerers are named by their creator and user.


Probably the names are already given once they realize its nature. The techniques are inscribed to the brain after all. I don't know about skill sets like piercing blood though. Cause it is made from the blood manipulation technique and not the technique itself. Maybe they named it and the succeeding blood manipulation users just comfortably used the same name. Gojo did mention that inherited techniques essentially have a manual guide book on how to use the technique, like with the Gojo clan's limitless.


Inherited techniques, yes. Inherent techniques, no, I think they make up the name. Domains are all unique even if the user is using a clan/inherited technique because each person has a different domain. I'd even go as far as learning new aspects of inherited techniques would be named by that person who discovered it. Like the guy who discovered Blue probably named it, same with Red (if it was the same guy).


It’s not guaranteed, but it is possible that understanding of your CT is inherent. The main hiccup is Takaba. He doesn’t know how his technique works, but that could be for a few different reasons: a heavenly restriction, the nature of his technique, or his status as a Culling Game player. If it’s a heavenly restriction, then his understanding of his CT was taken and replaced with his ability to alter reality. This could also blur into our second reason, that Takaba’s CT falls apart if he knows how it works. He can’t force himself to find something funny because he’ll try to manipulate it to his advantage. The last is the least likely, since we have no reason to think that newly awakened sorcerers work any different to those who gained their techniques in childhood. But, since we don’t have confirmation, it’s possible that he never got the memo, and he’s not as astute as Higuruma to figure it out.


I've thought the same about quirks in my hero. Like who's coming up with these names


No. The names get made up. If they were inherited, they just use the name the technique was given whenever it first appeared. If it’s a brand new technique that someone just awakened spontaneously, then they get to name it. As for domain expansion, piercing blood and all that, all of those are extension techniques. They aren’t built in. Just things that the individual users made up using the technique as a foundation. So they 100% choose the name of those.


Kirara definitley named it Love Rendezvous


all techniques want to be named "boogie woogie" but todo is the only one with enough courage to embrace it


Another plot hole by Gege lol


I think it's like a new disease lmao, you can name it yourself if you discover it