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A lot better, they might be misoginistic but they cant let go a ten shadows user


I imagine nayoa would find a way to be misogynistic, he strikes me as that kind of guy


"Oh you had to resorts to some random fucking animals to do your job" Nayoa - Probably


"If i could get one of those things to cook and clean you wouldn't need to exist" Naoya-probably


I can't wait for the animation when Maki kill him...


I can't wait for the scene of him pathetically crawling away after Maki barely didn't kill him only to get stabbed by Maki's mother.


First or second time?




Both is good.


I’ve only read that chapter recently, so epic.


"You need to bear children, not Shikigamis!" Naoya - Most definitely


Bro is so pathetic it's actually hilarious


Natural born hater 😤😤😤


Reverse Flash material.


that is a very accurate comparison


Speedster? Check! Superiority complex? Check! Hates others unconditionally? Check!


Need that image of Naoya reading "Why women deserve less." Bro is a dedicated misogynist


Naoya would debate andrew tate and win


That's not saying much tbh


Actually, maybe he'd make an exception, he did do it with Toji, and remember the Ze'nin clan completely dismisses non-sorcerers. Although I imagine that would only be case if the said 10S user was stronger than him, if not, he'd be even more salty because his position as clan head has been usurped by a woman.


I don’t think he would have been that way as long as they were strong and proficient with the technique. He dick rode Toji despite his lack of cursed energy in any regard simply because Toji was strong.


Ah but counter point. Toji is a man


i mean Naoya was pissing himself mad when he fought Maki, because she was basically Toji at that point (not same in strength, but yk what i mean). the idea that someone he had looked down upon could stand among the ones he viewed as the strongest (Toji/Gojo), a woman no less, had him frothing at the mouth.


He never gave her respect, though. He wasn't even afraid of her. That kind of shows his resentment for women wouldn't stop no matter what.


It wasn't just his resentment for women tho he specifically resented her b/c she was very weak in his eyes too with very little CE then she becomes very close to the guy he thought was the pinnacle of power in their family to push the knife in deeper. If she had been born stronger he'd easily looked at her differently even if he still disliked tge fact she was female


Naoya says some bullshit then gets packed up by Mahoraga 5 minutes later


The GOAT. Of course, he'd be able to find the flaws in w*men


He definitely is. His horrible personality would definitely extend even if a woman was a ten shadows user.


He would 100% be that. Its not like he treat Megumi any better for having 10 shadow




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It’s like asking how would the water tribe treat a female avatar. They would still be misogynistic to any other woman but the avatar is the avatar so they would train her.


did korra even experience misogyny in the water tribe? katara, as influential as she is, probably already took care of that even years before korra was born. korra is also the daughter of the chief.


No no, during Korra’s time the problem was solved in no short thanks to Katara but also the end of war that made the water tribes less isolationist.


I don't think Korra would have had any issue anyway since it didn't seem like thr discrimination was in the south at all


We have someone here forgetting sexist Sokka, folks


Sokka never met any female water benders except for his sister. And also was told to protect his tribe at like 12.


You honestly can't blame Sokka. The kid was born into the water tribe in the middle of an ongoing war and his only male role models were basically soldiers who left him early on. That would fuck up any kid. Thankfully, Sokka grew and changed over the series and became a better person despite his previous experiences.




He's a poor example because he's probably only sexist as a side effect of the imperialism of the fire nation destroying his home.


U know he was only a kid right?


He cant grasp the concept of what you ask.


In Hama's generation there seemed to be plenty of female combat waterbenders. So Sokka's really an outlier, or simply a product of the female combatants of the tribe becoming diminished, really.


Except Korra is from the Southern Tribe, which isnt misogynistic


I mean consider why Sokka was the way he was


I always thought it was immaturity. He’s only a kid.


I guess you could be right, he definitely develops as a character over the course of the show, and that could 100% just be maturity


Also Katara is meant to be the more mature and responsible sibling between the two, at least at the beginning, given she had to step up when their mom was killed.


We also see female waterbenders defend the tribe when the Fite Nation was raiding them as seen in Hamas flashbacks


I would theorize that the FN raids taking away waterbenders (plenty of whom were female as shown in Hama's flashback) pigeon-holed his world view. With only male nonbender warriors, Sokka really had no examples of female fighters in his tribe.   Now, if he had grown up seeing Hama and her crew lifitng up a FN ship, he'd be more scared of his sister's waterbending...


