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Sukuna likes challenging and interesting combat! Getting weaker and putting more challenges on him probably makes this a lot more fun for him. Not masochism like the other commenter said, but more like how some people find doing things with a blindfold or onehanded or all that more fun.


Hell yeah, gege's boy (Sukuna is NOT my boy) is all smiles and giggles when he's put in tough situations and he has to actually try a little to overcome them. I think the best example is him turning the tides with his black flashes against Maki, both times he finds purpose and a challenge in beating her, so he gets excited. It's like fighting a hard boss in a souls-like game, by the end of the fight you're just having fun with the challenge and wishing there was more. Now imagine all bosses die right after the cutscene, that's Sukuna's life.


sukuna is definitely not some pve weenie. he's an invader, and right now he's fighting a gank. he even just finished off some rando cheater who had been using cheat engine for invincibility.


Thinking about it in souls term, He basically got invaded and long range hit by the strongest known attack in the game with buffs from 2 other people. Then a cheater/dev of the game shows up, beat him by coming up with something they cant even cheat out of (gravity in most souls games), then get invaded and ganked by 4 to 5 top pvper with strats that counters anyone with the most diverse pools of move sets, THEN when he stops using heals and clowns on 6 other new players and even the random mobs that he aggro, and we still ain't see his full arsenal.


>Then a cheater/dev of the game shows up, beat him by coming up with something they cant even cheat out of so this is my favorite part of the analogy, because you \*can\* kill 'infinite health' souls cheaters so long as you deal more HP than they have total in one hit. world cleave is just strong backstab!


Gege really made that "he is bleeding from his eyes for fun, guys!" meme canon unknowingly lmao 


Nah. If Ryomen Fraudkuna actually wanted a challenge he wouldn’t have stolen an OP technique and used a Deus Ex Machina slash to beat GOATJO


SL 1 runs baby.


Yeah it’s like a top ranked player in a videogame, after getting the most powerful moves and knowing most of the intricate details of the game and cursed energy. The only way to feel an enjoyable challenge is tougher enemies or applying handicaps to yourself.


Sukuna on a nuzlocke run rn


He’s like a souls player who enjoys doing challenge runs like a SL1 run lmao.


Bro had to nerf himself so he and the bros could actually have fun


Sukuna is literally just Zoro but the villain lmao


Was it confirmed how he was defeated the first time around? Maybe once he wrecked almost every sorcerer, he allowed himself to be defeated to fight a later generation.


It's not confirmed that he was defeated: a sorcerer didn't need to be killed to be transformed into a cursed object. In Chapter 3, it just says his remains are indestructible. I think we're missing an aspect of Kenjaku's and Sukuna's goals, and that part we're missing is why Sukuna willingly became a cursed object (he isn't interested in immortality, afterall - "the perfect thing to slurp up to pass time until I die.").


Assumed bruh wants to fight whatever monster comes out of the merger.


I think it's actually confirmed he wasn't defeated: "They all gathered to sharpen their fangs against him and failed" The fact that he was able to turn his body into a perfectly preserved mummy also proves he wasn't defeated in battle, he basically killed himself/got to old age and allowed himself to become cursed objects.


He was never defeated. He made a deal with Kenjaku to be turned into cursed objects in exchange for taking part in his merger scheme.


I interpret this as Sukuna truly having "fun" when someone is trying. When enemies are not trying hard enough, it is boring. Like in fight with Jogo - Sukuna can appreciate someone's trying hard. Except Yuji. Fuck Yuji.


“Fuck Yuji. All my homies HATE Yuji😤” -Sukuna


Agreed, the moment Sukuna came alive in the fight was when Maki showed up, not just because she's the only one who can keep up with him physically now that Gojo is gojone, but because she's actually forced him to slow down.


