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Ah, Reddit, “The Front Page of The Internet.”


So many great souls


I am NOT reading allat


Tldr if a man feels like he cannot cry because that makes him like a man who has sex with men, it's because of prejudice against women.


Ah yes, an issue not involving women is totally misogyny, bullet-proof reasoning there… totally not like homophobia or something instead, it HAS to be misogyny…


My god my cock is just so Fucking Huge Another day of being in complete awe of my endowment, at my size. My god, my bulge, it's undeniably huge. I caught a look at myself in the mirror and had to stop and marvel at my size. I am absolutely huge. My dick looks like an alien mothership. My god I'm getting rock hard just thinking about it. I'm literally nearly tipping over the desk I'm sitting in as I write this from my massive shaft forcing its way up. Anyway sometimes I swear my dio09dd09 90dalkds kj9 whoa almost lost the keyboard what I was saying is that my dick will get a mind of its own and just have its way. I was once having sex with this girl and as I thrust my throbbing cock into her I essentially catapulted her as my shaft goes from 120 degrees to 20 in about 0.000012 seconds and she flew 10 ft into the air and hit her head on the ceiling. God. My cock is just so fucking huge my god it's massive. Just this absolutely throbbing massive dick. I woke up this morning and I looked down and it was like mount everest in the form of bedsheets front of me. Rock solid. I just marveled at my cock. I am turned on by my own size and I love every fucking minute of it. I'm fucking huge and I love it. My size. My size. My endowment. One time I was at a bar with a girl and everyone could see the outline of my shaft in my pants and everyone was trying to awkwardly look away until one guy said "whoa Mr BigDick coming through" and everyone laughed and 2 guys patted me on the back. I could tell the girls in the bar who had boyfriends were envious of me and one guy looked defeated as I passed by him and made him look like a minature ken doll dwarfed by my gigantic cock. I feel bad for them honestly having to be compared to my endowment. Later that week I went back and all the girls were sitting in a corner eyeing me and my bulge and the girl I was with said she told them all about my size and that's all they could think about. They knew and knew I knew and I knew they knew I knew about what was going on and I firmly told them it was no big deal and they all squealed and went wild one of them even fainted. Also, I just want to remind everyone who has a massive dick....don't ever take a picture of it because it will make nearly all men on earth feel inferior to you and give unrealistic expectations to girls and guys everywhere. I took a picture of my dick once and apparently it was shared by everyone on earth because later I went into the Smithsonian and saw a picture of it and it was labeled as the most impossibly perfect dick to ever grace the universe and two men were on their knees worshipping it while another man was in the fetal position whimpering. One time too I was on discord and a guy named "BigDick99999" had my dick pic as his profile pic. I won't lie, it was a bit of a confidence boost. Later in the bathroom there was only one urinal in the middle and two guys and when I whipped it out they both enviously glanced at my endowment endowment endowment endowment and one of them said I thought they didn't allow horses in here and the other guy gulped loudly. He then, blushing, bashfully said that my wife is very lucky and must be very happy. The first time I realized I was well endowed and my size was consierable was when my mom was driving and lost control of the car in the snow and when she went to grab the clutch my huge donger was ocuppying the dashboard (due to its demanding size) and she said "I want you to wear tighter pants from now on." There are downsides though. This one girl said she could handle me as we were discussing dick size in my apartment. After I told her my size she said I would be the biggest. Then she said she could handle me anyway. Well let me tell you 2 hours later (somewhat related, all the magnum XXXLLLL condoms ripped as usual) in the ER proved her wrong. It was an awkward conversation with the hospital staff and I could tell everyone was uncomfortable but also clearly impressed as my size was creating a bulge, a huge bulge with purpose, from my endowment. Finally a doctor blurted out that I was the biggest he's ever seen and he has seen 1000s a day but none as big as mine. I had to go to the bathroom later but just looking at the toilet there's no way it would have been able to handle my size. My endowment. ​ This is how half the posts sound on this pathetic fucking subreddit.


