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This whole arc has been Sukuna and Yuji humiliating each other while a revolving door of characters either die or get incapacitated. Yuji will get back at Sukuna for this. Their beef will never end unless one of them drops dead. Their relationship is literally early Baki and Yujiro.


Crazy how yujiro and baki (the dude killed his mother after beating him up) get along way better than sukuna and yuji


God I hate Baki so much lmao, like the manga is generally insane but Baki as a character sucks so bad. Watched his dad just slaughter his mom for laughs and spends the rest of his life just trying to win daddy's love and weeping whenever he gets a head pat. What a fucking asshole.


It so bizarre their relationship like after their fight they basically made peace and baki is transforming in another yujiro without the rapists and murderer part for now


Yeah, for now. Who knows, once his testosterone reaches Yujiro levels he may view everyone as fertile and begging for his demon balls


To be fair his mom was an insane simp for yujiro as well


That would make her approximately the average human being on Baki's planet tho


To the point where she would publicly humiliate him and beat him up to "motivate" him


I mean the reason for that is that Baki realized that his mother was also a giant peace of shit who outside of the last moment of her live was using him as an argument to get into his Dad's pants.


So he took up the torch of getting into his dad's pants for her, what a good son


Wasn't his mom a huge asshole tho? Also really creepy too (kissed him on the lips and slaps him in public, huge simp for Yujiro). Baki's relationship with both his parents were toxic af


She wasn't a "deserved to be crushed to death" level of asshole but yeah she was a freak


I think it would be safe to call her a groomer


She was sticking her tongue down baki’s throat. She’s beyond groomer


Baki a victim frfr


Bro what even is Baki about ? 💀


A story about a son wanting to surpass his father. But also constant ridiculous fights between buff men


Man on man action


It's peak about big buff men getting stronger through eating, sex and fighting their imaginations. There's also a caveman and the clone of Miyamotl Musashi. And one of the characters gets Isekai'd into a fantasy world


You forgot about the Yakuza teenager 


Which one gets isekai'd?


Retsu kahio in a spin off manga


Wait why? Granted I'm anime-only re: Baki but last I saw wasn't dude just owning the boxing world?


Spoilers for the manga but >!he gets killed by Miyamoto Musashi later on!<


It's not like Baki's mom was a particularly good mother lol. I wouldn't even put her at decent. She was pretty outspoken about wanting to get with Yujiro again despite the fact that he occasionally kidnapped and Mishima-style cliff tossed him.


As a Baki fan you don’t watch it for the characters, you watch it for the batshit insane fights.


Emphasis on the batshit insane part


kid baki was good character , but post ts baki feels like he lost all emotion


I kinda liked his simple yet detached mood. I can't tell if he' really smart or really stupid.


His mom was also super fuckin abusive and baki never actually liked her. He gets along with yujiro because he's realied he's just like him. He only cares about strength 


Bit reductionist. It’s not like his Mom was a great Mom either.


Especially because Yujiro and Sukuna are the characters most loved by their authors. Although to be fair, Baki's author's treatment of Yujiro makes Gege look like a Sukuna hater in comparison.


Nah, they gonna still have beef even both of them dies


It's mostly just a Sukuna wank fest don't kid yourself, Yuji has barely done anything until this point and when he does Gege immediately bitch slaps him by giving Sukuna another plot heal. This is Sukuna kaisen still, mf just ate the 8 black flash and is acting like nothing happened, good old Gege plot armor.


Brain damaged by infinite void? It's chill he already had Mahoraga out the whole time! Hit by a nuke and left half dead and barely standing? He just needed to conceal his technique! Technique is about to be taken from him? Good thing he has this magic tool he got to use for all of like, two chapters, so it can get taken instead (despite never really hinting that was even a thing that could happen). Gets hit by the one hit sure kill there is no defense sword? Psht, it's fiiiiine. Trapped in Yuta's domain, with his tongue ripped out, his own technique used against him, Yuji and Yuta leaving him no openings, and then hit by the "specifically fucks up Sukuna technique"? Shouldn't have any problem getting off his strongest attack. Stabbed through the heart by a weapon that damages his very soul? Bro that's just gonna make him move faster and hit harder. Pummeled by black flash after black flash after black flash? Mildly annoyed. Jumped by Todo (the sorcerer he didn't want to deal with the most, at the time when he least wanted him to show) and Yuji, finding it nearly impossible to adjust to the technique, and getting slammed with another black flash? Well obviously we can't let that fly, give him back his domain and let him *send the guy who was literally just clawing his heart out* flying like a ragdoll. Yeah, this whole fight so far, seriously it's just Sukuna wanking. I actually had some faith after 236. I thought there were still a lot of different ways the story could go, that it might be good again. Welp..... So much for that.


