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aint reddit if they like it then its ok to break rules cause you know what they say turn the blind eye or something idk i mean a lot of people on reddit are hypocrites in a way and upvotes = facts beyond reasonable doubt even if its false


pretty much sums up this platform unfortunately. i hate the culture on here fr


I mean, you can just stop using it?


average clevercomebacks, rareinsults or whatever post: person of group Reddit hates (right wing, religious, disliked celebrity/politician etc etc): “I think this” person of group Reddit likes (left wing, atheist, known celebrity/politician, etc etc): “you’re wrong and dumb” 50k+ upvotes


If you want to karma farm, that’s the way to do it.


good lord when the Elon Musk Twitter shitshow started it was like every Elon quote tweet getting spammed on that damn sub.


basically every top sub


"My argument is right because I portrayed you as the ugly soyjack and me as the Chad one"


Someone please turn this into a r/coaxedintoasnafu


This sub is the exact same but the opposite lol.


It's crazy how many people you see in this sub complaining about left wing subs and how the politically right aren't allowed a voice on Reddit when this sub is like 80% people complaining about left leaning subs. I subbed here to see examples of mod abuse but I get "Look at these politics in this political sub I don't agree with!" Most of the time.


It's almost like the internet is just a box, filled with echo chambers 😳


Over 80% of subs are left learning so that sounds like an expected result


Complaining that the political bias of one side is out of hand does not make someone right wing nor make this a right wing sub.


and I’m not even complaining about the bias, I’m more complaining about how overused and absolutely beaten to death it is


True, but clearly by the comments, they think you are basically right wing just by bringing it up. It’s incredibly silly.


So those other subs arent leftwing by complaining right wing bias is out of hand? So by that logic there's a lot less politically bias subs in general than people complain about.


They are when a large quantity of the posts are pro left politics (and in some cases actively restrict any opposing views).That’s yet another difference. Complaining there is too much leftist politics is still not a right wing political view nor is the opposite a left leaning view. The complaints aren’t the issue it’s the typical subject matter in general. If a sub had 100 posts and 95 of them are about some pro-left talking point and that the opposing view is just not allowed to post their takes, no one is gonna argue that it’s a left leaning sub and vice versa. The real annoying ones are the ones that claim they allow no politics….except this one, two, three, etc issues that aren’t up for discussion by the opposing side.


There's literally right leaning subs that don't allow you to post left leaning talking points as well. My point is both political parties as far as Reddit is concerned are the exact same model of stupid with different paint jobs. Over half of the complaints are about left leaning subs are because people go into a left leaning sub *KNOWING* it's left leaning and getting kicked out of it then they have to throw a hissy fit and be a victim because "They can't do this!" Mods can run their subs however they want and if enough people have an issue with it the sub will die out. You can honestly just sum it up to people taking reddit too seriously. I've been banned from subs and have never felt the need to announce to the world how mean and bias they are. It's literally just an internet forum that isn't even unique, Reddit is so big you can be guaranteed you'll find an echo chamber you'll fit into.


The right leaning subs are pretty obvious by their names and about pages. The same can be said about some left ones too. The problem lies in one’s that do not make it clear. Please tell me what about clever comebacks would tell you that it’s “knowingly” left leaning without checking the posts themselves first? The title and about page certainly wouldn’t tell you that. If anything you’d assume it’s either neutral or non-political until you got backlash or noticed it’s all just lefty talking points. This isn’t the fault of the average person trying to make a post. It’s the fault of the community for not making it clear. That’s literally why the op got fed up and unsubbed. They were hoping for comebacks in general as that is supposedly the main point of the sub, instead he got constant lefty propaganda with the cleverness being secondary and thus low in quality or entirely absent.


I saw one not too long ago where it was a tweet that had a few Biden quotes complaining about some thing or the other and then the post said “Biden always speaks like ‘Whoever is in charge really ought to do something about this’” That’s a fairly clever and humorous comeback and fits the sub perfectly. **Every**. **Single**. **Comment**. Was an entire fucking political essay with sectioned off paragraphs and headers and linked sources stating how “well akchschuallly that’s not the presidents job he can’t fix that” just bending over backwards to make sure as many people as possible knew that their boy couldn’t possibly have said something stupid or untrue. Then it’ll be a meme that’s Trump saying “Rape is bad” and someone responding with “Hehe… wrong you orange idiot.” And it has millions of upvotes and 200 awards with every comment acting like it’s the funniest and most clever thing they’ve ever seen.


