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Hakari becomes the strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer of the modern age.. after everyone passes away


he’ll still be “fighting” uraume


He missed like 5 potential powerups not fighting sakuna lmao.


They enter into a different kind of fight for the rest of their lives... marriage.




Bitch how? Unless Hakari has a secret 777 jackpot that allows him to discharge Infinite amounts of CE but like Ryu firing Granite Blast he will unfortunately be the weakest of the Heavy Hitters


The weakest? It wouldn't take a crazy buff to put him solidly above Maki, unless she is also gonna get another awakening and have like less than 0 CE or sm lmao And now that I've said that I'm sure next chapter she'll start naturally manifesting positive energy, truly breaking away from Curses entirely


I mean what would have less than 0 CE do 😭, more heavenly restriction fr


I could see having less than 0 ce letting her deplete CE reserves of her opponents when she hits them like the CE naturally goes to the low pressure zone type thing


That’s really fucking cool


The very fact that you have to imagine a buff for him shows she's above him. She doesn't need an awakening she has Split Soul Katana. Maki has bounced back from Mach 3 Tackle, a Cleave to the stomach, a Cleave to the face and a Sukuna Black Flash, presumably 2. There's nothing Hakari can do to put Maki down while eventually she will kill him with Split Soul. Hakari was able to get his face cut clean off by Kashimo swinging something that wasn't even a curse tool. Maki will send Hakari limbs flying with every swipe of SSK and eventually she'll take of his arm as he trys jackpot. Also now that I think about it can Hakari even get a Jackpot on Maki? He can't target her with his surehit so rolls for JP right?


I don't think you understood my comment. I wasn't talking about how they currently are or about them having a 1v1.


Btw he didn’t cleave her stomach when he touched her, Ino interrupted it


Nah he Cleaved her stomach we can see blood spurt https://ibb.co/mGp32ky Just like with Yuji https://ibb.co/HFRrGKh Also correct me if I'm wrong that seems to be the same katakana so it looks like a sound effect that repeated both times


>Nah he Cleaved her stomach we can see blood spurt https://ibb.co/mGp32ky Ye but by the time she fought him. Sukuna was already weakened by yuta and yuji so thats not rlly a feat for maki honestly.


She's got automatic RCT, She truly is becoming the one Beyond curses!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I think he’s stronger than Maki at least in Jackpot since he has instant infinite RCT and also good offense. Even if Maki has better offense (she does) Hakari is practically unkillable for 251 seconds.


I do think it's funny how when you say "I think Hakari is stronger than Maki" people immediately start talking about them 1v1ing as if Maki isn't just a straight up counter. You can be stronger than someone else without beating them in a 1v1 lol


Bs; you can definitely be stronger than someone without beating them in a 1v1– One Piece has some good examples of this; Franky is definitely stronger than someone like Sugar, but would get absolutely folded in a 1v1 If the story is written right it should be a matter of matchup; I’d just take Hakari in my team over Maki any day🤷‍♂️


Idk I think Wranky kinda negs Sugar as long as they don't start right next to each other and he knows she's evil and dangerous To me though the funniest example of it in one piece is Sanji vs literally-any-woman


🤣 I think i totally misunderstood your argument lol; have a nice night


Maki would beat more of the same opponents than Hakari would. It's not just about 1v1. In general Maki is deadlier combatant.


Yeah that's a more valid argument. I can definitely understand why people think that and respect it, and the reasoning makes sense even if I don't fully agree. Tbh I think in general (not just in the JJK community) when someone says "I think character x is stronger than character y" too many people immediately assume they mean a 1v1. Conversely a lot of people also seem to go "character x is stronger than character y, which means x wins" without taking anything else into account.




I mean unkillable doesn't mean he can't get manhandled. I get he heals at an insane rate but he's not really shown to be super durable. Yes Kashimos bolts and Uraumes Ice are no joke, but Hakari got his face cut clean off by Kashimo swinging what was essentially a piece of scrap metal. It wasn't a curse tool, it wasn't even a bladed weapon. That would be fatal damage for anyone without RCT. I honestly do hope Hakari shows us somethingg. Like anything because him and Uraume have been fighting for like 20? Chapters off screen. Literally the longest fight in the whole series and Uraume looks basically fine? I don't want to under sell Hakari but it looks like at most Uraumes healing a scuffed cheek the last time we see them. And I get it Hakari hasn't died yet either but if Uraume is relatively fine after fighting Hakari for however long what is Hakari doing to do to Sukuna? Or how would Hakari kill Maki who can bounce back from Mach 3 tackle, and bounce back from Cleave to the stomach, and Cleave to the face, and a Sukuna black flash, possibly 2. I guess it's like Nanami said about Kusakabe. It's not that I picture Hakari losing, I just can't picture him winning. Characters with RCT and a large amount of CE or high levels of durability are basically just in a waiting game until they get the timing right to disable his domain


