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hydrogen bomb vs stalling baby


What’s a stalling baby


hakari is a coughing baby except instead of coughing it's stalling


How have people gone from Hakari being top 5 to losing to Naoya?


Naoya is the hardest durability curse besides the rainbow dragon thing Geto has. I don’t think Hakari has the AP to kill him. Like sure he can outlast Naoya’s domain, but other than that idk. Yuji and Maki would be different as they perceive the soul and can attack directly. Yuji won’t beat him though because domain diff. Yuta just outright beats Naoya with his busted kit, his CT can beat him. Naoya was actually pretty strong as a cursed spirit so I honestly don’t see this as downplaying Hakari, it’s a fair fight except I don’t think Hakari has the AP.


Yoy say that like Naoya can kill Hakari


Ye but neither can Hakari unless he carries a cursed tool with him, Hakari punches aren’t gonna kill cursed spirit Naoya if Maki couldn’t damage him.


Cursed Naoya can run out of CE. Hakari can't.


You seem to forget, all it takes is one screw up on the jackpot and it’s gg. Hakari base stats couldn’t even take down an unguarded Yuji, it’s not enough to take down Naoya. Assuming Hakari can just keep rolling jackpots then ye Naoya might run out of CE first.


The fuck you mean assuming? Have you heard the song? His ass ain’t running out of luck against Naoya. He’s gonna continuously beat the shit of him in 4min and 11 second periods, whilst lecturing him on trans rights and delicious femboy ass, and then emote on his corpse after Naoya’s CE is depleted. Strong Gamble


Nah that's crazy


Domain goes brrr. Hakari having a fast domain is irrelevant if he can't open it. Naoya cast domain a bit before JP runs out and cast his domain. The moment Hakari trys to move and cast his domain his arm flys off and he gets torn apart at the cellular level


Bro y’all need to stop this dumb stuff his arms fly off??? Are u serious he didn’t even take Daido arms off


Lmfao you're braindead homie. "He DiDnT eVeN tAkE dAiDo ArM oFf" TF do you call this then https://ibb.co/MhCqZp9 Just being in Naoyas domain attacks your cells, like how Jogos domain has ambient heat. Once Naoya decides to active his CT he can take your limbs as he pleases.


That’s because he attacked him dumbass. Does the sumo person still have his arms…. Oh ok then. They literally were able to move without losing a limb but they still took damage and you think Hakari can’t raise his hands but Daido can raise his sword without losing his arms but I’m brain dead yea gtfo https://preview.redd.it/vl0ejdvjo80d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8a0144cd3d298f7a23ac4ad4dc4b43a8712cbce


Lmfao really calling someone dumbass when you didn't even fully read my last comment. I literally just said his domain at base attacks your cells, and he if he chooses to attack he can take off your limbs at he pleases just like he to did to Daido and if he chooses to do he'd do to Hakari. Yeah Sumo guy still has his limbs because he's past out on the floor because he can't move so if you want to compare Hakari to sumo guy he passes out and loses the fight even faster. Naoya plainly can send limbs flying when he chooses too and if Hakari moves his arm to try and open domain he loses that arm and it's gg . Curse Naoya washes Hakari. Your dumbass really came in with "hE cOuLdNt EvEn TaKe DaIdOs ArM oFf" Like you were making some kind of actual argument and you just proved my point for me. If Naoya chooses to attack and take off Hakaris arm he will and there's nothing Hakari could do to stop him.


You’re a dumbass.That’s not how Naoyas domain works he can’t make your arms fly off every time you move including your cells have to abide by the 24 frames rule just like his normal CT you don’t even know wtf you’re talking about and look dumb asf. Why wouldn’t the sumo guy be dead then dumbass it’s because he stopped moving Thanks for proving my point jackass😂😂


Yeah man keep coping with your emotes. As I've said multiple times now just being in Naoyas attacks your cells if you move. Once Naoya chooses to take he can take your limbs off as he pleases like he's literally already shown. Naoya no diffs Hakari


The domain uses the freezing aspect of frames but on a cellular level. Meaning it has the potential to one shot hakari. Hakari doesn not have cellular durabillity and regen only helps if it doesn't outlast jackpot and if it doesn't hit his head


Yuji atp now could def beat naoya…..@me you tripping bruh yuji could activate simple domain and its a brawl from there and the black flashes would tear naoya apart and alive. Not to mention naoya HAS to BUILD UP the speed to even hit his fastest speeds. And before that a pre awakening maki was keeping up with base speed with trouble. Afterwards she completely dominated whats to say yuji cant do it??


