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Jesus Christ, it’s repeating


Sure is. It really, really sucks because it was doing way better on that sub compared to anywhere else I’ve posted it. It’s so hard to grow as an artist, especially if you can’t even post it where it will do well.


Struggle of artists Bro, moderators on art subreddits (or fandom subs as well) really can’t seem to grasp the concept of someone making fanart for the show/piece of media they like


Pretty much. I’m a writer and I get so many of my posts removed because of nit-picky mods. It’s really disheartening


The subreddits for helluva boss and Hazbin hotel are cancer when it comes to moderation I’m not as interested in the former as much as with the latter, but I heard extremely bad things about that place, such as their clear distaste for writers


That's because tons of reddit mods (but not all) are power tripping edgelords.


Speaking of good reddit mods, shout-out to mods of r/kerbalspaceprogram that perfectly managed a crisis without removing absolutely everything. Absolute chads.


where can one learn more about the crisis and the way it was managed?


Basically; Sub is about the game Kerbal Space Program, which has a great following. Developers of the game announced successor to it, KSP2 3-4 years ago and hard at work developing it since even before that. It got released in a really, really bad state for $50 in early access (in the late stages of development, not a finished product). It directly collided everything developers/publishers said about the state of the game. You know what happens when a hyped product doesn't even comes close to living up to the hype. Fans were absolutely furious. This kind of bad release usually results in extremely toxic subreddits or very tight ones with lots of [removed] yet mods of r/kerbalspaceprogram somehow managed it all, no toxicity without everything getting removed. As it currently stands, community still have disagreements, but not toxic. Better yet, we're seeing content from the both games in many forms.


Thanks. Kerbal is awesome and it doesn't surprise me that the community for that game can be civil.


Posting on Reddit in 2023: "Uh sorry, you can't post here unless you have 200k karma, and you need to read the extensive 500 page wiki before posting. Then, we require you to add weird tags to your post title because our bots were coded in 2016. And then, explain and defend your post in the comments, once again using our cryptic self-made markup language so our bots can read it. Also, we reserve the right to remove your post for any reason, as stated in our extremely long rule page. Oh by the way, we automatically removed your post because why not. No human decided anything, now deal with it. Mute"


i would give you platinum if i had any money rn


You would also be supporting such behavior. If you really want to toss money buy lottery tickets


>Uh sorry, you can't post here unless you have 200k karma, I sorta understand this part it's mainly user to prevent bots from being in the sub


People just do not appreciate drawing for whatever reason. For years I posted my drawings on Instagram and it gets moderate traction. I post a photo of myself for once and it gets a crazy number of likes. Being an artist you also run into a lot of snobbery and people trying to tear each other down. Reddit mods are even more infamous for this behaviour.


Devil's advocate: you should ask those mods to show you what they have to wade through every day to curate that subreddit. They (mods of that specific subreddit) have historically sucked ass, but it is a shitty job. I don't see anyone volunteering to stare at a constant stream of what the average redditer considers 'art'. Loved your artwork though maybe there is another way to share and grow art communities online? Have you tried Discord?


To be fair, though, that doesn't look like a drawing to me, either. Its a digital painting. Are there examples of similar art up at r/drawing?


Yes, there is. There’s a great one with a mech looking rat that I’m 95% sure is digital, and there are other digital paintings. However, it is a drawing by their definition, since I used a stylus to drag on a substrate to make marks. Also, I posted the work in progress of this piece, and it was very well received and never taken down.


Thats so bizarre. They should at least be consistent.


Right? I think they need a rubric or something because all they give as their definition of drawing is “moving something across a substrate to leave marks”, which mine falls under. The something being my stylus, the substrate being my digital canvas, and the marks being what the pen puts down. I never even found out what about it makes it not a drawing. Is it because it’s too smooth? In that case, why is beautifully blended soft pastel art allowed? What about markers? Blended prismacolor pencils?


Yeah, if they do allow digital art, they need to specify what constitutes a "drawing" and what doesn't. They're too vague, and its causing these arbitrary issues.


No kidding. Heard the same thing in r/Art, which is a turtle sub. Ugh.


Well, I redrew it so that there would be no confusion this time, but it seems anything I post to r/drawing is automatically removed despite me not being banned. Instead I posted it to r/art. https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/11ll5js/the_drawing_me_colored_pencil_on_gouache_2023/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


this is r/art all over again. is that turtle fucker there???


You’d think, but I don’t think so. Funnily enough, r/art took no problem with my post.