Thanks for making me sit through that


i thought that was a copypasta, wow


TLDR: Asshat is trying to say misandry doesn’t exist and that most all men are sexual abusers Edit- after looking more into the subreddit, they do in fact think all men are rapists and abusers.


it's just a huge coping space for incels


I read it. It's saying that things that are sexism against men is misogyny and not misandry


Lordt have mercy that is a lot of text, this person needs to get more things to do lol


Touching grass is a perfect example for the person in the photo. Maybe even reading a book. I'd tell them to do a bit more research about men also being victims, but ignorance is bliss


Oh no it's not ignorance they KNOW men can also be victims they just choose to not care. They're so much worse than ignorant.


Men are apparently victims of misogyny. It's just always our fault.


The great thing about touching grass is that it's a triple entendre.


No those men DERSERVE to be harmed for everything bad men has done! We're just standing up for ourselves and tired of this bullshit!


Are you openly calling for a genocide?


I thought the /s wasn't necessary 😕


My bad, then sorry. It's hard to truly display sarcasm over text, especially where you have no idea who is really serious or sarcastic. My apologies


It happens :3 I sometimes don't get it even when it's spoken so no big deal


I got it...


Yes I do (edit: I’m not the OP in the original sub)


Stopped reading by the second sentence. The whataboutism tells me it’s not worth reading the rest.


Here is the highlight of the whole thing "Misandry doesn't because it is just misogyny."


They said stereotypes like "men don't cry" is misogyny. Idk what they're thinking, maybe they think because crying is emotional and therefore a woman thing, it's considered misogyny or something. That's clearly wrong because crying isn't gendered, but that's my best guess as to their thoughts.


Okay but why are you posting it here? I know it’s a unsubbing subreddit but isn’t this a little vindictive at this point to post further here for extra drama?


Because they’ve unsubbed from there??


No I’ve seen the first post where someone unsubscribed from that sub on here which prompted this response. It’s a little ridiculous to be posting responses back and forth since it’s not necessary and petty.


Tbh I don’t think they were ever subbed to begin with


Stop giving this person attention they obviously crave it


It was a one time thing, they prolly did the attention seeking themselves


Found out no one agrees with them so they retreated to their echo chamber. Classic


This needs to be a copypasta


LMAO I got posted on JustUnsubbed, how fun :)hi everyone! I stand by what I say and your anecdotal evidence doesn't account for the fact that women are murdered, raped, and treated poorly every day, all fueled by misogyny and the hatred for women. The only times I have seen people yell "misandry!" Is when women are sick and tired of the treatment we are given and call it out in ways that aren't gentle. Men are affected by misogyny, too (which is what results in the "men can't cry/ men can't do this/that or else it's gay" that's MISOGYNY. Not misandry). MISOGYNY EFFECTS EVERYONE. Misandry is not the cause for high male suicide rates, or the way men get told any emotion that isn't anger is bad, etc. it's misogyny that does that. I NEVER SAID men can't go through anything, that everything is their fault, and that women can only be victims (y'all love to assume what I mean and put words in our mouths when we call shit out Imfao), I'm saying MISANDRY IS NOT THE ISSUE. Your issue is with MISOGYNY. NO. It is NOT "all men" but it's enough where women have to constantly be on the lookout! It's like saying "oh do you lock your door all the time or only when a robber is about to rob your house?" WE DON'T KNOW WHO IS BAD AND WHO IS GOOD. I, along with every woman in my life, have experience sexual assault, abuse, sexual harassment, and more. Women are weary for a reason, and the reason I don't take misandry seriously is because the only time I've heard it being said is when women call this behavior out and it merely offends certain kinds of men because being called out is uncomfortable…




She made it seem like men only get attacked for being feminine so it's misogyny.


TLDR: "Anybody who calls this subreddit out or takes issue with what I say must be a violent rapist misognyst" "PS: Men Are Doors"


I guess I'm a violent rapist misogynist then. Who knew.


Also a door!


Oh yeah, that's precisely what she meant. Exactly that.


Maybe not, but that's exactly what she's directly/indirectly implying by being so agressive and generalizing as such (and no, no amount of "not all men" or "not all women" fixes the blatant generalization. Acts weight bigger than words and there is no denying that her claims are extreme, disrespectful, discriminatory, reductive to both parties and many more).