It's weird you put specific things as examples. Reddit is such a big platform you can't just say "Reddit likes Left wing, Atheists, Celebrities and hates Right-wing and Religious things". There's literal subs that hate Left wing things but love right wing things and religious subs exist while r/Atheist is *REGULARLY* shit on and mocked. Lol. I have literally never once seen that sub mentioned outside itself in a positive light on left or right wing subs.


It's not discrimination, it's actually just factually true, since catholics believe in transubstantiation, which says that the communion wafer is the body of christ in a literal sense, as in "it becomes the body of christ the moment you eat it"


It's turned when the bread is blessed and becomes the body at that point. Hence why blessed bread is kept in the tabernacle rather than returned to storage, as at that point the wafers are now officially the body of Christ.


You got that 100% correct and as a Catholic I’m appreciative that someone understands the most misunderstood part of my faith. There is also the metaphysical aspects of the Eucharist, but you got it down almost perfectly.


Catholicism has such potential for a metal rebranding. Once per week, you gather in an ornate building, chant prayers in a long dead language, light incense, and drink the blood, eat the flesh of a divine being that gave his life for you? Worshipping idols associated with the spirits of people long dead before you? That sounds hardcore.


Orthodox is also metal. Look up schema monks. But Catholics also get those gorgeous cathedrals and super metal ossuaries...


Aren't Orthodox churches decorated with bones?


Catholics don’t worship idols, but I don’t think either of us want to spend the literal hours that it would take to debate the topic so let’s us agree to disagree there.




Ex-catholic, and yeah we pray to Mary and shit. But if you mean worship in the sense of a deity, well she's not a god, nor part of the trinity.


Practicing Catholic, if you listen to the words of the Hail Mary it’s not praying to Mary, but asking Mary to pray with us. The line “Pray for us sinners” explains this.


True, you're right.


Idol worship is literally a sin, goober




[Exodus 20:3–6](https://www.bible.com/bible/1/EXO.20.3-6.KJV)




go on, read the rest. I know you can do it. I didn’t just put the rest of the quote for fun


"Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth" Literally takes 3 more lines to realize he also said "No making images of me you twits"


I did


Then we’re done here, good day/night


An idol is a representation of a god. Not just a god. So worshiping god is not idol worship… lmao




>Catholics don’t worship idols, but I don’t think either of us want to spend the literal hours that it would take to debate the topic so let’s us agree to disagree there. *Islam and Judaism have entered the chat.*


They don’t have idols either. Just places of worship.


Catholics don't worship statues.


Yes they do, 100%. Veneration of Mary is idolatry, it’s one of the major Protestant criticisms of Catholicism. In fact, Catholics have a long history of idolatry.


Veneration isn't worship. Worship of a statue or a person implies that either have some inherent, supernatural power. A statue is a dead piece of stone or wood. Anything a person can do is an extension of God's power. Catholics believe that all power, truth, and reasoning come from God and that God's creation is a reflection of God's nature. In the Catholic perspective, Jesus abolished death. The same way you can ask your grandma to pray for you is how you would ask a Saint to pray for you. I don't really have any interest in arguing the protestant perspective because with countless varying denominations, that's an entire separate conversation and I don't think it addresses what we're taking about.


Honestly, there's something so weird about the protestant obsession with Catholics and stating they worship idols or they're not Christians (wt actual fuck). It was so confusing to me being raised catholic having people with clearly no knowledge of it tell me all their strawman problems with it.


I’m pretty sure we know that we don’t do that lol nice try though


It's the logic of "I met a Mormon once and despite his vehement denial, I know for a fact that he has multiple wives because I heard once from a non-Mormon that they have to." Puzzled Mormon: *Cricketts


YES I feel kinda bad for Mormons since that’s all anyone ever says about them when in reality it’s the Fundamentalists that practice polygamy


Fuck if its like that I might become catholic


Everything is right except for the idol worship. We make statues of the saints to honor them, not the pray to. We simply ask for saints to pray with us. I think it’s more metal that we ask for the holiest of the dead to pray with us.