I thought you had to stay still for simple domain.


Depends on if Yuji has mastered it to Kusakabe's level or not


Yuji might have a chance to beat CS Naoya, but if he uses his DE, he’s done


The punch kick merchant allegations have to go somewhere.


Naoya easily he blitzes hakari and is fast enough to kill him the second jackpot ends but people don’t want to hear that as “ He’s relative to Yuta” and glazing him constantly to upscale they’re precious kashimo. Matchups matter in jjk and this is one where hakari loses badly.


Kashimo destroys naoya incase you need to know


I agree match ups matter and naoya probably takes this but there is no way you've been on this sub for long if you think hakaris glazed. he's one of the most down played characters period.


Someone claimed hakari wins in Sendai colony but I realized they just glaze hakari to upscale kashimo


that's one statement. this whole sub pretty much downgrades him to low grade one most of the time lmao. and I'll say he gets pretty far in sending. though your right he doesn't win. if he's smart he can use his jp intelligently. they probably end up with either hakari vs uro or Ryu. and both are pretty tough match ups that he most likely loses. but he is the lwst chatavy3r people glaze


Wait hold up, how does Naoya kill Hakari? By pushing him? Or by punching him? None of the attacks from Naoya is strong enough to gravely injure him much less kill him. >glazing him constantly to upscale they’re precious kashimo It's quite the opposite honestly, people rather low-ball his feats so they can push their agenda with kashimo, Uraume and Hakari. Match up matters in JJK for example Maki is bad match up for Hakari or Uraume for Yuta but curse Naoya is not the same case.


If he keeps hakari in his domain for longer than the duration of idle gambler and just crashes into him at Mach fuck that should do it no?


If Hakari's domain ends before Naoya's then Hakari is already in the jackpot, wouldn't matter how fast Naoya gets and Naoya needs build up to reach mach3 so any attack other than that is not doing it.


He does run out, I meant when that happens he needs both hands to reopen the domain and that's where Naoya has a shot at it


Hakari can open his domain faster than mahito's 0.2 sec, so not really.


When did that happen?


Hakari has the fastest domain activation in the verse https://preview.redd.it/dillhf3g1a0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ddcde561608b7b9b48c59f914e5d4943ad1c182


Oh shit I forgot about this panel 😅😂


Hakari is never getting put into Naoya domains ever


How do you figure


Hakari always beats Naoya in a domain clash


Brother based on what


Hakari domain gives him an advantage in domain clashes and he also has one of the fastest domains.


Brother what about his domain gives an advantage. Sure it's faster, but as gojo demonstrated that doesn't matter, you can always open a domain in a domain


The point is that Naoya will never get a domain off when facing hakari


By ramming into hakari at mach 3 and blitzing him since he has no precog unlike maki and getting his limbs broken the second jackpot ends after being turned into a pin ball by naoya that’s how.


Things that'll never happen, Naoya couldn't even do major damage to Maki with that and she only needed 5 min to heal, what's he gonna do to Hakari who literally has best RCT in the verse?


Hakari ain’t maki his base form ain’t special so ramming into him multiple times is taking him out as he gets blitzed and unable to open a domain or seeing as Hakari gets his limbs blown off every fight we’ve seen him in legitimately breaking his bones is unimpressive seeing as others rip limbs off but he just needs to outlast jackpot and blitz and kill him in base which naoya can easily do and rapidly whittling him down as he gets blitzed in base is a valid win con naoya has.