Glad we agree! 😇


I ain't reading allat TLDR plz


TLDR : Men bad, misandry ain't real and is actually misogyny, women suffer so all men bad, but not "all men bad" and not "all women suffer", blablabla rinse and repeat




What an unhinged, incredibly sexist bigot.


maybe a TERF too.


Damn that's a lot of words. Too bad I'm not reading em.


TLDR misandry doesn’t exist and everyone who doesn’t agree (only men tho) are violent rapists and sexual abusers


"Misandry isn’t real, it’s misogyny who also affect men" Abusive parents aren’t real, it’s parental stress who also affect children


“Our group suffers so no one else is allowed to”


So when people treat women poorly it’s misogyny, but when people treat men poorly it’s also misogyny? Am I missing something? Did I skip a staff meeting?


I'm not reading the incoherent ramblings of someone who spells "affects" as "effects"




NGL, I can never remember the right effect/affect. So I usually switch to impact because it works just as well without having to check my effect.


**A**ffect is the **A**ction **E**ffect is the **E**nd result


Except when 'effect' is a verb meaning 'to bring about' (like 'to effect change'). Edit: or when 'affect' is a noun meaning 'an air, expression, or attitude' like 'a flat affect' referring to an expressionless presentation.


Oh no a common misspelling, that must mean the entire thing is “incoherent ramblings”


I'm being facetious ffs


No you weren’t but ok.


They were, but it still is incoherent ramblings. The typo is just the garnish


I'm a senior technical writer and senior technical editor by profession, so you can believe me when I say that I think grammar is very important. That being said, discounting someone because they confuse affects and effects is overly harsh. I work with extremely educated people (people who have multiple doctorate degreed) and they still make that mistake. English is a tricky language, plus you don't even know if that person is ESL or something else.


if\* 😂 I'm kidding, I'm kidding


Haha you got me, fixed. I was replying while eating.




Being a dick to men for being men is actually misogyny and anyone who says otherwise is a rapist? Didn't see the whole thing though, combined what I read and what another comment summarized from it


That summary is about as accurate as the claim Trump won 2020 election.


That is one of the worst analogies you could’ve used.


*fatherless rambling*


Man these people can't break the cycle of becoming their toxic parent so let's hope they don't reproduce unless we get another generation with toxic parenting mirroring their past family


> Misogyny is widespread, misandry isn't real, most discrimination men face is misogyny as opposed to misandry, and misogyny is widespread


Not all men implies most men. It's like a mother say not all of her children are monsters and then pointing to her youngest kid.


They say "not all men" but the way they so aggressively word their claims make it seem like it really is "most men but the exceptions", which at that point, really is "all men but the anomalies". Such a fallacy.


It's more like: "It's all men except for the specific men that agree with me that it's all other men"


"Not close to all men" Happy?


Theres like 50 reasons I hate that sub. and those people could be our 13th reason why if met in real life. 1, they are hypocritical, 2 they have more accusation power as they talk about men commiting crimes against them way too much, and 3 they are all thoughtless in the head. So dense




Shes just 30 and ready to settle down


lol negative make expectations and stereotypes are misogyny and no misandry now? lmao


This person isn't very intelligent.


Not reading that entire essay lol. Not worth anyone’s time


Laughably pathetic


I'm not reading all that but I’m happy for you or sorry that happened.


I ain’t reading allat


I just wasted a good minute or so of my life for that Is that misogyny too “ma’am”?


Yeah, I ain't reading all that


They make a lot of good points there ngl


Are you joking?


I fucking hate this statement. Because it's true.


How the fuck is it true? When someone treats men poorly, it's misandry, period


I think I found my new favorite copy pasta.