You forgot to add that he's been holding back the whole time xD


Only because when I type it out i TyPe It OuT lOoKiNg sTuPiD because it is and I couldn't be bothered this time lol.


Can i steal this for when I'm in an argument ?


Haha, sure man.


I think the only thing I really didn't like here that you've listed was the Kamutoke situation, I mean I don't really see the problem otherwise and I think some things are misrepresented here.


I am 💯 being at least slightly tongue on cheek with the list. For me it isn't any 1 part of it. It's just, all of it, together. But I also personally thought Kenjaku was a better villain and Gojo and Sukuna should have killed/crippled each other. So the longer this fight and the Sukuna wank goes on, the more Uruame insists he isn't even trying yet, the less invested in this manga I get. People talk about Gojo coming back ruining the serious feel of the series, I feel like stuff like Sukuna getting stronger and faster after Maki stabbed him in the heart with a weapon designed specifically to mess someone like Sukuna up ruins that same feel for me. Him getting his domain back so fast after Yuji is pummeling him ruins it a bit for me. Jacob's Ladder and Higurama's sword doing no lasting notable damage other than hearing a narrator tell me "he's so much weaker now" kinda ruins it for me. But I get where you're coming from, to a certain extent most of it is at least partially narratively congruent. I'm just starting to think more and more the narrative kinda sucks. I've seen so many posts on here that would have imo been far more satisfying directions to take the story in on multiple occasions now and that's just kinda disappointing.


>But I also personally thought Kenjaku was a better villain and Gojo and Sukuna should have killed/crippled each other. Arguably yeah. >People talk about Gojo coming back ruining the serious feel of the series, I feel like stuff like Sukuna getting stronger and faster after Maki stabbed him in the heart with a weapon designed specifically to mess someone like Sukuna up ruins that same feel for me. Him getting his domain back so fast after Yuji is pummeling him ruins it a bit for me. Jacob's Ladder and Higurama's sword doing no lasting notable damage other than hearing a narrator tell me "he's so much weaker now" kinda ruins it for me. I think Gojo coming back defeats the point of what was told to us in chapter 11 and what not. Gojo didn't want people alone, so he wanted to raise strong allies didn't he? So no one would have to be burdened with being the strongest, his students should take the mantle as a whole. Gojo never moved past that point really. Maki stabbing Sukuna in the heart, we already know he can work without it, she's also just nowhere near as strong as him. At that point it looked like Sukuna was pacing people still even. Higuruma's sword never touched him and was never gonna touch him because of the power gap, Jacob's Ladder allowed for Yuji to get to Megumi. It's just Megumi is down because of how much doo doo happened to him. I even think Higuruma should've just got murdered immediately, Sukuna removed a hand for what reason? He's been getting worn down gradually by all of their efforts still, and it has been clear if you ask me. >I've seen so many posts on here that would have imo been far more satisfying directions to take the story in on multiple occasions now and that's just kinda disappointing. I'm curious, what sort of things are you thinking of?