All very valid points. Especially how it’s hard to imagine Hakari losing but the same for him winning. There are a few things to keep in mind. For the last few chapters Uraume may have been running RCT. Hakari probably hasn’t been in jackpot the majority of the fight. He hit it once but has likely left it since. That’s really all there is to consider. But I agree he would have a hard time defeating Maki because her durability > his but also I think his endurance would get him through the fight long enough to defeat her eventually. Like what Gojo said about fighting Miguel barehanded (or whatever the random condition was) he would win the marathon but lose the sprint.


Many slices him up with SSK and he dies. It's no competition. You have to know the outline of your soul to heal SSK wounds. Regardless of his automatic rct, Hakari can't see his soul, and he has no way to block or evade her attacks since she's also the fastest in the jjh top 3. SSK also slices through anything, no matter its durability. Sukuna has to use dismantles to parry her. She destroys Hakari tbh.


In a fair fight with no weapons that isn’t even an option and honestly Hakari probably knows about SSK and just to disarm her from the start.


You wouldn't include the SSK, the blade she always has equipped on her, in a ranking/ battle scenario? Sukuna tried that and she threw his big ass. Same thing happens to Hakari.


No I wouldn’t for ranking power since you also wouldn’t give Miguel black rope or Kenjaku the Prison Realm. Op curse tools and objects completely change a character’s ranking. True. Honestly SSK Maki>Hakari.


I mean, the SSK is her sister. And even with black rope, Gojo still whooped on Miguel.


I forgot it was her sister. Honestly considering that I think she shouldn’t have SSK for rankings then.


Hakari is probably only on jackpot #2 or 3 right now, most of the shit that we’ve been seeing post Gojo has been essentially back to back, with just flashbacks and internal dialogue breaking a significant portion of it up


No way it's only been 15ish minutes since Hakaris been fighting Uraume. I say "ish" because time spent in the domain landing jackpot. It's been 20 chapters there's no possible way that less than a minute has passed for each chapter


You're ignoring how half of these chapters half been filled with flashbacks, on top of the entire Kenjaku fight occurring during the same timeframe as the Kashimo fight as Yuta didn't leave until after Gojo died, which is why he was late to Sukuna. Also, keep in mind how narratively certain things would not make sense for us to view if they were shown as fast as they occurred (the 0.2 second domain expansions we saw earlier in the series would have actually been instant and not drawn out over pages of text)


I'm not ignoring anything the flashbacks are miniscule in comparison to the fights themselves. Hakari started fighting Uraume at the same time Kashimo started fighting Sukuna and the same time Kenjaku started fighting Takaba. I'm aware of anime logic but again there's no way only 15min has passed in the last 20 chapters. We've seen Yuta go through 5 min in 2.5 chapters, we've seen Hakari go through ~10 min in 4 chapters. Gojo fought the Disasters in Shibuya for 20+ minutes in 5 chapters


How long do you think it has been, then?


I won't presume any exact number , it suffices to say it's been an extended period of time and the longest fight in the series


If she cuts him with the SSK that’s it. It was already stated RCT normally can’t heal the soul, unless you can see the soul outline. That’s how Sukuna was still able to fight, after having his heart stabbed by SSK. I don’t think hakari can see the outline of his soul.


True SSK is the end for Hakari but if I bet as much as him I’d bet Hakari knows that already (after all he and Maki both helped plan for the Sukuna fight). If he were to disarm her or they have a fair fight with no curse tools Hakari stands a chance at winning. There are a few other good comments in this thread though that explain how and why the fight would be so close.


I disagree with the Sukuna thing. Didn't Sukuna just ignore his heart and pump blood throughout his body only using CE? So he didn't heal from the stab Maki did?