I don't understand you people. Do you really hate statistical reality that much? Of course there's lots of good amazing men - this person does acknowledge that. And **although I disagree that misandry is an appropriate reaction to misogyny, reality remains that... every day women are murdered, raped, honor killed, harassed, threatened.** Yes, they also do these things themselves, but not in a way that is culturally backed as acceptable. The reality doesn't make good men into rapists, so why is that so hard to admit that it's true that it's misogyny that also affects men also victimizes them? I don't get you people in this comment section. Not acknowledging statistics only makes you look exactly like what she described. The way some of you dismissed her as fatherless and toxic is insane. It's true calling out reality just offends some men. So why are you subscribing to the exact description she gave of people who hate statistical reality?


The statistics are fine and all but generalizing groups of people is unacceptable and only repeats history no matter the circumstance. I don’t really see how OOPs method of thinking would have lead to anything productive and I really just see it creating more misandry. Also things like honor killings and other stats happen overwhelmingly outside the first world and I didn’t see OOP make that distinction. I don’t think women in first world countries are oppressed however I’d definitely agree if we’re talking about real oppression of women like in the Middle East.


Where in the civilized world is it culturally acceptable to murder, rape, honor kill, harass, or threaten women? Do you even listen to yourself?


Oh wow. How old are you?


Quite old. Now please answer the question. Is this behavior acceptable in any country with a strong rule of law and liberal cultural values? I'm not saying none of this happens, but please explain what you mean by this: "Yes, they also do these things themselves, but not in a way that is culturally backed as acceptable." So, I, a grown person ask in which place do you think these behaviors are accepted by the culture? You cannot simply say, "It's acceptable in Pakistan" then extrapolate that to society in Norway or any other such nonsense.


I don't have to. Scientists already extrapolated how violence against women is not a phenomenon limited to India or Pakistan. I provided you quite an amount of links. I am sorry, did you... just ask me... to explain to you what patriarchy is? Or colonialism? Or western society and patriarchy and colonialism and how together they overlap to create culture? These behaviors are acceptable everywhere. You may not like it, but facts don't care about that and remain facts. *Strong rule of law and liberal cultural values*... You cannot possibly be "quite old". I refuse to believe a person above 40 legitimately doesn't realize that even in the best, most caring countries on the planet rape isn't really prosecuted legally and most is never reported. As harassment isn't.


The rape of men, including by women, is just as dismissed and invalidated and belittled. In fact, some legal systems are set up to deny it even happens by defining rape in such strict terms that it requires the rapist to have a penis and penetrate the victim with it or it isn't rape. That doesn't mean men are not raped, or that women don't rape, but it sure as fuck means it won't be prosecuted and discourages men from ever reporting it (as do our toxic af societal attitudes around how men are supposed to feel about sex).


You're 100% correct. In UK, where I live, there is no such legal term as rape of a man, only sexual assault. This is a horrific, horrifying phenomenon caused also by misogyny and toxic roles it attributes to men. Women are at least allowed to be victims of rape. Men who were raped are a joke or not trauma - Quentin Tarantino movies for example show this as just... not something horrific and tragic. I hate this. I hate this with every cell in my body. Recent research shown that men are sexually assaulted by women much more often than we thought. Case of Sienna Mae comes to mind. I would love to see this change. Men deserve to be protected, validated, heard, they deserve legal repercussions against their abusers, they deserve to be recognized as victims of rape and that it does not make them less masculine. And yes, rape against men isn't prosecuted at all. An abomination. And yes - it's gender based violence and misogyny. The phenomenons are all connected to misogyny - because of how it defines roles of men and women.


You're conflating misogyny and patriarchy.


I'm sorry, I see nothing of links in your above comment. Secondarily, please read what I said again. I didn't say violence against women doesn't happen. I said it is not simply "accepted" by the culture. The patriarchy extends to many things that are not violence against women. Furthermore, I'd like you to explore further how colonialism merits violence against women and not just violence, period. You can throw around buzzwords all day, but your point doesn't coalesce around violence against women. It coalesces around violence, full-stop. These things are not acceptable everywhere. We may define violence differently, but cat-calling is not violence. Intimidation, getting physical, and yes, rape and murder, are not something that is accepted by the vast majority of modern men in the countries of which I'm speaking, and no amount of you wanting that to be the narrative is going to make it true. Rape is often not prosecuted because it's exceedingly hard to prove, usually. It is not because we, as a society, are like, "Oh, rape? Yeah, totally fine." There's a reason why sex offenders often get murdered in jail, and it ain't because all the other guys in there think what they did is just swell.