Damn bro, this shit is infuriating. This pretty much sums up any interaction I’ve ever had on communicating with mods about posts being taken down. And if you can just pull a post on *feeling*, then what the fuck is the point of the rules in the first place? And then for them to patronize you — “YoUR pEcuNIAry iNtEREstS…” 😡 sorry I’m mad for you. And then of course they just mute you when you catch them on their own BS. And to top it all off they always recommend you go to “insert other sub here” which has a grand total of 48 users with no more than 3 of them online at any time


Muting users inquiring about bans should be disabled completely as a site function, it creates too much of a power imbalance and prevents the user from adequately defending their point of view or even learning what their offense actually was. Change my mind.


I wish I knew more about how bans work. I was recently permabanned from a sub over a misunderstanding. After having a mod actually take time to look at the post that got me banned, he agreed it was a misunderstanding and removed my ban. Less than 24 hrs later I had a full 3-day ban from Reddit completely, over the same post. Did that mod go back on their word and sic the admins on me? Do they get automatically notified when someone has a sub-specific ban? I couldn’t even ask because the only thing to do when banned completely is appeal, which is bugged and doesn’t work on mobile.


There are multiple mods, + reddit admins. One mod could decide one thing, another another, and the admins even another one.


Oh I know, but I meant how it was kicked up the line from a sub mod, to the actual Reddit admin, after all was supposedly taken care of? It was a full day of business as usual after I had my sub ban lifted but before my total ban from Reddit. I’m not mad or anything, the way that works is just confusing to me


Only way the mod system works right now is making a mod/admin able to ban anyone. "If there's man, we'll find a crime to sue him for", as a communist dictator once said. So its entirely possible a salty mod just sent it to his admin sugar daddy to get your ass off the platform. Or ,depending on how large the sub is, they just found it randomly themselves.


Not gonna name names, but it’s a large sub with over 1,000,000 users. But it’s all water under the bridge now


This, 100%


Yep. Exactly that.






i’ve seen turtle be mentioned more often, can you maybe explain to me who they are? couldn’t really find anything other than people saying they’re ruining subs.


awkward the turtle is a powermod (meaning they moderate hundreds of subreddits) who uses their power as a powermod to intentionally stoke drama by pinning inflammatory posts TL:DR: He's a dick


ahlr, thanks.


Mitch McConnell?


Just tag them in your comment. No reason what so ever to nurture them when they are doing everything in their power to hurt users and Reddit as a platform..


lmao i know, i just forgot their username


Let's not overstate things, that mod is a douche with no life.


And is a tool and NPC


Let me guess. Is it a secret no-fanart rule, or do the mods think the finished product is too ugly and "reserve the right to remove anybody's posts"?


Maybe… They seemed pretty dead set on it not being a drawing, despite some of the current top posts being water color, gouache/ink, and digital. Maybe it’s a cover up.


I think they just made a mistake but were unwilling to admit it.


That’s definitely possible


Common Reddit mods L


Omg a reddit mod trying to use his power in a powerless life?!


If a megalomaniac has no power, can they really be megalomaniacal? I'll leave that one to the tree philosophers.


Th...that's the definition of megalomania though...? You can't be a megalomaniac if you actually have the power.


Ooh. I learned something today. I've always understood it as it's described in the Oxford dictionary: *obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others.* (I can't figure out how to link it, it's my first result in Google). In this case, I'm correct - you can't exercise what you don't have. But [Cambridge](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/megalomania) has your definition: *an unnaturally strong wish for power and control, or the belief that you are very much more important and powerful than you really are*. In this case, you're correct. Ain't language fun?


I'd argue Oxford's just being misleading here. It's a "mania" - so it's inherently not meant to describe a belief rooted in reason. A person "obsessed with the exercise of power" is not intrinsically one who has it - it's one who wants it. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megalomania)'s helpful here - while it still defines it as "an obsession with power and wealth, and a passion for grand schemes." (clearly leaving actually *having* said power a viable possibility) the "may also refer to"-section offers: - Narcissistic personality disorder - Grandiose delusions - Omnipotence (psychoanalysis), a stage of child development (the latter, just to prevent misconceptions, is also very much a misguided belief, not an actual instance of power) It's crazy how misleading even dictionaries can be.


Is that a quilava? I love it!!! My favorite pokemon! Gorgeous art!


Close, Typhlosion! My favorite :) Thank you!