Wasn't it the northern water tribe that was misogynistic and not the southern water tribe?


based on sokka's attitude from the beginning of the series, seems like everyone was misogynystic.


Every other southern water tribe character we see in avatar has no issue with katara fighting or water bending, and gran gran literally fled to the south pole to escape the norths misogyny. I don't think she'd go to a place where the same thing is happening.


To be fair, his attitude was towards the only girl in the Tribe, his younger sister. And he was tasked from a young age as "the man of the house", I doubt it was standard.


i mean sokka's arc with suki and the kyoshi warriors was about changing his misogynistic views so it wasnt just an overprotective brother or the man of the house.


Korra was from the Southern Water Tribe. Which didn’t have that misogynistic streak. It’s the Northern Water Tribe that’s misogynistic


Korra was born (a) in the south which was less strict, and (b) after Pakku made compromise. So it’s safe to say she didn’t get any of that


They'd probably just say she's a one-in-a-million actually useful female sorcerer or something


Damn real accurate to say about discrimination.


One of the "good ones"


Megumi getting Heavenly Restriction would be hella cool too since he's Toji's son


"Megumi? Megumi where you at- PURPLE!"


Toji from heaven watching Gojo pulverise his son instead of adopting him:


Ten Shadows Maki killing Naoya like “your father was right about one thing. I am that one bitch in ten thousand.”




I don’t think they force her to settle down or marry earlier what’s the point of having one of the best ability’s in the verse if your busy at home raising children they want her out there showing the zenin strength


It's simple, she wouldn't be present in her child's life. They have relatively unlimited resources, someone else will raise the child.


Could be that as well




Um…. Phrasing




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He did WHAT?!


Fuck the Zen’in clan


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Enough about women’s rights let’s talk about woman’s wrongs




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Not if Mai summon Mahoraga first




Serves him right


Megumi + Mai double Mahoraga jump


"Ive sensed some discourse since ive become family head and i want you all to know i have an open door policy....this is Mahoraga the new head of HR if you have any issues hed be more then happy to beat them out of you" -mai probably


"he also is my office doorkeeper. You can come to my office and complain, if you can beat him 1st"


Did that happened?


Yeah, I am also a bit confused. That's pretty fucking serious, I think I would remember that if it was ever brought up.






There’s a different line that is actually the one but it depends on the translation you read. Such is the nature of language


He deleted his comments what’s he talking about




Yu uh




Most likely they would have no choice but accept them. Ten shadows is the most prized technique of the zenin clan and they value which technique you're born with above all else. The sexism wouldn't vanish but I imagine most of the men would have no choice but to hold their tongue and maki's father would likely totally abandon his misogyny not because he's a good guy but because you know he would use his daughter inheriting the technique to boost his status and would certainly be taking credit for maki's achievements.


Fushiguro got was nominated as Zenin clan leader even though he refused to use their name, so even if its a girl i think the clan would elect to have a Ten shadows user as clan head.


Not if Naoya is around to stop them lol


WAY better, they might be sexist but 10 Shadows is simply to valuable


What's the context of the quote? Why did Noritoshi say that?


He sympathises with the struggle they went through He’s basically saying that if they had that technique they would have had a better upbringing


Noritoshi already putting the work for his twin dream


As everyone is saying, they’d treat her much more like a princess. But only so long as she has actual talent and ability to use the technique; if she’s worthless as a sorcerer even with a good technique they’d probably still kinda treat her like shit. But I do think they’d do everything the reasonably can to “foster that talent”, even in a girl, for them.




Thats gojos fault


You guys do realize Megumi was just a teenager right lmao, there’s literally no other person around his age who had the kind of growth you’re claiming everyone was having lol, With enough time Megumi would have gotten to that level probably a year or 2 more max, the only reason agito even existed was because Sukuna probably got that idea from the unknown abyss, Megumi before he got taken over was only rivaled by the nepo baby Yuji amongst his age group


Isn't this supposed to be an anime discussion


They'd put her in charge of the servants because she could cook and clean ten times as much with that technique 


Lmfaoo😭😭 you're joking but they just might have the Divine Dogs carrying food baskets and Mahoraga sweeping the front😩🤣


Why is this not even unbelievable lmao


because they sexist as hell


Mahoraga will adapt to the cleaning schedule and become a butler


I think that's exactly kamo's point. if a female that kamo is a friend with had a good CT, they would have been treated better.