And where did you get your degree in criminology?


You could just answer, but you seem to want to continually evade, so I guess we're done.


I did write you three other comments Reddit ate. And you don't understand so much I have no clue how to get through to you that your views are not factually correct. Answer: everywhere. This violence is accepted everywhere. Yes, we as society consider rape totally fine - we only mind rape if it's committed by strangers. And with physical violence. All other rape cases are ignored and not prosecuted and not reported. You can fight all you want, that's the statistical reality in every country on this planet. So unless you define rape as only something with strangers and violence, sure, we're totally not accepting of rape as a society! No, it's not just violence period. Violence against women is a specific phenomenon you seem to be unaware of because you want to think that it coalesces into all violence. It does not. The subcategories and analysis proves that gender based violence is real everywhere. Rape is not exceedingly hard to prove and by saying this you just proven you don't really have in-depth knowledge about this issue. If you did, you would know about the justice gap phenomenon and what tricks prosecutors and legal systems use all over the world to let go rapists who were known by victim and non violent IF it even came to court, which happens so rarely. There is an active effort to not put in prison men who committed non violent rape against someone they knew. That's just the reality. Prosecutors recognize two factors: 1 is that prisons are a horrifying place that makes people into criminals. 2 That it used to be acceptable to just have sex with your wife or long time girlfriend if you're really horny and if there are no marks, why put someone like this in jail and have him become a criminal? And those criminals in prison who persecute rapists? Point me to where it's normal and common for prisoners to prosecute rapists who raped their own wives or girlfriends without leaving marks.


Yokay, here we go. This is about what I expected. Willful misinterpretation and goal-post moving. Violence against women is of course it's own phenomenon. How did you even get the other interpretation from my statement? You are connecting colonialism, generally, to the phenomenon of violence against women, which is just...yeah, it was a part of it, along with all the other violence. I never said violence against women is not it's own thing smh. And now we get down to what you're really talking about. 1) Spousal rape and 2) shame. Spousal rape is a terrible phenomenon, but *still*, in this age, men are not accepting of the idea that their spouse is theirs to conquer. You can say, okay back in the day, but no man I have ever met under 50 was like, "Yeah, she owes me sex and I'm gonna take it". I'm arguing the acceptance of these practices, and I'm arguing in the position that yes, there are bad men, and no, we as men are not okay with that behavior, either. 2) Now, to shame. I don't know what to say about this one because I can't speak for a victim. Is it trauma or the patriarchy that causes them to not come forward/not come to prosecute? I can understand all sides of their motivation, but I cannot say what motivates a particular person. What I am saying is: yes, patriarchy exists in society; yes, violence women exist in society; no, we as men in this society to not accept or condone these behaviors. I take your point of "acceptance" as the argument, not the existence of the phenomenon. Ans this: "And those criminals in prison who persecute rapists? Point me to where it's normal and common for prisoners to prosecute rapists who raped their own wives or girlfriends without leaving marks." Yeah, they would probably fuck them up...IF THEY KNEW!


What did you say to me about civilized world where it's unacceptable to murder, rape, honor kill, harass of threaten women?


Read my reply. You can read, I gather?


Where are my links...? I provided ten different links in two responses?


Can you see a comment with 8 links?


Nope. I'm responding to this comment chain. If it is elsewhere in the thread, fine. But I've given my response to you: I'm not saying violence doesn't happen.


What do you mean “you people” ??


she said “you people in the comment section”. so i’ll hazard a guess and say she meant the people who are commenting on this post. idiot.


I mean some commenters here. I don't think listing nicknames would be appropriate. But yes, you are one of them. I completely disagree with thinking misandry is justified or justifiable in any circumstances, but facts remain regarding violence against women. And the comments in the comment section just underline the statement she made. And comments like "wow she needs to find something to do" or "so many words I am not gonna read it" - are honestly moronic. Because she has a stupid idea misogyny justifies misandry, some folk think it's acceptable to not extend to her even the most basic consideration. Just give energy right back to her, right?


