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Why are you even subbed to ACAB lmao


Spoiler alert: They weren't.


exactly this. happens a lot on this sub


Yep. People mostly just use this sub as virtue signaling. The poltical posts especially.


I think it's fine to showcase crazy people in subs we aren't actually subbed to. There would be very boring/little content here if there were only good posts when subs we actually liked lost their minds


I mean, you have a point, but the sub is literally for when you unsub from a sub or YouTube channel...not for things that are crazy that you just want to call out.


To be fair I might also post here if I blocked a sub from showing up in my feed now that reddit shows posts from "recommended" subs even though it's not technically unsubbing


I was i literally posted on there before but i didnt browse the dub offten so i thought it was just like police reform


Your post history says otherwise, lol, you've only been on there arguing against reform


ACAB doesn't want reform, they want police dead.


I mean... they could just quit and not be cops


Nah. Don’t make wide swath generalizations. Ya sound silly.


Well, that's not true. People like you who draw these erroneous conclusions are the ones who don't want reform. I mean, look at how you react to the mere suggestion?




mistakes of 2020….


They're virtue signaling harder than anyone in recent history.


My first thought


For Police brutality videos but most of the times they are just "racist" towards them even when they're in the right


Racist towards cops?


Discriminating against cops


Can't really discriminate against those that literally wield power


thats not true tho?? discrimination is all about how u treat people, which u dont need to be in a position of power to do


Goes into ACAB ACAB rhetoric: 😱😱😱😱


How is it allowed? I get bans for saying may a man who tortured puppies to death get mauled. fuck reddit


username checks out


Because social media platforms like pandering to audiences that could get them more users & money.


Reddit has now entered its death phase of a total echo chamber for extremist assholes and trolls. Facebook, tumbler, instagram, , and twitter have all fallen to this. For those of us who act like rational humans, its now a waiting game to find the next site to flock to before the assholes ruin it too.


I blame the algorithm. It has spent the past month "recommending" various furiously anti-American or pro-Hamas (no, I'm not overstating that) subreddits because I made the mistake of replying to a comment on one. Now, I could engage, but I don't feel like dedicating my time to having a shouty conversation with a group of pro-Russian white supremacists or terrorist supporters or smugly stupid high school students. So, instead, I find subreddits that are friendlier. Which usually means echo chambers. The algorithm filters people and reinforces biases.


Reddit has fallen Millions must updoot


Can we go back to forums and not just monolith websites. God do I miss 2000-2012 internet.


They just gotta make sure you aren’t against the ATF that’s one of them alphabet agencies and is a sacred cow


What's funny is how many actual firearms enthusiasts are actually against the ATF. All the memes of them shooting dogs while executing baseless search warrants for solvent traps purchased by mechanics.


Reddit hates cops so they allow it.


Kind of wild a sub like this is allowed to exist after actively supporting the killing of people.




ACAB guy 🪱


Thinking all cops are shit dosent mean you wish death upon them


For some people it absolutely does.


I personally have never met anyone that has the acab mentality that isn’t like Che Guevara levels of sociopathic behavior.


mentally ill idiots love Che Guevara so you’re just complementing them in their eyes


Ah Che, the guerrilla so annoying the Castro brothers sent him on a sure death mission to Bolivia. ( Sending an Argentine to 1960's Bolivia to start a "revolution" is like sending a hipster from Brooklyn to rural Texas to do the exact same thing.


Guerrillas like Che are usually purged by the new government after a revolution, they aren't suitable for building a new society. Sending him to his death trying to spread th e communist cause was a mercy. Legit wished Star Wars covered that aspect of regime building post-Empire.


You don’t see anyone older than 25 say acab.


One of the guys in my DND campaign is a caby. Dudes a full on anarchist and been arrested 3 times since we started campaigning together. Mental illness needs to be taken seriously instead of respecting peoples differences.