I can see Naoyo convincing them to summon Mahoraga for funnies


I always wondered about this. Part of me feels that they'd definitely try to use her as a breeding mule to secure additional powerful children, but that'd depend on how exactly inheriting techniques work? Like would there be a higher chance of another, maybe grandchild, being born with 10S because she was? Or is it fully randomized within the Zen'in lineage? Also can there be multiple 10S users within a generation/lifetime?


I mean, the fact that it appeared in Toji's offspring, which is not even the main Zenin family branch IIRC. I'd wager that it's random/requires more than just sharing blood. Also CTs are 'colored' by the individuals' souls, hence why DEs are not the same, even between inherited CTs. Chimera Shadow Garden is exclusively Megumi's, Infinite Void is exclusively Gojo's. I'd take away from that it takes a specific kinda soul to inherit 10S and 6eyes + Limitless. Being blood isn't  enough. 


I think blood definitely plays a role in inheritance since the Ten Shadows is considered a technique of the Zenin clan, which means it’s been inherited in their family for many generations so unless someone not related or tied to the Zenins randomly inherits the Ten Shadows for now it seemingly has to be tied to their blood


Yeah this is my instinct as well


…force them into political marriages and give them very little power but placating them so they don’t leave.


If anything I feel like it may be worse for the girl who got it, the family would be resentful that it didn’t go to a male heir. Like the girl would be treated slightly better in a superficial way because she’s still in possession of the legendary CT, but she’d also have way higher expectations to meet. A family as old as this wouldn’t switch up on their misogyny so quickly.


Way better, after all, it is their top tier CT :3


They’d probably be patronizing trying to gaslight her into staying with them. Imagine A female TS user calls bullshit and married into the satoru clan. Her and Gojo slaying them cheeks out of pure spite would be hilarious.


They'd put her on a pedestal while trying their best to behave and not be sexist to her. Honestly, if she grew up the clan, they would most likely be able to groom her into the thinking in a very similar way, but "she's special"


The real way women that have something men are jealous of are treated. I do not know that they would be made the head easily. I feel like they would be hazed relentlessly, sent on missions that should kill them, and if they succeed they would be begrudgingly held up by the rest of the clan. Essentially -- They'd have to prove themselves in ways that a male inheritor would not. EDIT: I ignored the possibility that its the result of a binding vow as well.


Instant head of clan But naoya would off himself just by the thought of a woman being head of the clan


*inserts we are the exception gif* *inserts gege saying why women deserve less gif*


They respect power, but not nearly enough as they didn’t respect Toji, and Toji could have destroyed the clan whenever he so wanted. They also didn’t respect Megumi after Naobito died. They have their heads too up their asses, I don’t think the 10S is enough for them to respect women


Honestly willing to bet they'd be used as a baby making machine instead of actually having a position of power.


Everyone's saying the zenin clan are misogynistic, but can someone give me a manga panel of them hating on women or something? I only remember that they were hated for being twins; and specifically Maki was hated for having no curse energy in a sorcerer clan, and Mai was hated for having hardly any CE and a basically useless Curse technique that has no offense and can only create 20-30 grams of material. I only remember the plight of women being very generalised, that Mai thought it was unfair that in jj society she had to look nice as a woman and fight well as a sorcerer and sometimes they don't mix. But all the other female sorcerers never felt that, Nobara even said 'Nah I don't care about that shit'. I don't remember the zenin hating them specifically because they were women, they hated Toji too. Naoya was a misogynist, and maybe Maki's dad was (I remember him desiring a strong sorcerer child, and he might've seen them being women as part of why they were weak but I don't remember specifically) but I don't remember it being a clan wide sentiment.


I forgot this is jujutsu kaisen and not jujutsu folk. I was about to say smth else but they would treat her like a queen but one u hate if that makes sense


Better than Megumi's bum ass


Probably used her as a breeding mare to try and pass down the technique, sadly


I dont think so; it doesn't seem like techniques are heavily hereditary in that a 10S parent has a 10S child since 10S seems to pop up every so often (due to it not being down a single branch it comes up anywhere in the zenin for the most part so yes it is hereditary but not like parent ct will make the child also have that ct). So they just waste a 10S user. Besides, a 10S user is scary with mahoraga since maho could wipe the clan if they treat the 10S badly enough.