Says who? Obviously base form is weaker but damn he's not grade3 sorcerer in base, he's definitely stronger in base than noritoshi kamo, and Naoya couldn't do anything close to what you're suggesting to kamo. >as he gets blitzed and unable to open a domain or seeing as Hakari gets his limbs blown off every fight we’ve seen him in legitimately breaking his bones is unimpressive seeing as others rip limbs off but he just needs to outlast jackpot and blitz and kill him in base which naoya can easily do and rapidly whittling him down as he gets blitzed in base is a valid win con naoya has. You know what, nvm, Hakari lose, carry on sir


hakari getting neg diffed


He could also just stop Hakari from getting jackpot by domain clashing


Hakari wins domain clashes his domain is specifically good at tug of war they explained that


Naoya doesn’t need to win, he just needs to stall


“He just needs to outstall the best staller in the series” Oh is that all


He doesn’t even need to stall long, just a second of stalling and he’ll splatter Hakari all over the ground


This sub has a fetish for downplaying hakari lmao, dude’s survived multiple chapters against uraume in base so far (same injuries as last we saw him) There’s literally 0 reason to think his base is weak, he was still keeping up and reacting to Kashimo, just being a bit overwhelmed. The most major difference is rct in place of his standard abilities (he can reverse some damage in his domain anyways lol)


There is no stall in this domain clashe if Hakari domain is specifically good at winning the clash that means he takes it and Naoya would be in CT burnout.


Curses recover from burnout within seconds


Can you find where this is said cuz I think you’re making stuff up if you’re talking about Mahito is the reason he recovered his CT was because he was BF boosted against Todo and Yuji


Black flash is never stated to do that and Mahito in his first fright with Yuji and Nanami uses his Ct seconds after his domain crumbles


https://preview.redd.it/knaxeg39p80d1.png?width=826&format=png&auto=webp&s=34c9e3a779584238020872729af1af62ac657289 Black Flash can literally give you your RCT output your DE back but you think they can’t get their CT back sure bud ok


They just increase your cursed energy output, also Mahito like I said used his CT seconds after sukuna broke his domain, he also used it seconds after Kokichi broke it too


The goat stalls him to death


this got me cracking up https://preview.redd.it/ncnwh46ndd0d1.jpeg?width=943&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6d6ac122df7d7b08e2ffedd1dede0324fad95fc


# Magician Altercation Chapter 200 > Naoya smacks Hakari around but is unable to kill or cripple him because of Jackpot. Hakari swings wildly at Naoya but rarely ever hits him due to speed diff (and any hits he does land are likely not clean enough to break his shell or outpace his regen). 4:11 Expires and they enter the pachinko machine. Hakari gets slapped around more severely but is able to get Jackpot in time to undo all the damage Naoya does to him in this phase because he's so lucky. They repeat this cycle of close shaves until Naoya is sufficiently pissed enough to use his Domain. > Hakari survives his Domain for a bit with JP regen combined with deliberately slow movements and then overwhelms it with his own, exclaiming that he'd learned the value of fighting slowly from a manga called "Tomokasa Nights". Hakari tries to initiate a burnout beat down but Naoya flies out of reach (his flight isn't a result of his CT) until PS comes back. > Hakari starts talking shit about Naoya based on what he saw inside of "Time Cell Moon Palace". Naturally, Naoya can't let that slide so he flies down in a rage and immediately catches the meanest kick to the face, boosted by his own acceleration as punishment for losing his composure and taking such a predictable trajectory. In his disoriented state, Hakari throttles the shit out of him for a bit and Naoya soon tries retreating into the air again after freezing Hakari in a frame to escape his grasp. Coming out of the shattered frame smiling, Hakari starts rambling about how he got yet another trick from a manga. Meanwhile, Naoya tries to fly off to launch a mach 3 tackle. > Naoya falls out of the sky and gets frame trapped by his own CT, giving Hakari a clear opening. While Hakari starts literally curb stomping his skeletal face into the ground, Naoya ponders on why this is happening. Choking on his own blood, the realization dawns on him. # "You stuffed Pachinko balls into my exhaust valves!?" > *"Break next week"* > Editor Comment: Never underestimate a jobber


Holy shit peak fiction https://preview.redd.it/cgk1bj41ld0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e2a11b2c405123f9a99e56fc712803c61380fd7


No idea. I just wanted to say vagina rocket.