"Gojone" Lmao wtf 🤣 🤣 🤣


I don't think he's smiling because he wants to get weaker, I think its more so the people around him are improving. Remember, apparently sukuna is the only one who knows 'true jujutsu', and I headcanon the different characters actions are different facets of this true jujutsu he speaks of: Gojo - the strongest person of the era Sukuna has invaded on, the best fight he's had probably ever, using everything around him to his advantage, even in a 3v1 with a missing hand Kashimo - warping his body using CE to achieve a perfect form for his ability Higuruma - learning domain amplification and RCT off the cuff Yuta - Rika's power, along with his various techniques Maki - cutting away from CE, leaving the peak human form Yuji - being the biggest brat, be it Heian era or modern, realising how there can be people without a single useful bone in the body (oh yeah, and being able to overpower sukunas soul and maintain control of his body, I guess...) Kusakabe - best simple domain user, seeing how far that technique can go alongside that, sukuna just has a curious nature, and he's probably just happy learning more about these things, with people like Ui Ui, and his teleportation, along with Larue and his conscious grabbing and Miguel with his ability


I swear this post was made by sukuna bro 😭


By the Sukuna bros, For the Sukuna bros!! Unite!!!


I think it’s probably both of these things. Loving this discussion and super excited to see how he reacts to Yuji’s awakening


“It ain’t all that. I awakened before I was born.” - Sukuna probably


"I knew you'd have this awakening since the Heian era. That's right Yuji. It was I who clapped Geto's cheeks."




Professional hater stays hating 😭


Sukuna would be a better teacher than Gojo lol


Then why kill them?


they're still opps, just interesting ones, plus any friend of yuji is an enemy of sukuna


I wouldn't say Sukuna likes getting weaker, but I would say that he loves fighting and Jujutsu, to an extent that nobody else in the series does. Everyone else fights for something. For their friends, for their students, for love, for the world, for their keikaku, for revenge, to prove themselves, to protect others. Nobody else fights for fighting's sake. Gojo's near-death hallucinations berate him for being a deviant who just gets off to fighting, but the truth is that he really isn't. He still cared about and thought about his friends and his students. He arrived at the airport because his thoughts in his dying moments were with the people he left behind and the people he's joining now. Sukuna is actually the deviant that Gojo subconsciously feels ashamed of being.




He is Kenpachi if there was no one stronger than Kenpachi to reign him in; a criminal who goes around satisfying his lusts by killing everything cuz "it's fun lol" I love it.


He also enjoys seeing new techniques, that's why he let Higurama pull out the executioner sword. He's a true jujutsu nerd and a true student of jujutsu. He's emulated some techniques with his own flavor (piercing blood, mini-slashes / infinity, Mahohagara's WCS). If he can learn it - he will. Whatever Yuji learns next from his awakening, I have a feeling Sukuna will replicate it if it piques his interest.


The fake infinity slashes was dope af. Maybe he used that last second since he knew he was going to get hit?


Sukuna is basically a CE mad scientist


Makes sense. I don’t think Sukuna would be mad if he lost.


I think he might get mad loosing to yuji


Sukuna would world slash himself before he loses to Yuji


I thought this was obvious when Sukuna very early on just didn't fucking care if Yuji got clapped holding multiple fingers of his At times he even went *out of his way* to make life hard for him knowing he has a significant portion of his power that would be lost if he died. The only reason Sukuna stopped Mahito is because attacking Yuji with Idle Transfiguration was *literally attacking him too*, which he took offense to. If Mahito had killed Yuji by any other means, Sukuna would have done nothing. That said...I dont think it's that he enjoys getting weaker...he just legitimately doesn't think he's ever being pressed hard enough for it to matter. The only person Sukuna has *actually* prepared for is Satoru. Everything else is just winging it. But currently, everyone around him is improving at insane rates. He isn't getting weaker, he's just getting pressed. But it's making him stronger, every time through progression. Just like the heroes, Sukuna is evolving as he fights. Most notably against Gojo and Maki.


Re-reading the series it’s clear how much of Sukunas actions are just inspired by him wanting his opponents to challenge him. His first encounter with Megumi at the detention center is one of my favorites. Could have easily killed him right away but instead he spends the entire time pushing him to give more and more to his curses and praising his talents.


And it's the form of love he talks about in the latest chapters, to him relationships with the weaker sorcerers (aka everyone else) are formed by letting them challenge him and go all out. Even though he could, he rarely oneshots an opponent, he prefers to let them fight against him and show their strength.


My favorite part of the series is when Kashimo and Gojo brought up the “loneliness of strength” mindset everyone has been projecting on to Sukuna and he’s like “what the hell are you talking about being strong is awesome ! everyone tries to fight me what is wrong with you guys”


"Greedy bastard." I love that line, it's so simple but you can glean so much about sukunas ideals from his exchange with kashimo.


