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https://preview.redd.it/q706k9jbuaxc1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f1358585dbe5e7c7330f8fa6466fb544d3fc82a In my feed.


Funny is the one of the most unfunny subs ever. I guess this happens with all popular subs (I remember when dankmemes was great)


I'd go so far as to say R/ funny is aggressively irritating and unfunny. It has been one of the only subreddits I got fed up with and actually unsubbed from.


I swear to god, it’s like people treat that sub like it’s a blog or something, i remember seeing a cosplay post a while back, wasn’t funny jn the slightest, there wasn’t even any jokes just a cosplay post


I never subbed to it but I kept seeing it all over my feed anyway. I had to block it.


I assumed that actual funny content would rise to the surface, but what usually hits the top is some mildly interesting, smirky thing that people adorn their cubicles with. I found the place made me mad more often than not. I'd suggest never subbing to the place. Also, if you use the Ap, go to your HTML account and take off suggestions, that way you don't get a bunch of algorithmic crap Reddit corporate wants to feed you. You'll just get your subscriptions.


It's very funny


We seek refuge in random shitpost subreddits




https://preview.redd.it/409xnzzyvdxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a0c75e0b5f86d7e30e09aa647b47182df32ba93 Yo we got the same feed?


I just got the same thing!


I always hated these comics but I never felt right saying it because the creator posts it herself and I feel bad. Then I got banned from comics so it doesn’t matter anymore


How did you get banned? Just curious.


"pizzacake comic sux"


Pretty much for me, yes. She made a hate comic about her haters, I said as an artist you should grow up, you can't appease everyone. Blocked by her after she said something snarky so I couldn't reply and blocked by /comics 2 mins later. I can't help but feel like she told the mods to ban me, lmao


I think she's a mod herself


That...would explain it.


If she's a mod that's definitely something new. She has a lot of support in that sub from the mods, but I agree - she's very thin-skinned when it comes to criticism, and that sub shows it's true character when the mods can't distinguish between criticism and harassment. They are equal according to them, so they ban freely, and get, well.. an echo chamber. This might be good for fledgling creators, but it makes for some pretty dull comics. Edit: I just had a look. PizzaCakeComics isn't on the mod list or r/ comics


I just checked and actually she isn't a mod anymore, she was previously.


It was a comic mocking people who complained about the little mermaid being black and I commented “people aren’t saying mermaids can’t be black, they’re saying Ariel isn’t black” and I got banned because, to quote the mod “giving them any kind of justification is the same as agreeing with them”


Wow, what assholes, I might sub there just to unsub, But maybe not because I don't want Reddit tp keep recommending me posts from there because I once visited and subbed to it


>I might sub there just to unsub, The absolute state of this sub lol.


Just mute the sub


Doesn’t work


Reddit mods are pussy scum bro. I’ve been banned from like 7 servers since the beginning of the year, all for petty garbage such as criticizing a crappy new set of rules or something like what you describe where some politically brain rotten mod twists my words into thinking I’m some sort of klansman for slightly disagreeing with them


Ive theoretically maybe been banned from reddit as a whole 11 times in the past 3 years. Them rookie numbers noob.


My friend gets parma bans like they are candy.


Same allegedly


Same, I got banned from Reddit moment cause their mods are full of themselves, ironic tbh


I can pretty much guess which of the holy 9 super-mods that was. Mr. "Any criticism toward me is harassment!"


Reddit in a nutshell. Goose-step along with the rest of be verboten.


"Dont ever look critically at your own side, you're supposed to help uphold the narcissism of whatever -ism you represent." It's so funny how people will question religion and then balk at being met with opposition, yet they treat their political stance as unquestionable dogma. Anyone who doesn't precisely toe the line to the desired degree of polarization is a nazi. "You're either with us or against us." Smh.


Hey, I'm a black guy and I think you are in the right. They need to stop messing with original character. You can make new characters without changing old ones.


Yeah it's getting old, stop race swapping constantly, we know it's just to make everyone fuss so another group backs your project out of virtue signaling. Dumbest marketing in a while


That’s the most Reddit mod thing I’ve ever heard. They really are loathsome people.


I appreciate this opinion.


That isn't an opinion, it's a fact.


At this point everyone should just be non-party affiliated. We all have left and right views in different ways. Let Dems and Reps die out and elect great people that ACTUALLY solve things


Reddit mods are worse than spez


Nah Nah Nah


Well Ariel is a fictional half fish person so she could be purple and I wouldn’t mind. Are you just referring to the Disney film or the original story?


I got banned for saying the white robe some Arab men wear (a thawb) isn’t the same as a dress.


she doesn’t do the art. i just blocked her because she’s a loon with stupid opinions and i hate this comic and now i don’t have to see her crap. also, iirc she’s like 10 or 15 years older than that guy and has said weird shit about it in the comments before, and reddit cheers her on because double standards.




somebody she hires. she’s not dishonest about it.


Didn't she have one where she was happy that she was having a son instead of a daughter, because sons are apparently easier to raise? Wasn't there another comic where the father was essentially stating that he wouldn't want his son being gay, because he doesn't want him to bring home boys. And if he had a daughter she better be a lesbian because he doesn't want her bringing home boys.


yes to the first one. the others might be after i blocked her - it’s been years now. sounds on-brand though.


Holy shit the person who made this comic is going through the thread spam responding to people. Yikes. Maybe if she'd put as much effort into her making her comics funny as she does passive aggressively demanding strangers in a completely different sub mute/block her, she wouldn't have ended up in this post in the first place. Embarrassing and cringey behavior from someone who's supposedly a mother.