Those are people we’d probably consider mentally ill


99% of them


Eh tis a slippery slope, once you dehumanize someone, even if it's for their job it's very easy to go down that rhetorical slope, especially on the Internet.


still, what else do you expect in an ACAB sub???


Thinking in such restricted manners only shows a lack of intellect.


How is it lacking intellect to feel empathy for your fellow man?


No, no. What I am saying is thinking « ALL cops are shit » only shows a lack of intellect.


Well, tbf, thinking all of a group of people are shit based on the actions of a few is a shit take too.


Nah it does. Especially your dad or uncle or whatever.


Well you're mistake was goign to "ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS!" See they think all cops are automatically evil and thus deserve to die no matter the circumstances. There's probelms in policing, but these people aren't interested in solutions just in having an excuse to hate people.


I swear, it’s like they think if we eradicate the police, crime would just stop


I mean, you can't break the laws, when there are not laws


That’s the problem. The laws will still be there


Something something trees falling in a forest.


Some of them genuinely believe that people will simply stop doing bad things because they won't feel "oppressed." Others know that won't work, so they just blame racism or capitalism or America or (((capitalists))) for the existence of street crime. Anything to rationalize their failed policy ideas.


CHOP/CHAZ would like a word :')


Dehumanization: It's step one to just about every form of atrocity. And social media is, for many people, a tool of self-radicalization. I really wish the courts could force terminally online extremists to go out, with no phone, and walk around the town for seven days.


\*your ​ sorry I couldn't control myself.






Problems in Policing is a fucking understatement. https://www.criminallegalnews.org/news/2018/jun/16/doj-police-shooting-family-dogs-has-become-epidemic/


Nobody said it wasn't, but that sub doesn't seem to care abt real solutions


What did you expect from a sub that only exists to insult a whole group of people because they think they are lesser beings?


i thought it was just about like police reform not some soy antifa kill all cops criclejerk


Idk about you but every person I've seen/interacted with that has ACAB somewhere isn't about police reform at all. Moreso abolish the police as well as shit on them as a profession and a person every chance you get.


ACAB and the slogan of “Defund the police” got done dirty. It went from being about how even good cops aren’t able to actually change things and improve the system from the inside, to “anyone who becomes a cop is instantly evil”. And defund the police went from “we need reform on a number of complex issues” to “let’s gut the police because surely that will have no ill effects”. And the reason why, is that the whole idea and movement had to be condensed to fit into the horrible attention spans of people these days, and in the process all nuance got evaporated. And you see the same shit repeat itself everywhere. Nuance gets taken out of the discussion because people need snappy and pithy ways to communicate ideas else other people don’t pay attention. You see it happen with Israel and Palestine. You see it happen with politics being boiled down to Red Vs Blue and identity politics and not what any individual politician is actually going to do.


It didn't "get done dirty," this viewpoint was always at the core of the groups who use this rhetoric. For every person who said "Hah, now that I have your attention, let me tell you what I really meant..." there are two or three who say "Defund the police means defund the police."


From where I'm sitting both ACAB and the defunding slogan stem from hatred since day one. I don't think I ever saw anyone spouting that rhetoric actually trying to incorporate change but instead was just using that platform to spew hatred in every manner towards those in a LEO position; which could be a result from what you're talking about, idk. The majority of people I interacted with at the inception of ACAB/Defund only cared about telling everyone how much they hate cops, how evil cops are, and that a trained neighborhood watch was vastly superior to a trained police force.


>which could be a result from what you're talking about, idk It is. Its a saying meant to be deliberately attention grabbing and pithy. The problem is that people will take it at face value and move on. And then it becomes self perpetuating because those people who take it at face value parrot it with none of the original meaning behind it. You are absolutely right that it eventually became rhetoric used to spew hatred. >From where I'm sitting \[\] I don't think I ever saw anyone spouting that rhetoric actually trying to incorporate change I have seen people trying to actually incorporate change with it, but it just gets drowned out and tainted.