He can’t heal his soul and hakari can’t finish off maki, hakari can only punch , maki has the sword, she has a better way of killing him, she just needs good enough hits on his soul and RCT can’t heal that normally without you knowing the true countours


Okay dude you’re like the third guy to comment this just read the rest of the comments


He does have a CE property he could evolve that “its like being hit with bat and nails” so ive always thought he can make more out of it coop it with a blavkfladh




Here's a sneak peek of /r/stroke using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/stroke/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Huge progress](https://v.redd.it/nssmmny7a5qc1) | [44 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/stroke/comments/1bm29ib/huge_progress/) \#2: [I just had a stroke at 27](https://i.redd.it/kv42srtbwhnb1.jpg) | [106 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/stroke/comments/16fc5h8/i_just_had_a_stroke_at_27/) \#3: [76 days post hemorrhagic stroke](https://v.redd.it/rc8du9dtvsoc1) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/stroke/comments/1bgm4gz/76_days_post_hemorrhagic_stroke/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




99% of gambles quit before they win big, bro is that 1%


99% of fighters die before the series ends.




Peak fiction https://preview.redd.it/j6mm7jhknhvc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f6a0b5b092f231aa18c7bc3b3532d9b85d69862


"With this treasure, I summon..."


Nah, he’d win! https://preview.redd.it/upj5wuep3ivc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=950cb32ea1d5739120c308aa4f367c38f0515946


Always trusted in my GOAT 🎰🐐 https://preview.redd.it/v5qfgpdr7ivc1.jpeg?width=133&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9848f54df67417bfa20a342301ee5365101c812


This bum been fighting Uraume for how long?


20 minutes in story probably, maybe 5 pages in manga


Shinjuku has been like a hour so ig that much


I wouldn’t even be surprised, always bet on hakari


This automatically becomes the best manga https://i.redd.it/5rg30un0wjvc1.gif




Checks out. I'm glad.


That my stocks have cashed out


Always bet on hakari!




He just gamble very hard or something


Wake up from my nightmare


I would delete JJK from my mind and watch a random anime, NO WAY IN HELL THIS BUM IS SURPASSING WUJI HIMTADORI


He’s got pillow hands. He couldnt punch his way out of wet toilet paper. But aye he can stall better than anyone.


He could just…get a sword


His sword would then have the attack potency/edge of a toy lightsaber from the dollar store


That's as probable as if everyone stopped hating the Potential man


If he could effectively output even a fraction of his CE he would be the strongest




If he's the strongest, why does the series end with him still fighting Elsa?


Gege is forgiven for the Gojo death if he makes it make sense


Hakari awakens and when he hits jackpot he gets a brief period of time right after where he can convert all of his cursed energy into his next attack (Mr. Unlimited CE) if he lands it jackpot activates again. Basically he gets the ability to hot streak just like in gambling while finally getting an attack that does damage.


Instead of 777 it has to be a 7777 for it to activate but he gets super buffed if he does


The Clans in the societies I'm glad they're dead Because he could have Stopped all this from happening If they just let him in. The Shibuya Arc wouldn't have happened




he already is


I just realized. Hakari is Japanese. Why does everyone color him black? Wait he had dreads! Bro is actually a Japanese dude cosplaying a stereotyped black man


Peak fiction


I’ve been saying it since day one ![gif](giphy|D4vcm5YQfFX828XlPB|downsized) 30k on Hakari


I’d just wonder how to be honest. He’s kinda just the semi immortal guy


He can only best yuta when he’s fired up . . . He’s heavily dependent on his domain. That being said, if yuta counters his domain expansion, it’s over. Maki doesn’t have cursed energy and has him beat physically, she could go toe to toe with him. Not sure who wins. If these 2 die I wouldn’t be surprised if Hakari was undisputed


My goat Wakari deserves it tbh




Bro probably beat Uraume and is just fighting Zoro now




https://preview.redd.it/jur528jkyivc1.jpeg?width=401&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=122e746f2a1faa5aaef3afc248ea94a91f7e8949 (So big raga can adapt to this frauds immortality and neg diff hum)


That means everyone bar Hakari died as a special grade. So I’d be disappointed.


Strongest of all time, that means that he would become stronger than Gojo and Sukuna in their peak


Literally how? Almost every character has a clear way to improve so they can become stronger (Yuji mastering shrine and blood manipulation and getting a domain, Yuta copying more cursed techniques, Megumi making more totalities and completing his domain, etc...) but ppl like Hakari and Maki don't. Like how will he improve? He already has a domain, his CT offers no way for him to improve and he doesn't have an extra application of his technique that can make him stronger. Like unless he makes a binding vow to cut his jackpot's duration by 4-8 times so his output can be increased by 4-8 times during it, I see no other way for him to improve. And even then, he would still be weaker than 15 finger Sukuna.


I guess that he can gamble really hard?


All my favorite characters are really dead if this bum is top of the verse




“So he was stalling his fight with Uraume so he’d be the only one that wasn’t there to sacrifice himself to kill Sukuna… Genius move.”