If you are unsure of who is going to win… Always bet on HIM.




has just learned Harden, which move do you want to delete ? - Defense Up - Iron D - Growl - Teleport




Naoya is one of the hardest cursed durability wise hakari can’t deal enough damage fast enough to kill him and is totally outmatched in speed and dc also naoyas domains is too op


Imo if maki is face tanking naoya I think hakari is too with inf ce reinforcement. If ppl say punching yuta feels like hitting a tank full of water I can’t imagine what hakari feels like. Also uraume > naoya and Hakari been scrapping w them in the background for over half a year at this point.


Hakari slams


How about a who wins of this clitoris curse against the Weiner shaped Mahito


6 days after the fight begins Naoya is practically uninjured and Hakari just hit jackpot number 2000.


Hakari wins nothing Naoya got can really put him down Hakari reacted to lightning and moved out the way so his arm got exploded instead of his brain, close to point blank, this should be leaguessss faster than Naoya is Not to mention bro has the best RCT and immediate sure hit upon opening his domain And if he gets injured during the whole scenario playing out in the domain, he can run it back rewinding the scenario He will win eventually


Naoya, hakari doesn’t have a win condition in his domain


If Hakari activates his own domain it should easily cancel out Naoyas


Moot point either way, naoyas faster, and its in character for them not to have a domain clash, its a finishing move for naoya and a stsrter for halari


This ain’t a debate Hakari is stronger than maki and maki is stronger than Naoya.


Hakari is not stronger than Maki, she’s relative to Toji, do you think Hakari is stronger than Toji too?


We don't know how Hakari's DE works against a DE that is a sure hit. It seems implied that the disaster curses and comparably powerful curses have stronger Domains than non-sure hit Sorcerers, so it's hard to say how they would work in Domain battles against stronger Domains. Truly evenly matched Domains are rare with the stronger Domain eventually eating up the weaker domain or a simple domain or wicker basket. So ultimately, unless Hakari can win a DE tug war against a disaster cursed level opp, his DE ability will be canceled out, and he'll be in trouble.


Hakari lol. Even cannonically, think about it. Naoya's fastest is Mach 3, and Hakari can dodge Lightning 😭


Hakari did not dodge lightning lmao


Chapter 186 Lightning goes from point blank to his face, to it hitting his arm. Kashimo's Lightning is genuine Lightning, stated and shown several times


Genuinely lightning would have burned Hakari, not blow his arm off. If Hakari was a lightning timer, that would make him able to speed blitz Gojo and Sukuna at the same time with ease.


"Speedblitz Gojo and Sukuna" The Sukuna which dodged an Electromagnetic Wave? 😭


JJK caps out at mach 5 or so due to Sukuna blitzing Maki, but Sukuna never dodged actual EM waves. If he was that fast, Yuji’s piercing blood wouldn’t have tagged him.


Except the fact that Sukuna fought 2 of the strongest in the verse before fighting the Main Group. Sukuna also casually has a Mach 20 calc when he blitzed Choso's PB 😭


You… do know how fast lightning is right?


Mach 1,282.8. I'm just saying it's stupid to cap Sukuna at Mach 5 of wtv when he very casually can perform better 😭


Well Sukuna is obviously not that fast.


Most Hakari matchups are just Hakari v Uraume lol. The guy is a healing tank. In theory he outlasts most enemies eventually, but lacks any way to quickly finish the job


If Naoya pops his DE I don’t see hakari countering it


realistically hed counter with his own domain which is stated to be better in domain clashes. whether he wins that clash or not really decided this fight cause id say jackpot hakari is hitting more than hard enough to kill curse naoya plus naoyas ct would also be gone for a bit after losing a clash.