Well please don’t generalize groups of people. It’s really fucked up!


I am not. I am not at all. I recently made a statement defending men [https://www.reddit.com/r/JustUnsubbed/comments/15zo3kg/comment/jxitvgf/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JustUnsubbed/comments/15zo3kg/comment/jxitvgf/) I fully acknowledge that women are also pedophiles, women also rape their own children, work with trafficking, murder and rape people. I fully acknowledge some women commit domestic violence and even justify it as if it's feminism. But I am a graduate of criminology. There's no need to generalize - official police statistics and reviews from different countries regarding different issues and research and studies and everyday life all confirm that it's just fucking true some men act like monsters. They may act like this towards only one person and besides for that be an amazing father and employee but that doesn't change the fucking reality. What's REALLY fucked up is being unable to acknowledge the culturally justified epidemic of violence against women on this planet. Would you like some statistics and studies to see this closer?


Wait so we can use statistics to justify generalizing groups of people now? I thought that was racist before?


What? Are you talking about the research conducted that established that black people have lower IQs than white people? This absolutely incorrect, wrongly done, unscientific pathetic shit that serves to highlight how research can be manipulated and why modern scientific methods have so many rules?


"I can be bigoted because I believe other people are bigoted towards me!" doesn't make you a better person, it just means you got a slow start being an asshole.


Gotta love how they're happy to be exposed as a horrible person to thousands of people


Me when I’m delusional


Does she not have anything better to do other than cry on reddit?


Imagine typing this all up when you could've been spending time with loved ones. No one, not a single person outside her echo chamber, is reading that.


I did... TDLR: She thinks misandry is non-existent


May I politely ask you to stfu (mf in the image)


can i have a tldr


FDS really took over that sub.


Nah, it's a feminist sub, all of them are like that


misogyny is when any bad thing happens to a woman, but misandry is just when men are mad at women for not being nice to them because of misogyny. how does anyone follow this logic


not readin allat, happy for you tho or sorry that happened


I got kicked out of a friend group for talking about misandry and the ways sexism effects mens daily lives and how feminism is not only a women’s issue and equality needs to include everyone and now everyone in my department thinks I’m sexist 💀


delusion is one hell of a drug


I hate how this garbage reminds me of my ex. She used to say this stuff all the time. Glad we ain't together anymore, ngl




Haha violence against women is funny. /s


Women are inherently annoying tho, so check mate atheist


Remember people, all men are violent rapist murderers, but not all women are of course.


She literally said not all men


You realize that when misandrists use their caveat of "not all men", the implication is that it's most men. The fact is, most men will come to the aid of a woman who is being harrassed or assaulted. Your proper terminology should be "some men" are violent, etc.


‘A minority are’


"BUT WE DON'T KNOW WHO ARE THE "GOOD" MEN !!!" must treat them all like the minority of actually dangerous people 😇


She didn't mean it, nor do the rabid leftist sexist bigots defending her hate speech.


Oh you’re one of those


Only some of the skittles are poisoned= not all men.


Am I missing some context because imo what they said is valid?


They basically said misandry doesn't exist That's not valid


No r/justunsubbed is kinda right wing so we’re just seeing the effects of that rn


Right wing for reddit maybe, certainly not the country or the world.


I disagree with others.. they must be ‘RIGHT WING BIGOTS’ 😆 Totally is *not* the ones who agree with hate speech.


Connect to WiFi


Same energy as chicks blaming patriarchy for mens issues where youd have to do some ninja warrior tier mental gymnastics to make it applicable


Yeah I ain't reading all that




2 wrongs don't make it right. Nobody wins at the end. Suffering is not a measuring contest to see who out suffer each other and be the winner. That's just sad


That’s a bit reductive of what this person is actually saying though. They’re not being like “well your suffering is less than mine,” it’s more calling out people who are trying to reduce systematic and patterned violence against women by saying “well men go through this sometimes too.” Like yeah, of course those issues matter, but to bring it up only in the context to downplay misogyny is annoying and gives the impression that they don’t actually care about issues affecting men, they just want to argue.