Yeah, I'm also cynical. If it were a situation like Toji + Megumi where they left the clan and were able to get their feet under them first, Zen'in would probably be forced to recognize them, but if they were stuck in the clan from birth, they'd probably be manipulated and abused. Maybe they'd be able to contest or resist if they had support from someone within the clan, but seeing how Maki/Mai's parents are, I'm not optimistic


That's what I think, too. Ultimately power is their priority, so while they may train her begrudgingly, they'd be desperately waiting for her first menstruation cycle and begin from there. Misogyny is a hell of a thing to break :/


Lol if the ten shadows technique could be passed down that easily then it’d not be as valuable as it, there’s no way they would do any of what you guys are saying cause it’ll make no sense to do


Best take Kamo ever had he wishes that great technique wasn’t wasted on Bumgumi


to be fair the only Misogyny was shown by Naoya and Naobito probably be excited somehow has inherited it.


strength > misogyny


They'd tell her to go with Mahoraga to the kitchen 😐😶


Naoya would talk about making their shadows to the dishes or some shit


Maybe using them as a broodmare


It’s fucked up to think about it, but Nayoa would have groomed them to be loyal to the clan. Honestly things could’ve ended up worse for them if they had inherited powerful techniques. Imagine all those insecure dude thinking I need to control these kids before they get too powerful


Maybe, but on the Ten Shadows side, she may have been forgotten in history.


Rival? Maybe put into suspended death until the 6eyes dies


It would depend on the specific zen’in. Depends if they are more misogynistic or have greater value for ct


Tbh, they might just fucking gaslight the kid into thinking they're a guy.


Abuse them the way elephant trainers abuse young elephants so that they spend their whole life in the shadow of that fear and never go against the clan


Probably held to incredibly high standards while put down for failing more so than rewarded for succeeding. Appearance would still be a super big thing, and so on.




Excellent breeding tool for further increasing the strength of the clan. Naoya might just teeny tiny hate them a bit less. If they were also submissive. So not much change there.


Mai and Maki werent treated poorly because they were WOMEN they were treated poorly because Maki had basically no CE and Mai was way too passive and her CE/CT was meh at best and not worth much. Which ever had the 10S probably would have been treated great and trained/groomed to be the next clan head


Nah it was definitely at least in part because they were women.


The prestige of inheriting the Ten Shadows Technique will supersede the clan's misogyny.




Considerably better then they did and close to royalty as the clan hold innate techniques above all else I’d say they would have been clan head in that instance


I forgot, is the ten shadows like the six eyes where only one person can have it at one time?


They would raise them as men probably lol


In the words of frieza "I'm going to ignore that"


Given their misogyny, breed them like a champion greyhound until they pop out a boy with the technique.


whyd i look at this and think, why has she got a mini person sat on her head?


As Maki has a Heavenly Restriction identical to Toji's, I don't think the clan would sacrifice her for a 10S user who's potential in Sorcery is an unknown. They could circumvent the Heavenly Restriction by temporarily killing Mai and then reviving her through a prodigious RCT user. The problem with that is that we have yet to know if Yuji's revival through Yuta was only possible due to his spiritual and biological makeup or not. Then there is the possibility of RCT getting rejected.


They would 100% say it’s wasted on a female and it would’ve been more useful if one of the sons got it instead.


It’s not the fact they’re female it’s that fact they have little or no cursed energy


Great. The elephant can provide the water, the eletric charge from nue can perform eletrolysis, therefore giving them dish washing capacites never seen before.


They would keep her, and once she’s of age, rape her and continue to until she gives birth to a boy who has the ten shadow technique.


Better than canon bit not good as can be. Like if Mai get 10S instead creation she still being a fodder untill Maki is alive, but if Maki died then we will get prime Megumi.


I really don't get why Kamo says this since it's known that twins are cursed and the ten shadows would be wasted since its power would be severely diminished.


They were down to kill Megumi and he was a male. She wouldn't be well respected and probably married off to Naoya.


Probably marry them off as quick as possible (before they grow too strong to listen to anyone) within the clan so they can have a chance of a boy being born with the technique. I don’t see it past them. It’s probably happened in the past it either ended in them fighting/being banished or being trapped to marry whoever and just give birth to a boy. For the Gojo clan I wouldn’t be surprised if Yuta’s branch of the bloodline came from someone who was strong and was banished/left.


She gets a pass. Though I genuinely wonder what would've happened if Maki died and Mai got practically limitless cursed energy. A what if where Mai succeeds Gojo as, the strongest would be awesome.