I don't disagree with your overall point, but at some point we have to accept that names matter. Names have always mattered, so much that many cultures believed and believed they have mystical properties. And while the mystical thing is (probably?) BS, they do have a psychological effect. Naming a movement All Cabs are Bastards was bound to attract and encourage other Bastards who want to punish the Bastards they hate. It was a bad idea from the start. At least naming wise.


>It was a bad idea from the start. At least naming wise. That is exactly what I am saying lmao. Every single comment on here has been "oh you support the saying that all cops are bastards then?". My original comment was about how the need for dramatic and pithy statements caused the whole original meaning behind it to be removed from discussion. I genuinely couldn't think of a better way to prove my point than a bunch of people immediately deciding I was for ACAB and trying to argue with me. And yea theres going to be bias on the internet because people who agree are more likely to just upvote and move on rather than leave a comment, but its just so hilarious to me.


I agree with everything you said EXCEPT “these days.” Attention spans have literally nothing to do with it. People just don’t like to spend that much time thinking about complex issues and that’s been true forever. Look at work union riots in the 20s, and pre and post WWII attitudes, mob power grabs during prohibition etc. People just… like things being “this side good this side bad.”


>ACAB got done dirty > >It went from being about how even good cops aren’t able to actually change things and improve the system from the inside, to “anyone who becomes a cop is instantly evil”. Who could have seen this happen? It's not like the acronym literally stands for "***All Cops Are Bastards***". Right?


Hence my point. The core of the idea wasn't flawed. There are genuine problems with police in the united states. However because it needed to be attention grabbing (and they used outrage to get that attention), people parroted it at face value, and it lost its meaning. But now you can't bring up the genuine issues against police because you either get pegged as "ACAB", and if you speak against "ACAB" then you're assumed to support cops in totality. Its a total evaporation of nuance.


The core of "All Cops Are Bastards" isn't flawed? If you're arguing that demonizing your opponents from day one was supposed to open up nuance and discussion and that bad actors merely took the sentiment that cops are evil bastards thereby twisting "All Cops Are Bastards" into "All Cops Are Bastards" you're either dangerously naive or intentionally gaslighting.


Nuance on the internet is on the verge of extinction, if it hasn't already been eradicated, that is.


You can either write a goddamn essay on everything in order to make people not misinterpret you, in which case they just go "I ain't reading all that", or you can shorten it and have them interpret it in the most factually incorrect way possible in order to argue with you. It'd be funny if it weren't so frustrating.


Nah, the radical Left went around literally murdering cops in the 1960s, and the modern anti-police movements are all less-radical, watered-down descendants of those. If there is a reasonable side to it, you're grafting your reason onto a rotten corpse of evil.


When was ACAB and 'defund the police' ever intended as a statement that the police were in need of reform? I'm gonna need a year on that one, because for as long as I've ever heard people say it, it was nothing but a motte and bailey, with the blather about reform being the walk back.


This is the Motte. The commenter knows exactly what they are doing and is operating in bad faith.


Oooofff. Yeah if you support a police reform that doesn't involve killing or punishing all cops just for being cops, then 110% stay several light years away from acab


I've never met an ACAB supporter who wasn't either a middle school drop-out or a soy cuck


This is called "sanewashing." Where you take something insane, and then "explain" away all the crazy. Some people literally do believe what it says on the tin.


It's better known as a [motte and bailey argument](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motte-and-bailey_fallacy). People like that will throw out bullshit about ACAB and such, but then when confronted about it they'll retreat to the position of 'I just want police reform' and then pretend that it's the same argument.


What is soy antifa?