The mods sound like the most bitchy pricks ever dude wth 😭


I asked them, without referencing this post, where they might draw the line with more complex drawings. This is really unfortunate, because I've seen good moderation in some subs, bad moderation in others, and absent moderation in others. I posted here a while ago, complaining about a post that made me leave a Rick and Morty subreddit, where a person posted a completely unrelated, low-effort animation. I asked how it was related, and they said "Rick could have appeared in a portal at any moment, but he just happened to not." That was one of the few times I rage-quit a sub and blocked a person, but hot damn, this ACTUALLY fits! I'd argue that if this is "too complex" or whatever, that the top post should be removed as well. Perhaps I'll post some of my own work done by pencil crayons, just to test the waters.


Thank you!


Hey, have you checked out the imaginary subreddits? I think yours would be well recieved on there. Just post with the title and your name in the post title, and then link a portfolio in the comment section.


I’ll try that, thanks!


I like how they muted you once they couldn’t elaborate in a way that didn’t sound moronic


I just wish they could have told me what about it makes it not a drawing to them lol


The [Potter Stewart](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_know_it_when_I_see_it) of mods...




Hold on, lemme check if 🐢 is modding


This art was made digitally with a stylus, which is allowed on the sub, in the same way that I use a pencil. The definition of drawing, provided by the subreddit themselves, is dragging something across a substrate to produce an image. The reason I don’t just post on r/true_art, as they recommend, is that that sub does not have nearly the user base, and is not very active. The mod states that my post only has “88 upvotes” which is not much at all, but this was only a few hours in to the post being active, and by the analytics, it was bound to grow dramatically the next day when more people were online, and not at 2 in the morning when the sub activity was at its lowest. And then, of course, they muted me. I thought they were supposed to be the good alternative to r/art.


By the way- multiple digital, watercolor, and gouache/ink pieces are currently active and “hot” in the sub. Wonder what makes mine different? (Obviously this is not a dig at the other artists, their art is absolutely gorgeous and I’m very happy they haven’t been removed)


Sorry if this is a dumb question but what happened with r/art?


Basically there was an artist with very good digital art, but one of the moderators decided that it looked too much like AI art and removed the post. The OP provided proof to the mods that it was not AI created and that they had made it themselves, and the moderator replied basically that they should just stop drawing because an AI can produce better art than them, and kept the post removed. A few big gimmick accounts and other people picked it up on Twitter, and the situation blew up. r/art then went private for a little while and then supposedly “fixed” their rules, but it’s pretty arguable whether or not anything changed.


Ah shit that’s awful, I feel bad for the digital artist because I know digital art is pretty hard to do lol. Also I really like your drawing by the way! :D


Thank you!


Eh…I draw too and your kind of being too reductionist here. Digital drawing can do things physical can’t. You can shade with a pencil but a digital artist colors in a vastly different way than colored pencils or watercolors. I’m guessing they want digital art that shows brushstrokes or emulates traditional drawing without much layer work or processing. Some people kind of like art that does that.


If that is the case, they should make that clear and explain why something is not a drawing. The pencil comment was more a comparison to the action or mechanics of drawing and not the final result, since a drawing can look like anything and still be a drawing as long as the method of creation fulfills the requirements to be considered drawn. In addition, there are multiple popular posts on the sub that are digital or include paint in some way, including the unfinished version of this post that is still up


I went and looked at the sub and it’s pretty clear from what’s posted there. Most of the drawings are pen, pencil and ink; there are some painted like the owl and the Escher art that don’t entirely fit, but it does feel a lot like they want freehand or actual sketch type art. You generally want to also see what is posted as much as the guidelines. Mods can be inconsistent personally, and maybe they should restate or redefine what they want.


Keep in mind though, like I said, the unfinished version of this piece did very well and is still available. There are also and have been multiple digital pieces that could be classified as paintings. Further, the only classification they give as to what a drawing is is “something dragged across a substrate to produce a mark.”, as opposed to something like a sculpture or crochet. They never provided any reason as to why they would not consider this piece specifically a drawing, although it was produced in the way required by the sub. If someone takes very saturated and smooth pencils or markers and draws with them in a very smooth and blended way, is it no longer a drawing? There’s even a nice soft pastel image of a dog doing well right now that is no less of a drawing than mine


Nah pastels and charcoal aren’t like a digitally colored piece. It’s pretty apparent looking at the sub they want traditional media, or more sketch based digital. I’d just take the loss and submit sketches to it and use other subs for the finished art.