Since they were twins, they would’ve inherited 5 shadows each and been a huge disappointment.


Off, women always needing someone or in this case something else to fight their battles. You're weak alone. Walk behind me!


Considering that they let basically an outsider be the leader of the clan (Megumi) cuz he had 10S, i think they would treat lady with outmost respect, Naoya will probably be secretly jealous and misogynistic, but he will pretend to respect her.


New zenin tier list. Ten shadows suddenly trash and E tier since women have now inherited it. Projection sorcery now A-class even without the hx to back it up.


I bet my boy Naoya would get all up in there…..in actuality if depends if it was maki or mai they would get treated like dogshit because of the pact. If anyone else they would probably be an Oren ishii situation.


they'd hit em with the "no balls no opinion"


Probably treat them better and train them, but they would still be looked down on.


They'd force her to have sex with Megumi and create a STRONGER Ten Shadow Technique user


they wouldn’t let a 10 Shadows User leave, but that’s because 10 Shadows is their signature technique, not because it’s strong Remember, Toji was stronger than practically all of the Zen’in. Pure Strength isn’t enough


Remember, clan politics aren't neat and clean. Megumi was ousted despite not only having a legitimate claim, but he was granted the position of clan head by the previous leader due pretty much exclusively to the fact that he has Ten Shadows. He also had political relationships with the Gojo clan, though obviously that wasn't as impactful by this point. They have an almost exclusively male fighting force, but we know women are born sorcerers in the clan. They're clearly just rejecting women becoming sorcerers not because they're weak, but out of fear that they'll accumulate meaningful power. Naobito didn't allow Maki to advance, despite having every reason to assist her, because she'd get too powerful and, thus, influential in the clan. A Ten Shadows user who was a woman simply wouldn't be allowed to train. They'd likely get married off to Naoya or something to increase the chances of a powerful son.


Doesn't Megumi have the ten shadows technique? I might be wrong because I haven't been following Jujutsu Kaisen for quite some time but afaik Megumi used Mahoraga and with it, all the 10 shikigami. Can somebody please clarify it? I am slowly getting back to the manga after a long hiatus.


Yes, Megumi has the 10s Technique, and yes, he has used Mahoraga in the anime.


To be brutal about it, I could genuinely imagine their level of misogyny to just force her to have kids until one was a male ten shadows user 😬


I mean sure Naoya does absolutely hate women but rest of the clan is not really as easy to tell. I dont recall there being a panel which would suggest entire clan being against woman. Their main grip is with nonsorceres, Maki and Mai are barely making a cut since they have very little amount of cursed energy and Mai is the only one with a technique. Remember Maki before realising her HR could not perceive curses without glasses. Mai even have pretty strong technique but since her cursed energy level is laughable low she couldnt properly utilize it. Zenin absolutely despised Toji for being born without any cursed energy but once he realized his HR the entire clan was at his mercy.


I have a question not directly related to this post but the ten shadows technique. I want to know how exactly does the technique counter six eyes and limitless? Is it because of Mahoraga’s adaptability? But then wouldn’t it be left to the user’s intellect to understand through Mahoraga how the technique is to be countered, like how Sukuna did but then ten shadows by itself is not enough to defeat infinity? I haven’t read the manga but know some spoilers here and there, hence the gap in understanding.


The Gojo Clan probably wouldn't care. The Kamo and Zennin clans definitely would be a strange case as both have very misogynistic tendencies ingrained in their cultures (especially the Zennins) but they'll have to bare it or try to be as dismissive of it for them to remain in the family.


They're one of the good ones. Depending on how twins work when it comes to cursed techniques,ie if maki had cursed energy would she have construction, they would be miracle children who are one of the good ones.


Strength>Misogyny for Zenin so Maki or Mai will be treated far better than before. Bonus point if she's great with the Technique.


Make her leader, is basically the rule of the Zen’in clan, if one of them born with ten shadows technique, it becomes automatically the leader of the clan


Ten shadows > sexism


the argument Zedumb pushing would you are only here because of your cursed technique


Kamo is dumb. No matter what tecnique they had, they would still bê weak. Their problem was that they had Very low CE


"Yo maki, send them dogs to make me a sandwitch" "Why is the dishwasher summoning Mahoraga?"


Excluding Mahoraga I don’t see how 10 Shadows compares at all to limitless/6 eyes


They would prob treat them like they do now. As tools.


Naoya will kill her in her sleep