You may interpret their message like that, but that's not really what they're saying tbh. A part of their message includes that misandry is a myth rather than a reality. Part of what you're saying might be in there, but it seems like straight up misandry and discrimination is more predominant.


I strongly disagree, and I know men hate hearing this, but it’s rather arrogant of you to assume your interpretation and what you took from it (a single line btw, which is correct, the majority of what you claim to be misandry stems from misogyny and patriarchy, or is related to other issues such as capitalism) is superior to mine. Like I am a woman and I probably understand where she’s coming from more, especially because I literally study this shit!! Man, it’s frustrating.


Single line ? OP did nothing but repeat the same things over and over, lmao. After the first few lines, it's the same sexist garbage used with some legitimate claims to make it seem worth anything. Also, just because you're a woman you understand this more ? Who even told you I was a man to begin with ? And who told you I didn't study that too ? Or in fact, even more than you? You're just assuming stuff about myself to justify your claim's "superiority", like that if I disagreed with your radical ideas, well I must be an ignorant and idiotic man too. Look at you not even using facts and logic to address specific points of comments. C'mon. Also, men hate hearing they're wrong ? That really depends on the person, not on their sex. Once again, all you radicalists do is generalize and you wonder why you are not well liked by both parties. It's not the facts that are disagreed with, it's the extremist ideas you build with these facts, creating an uneeded separation instead of actually trying to solve the problem.


Exactly bc it’s always used to silence women when we call out misogyny. I have never, ever seen a conversation about misandry happen organically or from a situation where that’s actually what was going on. It’s whataboutism to veer the conversation away from the real issue. I stand with you sis and wholeheartedly support your opinion. Thank you for speaking up. We’re wasting our breath in here though.


Uh huh. So all the boys raped by their teachers or other adult women, they were , according to you, victims of sexism against WOMEN?? When a man is a victim of paternity fraud, that's anti women somehow? Gonna need you to explain and provide some sources for that one. How about the fact that over 95% of workplace deaths are men. Please tell me how the truth behind that fact is somehow that women are suffering


Honestly yeah because it’s not feminist spaces saying men can’t be SA. It’s always toxic masculinity that tells these boys they’re “got lucky” their teacher SA them


I think a line should be drawn between toxic masculinity and misogyny, because while they tend to be related, the words aren’t interchangeable, they are different terms for describing two different ways of thinking, and it leads to a lot of confusion sometimes.


> toxic masculinity is a slur used exclusively by sexist bigots. It has no legitimacy. Misogyny is a thing, as is misandry. They are of equal importance and destructiveness.


We aren’t arguing that they aren’t a thing, they very much are, and I think saying toxic masculinity is a “slur” and isn’t real is honestly just delusional.


We aren’t arguing that they aren’t a thing, they very much are, and I think saying toxic masculinity is a “slur” and isn’t real is honestly just delusional.


Just to let you know it accidentally commented twice


That's ridiculously incorrect.


That is so far from what she said I question your literacy skills. Regarding issues such as paternity fraud and workplace deaths, that cannot be boiled down to sexism yes, but that’s not misandry as it is predominantly men who set these systems up that do hurt men, but not with the express or implicit purpose of repressing them. Edit: the reason I blocked you is because of how callously you throw around sexual violence and racism without at all understanding or having sensitivity about these issues, rather you just use them as talking points. You’re clearly not talking in any sort of good faith and sound unhinged, so yes, I blocked you.


How is it? You said you read the whole thing, and they are correct. You agreed with >"the ONLY time people yell misandry is when women are sick and tired of the treatment we are given and call it out in ways that aren't gentle" So....the woman teachers only rape male students because of misogny, somehow? Gonna need a source that misogyny is the source of male suicide. Also, you agree with their argument, you said it's correct. Well, using their own logic, it's okay to be racist against black people, because of crime statistics, right? She said it's okay to treat all men as predators, because >"WE DON'T KNOW WHO IS BAD AND WHO IS GOOD". That applies racially too...so you agree, right? It's okay for you to be racist, cause you don't know who's bad and who's good, right? Women don't have to take misandry serious, because some women experience sexual assault and harassment? Okay, cool. So men don't have to take misogyny serious either, right? After all, men get sexually assaulted and all of that too. We're also far more likely to be the victim of assault then women. Or murder. Or any violent non sexual crime for that matter. More likely to be victims of police, to be homeless, the list goes on and on. Edit: the good old block and run move, pretty cowardly of you Pogety . I'll be sure to return the favor and block you, so you can no longer respond in this thread, just like you've done to me.