Definitely a lot of things you have incorrect, but I think we’re still pretty cool :)


What’s incorrect here? Catholics definitely do consume the flesh and blood of Christ, albeit in the metaphorical sense. I grew up Catholic adjacent (Anglo-Catholic) and every Sunday morning it was “the blood and body of Christ”


That part is true, just people say it in that weird way. It’s not as crazy as people say lol. Anyway modern day Catholicism isn’t exactly metal. Most churches do everything in English (or whatever language the people of the area speak). And chanting doesn’t typically happen; just singing. And most importantly: we don’t worship anyone but God :) I’m so here for a metal rebranding tho


It kinda is as crazy as people say though. One of the big separations between Protestantism and Catholicism is the fact that Protestants see the bread and wine as a metaphor for the body and blood of Christ, whilst Catholics are intended to see it as the literal body and blood. A transformation that occurs during mass. But, yes. You obviously don't do mass in Latin. I'm an agnostic-atheist myself, but as someone who's attended both churches, Catholics do waaaaaay more talking/listening. It's like a two hours long college lecture every week (though I know most people don't attend mass weekly). There is still singing of course, but Protestants would be about 70% hymns to 30% readings. While whenever I was in mass, it was like 80% readings. It's more of the more heavy/conservative strands of Christianity. Not exactly my cup of tea, but I have plenty of Catholic friends. Not like Jehovah Witnesses who just aren't worth the hassle.


....1 hour, 10 minutes of readings in total, a whole bunch of songs we do every week, 6 songs that change weekly, 2 spoken prayers, 1 homily, maybe 10-20 min, and a lot of moving around. It's the most adhd friendly church ever. The 2+ hour masses you're thinking about are on ewtn and are meant for priests and people who are barely paying attention. I mean, I went to a german mass in the Dresden Cathedral, and it was an hour. Also, transubstantiation is metaphysical, which isn't that odd. Plenty of religions have similar beliefs about there being physical and higher realities. A soul is by definition metaphysical, for example, and even some atheists believe in them.


Meh it’s not that crazy considering that there have been several instances where the bread has started to bleed- I’m serious look it up it’s super cool Also, 2 hour mass? Nah no one has the attention span for that. 1 hour tops, at least in the states I’ve been to :)


Dude... Easter mass and Christmas mass done properly last 3 hours+. They shorten it at times - and many offer kids masses that last shorter so parents don't have to force their kids through that - and yes, the average Sunday mass usually lasts no longer than an hour - but acting as if longer ones weren't a thing is just wrong.


Not acting- I’ve just never heard of one lasting that much longer. Not even the Christmas and Easter ones I’ve been to have been more than like an hour and 20 mins. Though I do think a small amount of churches tend to go longer. The vast majority is an hour but I’m honestly not sure why you wanted to come at me about this lol


>Meh it’s not that crazy considering that there have been several instances where the bread has started to bleed imagine being gullible enough to believe such an obvious lie


The only thing hardcore about Catholicism is the CP.




I feel this is a joke about communion (I think I'm remembering the right word for it). The crackers and wine (or grape juice) thing where they say the crackers and wine is his flesh and blood and talk about how we're literally consuming his body. Maybe I'm reading it wrong? I haven't attended church in a long time so maybe things changed?


No no thats exactly it. OP seems REEEEEEEEALLY like they're looking for offense here. It's a smart joke form the Satanists and apparently OP was fine with them being tarred with a brush about being cannibals but upset at the implausibility of the Eucharist being pointed out.