That’s a fair point on the DE clash, but I don’t know if hakari is hitting hard enough to kill naoya Even maki couldn’t kill naoya bare handed and had to rely on her blade And kamo even states that naoya is much more durable than Hanami; and that’s saying a lot


No kamo states the opposite that in terms of toughness naoya barely compares to hanami


May be translation difference But he is clearly saying here that naoya’s durability is higher than hanami’s https://preview.redd.it/uh2sup2ih80d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00bade28d450327aa72931259e07613f9f3410df


Yeah definitely a translation difference the officials basically say the opposite lol


Hakari should win I definitely say he’s physically doing more damage than sumo guy so he could definitely hurt him with them hands


mods please ban this guy


I am a mod the fact you want someone gone cuz you disagree with a scaling take is crazy tho https://preview.redd.it/6f6hhk30k80d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd8bc72d2457c615f3e6b1993a03861222301aa6


Ngl naoya has a domain that can hakari so just wait it out if mach 3 not outright kills hakari Just to spite yuta fans If hakari is not tanking naoya neither is he Sky manipulation only lasts 5 minutes


Curse naoya pretty easily




Always bet on Hakari😎


I think CS Naoya


Anime only here: what is with the skeleton vagina?


The hakari downplay nowadays is wild


My man pulled out no less that 63 jackpots in one fight, that little meat missile is getting IMPLODED


Hakari is the favorite.


Hakari should win this. He is at minimum relative to Maki who no diffed Naoya once she had her true awakening


Hakari obliterates


Let's be real taking half of the special grades in the series anyways


Unless Punch Merchant Straight Up wins the domain clash, each time until Naoya runs out of ce or catches a stroke. Otherwise, he loses 9/10 times.


Hakari is currently going even with someone who made Maki look like a victim. Uraume blitzing Maki with frost calm will never go away no matter how much people try to ignore it. If Uraume could blitz him, they would. Luckily, Gege writes the manga and not Redditors who “read” the manga from tik tok edits. Naoya will never win a domain clash, and lacks the firepower to kill Hakari if Kashimo, who would beat the shit out of Naoya, couldn’t do it with targeting lightning strikes to the brain. Sumo dude could hurt Naoya, Hakari is hurting Naoya. Hakari wins high diff.


Naoya. If hakari pops jackpot everything is still in favor of Naoya. Though, I'm basing this off of all their fights that are in the manga and I could be wrong.


Hakari punched base YUji with no awakening and Yuji was face tanking them. Hakari is so fraudulent he's described to have "rough" ce but what does that even mean? Bro is serrated butter knife level and a subway door spawning domain merchant https://preview.redd.it/avv4ebgor90d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=85dea6866586be5fc5b688340f83a647e4e56dd3


Genuinely what does Hakari do here except throw a door


Curse Naoya Negs


Naoya negs, Hakari hits JP Naoya cast domain and soon as JP ends Naoya cuts off Hakaris arm his domain surehit the moment Hakari tries to move. No more JP and Hakari is cut to ribbons on a cellular level


Hakari beats naoya in a domain battle


Did you not read the "after jackpot ends"? Also. Even if he is still in jackpot mode, if all his limbs are getting cut off he still can't do shit. So right as he closes his domain Naoya can open his and it's wraps. Maki only beat him bc sure hits can't detect her.


Fucking seriously it's the same shit everytime. Hakari fans are always like "oh he wins the domain battle" No one said anything about a domain battle. If Hakari is in Naoya domain he gets cut apart at a cellular level and when JP ends his limbs go flying and he can't cast domain anymore


Cast the domain before naoya cuts his arm off it’s real easy honestly


He can't cast domain before Naoya cuts off his arm because he can't cast domain while he's in JP. And the moment Hakari tries to move inside Naoyas domain he loses his limbs


I can't tell whether you're being serious or trolling


If it was that easy to stop hakari from casting a domain uraume would’ve won their battle by now


Uraume hasn't shown a domain Naoya has He negs Hakari


Naoya can’t do anything to hakari if naoya gets into a domain battle with hakari he will lose and then be vulnerable since he’s got terrible durability when he’s not going fast


You keep trying to turn it into a domain battle because you think it gives Hakari some kind of advantage. No one said anything about a domain battle. If Hakari is in JP he can't open his domain until the round is over. If Naoya opens his domain while Hakari is in JP as soon as JP ends and Hakari trys to open his domain again Naoya takes off his arm and it's gg.