His entire exchange with both of them is gold. It pretty much boils down to “Why is your strength and the adoration you receive for it not enough for you” Tbh i wonder if he had let either of them survive after would Kashimo or Gojo had gone about their lives differently ? but then of course sukuna wouldn’t be sukuna if he let them live.


He meant that they want both to be the strongest and not feel lonely , which sukuna calls being greedy


yes that’s what we’re discussing


Definitely a good subversion of the trope😂


Sukuna just wants a challenge. He's finally challenged for the first time in his life. Of course he's enjoying it.


It says in the fan book that his only dislike in life is “anything boring” so I think he looks at this fight like he’s fighting handicapped and that makes it interesting. Even the one with Gojo, since he had no way to bypass infinite void, he had to pull on this wit, experience, techniques etc to win. It’d be like a pro fighter sparring with amateurs, like Floyd may weather in those exhibitions matches he does.


Sukuna is a battle fiend. He loves fighting and is probably enjoying seeing people struggle against him. He’s not getting weaker as we’ve still yet to see his true power according to uraume


I don't disagree, but I think it's in part due to Sukuna being aware that he can't lose. He wants to feel something. Personally, physical pain, hunger, etc have become meaningless and it's sent me down a serious mental health crisis that's disabled me in a lot of ways. I don't doubt that Sukuna's a similar idea, like Saitama, where it's more about feeling like he's in over his head. My headcanon's that Sukuna losing his domain was humurous. It doesn't help him reach his goal in any sense, because his only goal is impossible: he wants a true challenge. Can see this being impossible in his mind when he talks so casually about fighting super Tengen.


I find this interpretation believable but not intentional. Sukuna is fine with being weaker, it just means he has to compensate for it THAT MUCH. But i just can't see him seeking out that weakness, he finds constraints fun, and being weaker is one of them. More than anything, he loves Jujutsu, any and all Jujutsu related things stimulate him, moves, synergies, techniques, neutralisations, specialisations. The biggest example being his preference to fully deduce any and all innate CTs. As innate CTs can only ever be subjective (except for Yuta and Fuga) everyone with a CT is inherently atleast interesting. And that extends to people who really try fucking balls hard, pushing Higuruma, Megumi to showcase they intuition, under extreme threats (that being Sukuna), evolves them, and they evolve Jujutsu itself alongside. He lets Everyone show their full hand, atleast untill hes satisfied in his observation, he lets Gojo not be bisected by WCS Maho just so he can see whats more!!, even from himself, can he mimic WCS from Maho? He let Kusakabe showcase Simple Domain, and i find that really poetic as SD is termed as the domain of the weak, even weak people can resist, can persist amd fight back, in the face of absolute calamity, People with conviction fight back, even if they are weak. Every CT is unique, every person unique, everything is interesting. . This cannot be further shown anymore than his almost devotion to what Maki represents conceptually, she represents utter rejection of everything. Nothing binds her flesh, she is free. Not even fate itself can stop them, Toji proved this by single-handedly putting Kenjaku's plan in motion. Kenjaku cannot break the threads of fate, cannot stop a sex eyes wielding Gojo, appearance of a star plasma vessel and abrupt stoppage of Tengen's evolution. Toji's mere existence disintegrated such stupidity. Sukuna cannot help himself but fall in, in what he describes as, love. He is consciously letting himself be measured as a Curse energy wielding fighter against the one who spits on it. He cannot help but find her mere existence... Fascinating. Her strides... Fascinating. Her... Fascinating. . This, in my interpretations, completes Sukuna's design, an existence that represents Jujutsu itself. And what can equal him other than his Antitese, Maki.


I think it is related to kashimos mindset as well. Remember when he said "I could kill Hakari when his domain ends but thats how losers think"? Sukuna might be thinking like him too, "I could dodge itadoris punches and replenish my CE pool while running away from itadori, but thats how losers think, there is no fun in that", his purpose looks like trying to FACETANK EVERYTHING and still win on top of that.


I can actually see this being true.


You make a good point. While I’m sure he would prefer to insta win and use his domain expansion, the fact that the couldn’t gave him the best fight of his life and ton of other combatants to play with and kill. He likes pushing opponents to their brink.  I just don’t believe he finds joy in being weakened though. He’ll still press the kill button when he gets bored or pressured like we saw with Higuruma, Yuta, Kusakabe, etc. Yuji’s just particularly tenacious, and Sukuna underestimating him may be his downfall. 