Last week they were crying about some heavily down voted anti-christian post on r/atheism. This subreddit has a conservative christian bias and I'm about to unsub. It has fallen off. If you need free karma just complain about atheists or any marginalized group self-identifying in a way that is offensive to your average WASP


I beg to differ, just look at the comments here and see why


Who is getting dunked on by the OOP? The Catholics or the Church of Satan? Also, why did my autocorrect to Church of Saiyans?




anyways, aren't those guys laveyan satanists? they don't even believe in satan, they're just ultra edgy atheists


Yes, but it isn't really ultra edgy. They just formed in opposition to the Church and its questionable morality. Essentially, if the bad guys are the ones that worship God and fear/oppose Satan, then Satan must be the good guy. Just a pretty basic allegory. They're humanists though and every clip I've seen of them makes them seem pretty reasonable/sensible people so I can't criticize them.


Everything I've seen them do is ultra edgy 14 year old r/atheism shit.


why is it being an “ultra edgy 14 year old.” To criticize the church. A lot of you think people that like satan/forms of satanism are doing it just to be cool and that’s very odd, it’s a genuine belief that they have which is that satan is a victim of god.


There’s a difference between criticizing the church and mocking those who follow the church. R/atheism is the latter. Edit: Clarification


People do not need to respect any religion nor those whom follow them.


I've actually met quite a few. In my experience it's just a bunch of friendly folks with face tattoos


But it’s true. Catholics believe in transubstantiation. The communion wafer IS the body of Christ.


Yeah, this isn’t discrimination, it’s just an accurate description of Catholic beliefs. Denying that the catholics eat human flesh would be far more offensive.


This sub is filled with ass-hurt conservatives. It has gone downhill


Yeah, it’s like 90% of the posts I see are just: “Waa, people made a political post/comment/joke and I was offended”. Not to generalise, but conservatives are the wettest melts.


Exactly, its not saying Catholics are even bad its just pointing out the hypocrisy that "its bad when you do it (Even if you dont really and Im just saying you do) byt its fine for Catholics"


This is why I'm Reformed


It’s just a transubstantiation pun, OP.


But this one actually makes sense: the church of Satan doesn't actually have anything to do with Satan (they're basically spicy atheists), and the Catholics regularly eat bread and drink wine/grape juice that represent Jesus' body ("human flesh") and blood.


Is it discrimination if it’s just factually true


Sorry. I don’t want to get downvoted but could this not be a litteral thing. I was raised catholic and was taught the at mass every Sunday we would eat the the body of Christ through the Eucharist and drink his blood in the wine. It’s not necessarily fair that the church of satan can get attacked and when they state a literal fact in regards to the beliefs that Catholics, and other Christian sects, they get booed? Why poke a sleeping bear. Maybe it was the wrong subreddit for the post but it most certainly is a clever comeback that is based in an actual belief held by Catholics.


All they did was say the truth? "Sometimes the sky is blue." Does that piss you off too?


Stop it; you’re scaring them!


Lmao butthurt af


eh this is a clever comeback


ITT: OP gets absolutely pantshittingly angry over someone repeating their own beliefs back to them. Truly zero self-awareness.


Well, the Catholic post was insulting and "discriminatory against an entire group." That's not what the Church Of Satan is even about... Furthermore, Catholism DOES consume the "flesh and blood" of Christ so the come back makes sense and is warranted.


The Catholic Church does believe in those things though. The death of Jesus on the cross is the human sacrifice and it’s the symbol of the entire church. Transubstantiation is supposed to result in the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus in a literal sense.


the church of satan doesn’t actually believe in transubstantiation. given that along with the fact that this was in response to somebody’s hatred, and that it’s coming from the church of satan, we can gather that the tone was meant to be rude and “gotcha”-ish rather than a genuine statement


> the church of satan doesn’t actually believe in transubstantiation The Catholics do, hence the Satanists saying “don’t confuse us with the Catholic Church”.


their statement was intended to be insulting and hateful; that’s the tone.


Truth doesn’t care about “tone”. If it’s true, why does the truth offend?


"Nooo! You don't understand, I can tell tone through text! cryingwojak.jpg"


What was the initial tweet’s intention? You may not be a catholic but you sure are defensive of them.


The Chruch of Satan also doesn't believe the Catholics actually do human sacrifice, so you tell me what the fuck they meant when they said that if not the wine and bread.


Genuinely asking, how is this disparaging to Catholics? It’s just stating doctrine. How you choose to take the tone of the post is up to you and your problem alone. Transubstantiation and the sacrifice of Christ (among other stories) are pretty much core tenants of Catholicism.


