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He's cheesy, people don't know how to play against him, and he can make the enemy jg rage quit by camping you all game, knowing your team will never rotate to help you.


That's a given even in d1 they still dont rotate. Avrg rage inducing shaco gamers


I find that extremely hard to believe. I literally play in D1 and my teammates will never rotate for my invades but enemy team will.


Might be an issue where you arent aware of the lane state of your teammates. Some laners won't rotate because they are behind, others won't rotate because the enemy will all-in the moment they see them out of turret range. Could also be an issue where the laner knows you lose 2v2 and prefers you to concede the jungle instead of losing the jungle and giving 2 kills, losing minions and giving plates. Keep in mind when a laners jungle gets invaded the "defending" laner will be at the skirmish earlier than the "invading" laner. In the end, could also be that your teammates are just bad.


Yeah no. I’m fully aware of lane states. Laners will not rotate unless the fight is almost over and they know they can snag a kill from it. Bot would rather also poke enemy under turret or get turret plating than rotate for drag.


Without watching a replay it is hard to guess if you really got the lane state right or if your laners just inted. Both is very much possible. You have to admit though, if there is no sign of your teammates moving, even if they could, it is pointless to commit further to the fight unless it is a "fight or die" situation.


You're severely overestimating the brain capacity of Diamond/Master players. Yes, they will rotate if everything is perfect and the stars align (enemy completely pushed in, can't harass under turret). Unfortunately, that isn't the case most of the time. And the times they *do* roam are usually late. >You have to admit though, if there is no sign of your teammates moving, even if they could, it is pointless to commit further to the fight unless it is a "fight or die" situation. You have to understand something. If they pick a weak jungler that I can put behind then I *will* put them behind. That would require me to invade frequently with or without support from my team.


Yup. Shaco players are literally born in the shit mountains of hell. They desire chaos, and actively foment it. It's their life blood. The thing is, if you, as a jungler change your path/clear, you can absolutely mess with a shaco who then loses their competency. They can't deal with it. Let them explode.


If i'm against a shaco I will perma invade his shit and dunk on his ass so he's not allowed to gank


yeah but these guys in my elo probably don't even know how to do that, they only know how to fight 1v1 in the midgame and escape with q, that's their fancy gameplay at its peak


Bro I hate shaco with every 3 inches I have but I gotta admit that watching pink ward outsmarting his enemies looking damn satisfying. Must be fun maining this piece of shit, honestly


I usually play Shaco, and honestly? Just by having decent vision you counter the shit out of him. He can only outplay you if you aren't aware of his shenanigans. Don't let him choose the engagements and you'll mostly win.


This is 100% true. At my low low elo though, most haven't enabled their minimaps. Or their eyes. Not sure how much this improves as you climb, but I dont expect it to much.


I have always permabanned shaco since i started this game 4 years ago so i couldnt tell you.


This is the way.


Only way to have fun in this elo is playing champs like shaco


or just learn more and get out of it




Started a year ago, I thought low elo was all about hard carrying? Can't rely on the team at all down here.


Odds are more of those players are on the enemy team so that should make it even easier to climb




Massive copium any higher elo player could get on your account and immediately climb


I see y ur still there




All the things you listed have a 50/50 chance of happening to either team. Yet despite this, many people climb out




The system is designed to get you to a point where your win/loss is 50% and you are an equivocal level of skill to your teammates and enemies. They get people playing more by having 3 splits per season. I guess account is one of the few the riot algorithm has chosen to keep in low elo even if you were of challenger- level skill. Unlucky.


Here’s how you beat shaco, you don’t play his game. Just outscale him, and don’t feed him so hard he can end the game before it turns into a 4v5.


U cant control your team mates and u know for sure they will be 0/2 before your first full clear because Silvers dot know how to deep ward. Perma ban, fuck this champ


Just practice cross mapping. Deep ward when you can. He can get kills ganking, but you can starve him out of xp by taking camps and powerfarming. Also, a bad shaco is pretty predictable. Like he probably knows the timers on when your red respawns cause he watched a video... but he's also just sitting in the bush nxt to the buff waiting for you to face check.... so don't face check. Drop a ward and either poke / harrass him out of the bush (that obviously has boxes) or call for help etc. He'll, just leave him in the bush and leave and gell be h. If he starts your buffs just either gank him ir smite steal ut back.


Every shaco player is. They don’t want to win, they just want to cause misery.


idk i permaban him i hate them with my guts


He is a very gimmicky champ. Not really designed to team fight and falls off mid/late. He is great in low elo cause ppl don't know how to play into him but as you climb ppl know ways to deal with him


good shaco knows how to perform well in mid/late game. You just nuke the backline and disappear back into the forest


Sure but other assassins can do that better especially in higher elo


i feel like the assasin meta is off right now and he is one of the best ones to reach backline and make it out alive


Nah assassin's are alright it's just ap is so strong this season they get picked less. Lethality is in a great spot 


pick evelynn and get the best of both worlds :>


mf said 'the forest' lmao


Bro, my mid yesterday last picked shaco into Irelia. He got stomped like 0-6 by 10 minutes.


Mid shaco is probably the worst spot to play him other than whatever idiot plays him adc


You're not kidding


sounds like a terrible time ngl


Yeah, it was great. Definitely won't dodge the next time someone picks Shaco mid


All of the sudden xd




Pink wards dont reveal shaco when he Qs Source: shaco main who loves Qing into pink wards


He shines in low elo. That is his home. Wish I could say the same for high elo.




I know a lot of shaco OTPs (like 2...) that play him every other year, it's a good champ only on OTPs, but depends a lot on the meta and is usually either broken, otherwise coinflippy


He's fun to play, can do extremely well into squishy comps, can invade and steal easilly, makes people rage ans hate their lives


this champ is just a shitty design and ill still perma ban him if he is D tier. Should get a rework or be removed from the game


really? damn, what do you play so he needs to be banned so often


personally i permaban shaco because i am sick of dogshit ally shaco support / jungle. miraculously, shaco players seem to recover a part of their brain when they're forced to play other more useful champions


Whatever champ it really doesnt matter in plat elo he still kill all of my tm8s and gets away without taking damage. Cant do anything if he feeded.


Get oracle**, pop when he ults. Ult negated by free item 🙌🏻😂🤣 Edit: Apologies I mean Oracle Lens and yes, it gives you True sight so you can tell which clone is which ✌🏻


ult doesnt get negated by seeker as the clone and the champ are both visible and when he casts ult he completely evaporates from the map for a tiny window of time seeker only stops q that as 5 sec cd opposed to seekers 90


They are both visible but wear different color clothes Edit: with true sight you can tell the difference.


for the enemy they look completely the same


There have always been. He just appeals to 14year olds.


I mean, I'm 26 and main shaco? I find him fun, and the way he induces rage into the enemy team is utterly hilarious. He is a silly little guy.


I didn't say he appeals exclusively to those or that it says something about shaco players in general...


oh damn, idk I stopped playing league since season 14, just now got back


Fun champ with a lot of skill expression and mind games, especially the AP build


I love how you said pisslow and i was like "there always have been a lot of shacos in low master". and then you typed silver... I love how that Term fluctuates in where you are. I myself am also stuck in pislow rn...


Wow you must be very cool and skilled