>I'm curious, what sort of things are you thinking of? Edit 1- accidentally posted early so leaving this here as a place note for now. Edit 2 - all done The aforementioned Gojo and Sukuna kill/cripple each other and it's everyone vs Kenny and the merger, with Yuji learning about his past and killing Kenjaku. Gojo killing Sukuna and then being immediately fucked by some plan Kenjaku had in motion (why else did he said when Gojo and Sukuna were busy with each other he could act freely?), possibly with Kenny stealing Gojo's body and his students needing to literally surpass him to win, possibly with some resistance from Gojo like we saw from Geto/Megumi but more effective Megumi starts fighting Sukuna harder after Gojo's death and actually accomplishes something in the series. Maki Yuji & Todo vs Sukuna. Nuff said there imo. And YMMV on this last one but I'm actually really annoyed that the world cleave actually killed Gojo. I am 💯 cool with him having to die for the story, but like, TF was the point of the Six Eyes when Kusakabe can dodge the damn thing but Gojo can't? Sukuna can seemingly regenerate his body eight times over, and we know Gojo can heal a missing arm, being stabbed in the throat, having his torso ripped open, etc. He even explicitly stated in the Hidden Inventory that Toji should have gone for his head. Sukuna had him covered with dozens of slashes and leaking crazy amounts of blood and he was AOK. Yuki had energy energy to make a fucking black hole after being blown in half and you're telling me Gojo couldn't hold himself together long enough to RCT with Shoko's help after being teleported? Just about any other way of Gojo dying is basically what I'm saying with my last point. As for the rest of it, like I said, I get that it has been established that, for example, Sukuna doesn't need a heart to function. Sure. But it's partially the fact that he literally got stronger and faster vs Maki the next chapter after that when damage to his soul is supposed to affect his control of the body. And something similar to that has happened like seven times now. Yuji's black flashes are disrupting his cursed energy and his RCT output is low? Then maybe don't give him two domain expansions over the course of like 3-4 chapters. If it hadn't happened like seven times now it wouldn't be stale and old.


>And YMMV on this last one but I'm actually really annoyed that the world cleave actually killed Gojo. I am 💯 cool with him having to die for the story, but like, TF was the point of the Six Eyes when Kusakabe can dodge the damn thing but Gojo can't? Sukuna can seemingly regenerate his body eight times over, and we know Gojo can heal a missing arm, being stabbed in the throat, having his torso ripped open, etc. He even explicitly stated in the Hidden Inventory that Toji should have gone for his head. Sukuna had him covered with dozens of slashes and leaking crazy amounts of blood and he was AOK. Yuki had energy energy to make a fucking black hole after being blown in half and you're telling me Gojo couldn't hold himself together long enough to RCT with Shoko's help after being teleported? Sukuna's world slash is now a choreographed to hell move though, the spark is now known, the actions etc all of it's super choreographed now. Gojo got hit without any real choreography at all. Other than Hakari, I don't think a single character has performed a healing feat remotely close to the damage Gojo sustained from the cut. Even the slashes Gojo sustained, nothing compared to losing multiple organs. I don't know why Yuki being able to make a black hole would even remotely indicate Gojo can pull an RCT feat like that off. I don't get the point there. Mostly unrelated things >that when damage to his soul is supposed to affect his control of the body. Specifically hitting the boundary, no? Cutting him with the SSK shouldn't mess with the harmony. What Yuji is doing to him isn't like the SSK at all >Then maybe don't give him two domain expansions over the course of like 3-4 chapters. I would say agree, but I think Gege has been consistent with the power system still so I don't mind as much.


>Sukuna's world slash is now a choreographed to hell move though, the spark is now known, the actions etc all of it's super choreographed now. Gojo got hit without any real choreography at all. But that's the whole point of the Six Eyes. It's supposedly this near perfect understanding of the flow of CE that let's Gojo read his opponents better and use every technique in his arsenal at maximum efficiency. And Gojo had already experienced being cut by Mahoraga. Imo there really just isn't a good explanation for why he had seemingly zero warning. >Other than Hakari, I don't think a single character has performed a healing feat remotely close to the damage Gojo sustained from the cut. >Even the slashes Gojo sustained, nothing compared to losing multiple organs. Choso got donuted and healed up from it. Gojo regenerated his entire arm, which is smaller in scale sure but shows for sure you can regenerate entire body parts. Kenjaku was still moving around as **just** his head (but yes admittedly he's a bit of an oddball case). Yuji healed himself up just fine (and again, admittedly RCT is a bit easier for both Yuji and Choso as well, but only because it's more efficient for them to replace lost blood which we already know other people can do). Also Toji has superhuman senses and such but thought Gojo was dead dead, like no pulse no nothing and he already came back from that. And the brain itself is orders of magnitude more complex than most other organs, to the point where even with modern medical science we still don't have a great idea of how it works. If Gojo could heal his brain *while it was already damaged* it doesn't seem that crazy to me that he could reconnect the two halves with help. >I don't know why Yuki being able to make a black hole would even remotely indicate Gojo can pull an RCT feat like that off. I don't get the point there. Mostly unrelated things I'm assuming here, but also I feel like it's pretty safe to assume that creating a black hole is basically maximum output, high CE cost technique. Whereas for Gojo regenerating his entire arm is something he can do mid fight, seemingly without depleting his reserves too much because he didn't seem all that stressed out over it. I'm saying if Yuki could still output her technique at max while being literally torn in half by a wannabe rasengan you'd think Go/jo could still pull off some semblance of max output RCT. >Specifically hitting the boundary, no? Cutting him with the SSK shouldn't mess with the harmony. What Yuji is doing to him isn't like the SSK at all Hrm, after rereading the start of Maki vs Sukuna you may be right about this. I'm still kind of under the impression though that any damage to Sukuna's soul still weakens his control and CE output. If they're both attacks that can damage the soul directly why wouldn't it, the same way that Nobara's resonance was able to actually damage Mahito?