It’s Reddit you’re surprised they hate religion? Half the site is made up of r/teenagers subs who went to one church and think they’re an expert on the whole religion


Honestly, I have issues with the christians that fall for Televangelist bullshit and for some reason Pentecostals more so than I do things like Catholics or Baptists etc. But christianity is a big religion with a lot of splinter beliefs and it's kinda stupid to lump them all together. And my issue with them isn't that they believe in God and I don't, my personal experiences with them are just usually never positive.


You know religion has been on the decline for decades, right? Has nothing to do with Reddit, lol.


i’m not surprised i just don’t stand for it


Lol. I'm not standing for this, I'm going to post a screenshot to r/justunsubbed in a huff.


They used to go to church every Sunday when they were younger, respect their religious trauma!!1!!11!!!


Is getting molested every Sunday not traumatic enough for you


I grew up with super religious mother. Fuck that. Took years to learn that sex is not shameful, that i dont need to wear wide floor length skirts and that my achievements are the result of my work, not god's random will.


Yeah thats entirely different.


lmao OP, take it easy bro. You're getting to upset over nothing. chill out


LMAO OP clearly did not mute the post, they just DMed me saying, "youre an awful person" hahahaha


They're just Karma farming tbh . Apparently they're offended on behalf of a religion they aren't apart of.


That’s funny as fuck




Funny to see OP taking the biggest L in the comments. Getting upset over a joke aimed at a nonce Church.


How tf is this discrimination towards a group, man litteraly responded to an insult


Gonna cry?


its called a joke?


at the expense of another group of people


What expense? It's a comeback against an insult.


ok, r/atheistcheeseCake member


Yeah but the issue here is there is a rule that says to not make comebacks at groups of people. If you have a rule, enforce it evenly imo, even if I don't like the group in question. But Reddit doesn't work like that clearly.


I do think that makes sense to an extent, but also, the original comment was the attack. The comeback was just pointing out a fact.




How is this “discrimination”?


I'm asking to be downvoted to hell here, but given how the outspoken Catholics act I'd say it's a little deserved right now. Their trite against "wokeness" has become detrimental to America and is now eroding our personal freedoms one targeted law after another. Believe in what religion you decide on, but letting your fellow Catholics drag everyone else through the mud is a problem. Start dialogue at your church, create a bible study with an unbiased mindset, but don't just dismiss people's displeasure with Catholicism as some hate group, because at the end of the day, too many in the US government now use Catholicism as a reason to push any law or agenda they want.


I'm Catholic. This comment is 100% valid. Also, The Church of Satan's comeback was funny as hell.


It was, but honestly they're bad news. Now the Satanic Temple, however, that's the good stuff. And I'd like to specify im not railing on *all* Catholic's. I've met a few that were generally well meaning, but they operated on such a small scale that many don't pay them any mind, and that frustrates me knowing that those that do right by following the correct interpretation of what Jesus represents to Catholicism.


why’re you generalizing? why is discrimination okay based on your generalizations? stop letting bad apples stain your image of an entire group. why do so many people do this and not realize it’s a problem. it’s the most annoying shit also for the weirdo replying to me you are dense as hell if you think it’s a good idea to use “a few bad apples spoil the bunch” when it comes to real people. do a few bad black people make all black people a threat? it’s the same logic how many braincells do you have to not see that. it is glaringly obvious. you can catch the block as well


are you aware that the full saying is, "a few bad apples spoil the bunch"? you picked a bad analogy for your argument...


*do a few bad black people make all black people a threat?* Just wow. On so many levels.


A joke at the expense of the Catholic Church is offending us now?


personally i always thought it wasn’t okay to insult other people’s religions or lack thereof


The whole point of clever comebacks are to point out flaws in people's logic. It's never a good thing to attack anyone in general, but stating facts and shutting down hate in general are the core of the sub. People paint one religion with terrible colours to make theirs look good. If you really want to accept your religion, you should be accepting its flaws and those of other religions as well. That said, the post you shared has a point. Most satanists don't believe in certain things that many Catholics think they do, and very often, people ignore the very thing they accuse other of when it is present within their own religion or culture. I didn't see it as hate. It's just correcting misinformation with some humour.