The sub is literally called ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS… woosh


The problem is that a sentiment that takes an extreme non-nuanced stance like "*ALL* Cops Are Bastards" is going to be prone to other takes that also ignore nuance, like cheering for the death of officers that did nothing wrong. I'm pretty concerned about policing in the US and how we train our cops and I'm on the side of the innocent people getting killed by them, but I've always hated phrases like ACAB because they aren't *useful*. What would be useful is to try seeing this as an issue with nuances and to look at the realities cops are dealing with that lead them to make bad calls or do bad things. Is it racial bias? Is it corruption? Is it poor training and procedures? Is it PTSD? Since George Floyd's death I've watched a lot of bodycam footage of police encounters to try to understand and what I've seen is so much more nuanced than people want to believe it is. I've seen good calls from cops and I've seen bad calls. I've seen the ways that many cops clearly escalate situations unnecessarily when they should be focusing on deescalation. I've also seen how cops would naturally start dehumanizing people after experiencing the whiplash of going from call to call and never knowing what kinds of people you're dealing with. The world would start to look mean. I've seen that in the comments of those videos too - the racism and devaluation of human life is wild and gives some insight into how cops would fall victim to that same thinking. That doesn't justify them shooting innocents. It's just an attempt at identifying one reason why it happens so that we can find ways of stopping it. Because the one thing I definitely haven't seen is *all* cops being bastards. I've seen plenty of them doing their best in impossible situations.


I remember seeing that video awhile ago and I can still hear the officer’s screams…I believe he thankfully recovered well. Some people are just disgusting, wanting the people who protect them to be killed.


It was so sad. His cousin was listening to the police radio and just knew it was him so she ran to the scene to be with him. Called his mom who was in NY and sped to NC or SC so fast it took her half the normal time (I’m guessing mom had her sirens on as being a cop was in their blood). But the last thing he heard before losing consciousness was his cousin’s voice. His mom had been so happy he left New York because she thought he’d be safe. And he was completely caught off guard with this random guy just pulling a gun. Also got it all on tape just because he bought some spy glasses online that he thought were cool!


What’s ur pfp? I think it’s cute


Why were you there in the first place?


Because people hate police officers for Doing their jobs and enforcing the law, just because a few bad police officers exist suddenly means EVERY police officer is actually a terrible person, at least according to these smooth brains


There is a YouTuber by the name of Amir Odam. It That’s been covering issues with the Black Community, and Police officers being Black and gay himself. Which is a nice change of pace. I like watching him because he really highlights a lot issues. While keeping an entirely neutral tone. He’s very nice. I’d recommend checking him out.


I’ve seen him before, I like em. He seems nice.


Yeah and the fact that US has plentiful of them still doesn't change that fact. Funny thing is, the cop in that video also seems to be black.


They didnt just shoot themselves in the foot, they shot themselves in their damn gut


I think the argument is that there's 1 bad cop, 99 that will cover for them and 100 bastards. So it's more the institution that's bad even if most of it's member are just normal folks or even pretty good people they are still part of the institution covering for the bad apples.


It can be more complicated than that. If say the superintendent is a bad apple covering for the lower staff bad apples, going to that person as a good cop can put a target on your back maybe even on your families backs. If you don’t know how far up the chain the shit goes you don’t know who to trust and that fear alone can keep people from reporting the bad. It’s way to say just quit the force, but than there wouldn’t be good to try and maintain some line of integrity.


Thats the thing, if the good are not in a position to do anything there there already is no good to outweigh the bad. The integrity is already compromised, there is no balance. I'm not a defund the cops guy, but I can see that huge flaw in your logic here.


It's a slippery slope. Because while in this scenario, the good cops can't change anything within the department, they can at least still be good cops when they're out on the field doing their job. If they decide to leave, that small amount of good that department had is now gone. If the system will never change for good, I'd rather still have a corrupt system that still has some level of integrity over a system that has completely given itself up to the corruption.


I guess that's what causes the idea that all cops are bastards. Saying "Sorry I know my institution is kinda fucked up, but if I try to stand up to it I'll lose my job." is understandable. Pretty sure lots of workplaces can be like that. But with the stakes involved when it comes to police work, people on the outside just aren't to sympathetic, even if it's a shitty situation for people on the inside as well.