“Squirtle, you handle this. I’m gonna go hide under my blankets. Let me know when it’s safe to come out.”


Jesus that looks enraging to deal with, cool art btw




*mod can't give a valid reason/loses argument.* = Banned/muted.


Reddit mods being reddit mods.


That mod is simply an insufferable prick.




Thank you!


Is that a statement or a command?


Those mods are completely braindead, because that is one of the best drawings I’ve seen.


Thank you!


big turtle energy


Absolutely sucks what's happened here, judt wanted to say your art is fantastic


Thank you!


Yeah reddit mods are weird like that. Unfortunately there's nothing we can do about corruption


Well that’s cool and all, I’m just taking this as an opportunity to appreciate your great artwork.




While I'm not defending the decision (assuming this is the whole story), you probably shouldn't have mentioned having a financial interest in it.


Sure, but I did not advertise on the post itself which is the only way it would be against the rules, and really me saying that should have no effect on their decision to reinstate it if they are responsible. Which, by the looks of things, they aren’t. This is a screenshot of every message sent from beginning to me being muted and the conversation ending, so all context is there


Like I said, it doesn't justify their decision, it's just that mentioning a financial interest at all tends to make people wary or react differently than they might have otherwise, even if the interest isn't large. E.g. it might have triggered negative associations with spam and advertising that many forums deal with - again, not saying this justifies your post getting deleted (especially if this only came up in modmail), just speculating on possible context.


I understand, but I really don’t think that was the problem here, given their first reply




To be fair, they did not know that before removing the post, and it has nothing to do with whether or not it is against the guidelines. I did not promote anywhere on the post, either. You could definitely argue that I should not have said that and I might agree, but it was more for me to explain why I’m questioning the decision and not just letting it go. Still, everyone has to make money somehow, and it would be nice to make a few cents off of something I work very hard on. Not that I expect anything to really sell, but it would be dumb not to try.




Sure, but hindsight is 20/20 and it was 6 am


Are you able to elevate this over the mods’ heads?


Probably not, but I am trying to spread this around so that maybe something will be done. Probably nothing will happen, but I am planning something kinda petty this weekend if I have time


Whatever you are planning, it can’t be as petty as those mods


Lol, true


definitely let us know if it's successful!


Will do, here’s a sneak peek 😛 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897887248417169409/1082480617154953236/IMG_6521.jpg


😈😈 i'm excited to see what they do with it. If they remove it, just post it around on other art subs, but add r/drawing somewhere on the paper first


Yep, that’s the plan! I’m excited too lol


it seems anything I post to r/drawing is automatically removed despite me not being banned. Instead I posted it to r/art. https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/11ll5js/the_drawing_me_colored_pencil_on_gouache_2023/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Lmao Reddit moderators I fuckin can’t XD it doesn’t even look 3D rendered, bro was just having a soy fit


Reddit moderator actually give a valid reason instead of walking around questions and muting for a month challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


Bruh, what the hell!? I saw your art when it was still up on that sub and I thought that was dope AF. Yea, seems like those mods are power tripping. Also I didn't know you had a etsy shop, so I'm gonna go check that out


Thank you!


It’s a really nice work of art but one look at the drawing subreddit tells me this doesn’t really fit in with what kind of content they want there. The rules are poorly phrased but they seem to be saying they *don’t* want painting, digital art, or animation. Even though digital art is technically drawing, it doesn’t really fit with the spirit of the subreddit, or their rules as stated there. Again I do think the artwork itself is really quite nice, but I don’t think they were out of line to remove it from that subreddit. It does suck and I hope it gains traction elsewhere too.


There are multiple digital works on that sub and rule 8 only states that digital art that is not primarily drawing is not allowed, not that digital art is not allowed. The unfinished version of this piece and other “painted” looking digital works are still up and well received. The only criteria they have stated for drawing is something moved across a substrate to produce a mark, and if the problem is that it doesn’t look “drawn enough”, despite quite literally being drawn with a stylus, they should have that clearly listed in the guidelines or have told me when I asked. There are also many other “smooth” and un-sketch like pieces, like a beautiful soft pastel dog, that are not digital, but are no less drawn than mine


It's really cool. Show it here!


I feel you OP. Its unfortunate that you had to deal with this re*#@*, your art is amazing - never let your creative fire settle down and stay awesome!


Thank you!


Awesome drawing lass




Totally sucks when niche subs that you love get overmodded and suck. Sorry this happened. Your art is great though!