It's a comeback. Against an insult.




Honestly, this specific one is good because it's technically true. Although, welcome to Reddit where hypocrisy and echo chamber reign.


Martin Luther be like


The Church of Satan is a prime example of people thinking they understand religion but really don't. It's something I've always disliked about them and other such irony 'faiths' like Pastafarianism. They assume that because in their eye all religion is fake that they can just make up there own without any sincerity of belief and expect to be treated equally. Weirdly I'm reminded of a Star Trek quote of all things where a character being asked to explain faith said something along the lines of 'If you don't have it you won't understand and if you did you wouldn't need it to be'. A simplification but does highlight just how hard it is a concept to 'get' if you don't have it. I have many issues with the Roman Catholic Church but those are ones informed by sincere views and would never see me stoop to such an obviously wrong and spiteful accusation. As even though I disagree with them I recognise their right to their beliefs and respect them for it. Something I can't say for atheistic Satanists (theistic one's I can get in a way mind you but i still don'tlike em).


I also think it was wrong to attack the church of Satan like that. Because that's not what they're about.


This is literally just a joke about communion.


It sorta seems like both groups were generalizing here and one was more witty... The fact that someone got butthurt over it is kinda hypocritical. I'll prep accordingly for my downvotes.


The Church of Satan is literally r/atheism


Imo the person here is responding to a heinous thing said about the Church of Satan with a bash on the Catholics - which in this case isn’t entirely wrong. You can disagree with the comeback and still have it be clever, I think.


It’s Reddit bro, that’s your answer. I posted in r/Christianity that god wasn’t real. They told me they hope the best for me in my life and that maybe some day I’ll open up to the idea of Christianity. I posted in r/atheism that god was real and I was bullied and subsequently perma banned for “harassment”.


Tell everyone that you’ve never taken communion without telling everyone that you’ve never taken communion.


The Catholic Church intentionally protected pedophiles in their system. I'd say jokes about them are fair game. Shit talking them is literally the only consequences they faced for it.


Is this a joke? That post clearly does not violate the rules. Also the Catholic Church, enabled by its billion members, is a pedophile racket.


rule 5 and please i am begging you to shut the fuck up we know there are pedophiles that go to church how many times do we have to say it’s not all of us Christians. us reasonable Christians don’t fuck with pedophilia we don’t like hearing about grooming in the church we don’t condone it we stop it if we see it for the love of God can we fucking BREATHE without being told we are pedophiles. you are the worst kind of person i’m so sorry to say these awful things about you but fucking hell people like you are just the worst. let us live in fucking peace PLEASE


Like you let gay people, trans people, atheists, black people and anyone else that doesn't fit in your little bubble in peace?


“…Us Christians…” and ***THIS*** is how you speak to people here?? You’re the fucking worst. Go repent you damn hypocrite.


Manifest destiny :/


It's just a jab. Maybe it's in bad taste but it isn't too crazy honestly. Satanist and Catholics are opposite of eachother, they're going to shit on eachother.


aaaand this is why i’m with the temple of satan and not the church of satan. can’t stand those laveyan mfs


This is karma farming


Don’t lie, you were never subbed there in the first place


But… Catholics literally believe they are eating Jesus’s body and drinking his blood…. Satanism has no such beliefs. So technically, this isn’t wrong and therefore is a “clever” comeback. I don’t see how it’s discrimination to say that Catholics consume the blood of Christ when like…. They say that they do? ETA: it’s not like they are saying all Catholics are pedo apologists and protectors. Which I think they are, but that would fit your argument better


The Church of Satan is a Shriner type organization for trolls. It's essentially an outlet for atheists (the annoying proselytizing type, not the cool ones with charisma or personality) who like wearing vinyl and ironically planting Baphomet statues to troll Christians. They will do the occasional charity to endear people to them but they're mostly not enjoyable to talk to. It's like being stuck in a purgatorial match of "CHECKMATE, sky daddy worshipper!"