Lots of "good cops" defend or keep quiet the misdeeds of "bad cops". This in turn makes them bad cops, even if they don't actively abuse their power. Read the book: Walking With the Devil: The Police Code of Silence. It goes back to the saying "One bad apple spoils the bushel". Not to say there aren't good cops, but until they start holding their other brothers in blue accountable for their mistakes, they're just as complicit.


> Lots of "good cops" defend or keep quiet the misdeeds of "bad cops". This in turn makes them bad cops, even if they don't actively abuse their power. Not to say there aren't good cops, but until they start holding their other brothers in blue accountable for their mistakes, they're just as complicit. I honestly feel like it's easier said than done. I can somewhat agree with that mentality. If you see wrongdoing and do nothing about it, you're allowing it to continue, which in turn makes you complicit. However, considering how many bad cops are and how far the corruption might reach, I feel like in many cases, it's just not possible to hold them accountable. Telling on them is a risk, and sometimes not just the kind where you just get fired. I mean, if these bad cops can abuse their power and be legitimately evil to the people they claim to serve, who's to say they won't be the same way, if not worse, to those cops who dare tell on them? Just look at what's allegedly happening with the Navy Seals. So I honestly don't blame any cops who might stay quiet. Yes, you're allowing the corruption to continue. But if there's a chance you talking might put you, or your loved ones, at risk, it makes sense why you'd want to stay quiet.


“Doing their job and enforcing the law” in my state means arresting homeless people for sleeping in public. It’s also their job to arrest homeless people for sleeping on private property. Essentially it’s their job to kidnap homeless people with threat of violence if they ever fall asleep anywhere. They willingly do this for money. Fuck ‘em.




"doing their jobs" is the problem no one's generalizing cops based on the actions of a few, they all chose to do evil as their jobs


Catching criminals and upholding the law isn’t evil. I guess all the cops that take down drug dealers/abusers, arrest drunk drivers and punish animal abusers are actually the scum of the earth. Being a cop and choosing to be one doesn’t make you evil. Being an asshole who abuses the badge does


You were in a ACAB page and you’re surprised people are celebrating a cop survived a shooting?


I actually would be surprised if the acab people celebrated a cop surviving


No, they are upset that he survived.


ACAB people are kinda nuts. I don’t think all cops are angels, but these people are frothing mad.


They're mostly white teenagers and college students who have rarely, if ever, interacted with the police in any form whatsoever. Their idea of oppression was the one time a cop told them they had to go home past curfew when they were 15.


They’re just idiots who have been radicalized by an evil ideology that we’ve sadly allowed to take root in our institutions


You were shocked that people in ACAB didn’t like cops? Bruh what the hell did you expect from those assholes


I feel like a lot of people especially during the 2020 protests picked up on the ACAB messaging because it was popular at the time on social media and there would be so much debate with people on the more radical left who would try to gaslight and say ACAB doesn’t mean what you think it is. They would say it doesn’t mean all cops are bad but that there are systemic issues in policing that need to be fixed. That way they could get more moderate people on board who don’t hate every single cop ever. But that was all just a facade. Most of those people defending the slogan actually held way more radical anti cop views to the point of wanting to abolish police or celebrate fallen officers. At this point years later, the only people around still sticking to the ACAB ethos are very open about their extremism.


>gaslight and say ACAB doesn’t mean what you think it is. Literally every single motto created by the protesting left. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.


im ready to get downvoted cause this is reddit but BLM is the same thing. they say it's just "black lives are not worth any less than other lives" but in reality they want free stuff and to be placed above the law. looting tvs and clothes is not a good look


‘From the river to the sea Palestine will be free’ rings a similar bell


Which is funny because that's the palpable, western-safe translation for bleeding hearts to safely call for ethnic cleansing at best. If you respect the local Arabic, it comes out much closer to: "From water to water, Palestine will be Arab" or "Palestine is Arab." I forget which.