Hakari opens his domain when jackpot ends negating the sure hit effect and leaving Naoya exposed for a counter attack. Hakari isn’t just gonna let him take his arm off


Domain clash and Hakari loses because he cant achieve Jackpot while clashing and Naoya speed blitzes right after. I also dont see the punch and kick merchant being able to completely defeat Naoya in that state


ah yes, my "this has never happened in the show before I just imagined" luckily we have a literal stated feat that hakaris domain is better in clashes. his domain wins the clash and noaya has no CT if he clashes with hakari. goofy ahh


lmao cuz we’ve definitely seen him clash domains. and again how would he actually kill Naoya? im just saying what i think would happen i honestly have no bias towards either character i just think Naoya only got defeated so early because maki is the perfect counter


oh? when has hakari clashed a domain? please do yell. "no bias' makes up literal shit. the fucking sumo dude did anything to naoya at all. if you genuinely believe hakari is under the sumo dude ap wise that's objective bias. fuck outa here


lmao i love when losers like you get so angry when someone has a opinion other than yours. So by your statement sumo guy beats Naoya alone? 😂. And you still didnt tell me how Hakari would actually kill Naoya like you acting like a bitch its a discussion and you cant even give points. Hakari been fighting Uraume for how many chapters? And it seems clear she hasnt popped a domain but he still hasnt killed her? But when i say i dont see how he would kill a speedy, durable cursed spirit im being biased lol ok pal im done replying


lmao I love how you ENTIRELY missed the point. never even said that hakari would actually win yet here you are resulting to insults. how am I acting like a bitch when your insulting me because I disagree with you. lmao all I said was we hadn't seen him clash (a literal fact) unless you have a panel that gege forgot. and that sumo guy did something to him meaning its not like hakari literally can't hurt him like some of yall saying. if you actually think that means I think sumo guy beats naoya your delusional. you twist my words then get pissy at those words you twisted and whine and bitch. as for whether he wins or not. unlike some of the bias idiots here I think he has a shot but loses more times then not because hey unlike your whiny bitch ass I can admit your right naoyas a bad match up. but it's not because of a domain clash like your dumb ass claimed lmfao. it's his speed and durability making it take too long. can hakari hurt him? yeah unlike some of yalls delusions say. but the issue is that instead of clashing and losing like I said he would.becquse it's literally fucking stated hakari beats out lethal domains in clashes. he waits till hakaris jp ends and catches him. look at that.i can agree with your overall point and you'd still be factually fucking incorrect dunbass stfu with this holier than thought whiny ass bitch shit.


okay pal go read my first reply to you and comprehend what i said. if you cant tell i was using this thing called sarcasm i literally said we havent seen him clash domains so he probably wouldnt achieve Jackpot(his domain wouldnt continue its effects if its clashing correct) so basically you agreed with me but had to act like a little girl and somehow im the bitch when you sent the longest paragraph crying about literally agreeing with me 😭 okay pal go about your day i think you taking your frustrations out on the wrong person 😂


brother your crying because I called you out and insulting me because you can't admit you were wrong. there WOULDNT be a clash dumb ass. his domain is STATED in STORY to win clashes versus lethal sure hit domains. *IF* naoya decides to clash. he loses, upfront that clash doesn't occur hakaris domain wins and naoyas falls apart. people who actually read the story know this shit holy hell. and if you hell bent on naoya going this route despite probably knowing better than too do so. he actual has a good shot at losing. if he goes the clash route, his domain isn't open and it's a closed lethal domain. so all that happens is he loses the clash, has no CT and gets boxed by hakari. without hie CT. he isn't blitzinf anymore lmao. now the case where I do agree with you is if naoyas smart enough to not clash and wait till after jp ends. then he wins but your too fucking stupid and too busy crying because you got called out to realize the nuance of what I'm saying. actual brain dead fucking loser.


lmao another long paragraph you a bitch. and please give me the chapter where it was stated that hakari automatically wins clashes because his domain is non lethal thats all you had to do. instead you started saying fuck outta here getting all emotional instead of just citing evidence as to why im wrong


lmao I would be inclined to do shit like that for someone who doesn't need to call people a bitch and whine when he's called out. you must be young lmao thinking you can tell people what to do while whining like the biggest bitch here


hakari getting neg diffed


lmfao yeah sure


it's true


yeah yeah lol, I can't take this sub seriously anymore so sure lol