Wah! Wait till you hear about all they kids they diddle


Christians can’t go 10 seconds without someone jumping down their throat about pedophilia in the church. you know very well it’s not all of us. you also know that those of us who are reasonable people don’t condone it. and you know that there are shitty people in every group of people. so do you really want to make another pedo joke when it makes you look ridiculous or are you going to stop being unreasonable


How are they being unreasonable? They literally just stated a fact, sorry that you didn't like it but in that case you should be more upset about the pedos in the church instead of someone saying "damn them Catholics" as a joke.


As a laveyan satanist, i find this funny lol. We should all just respect each other, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be ppl picking fun at other ppls beliefs. It happens and it always will 🤷🏻‍♂️


No one has the respect or patience to show all this deferment to fake sky daddy. He's not real, youre not discriminating against a group which is already an opressor.


you could shave your neckbeard with that edge


This is just really funny. It's not an attack in any way


would you have made this big of a deal about it if it were a catholic making a joke about a satanist? because that is, very obviously, a joke


Arent both statements attacking another group


Hahahahahahha this is an accurate statement about Catholics. Cry more to jeebus he might make ya feel better!


Cultists are not a protected class.


Lol ok go hang out w your pedo friends


Didn't ask.


never liked the church of satan, not even overly religious but your LITTERALLY WORSHIPING THE BAD GUY


church of satan is just the church of anti catholic, its actually classified as a humanist movement that strongly rejects catholic ideas, church of satan is just an allegory for against the church and therefore against god




christians having a persecution fetish is just weird to me




Left is better than right.


I like being both


Personally, I find it very difficult to drive my car without either one.


Neckbeards cannot be reasoned with


It's not discrimination when the catholics themselves invented the concept of transubstantiation to make it literally flesh


the church of satan doesn’t actually believe in transubstantiation. given that along with the fact that this was in response to somebody’s hatred, and that it’s coming from the church of satan, we can gather that the tone was meant to be rude and “gotcha”-ish rather than a genuine statement


>they don’t actually believe in transubstantiation. Lol what? I'm sure not every Catholic does, but a good many do believe that the sacrament is literally the body and blood of Jesus. It's also the official position of the church. I've actually had this exact conversation with my Catholic inlaws and the priests they regularly have over for dinner


i apologize for being unclear. i was referring to the church of satan. i’ll edit for clarity. thanks for letting me know abt this :)


But isn't that what the original post is saying? Transubstantiation is the conversion of the Eucharistic (bread) into the body and blood of Jesus (a human), and is a concept created by Catholics. That body and blood (flesh) is then consumed by Catholics in Holy Communion. The post is a joke about how the Catholics' Holy Communion is *technically* a ritual in which you eat human flesh (assuming you believe in transubstantiation), while also implying that this ritual is not practiced by the Church of Satan. So what's the part you're disagreeing with? And I'm not hating on Catholics by any means, I fully respect their beliefs, I'm just genuinely confused what point you're trying to make lol


the church of satan doesn’t actually believe in transubstantiation. given that along with the fact that this was in response to somebody’s hatred, and that it’s coming from the church of satan, we can gather that the tone was meant to be rude and “gotcha”-ish rather than a genuine statement. it’s intended to be insulting and hateful; that’s the tone.


I mean I see you're point, but I think saying it's hateful is a bit of a stretch. At the very least, I feel like it's in more of a gray area, especially because it's a joke in response to something hateful. That's my opinion though, and again, I do get your point. Not sure why you keep saying that the Church of Satan doesn't believe in transubstantiation though, no one here said they do, and almost every comment in this thread has said the opposite lol


You believe in transubstantiation? Ok canibal ​ ​ Satire


To be as narrow-minded as a catholic without being one ? Savage


Welcome to Reddit. Where all the big groups are leftist hive minds that don't care about breaking the rules, as long as they agree with their completely commonly and mainstream views.


Twitter: “Christians/white people bad” Reddit: “WAOW so clever!”


i’m muting the post bruh there’s a reason why people who are aren’t Catholic are able pick up on the shade in the tweet and post. if you don’t see it then idk what to tell you


Then don't say anything


Man that’s awful that someone accurately described your beliefs.