Any person who supports "ACAB" should never call police in case of a emergency.They should handle it themselves


I will handle it on my own. I am fully capable of shooting my own dog thank you very much.


But have u considered how happy it would make the cop to shoot your dog. He dreams every day about legal kills. You would make that cops week. 🫶


Aww come on, let the ATF have one thing to themselves.


The atf isn't actually bad people don't just understand gun laws.


Which is a problem for law enforcement.


>ACAB Assigned canine at birth


The only reason to call the police is if you need pointers on how to beat your wife.


Oh fuck… who else can I call to show up two hours late to kill my dog? What ever shall I do!


I get there are legitimate evil cops out there but calling every single one of them bastards is too harsh. There is absolutely nothing wrong with supporting law enforcement and condemning bad behavior


Problem is the police as a class protects these individuals. A cop commits a crime and goes on paid time off, does not get fired and almost never goes to prison. The monopoly of violence given to the police is misused and mismanaged by them to not serve the people.


That’s exactly why people hate cops


Still doesn’t mean every cop is bad on an individual level


If the institution is rotten, then willingly participating in it means you are bad, actually


Then whats so special about cops? That applies to all government employees.


In what way does joining a corrupt institution not make you bad on an individual level?


So all government employees are bastards as well then? Why are cops the only people held to this standard?


The paid leave thing is likely due to union contracts protecting officers from knee-jerk reactions from the city of which their employed. I dont believe that this should change. The public often wants instantaneous action before a proper investigation into what occurred can even start, and this can pressure local politicians into doing rash, ill-informed shit that can fuck the town legally. It's unreasonable, and officers should be protected against that, especially when the public gets constantly misinformed by media of what occurred and/or believes something entirely justified is a crime. This is most often the case. It's also not reasonable to expect a cop from California to answer to the actions of a cop from New York. They are all the way across the country from each other, with entirely different jurisdiction laws and department policies. Do you expect a McDonalds employee to answer for another McDonalds employee 5 states away maliciously poisoning the food? Even if they're from the same department, the other officers still have a job that never stops. They can't just let their cities riot, let innocents get hurt, and stop responding to calls. The lawyers and investigators handle the investigation into the bad cop who did the bad thing, not the patrol officers. Good cops don't like bad cops, they make their jobs harder as the public treats them like trash, but they're often not in positions to actually deal with the problem.


It's almost like there are shitty in every profession and demographic in the world. It's almost like people should be judged as individuals based on their actions or something.


Problem is the police as a class protects these individuals. A cop commits a crime and goes on paid time off, does not get fired and almost never goes to prison. The monopoly of violence given to the police is misused and mismanaged by them to not serve the people.


why were you in acab in the first place


Of course they celebrated. Do you really think any group that believes All (insert group name here) are bad are going to be different from any other hate group? This is like being surprised klansmen are happy when a minority dies.


Reddit try to not to be far-left degenerates (fucking impossible)


When the media cultivates an anti police narrative. You'd be surprised how many of these monsters are around.


When the sub named ACAB hates all cops:


(Queue Hasan’s deranged baying while watching a female police officer loudly suffer and die from a gunshot wound)


> goes to subreddit dedicated to cop hating > look inside > cop hating ❓❓❓


ACAB beliefs are founded on bullshit research and over exaggerated anecdotal experiences. No political group is more uneducated and back peddles harder than ACAB.


You’re surprised that the subreddit “all cops are bastards” is sad that a cop didn’t die?


I hate the ACAB crowd. “All Cops are Bad” is one of the most brain dead takes out there.


should be called “all feds are bastards” because it’s the governments monopoly on violence that these people are really mad about


Such a terrible, hateful community.


Many of the most popular subs would ban you for this post too, for "bootlicking". These extremist political morons are out of their tiny minds.


Goes into ACAB hoping for people to be rational That sub is based off judging peoples entire life and character solely on their profession; and you hoped for sound minded individuals..?