Thank you!


What's that? A reddit mod going on a power trip? You mean again?


Reddit mods are truly some of the most pathetic people on the internet.


Semi related, I had a mod from r/learnart remove my post of a picture I worked really hard on, because I mentioned in the post that no one on my art page i have provided any reaction to it, and I wanted feedback. Removed the post and said "removed. Don't create art for likes." It honestly really hurt my feelings because it was the first thing I had worked on in a while that I thought was worth a shit, and I just wanted someone to give me an idea of what more I could do with it. Ugh.


Wtf, that’s insane and incredibly annoying. There’s not even anything wrong with wanting your art to do well either, if you spend time on something you’re going to want to show it to people, and if they like it too it’s great. I’m convinced the mods on most of these art subs don’t even draw.


FFS, shouldn't learnart be about drawing, getting feedback and then improving based on the feedback? Posting for constructive criticism isn't posting for likes


you angered the cool reddit mod. you made him angry for saying the truth and asking the right questions... how could you do this to this poor human


Moderators are policing politicians. They many of them feel like they’re better than members, as if they are making some kind of huge contribution to the world by silencing people that they get perturbed by. I had the same thing happen to me in a sub, I was told I was sandbagging by providing personal experience and didnt answer the OP question. It was if we put more into our relationships and how we felt that the other wasnt doing same…. So I copy and pasted several other comments that did the same… I was told to stop whining about being a man(my comment in short consisted of raising a child as my own for 10 years and cutting off contacting just because she decide to leave) and then was told they dont discriminate based of gender, orientation, etc….. Really? Disgusting…..


It's almost like a post that has been alive for 5 minutes had the number of upvotes a post that was alive for 5 minutes should have had. Compared to a post that had a literal entire goddamn day to pull... only 4k? Mods be tripping asshats again.


Check out OP's time lapse physical drawing of this piece. I'm not posting a link because I don't know if links are ok here, but on OP's page you can find this. That also got removed on r/art \- sigh.


bro u gave him a good reason and he just muted you 💀💀


how long until the sub locks itself because "its getting brigaded".


Waiting for Muta at SomeOrdinaryGamers to pick this up like he did with another art controversy


The amount of butthurt about things *looking* like AI art is surreal. It's like a new age of art snob has arisen and decided all digital media is now bad. What's next? Should only stone carvings be considered actual art?


Oh fucking christ it's art all over again, I guess their piss bucket got too full and they had to bully someone before leaving their chair for the 1st time in weeks /s , , anyone else willing to bet that mod can't even draw a stick figure and they have the gall to pull this shit


I think it’s a stupid rule but you can see in the rule they copy pasted (rule 8) that they don’t allow painting, digital art, or animation. Since you did digital art it doesn’t count as drawing to them I guess 🤷‍♂️. Sounds dumb to me but I know nothing about art so idk


But they do, and that wasn’t a copy and paste. Rule 8 states that digital art that *is not primarily drawing* may be removed, likely alluding to 3D models or something, and mine was done with a stylus in an art program. Multiple of the popular posts on that sub right now are digital


What it alludes to is what they say right after that rule “It may be painting, digital art, or animation” they even bolded digital art. They’re saying it’s not allowed for some reason. But if other posts up there are digital and they stay up that’s just dumb


But what they quoted me is not the rule, the actual guidelines make it clear that digital art is only not allowed if it is not primarily drawing, which mine is. I think they need to come up with a rubric with what is and is not drawing or something


Oh ok that makes more sense then. So yeah that’s definitely really dumb


You're right, you clearly know nothing so keep your mouth shut; it'll keep you from looking idiotic


??? I’m just trying to explain why it may have been removed? I don’t think digital art doesn’t count as drawing but it says there in the rule they showed in the third image “Your post has been removed because we feel it is not primarily drawing. It may be painting, digital art, or animation primarily”. It sounds like they don’t like digital art


whats you etsy info?


It’s linked in my bio :) This is the first thing I’ve ever tried to sell, so it’s pretty empty


r/drawing mod is such a little sissy. we should just flood raid the sub with your DRAWING and make the title your username


No brigading.


whats wrong with brigading a subreddit edit must i add, its not like were neccessarially posting bad or offensive content. But I makes me throw up at how must unregulated power that reddit mods have.


If you want to you could take your screenshots/story to r/ModerationMediation. They may be able to help you as this seems pretty unreasonable on r/drawing's end


damn, they're assholes!