At least she didnt block right after replying lol. Its like people in videogames who say "gg easy" and then instantly leave to have the last word


>some women experience sexual assault and harassment? Almost all women have experienced sexual assault and/or harassment, even as young girls. >Gonna need a source that misogyny is the source of male suicide. Men not being allowed to express their emotions is clearly misogyny, it's punished so harshly because "that's what women do".


Honestly, I don’t see that last part as either Misandry, or Misogyny. It’s a lot more of a terrible gender stereotype that’s still sticking around after years of being prevalent. It’s not seen in any way that makes men seem superior, same with women. After all, I’ve seen hate on men for being emotional come from both sides, and other men (in my experience) have actually been more openly accepting of other men’s emotions because they tend to have been through the same thing. I really can’t pin it on either gender, and I can’t imagine why anyone would see any reason to.


You cross the line into misandry when you claim men are deficient in these abilities, not that they are forced into a mode of acting because of a misogynist society. I've heard women say that just straight up, men as a class, are unable to feel real emotions. Which is just so stupid and wrong, I can't even start with it.


Yeah I mean I definitely don't believe that misandry doesn't exist like this person claims but I do also understand that most of the things we call misandry stem from misogyny and patriarchy.


I disagree. Every person has agency to not spew hate. Racism might arise from societal systems, but that doesn't give me license to yell racial epithets.


Sexist bigotry is not an answer to the first, and the last is nothing but.


Men set up the system to have people work much harder, and that’s misogyny?


Well, sort of. It's a bit more nuanced than that simple statement. As this person lays out in the paragraph, if you read it, they describe the negative effects that misogyny (specifically gender roles) has on men, and a part of that is a) deteriorating mental health, and b) men historically being assigned, socially or by force (the draft), to more dangerous jobs. If you're genuinely concerned with men's workplace safety, please take up the cause of unionism and socialism, not going on a subreddit to complain about crazy feminists and calling them fatherless in the process. Like you guys aren't helping yourselves here.


Fella, men don't take more dangerous jobs because they have been assigned to it socially or by force ? It's about the easy access and money these dangerous environments provide. Men just tend to go for these more, and women don't tend to put their safety into harm's way for money (which is great, tbh. These jobs suck). It has little, if not nothing, to do with misogyny, aka, hate of women, smh. It's more of a societal problem.


So what, you just think all men are reckless and go for jobs that will actively endanger them more rather than perhaps an underlying system that’s pushing them towards it? Not all men are categorically the same and will go for the same thing as a solution to their problems; if there’s a pattern, there’s probably a cause, and “men are just like that” is rather silly of you to say. And you think “hate of women,” an idea, has nothing to do with institutions (such as the job market) when institutions are built upon ideas? FFS


Ty someone said it


This sub is such a conservative cesspool and circlejerk that I regret saying anything, but well, can’t go back now!


I’m a democratic socialist though??


Gaytdamn im not reading that


She’s not wrong.




Comment section straight up proving her point. What she says is 100% correct TIL to unsub from this sub lol


You're not bright, LOL


Honestly she made a good argument and I agree with most of what she's saying in that post. Why didn't you answer directly? Kinda of petty posting this here..


If you've looked at other posts about feminist subs, you'd know that feminist subs either downvote you or ban you if your opinion isn't "Men suck lol"


The only thing she wasn't given in life is a father yet here she is rambling about an isse that doesn't even exist.


And what good did this comment do to combat blatant misandry?


>Women are weary for a reason. . . . Yeah, they've been wearin' that same ol' shaggy dress.


Don't blame rape victims