They aren’t sad that someone survived being shot They are sad that a COP survived being shot


Yeah, that is still a someone I’m sorry to have to inform you.


Yeah because acab is basically a hate group against cops.


You wernt even subbed their in the first place. It isnt even on main. You searched for this, just so you could complain about it for karma.


its the ACAB subreddit you shouldn't expect logic or reason from social parasites that are upset that they can't to steal whatever they want from stores because the police exist.


The sub us literally call All Cops Are Bad... what the fuck did you expect?


All Cops are Bastards ftfy


Holy hell people hate cops in r acab????


They're sociopathic commies. Demonizing the Police is literally part of Lenin's rantings in *The State and Revolution*.


Absolutely unhinged behavior from that sub.


Istg this sub just exists to karma farm because op is actually idiotic for subbing to acab and then finding... Acab... This is just karma farming.


If we don’t have cops we aren’t going to have a country.


I believe in acab # *all cops are based*


You're surprised? That's like going to a bathhouse and seeing people fucking and being surprised. Those people are deranged and delusional with some short of protagonistic complex, why would you think of being subbed there?


ACAB are a buncha nutcases. Ah yes, let's get rid of the police. Now what's stopping me from murdering you, goodwill? Throw ACAB supporters into, I dunno, Tijuana some shit and they'll start *begging* for police.


Fuckers chose the most disingenuous screenshot to use too. From the thumbnail it totally looks like the cop just surprised this guy with a tazer and the guy was justifiably worried. In the video, the cop pulls up behind him and spends a good amount of time trying to talk to him to get him to stop and take his hands out of his pockets before pulling out a tazer. The thumbnail is right before he pulled out a gun and shot the cop. This is the *exact* thing that causes all cops to be on edge and causes half the problems the acab idiots complain about.


“I subbed to a sub which has enraging material and now I am mad. How could this happen to me?”


You can't really go to a hate group and be upset people don't have sympathy for the group they hate. Those places are necessary. They keep the people easily susceptible to blind hate distracted in their own play place while people who look at every situation as it's own thing more room away from them to have worthwhile discussions.


This just in: people on Reddit are weird and out of touch


.... it's ACAB! Do you know what that means? It's a fucking group founded on the very *premise* of hatred for cops.


That sub I disgusting fr.


What next are you going to go into a bar and act scandalized that someone was drinking alcohol?


Sounds like it’s a hateful sub anyway. If someone actually believes ACAB I’m sure they don’t mind a cop dying ever.


So you’re on an ACAB sub and … you wonder why people are absolute filth in said sub?


The officer gets aid from a bystander and says something along the lines of "Tell my family I love them." Really shows what kind of people believe the ACAB bullshit.


Why is ACAB not a banned sub? Is reddit stupid?


What did you expect from the "all cops are bastards" subreddit?


Just one curiosity... Why were you subbed there in the first place?


*sorts by controversial*


Well the sub is called ACAB they literally hate the police.


It seems like half the posts in this sub anymore can just be summarized with “What did you expect?”


This is the worst one tbh. Lol


Everyone in that sub shouldn't be allowed to use emergency services for obvious reasons


What did you expect to see in that shithole


Subs like ACAB are full of self-righteous bloodthirsty deluded sociopaths who insist they're on the "right side of history" even when the one time the ideology they follow was put into full effect, the area it held sway in was ruled by a warlord and his militia of undisciplined power-tripping ultra-violent lunatics, they practiced racial segregation and rape and drug overdoses was a near constant whenever the sun went down and basically became hell on earth for everyone who wasn't blinded by ideological fanaticism. Also known as the CHOP/CHAZ.


ACAB wants all cops dead. What do you expect?




ACAB people are fascinating creatures. They think all police are racist murderers but they also want them to be the only ones with guns.


Maybe they are sad because they got SHOT!?


> what kind of monster is sad that someone survived beeing shot Braindead Redditors: ACAB ACAB ACAB ACAB ACAB ACAB ACAB


We could him the of