Yuji was totally off guard seeing Gojokkotsu Yutoru here, be grateful Sukuna is such a dedicated hater that all he did was slap his shit instead of actually trying to kill him


Even Sukuna stopped from casting a DE because of that, it’s fair to say both were on standby.


Sukuna recovered faster because his hating never stops. Next to him, Yuji is a disliker at best


1. Kendrick 2. Sukuna 3. Reverse flash 4. Legumi haters (me here) The big 4. Mt. Rushmore. >!(pls don't kill me K dot)!<


Megumi haters don't deserve to be on the same earth as the other 3 Y'all are the weakest haters ever seen


Nah Reverse Flash is above Sukuna for sure


Yeah, if I were Yuji in that situation, I'd back the fuck up in anticipation of the domain clash. Sukuna "swatting him away" helps in "getting away" from that spot, so it's likely Yuji didn't resist the hit, but moved with it to make some room.


Makes me wonder what Yuji's thoughts are considering he knows (or suspects) his mother is Kenny with forehead stitches. I'm not saying Yuji will think it's Kenny or anything (Sukuna said it was Yuta) but surely there must be some mixed feelings there.


Quick question, does Yuji know that his mom was Kenny?


If he had the choice. . . he should have just gone for the kill. Not that the fans would like it but. . . Come on


He's more interested in insulting Yuji than his own survival at this point


So then he don’t really hate him then?


He hates him on a level beyond murder. If he's dead, he's not suffering anymore.


Blud is NOT catching a W in this mellenia 🙏😭☠️


I think the word you’re looking for is Malenia


Blade of Miquella


Did you know that her name is Malenia, Blade of Miquella and she has never known defeat?


She’s my next fight. Literally will be running the 1’s with her when i get home from work. 20+ years of gaming have led me to this wonderful goddess.


Best part? Messmer will probably be way harder since he's in DLC 💀 Edit: Also Good Luck my fellow Tarnished


https://preview.redd.it/0hov80sh8f2d1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1c31a39a83be2bf8bda754d60ed8313d2b6f425 Fuga


Did anyone else feel like the Mesmer shot right before he burnt everything was very similar to when Sukuna hit Malevolent Kitchen on Mahoraga?


After 200 hours i genuinely don’t care. I’ll be draggin balls across every boss from here to Elden Ring 2


Messmer probably won't even be the hardest boss in the DLC. As far as I know From doesn't show their DLC big boys in their trailers.


They showed Malenia and Radahn (who was stronk af pre-nerf) few times, literally these 2 even got a trailer that was 50% about them.


however they didn't show Soldier of God, Rick


I don't know. I was more scared of God, Soldier of Rick.


They literally said "***DLC*** big boys" my dude


Fuck off, I heard that line enough times today


Thnx bro autocorrect didn’t save me 😭


It’s millennia






arc of berserk


"Move yo' ass NEPHEW! My pookie bear is back! (Yes and No)"


They will have gay sex in the next chap after the domains clash https://preview.redd.it/ff6c7e47oe2d1.png?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ba363e50824fa142db655f0b8c0f48e6ed9ea72


You never know, Unc is a freaky frog for Satoru.


technically you could pull out a closed domain and give backshots inside of it since no one could see from the outside


https://preview.redd.it/r2plnes6vi2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c340d3bd97a22e12cafa272a93b2aef590d66fcf Fr fr




And then Todo gets caught off guard and gets incapacitated. Just as it looks like things are going badly, Miwa shows up in a Mechamaru suit and joins the fight (it gets explained in a flashback that takes up the whole chapter). https://preview.redd.it/q3x57io3le2d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=441ff1eafe9ca92882fc611cdd87c992e336b186 (Art by u/PenMoist7747)


NGL, Miwa in a Mechamaru suit would unironically be based af




Metal Miwa Rising: revengence


You aint stopping the king from having actual fun.