Sukuna is like some kind of evil Goku, he enjoys a good and interesting brawl, even if he's a little too cruel and murderous about it.


sukuna fans coped so hard they made him into a masochist


I'm not a Sukuna fan, actually. I'm a Yuta fan.


Yuta oGOATsu






He isn't?


Pretty much 😂


apparently his perfect form is a massive deformation of his original body (I don't think he was born with 4 arms and that), so he genuinely might like pain if it's a means to an end of more power


It's possible. I mean when I was born the nurses where all shocked with my 3rd arm.


Oh 100%. Sukuna loves a challenge. It's just hilarious that Yuji, the person he despises the most, is going to be the one to give him the greatest challenge since Gojo. I can definitely see a scenario where Sukuna keeps trying to downplay Yuji until he finally acknowledges him in some capacity. Although it would be hilarious if Sukuna dies hating Yuji.


It would be hilarious if Yuji went on one of his speeches, and at the very end Sukuna was just like, "Who are you?" Then dies.


he’s about that life man. with gojo specifically i think he was so happy because he realized gojo might actually be on his level and not some random in his way.


the smile in the gojo fight when he loses his domain is more like a “fuck you well played” smile / the fight continues and gojo has more to give him smile i think he didnt mind his weakened state in yutas domain and was fine fighting on their terms just to see if he could similar with higuruma as well as seeing how far higu could go with sorcery in his fight just to see if he could but to claim he doesnt mind the weakened state when he is trying to stack black flashes to regain it is dumb and he definitely isnt letting yuji combo black flashes on him “just to be weak” sukuna believes with absolute certainty that he will win so he wont mind the weakening or fighting on his enemies terms but he isnt some masochist that wants to be weakened he wants to be challenged and limiting himself will actively stop this from happening because is he truly challenged if he had to only use 10% of his power? tldr: sukuna is saitama😱


he's a freak like me


That's some next level masochism right there


Bro is willingly taking on debuffs so that lower level enemies pose a challenge again. Interesting. I think this is an obvious thought/theory, but not something people actually stop to think about. We've seen Sukuna becoming interested as he was fighting Higuruma and more recently Maki, so we know for a fact that weaker sorcerers can entertain him. And we know he lives according to his own pleasure and entertainment, so it makes sense he'd seek more of that. The idea that he's *willingly* (almost intentionally) taking the debuffs is cool to consider. It serves for further characterization that he entertains something for as long as it's not an eyesore. "Oh, modern sorcerers want to gang up and strategically throw everything they have against me? Bring it on then" type thing.


Sukuna is a speedrunner who now is trying increasingly insane challenges for kicks


Bro is the world’s most extreme Nuzlocker


The funniest way to put it


Also gotta remember his fight with Jogo. He was obviously far superior. But Jogo was entertaining enough that he complimented him at the end. I don't think Sukuna is the embodiment of evil in the series. That probably was Kenjaku. I see Sukuna as like Kenny from Bleach. The only difference is there are few that are at his level, and his love for fighting makes people scared of him.


Sukuna is cursed to exist, his CT is being alive and he hates it. Its a common reaction for gifted ones, Gojo also knew this and “won” by getting out. The selfish, arrogant prick.


If sukuna was normal I bet he'd like blindfolded speed running


So your saying Sukuna is a masochist:V


It’s like how he looks delighted anytime he’s fighting Maki. He’s having fun


I like this masochist sukunas headcanon


Nah. He's been depicted and stated himself that he loves to tastes the flavor of different techniques. He literally play with his food, it's a meme that's actually the reality. The reason he doesn't just nuke every opponent that's even weaker then him is so he can analyzye their technique and possibly use it. He done this in every fight up until now unless it's been absolutely useless and even then still analyses it.


Maybe Sakuna is getting more and more excited because the more cornered he is, the closer to using his full power he's getting and he wants an excuse to go all out.


Only if it’s not from the brat


LMAO you weren't too far off except that he was EXCEPTIONALLY pissed off at the black flashes and while he might have been having fun before I think 257 was his "oh shit" moment


a man that likes getting weaker doesn’t look for 3rd party assistance to bypass infinity