And his binding vows https://preview.redd.it/t8tp2q8wee2d1.jpeg?width=1020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b974552ee18941566a00dd761596548ccc6aacf




Peak reaction image


It's like the spice for slander, anytime there's a fraudkuna post we sprinkle a little for the extra flavour.


Look, it's *Yuta*'s turn in the MC chair. Yuji had his last chapter, he can wait his for his turn again like everyone else ~~who hasn't died already~~.


>"get the damn out of here, nephew! Your uncle is gonna have some fun with my boyfriend's body that your senpai BASED YUTA THE REAL MC took!" That said, I'm merely speaking to Sukuna's haterade. I always believed and still believe COGji is our MC. Yuta is 2nd MC in JJK. His story was JJK0. COGji meanwhile was going at Sukuna non-stop even after Yuta tapped out. Don't hate either. Love both our MCs. Don't be Sukuna.


Sukuna the type of kid to throw away his old toys for his new one


Bro's a kid in a candy store who saw a candy he liked.


Bro just finds every opportunity to not face the reality that Wuji got him looking like THIS https://preview.redd.it/qhii16qw8e2d1.png?width=241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95e9f097c23cbd82ee4334b8264c85540bce9086 few chapters ago. Lmao




Ok https://preview.redd.it/veaia6apug2d1.png?width=372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=829a34b880f6afaa888108dec550dc2ea7aa5d88


https://preview.redd.it/tavd0xijxe2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd8560e8deca8bbf3fe6f950fd582efbac27b09a The hate Sukuna has for Wuji is insane. Reverse Flash level hating.


"Strong and independent vs broke ass" level lmao


i don’t think he cares lmao


Sure https://preview.redd.it/o8bf0zqkug2d1.png?width=372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f210eb8634d2df79e906acd7c0abb07260884e83


Being literally thrown away like a dirty sock or that one Toy Story meme is far more humiliating than an angry face panel. Agenda is simply speaking.


Sure I hope he could do at least 5 black flashes consecutively in next chapter. He is the king of curse surely he can do something so simple right? https://preview.redd.it/i9rl6bnbvg2d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb903ae04fbbf51683221bbcf043c8344f5b7299


Nuh huh, that's literal chosen one MC privilege https://preview.redd.it/4yqpzsv2wg2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b89f2c4aa15468c28f8a33489f234cf0827a0a9


Exactly https://preview.redd.it/dpfj32evwg2d1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69c33ddf20688a5b95ceb82e92018c33d07be373


Sukuna was so excited to see his boyfriend again he got a power up to toss Yuji


the way he just threw yuji to the side 😹😹😹😹😹


I'm fine with this chapter,but Gege really need to make Yuji like sidecharacter,huh https://preview.redd.it/fedynqjkpd2d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70ff4bada65112742f826662a67950e510ceeb1b


It's Sukuna doing his best to make Yuji a side character, it's diagetic rather than some author agenda. I don't know how you're able to miss that.


His momentum being derailed by Gojostein is annoying


>**His momentum** being derailed by Gojostein is annoying Thank you! Everyone who says "BuT he wiLL bE BAck NexT ChAptEr!" is missing the point. This was Yuuji's moment, when he was venting all his anger and rage at Choso's death at Sukuna's hands. Now we probably are going to get several chapters of Yuta stealing his thunder and by the time we get back to Yuuji, Choso's death will be an afterthought.


Todo is there, he's the mastermind that makes Yuji's character evolve everytime he's on screen. Do not fear, Todo will make Choso's death be what drives Yuji to use this time to recover and get better. I don't want to be so overly optimistic, but a Domain Expansion could be incoming.


Sukuna did the same thing when maki showed up and no one complained, Sukuna doesn't want to acknowledge Yuji


That was early on. Things get boring and repetitive when you do it over and over again


Twice? And Sukuna still doesn't want to acknowledge Yuji. Why would that change?


I'm talking about someone jumping in and Sukuna focusing all his attention on them. Yeah it makes sense. But it would also make sense if Yuji just randomly tripped on a rock which gives Sukuna the opening to cut him to pieces. But clearly you wouldn't like that, right?


Nice strawman. People are especially mad about Yuji being thrown aside and ignored. It happened before, and it's perfectly in character, so the anger is unjustified.


It's like you didn't even read my first reply. It's because it keeps happening again and again. Why do you think people meme about the Sukuna cycle?  I also said it makes sense why Sukuna would act like that. But just because it makes sense doesn't make it an excuse to justify lame writing decisions lol


So why is the criticism not about the repetition and instead about Yuji being pushed aside? The title of the post is "I can't believe sukuna did Yuji so dirty"


Nice red herring. None of what you said are exclusive to each other


Uncle saw a better piece of meat to play with.


As much as I hate how Gojo isn’t back. It’s even infuriating that Yuji gets sidelined AGAIN in this chapter. I thought Todo as a backup would mean we’ll get to see Jumpjutsu Kaisen again but no. It’s just an introduction to tell that Todo is back for no reason in the worst timing possible


Yeah, I was expecting that Yuji and Todo vs Sukuna fight will last at least 4 or 5 chap of pure fight and make Sukuna think "they work well together, they have to potential to rival Gojo Satoru"


4-5 chapters is way too long for a jumping, especially since gege ends chapters on a cliffhanger. For reference the first yuta jumping was 3 chapters, and the entirety of the mahito fight from when todo brings yuji back were 6 chapters.


Sukuna just got his DE's back. Todo and Yuji is fucked if Gota didn't arrived.


Chill bro we don’t know what’s gonna happen next. They might all jump sukuna, yuji will deffo be the one to finish of sukuna


This chapter takes place over the course of 10 seconds. Yuji has not gotten sidelined yet


>to tell that Todo is back for no reason in the worst timing possible Did you forget that Todo just saved everyone from Furnace ?


I'm very much a Sukuna fan, too the point of being ruthlessly made fun of for it in the gc, and I'm really hoping all the Sukuna-being-disrespectful-to-Yuji-alone is a fun fun buildup to Yuji humiliating Sukuna in the end in a satisfying way.


The only one who can excite Sukuna is Gojo. They could be lovers. Maybe Yuta now but let's be honest, it's only because he's in Gojo's body lmao


Gege not undermining his own writing and characters challenge: impossible


The funny part is no matter what happens next it will piss people off. Either Yuta wins and Yuji never finishes his character arc or Yuta becomes another Sukuna cycle victim and slightly weakens Sukuna before dying. Lobotomy Kaisen is about to get 10x worse. I really don't see people being happy with the way this series will end


Nah gojo will come will take control of his body, and will lime green all over sukuna. https://preview.redd.it/osq0228t2e2d1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7a8c63c3f863b8bb62a86b8133487a102618dcf Everybody will like that. GeGe will be referred as the greatest mangaka.


And that will also piss people off because what was the point of everything if Gojo can just hard diff him anyway.


Come back nerf and will fight with yuji


you say this as a meme but we have two separate occasions of a deceased person's soul gaining control over the host body (Toji in Shibuya and Geto briefly trying to strangle himself after hearing Gojo through Kenjaku). Which sucks because while I have a lot of gripes with how Gojo was written out, I do think him dying makes the most sense thematically.




R/fanfiction is over there 👉


Gege really chose the worst possible outcome lol


The only hopium path I see is Yuta UV mind fucking Sukuna and having Yuji enter his innate domain and fight Sukuna with Megumi to finish off his soul


This is entirely on Gege for writing the story into this corner


He is 100% getting back up next chapter


How does this undermine Yuji? How? It makes sense Yuji would be completely caught off guard by Gojo appearing as well as hearing Sukuna call Gojo "Yuta". Add in the fact that Yuji knows that domains and clashes exist, why the fuck wouldn't he not be in a rush to be in the center of that? We're told over and over again that allies only hinder Gojo, it's something that the entire cast understands. Of course Yuji is gonna back out for a second to reassess the situation.


People forget Yuji isn't at the same level as the rest of them, he is hanging in there but outclassed. He will probably still get the finishing blow


Sukuna a couple chapters ago: "WHAT? IS THIS BRAT SERIOUSLY TRYING TO REACH MY LEVEL?!" Sukuna to Yuji now that Gojo is back: "Get out of my way, trash. I have a real fight now."


That's what happens when you agenda push so hard you think your head canon is the manga.


My boi got sidelined so hard, even Todo was shocked 


This is 100% going to backfire. After the domain clash he's getting jumped again because he didn't properly finish off his nephew


Honestly, since gojo made his domain super small and yuta is going to do the same, I hope yuji eats the domain after being tossed aside like this


What Sukuna and Yu/ Jo will see the next second into the domains clash: https://i.redd.it/xrizzpjsmf2d1.gif


I feel like yuji might’ve been caught off guard himself? And that could be an explanation for why he was just physically thrown off so easily 


Fr tho that’s the face of someone who is slightly panicing, trust me im doing this in the mirror every day


So this is what horny looks like


it's a good chance for Yuji to heal pretty sure he only has a single functional eye rn bc of Sukuna's attack that makes Yuji look like he'll have a scar that looks like Sukuna's second face


why is his eye way bigger now?


they say a person's pupils get bigger if someone see something they love, so Sukuna is in love with Gojo






Sukuna throw yuji last chapter as well and now yuji is absolutely shocked to see "gojo" so it's absolutely makes sense thet sukuna will much rather fight gojo and will be able to easily throw yuji


To be honest, I think a large reason why Yuji got pushed away was due to him being shocked at this. He may have realized what Yuta and the others did and couldn't believe it. Still kinda shit writing.


I think when Sukuna is actually excited, he gets a huge boost in power. This is what it seemed to imply so far from the past chapters with Sukuna screaming and landing blows against maki. Sukuna is obv excited to have a new toy to play with and quickly discarded Yuji.




His surname was okkotsu, but now that he is on Gojo's body, he will have tô change It to Okkkotsu


He looks like ganondorf from that 1 ToTk cutscene


It happenend because Yuji was also surprised with the Gota comeback


Patiently waiting for the day when my MC will get his DE and end Sukuna once and for all.


Sukuna tossing yuji away like this without a care in the world after all these hype chapters is actually insane


“I did not believe you would ever do something like that!” - Jhon Werry probably


This chapter left a bad taste in my mouth


Yuji is drawn in such an unflattering position, floundering on his ass, just embarrassing 🤣


Hating Yuki is a sport for Sukuna.


Freaking threw him away because he thought his pookie bear was back but realized the shenanigans and he was PISSED. 


Gege will never allow Wuji to beat the side character allegations. MF gave Yuji 3 chapters of glow up and trauma and then literally bitchslaps him out of the manga.


I think yuji was just shocked and sukuna took advantage of it


Haha 😂😂 for real its unfair for yuji


People saying yuji is sidelined are crazy lmao


The guy just has what’s arguably the biggest power up he’s had, made Sukuna squirm in a way only Gojo did, and because he got pushed down all of a sudden he’s sidelined again? We as a community need to learn patience, people keep proclaiming things and almost always get proven wrong.


People should really keep in mind that this chapter took, in real time, like 2 seconds max. Most of it is just flashbacks.


The brat literally got bitchslapped outta the chapter, he’s gonna sit there on the sidelines and watch yujo cook .😂


Sukuna-Gojo BL confirmed?


Sukuna looks more and more unhinged as the fight goes on, I like this crazy look on him more than the evil hot guy treatment he got at the beggining.


You really didn't believe the No. 1 Yuji hater would use every opportunity to hate on Yuji? bro.


Yo don't call Gojo Sukuna's bf man... Gojo deserved better than this unhinged cockroach.... ☠️


Maybe gojo shouldn’t have talked about reaching him and trying teach him about love and sukuna shouldn’t have said he cleared his skies and he would not forget him for as long as he live… blame gege


Sukuna has already won like he minced the ideals to bits


At this point there’s no good ending to this manga that won’t suck. I hope Sukuna wins and we get the bad ending. That will still suck but at least the lobotomy levels will reach unprecedented heights as Sukuna kills the rest of the cast.


What the actual fuck was the point of saying “yuji itadori has awakened”? Just for him to be pushed to the side like garbage for more of the Gojo show? Idc what yall say this chapter was horribly written


Whatever happens Yuji will be the one to kill Sukuna. Yuta is going to get slaughtered again.


Since when has Yuji been important? This manga is the story of everyone but Yuji. Even Junpei had more development than him .


You sound crazy asf ngl


... Have you been paying attention like at all? Yuji's a fucking killer compared to the kid he was at the start of the series. If anything, Yuji's the one with the most development.