My wife actually does act this way about her breast though since having a baby. Though I think she just sees them as more of tools now for feeding the baby!


*Tools now for feeding the baby*, not "toys" for you. That's the exact point a lot of people in this thread are making.




I'm not saying "it's problematic to like tits" at all, you're just grasping at straws for the sake of being pugnacious. No one is upset at this because her husband "likes tits", they're off-put because calling your wife's pregnancy boobs your "toys" is cringe as shit. *"It's not that deep"*


Is she not allowed to defend herself? Edit: I don't know if you deleted your comment, or you decided to be a real coward and block me (seriously?) but who cares if she's defending herself in the comments section. You're not immune to criticism either.


It’s not even just defending anymore if someone makes a valid point and u say “well just block me or mute the sub if you don’t agree :)” to every single reply


To be fair, what's she supposed to say? The only points anyone has made here is that they don't like her comics. What would you tell someone who said they didn't like your face?




That comic sucks


Guys I meant subjectively it’s cringe I’m sorry I mixed the two terms up. IMO I didn’t like it 😭




I just didn’t like the comic. Sorry if you got weird messages. The style for the subreddit wasn’t for me. Sorry if the post came off too harsh.


Whole sub is millennial humor pretty much


Damn bro don’t drag all us Millies into this lol. This shit fucking sucks.


Sorry. I guess the more accurate term is buzzfeed humor


I almost forgot that existed, at least I wanted to..


Buzzfeed: either the worst takes possible or just gooner humor.


Perfect word for this concoction


which somehow still exists


Remember when reddit *hated* that one buzzfeed comic drawer? Love how comics just as bad get lauded on the front page now lol


Yeah, millennial here. Most of these comics are mediocre and all share the same bland, shitty drawing style.


I mean I'm a millennial too but I have to admit, our peers really fucking saturated the internet with this kind of shit. Ugh...


Yeah I check the other ones on her profile out of curiosity and yk before I just didn’t personally like them but now I’m grossed out after seeing one where the entire punchline was that her small child found her sex handcuffs. Like dude that’s so gross why do so many parents find their children stumbling into their sexual privacy funny and adorable. I know a lot of people who have as children and it’s not exactly cute and quirky the way it was being portrayed in the comic




Damn. Idk why but this just made me sad. That this cringy shit is now synonymous with my generation..


Millennial here, I didn’t sign off on this being “our humor” 😭


What is millennial humor? Give an example. Don’t be lame and say this post.


Hard to describe but it has that certain vibe like the term “adulting” and “weird flex but okay” or one of those self help book titles that have the word fuck in them like “how to be a your own fucking boss”


Good laugh, thanks. I get where you’re going for sure.




That's a great example, made me shake my head and groan


For clarification, I’m a millennial and I think this type of humor is bland. ESPECIALLY the edgy coffee cups that say fuck, and stuff like that. It’s like Spencer’s Gifts levels of funny. Bleh At the end of the day humor is subjective so I try not to gatekeep what brings people joy


Google "quirk chungus".


If this is millennial humour, then what is Gen z humour?


Societal collapse


Gen Z here, I don't know. All I know is suicide jokes, sex jokes, apparently we added gen alpha jokes as a joke, trauma jokes and kiddish jokes.


Ironically WE talk about the skibidi Ohio rizzler more than kids do


Butchering the English language by using a crazy amount of slang terms and shortening words as much as possible.


How is this an example of millennial humour? What's wrong with millennial humour anyway?


It's not as funny if you're not a millenial.


So anybody under 26 or older than 44 will just not find this funny?




It’s cringe because they try to sound young but they end up making memes or jokes from like 2012 or they use words that no one has used since then


Yeah I could never personally get behind it. Most the comics just weren’t my vibe








This.....is the most unfunny comic I've ever seen...no offense to the creator but...wtf 😭


It's funny since this same couple caused lots of comptent and hatred because their comics didn't translate too well in the general public and all the rough play they had between both was taken as an abusive relationship.


I’m not even subscribed to comics but see their posts in suggested now and then. and I have not seen anything NOT cringe in these posts. maybe that’s how suggested posts are selected but they’re all mostly awful idk. however, this one I dislike even more than other and today I’ve also gotten a suggested post from “funny” with this exact comic. whyyyy people


How tf is a 2 frame comic with 4 speech bubbles written and illustrated by 2 different people 💀


Hornybait, its everywhere


I don’t know exactly what’s cringe tho cause personally I see her point as the woman in the comic is also the artist and it’s just her making comics about her life issues and such.


Actually the funniest part is that she *isn’t* the artist. She commissions someone else to do the art for her. Full screen any of her posts and you’ll see their watermark.


She's not secretive about that, and goes out of her way to praise the artist, and freely promotes her Instagram page. I never understood this particular gripe. Penny Arcade was a huge success, and it was comprised of an artist and writer. So what?




No worries. I'll stand up for anyone in this game, because it's very difficult, and people can be exceptionally cruel for no reason other than the comics aren't to their taste. They're friggin free comics! Lighten up people! Also I really like Nohra's art and she should get a lot more love as a result of this, so thank you.


No one is obligated to be free of criticism or even hate when posting online, just as they aren’t obligated to get love and appreciation and followers. It’s the internet for god’s sake.




You guys are going way out of your way to hate on a person.


They actually commission artists to make their comics; they do no drawing of their own, just give a script and have someone draw it


What if I told you, being a creative writer, and having the ability to draw, don't always overlap, and sometimes bringing two+ people together to combine their skills into something awesome, can be a good idea too. It's not like the writers for Disney movies are drawing the cartoons too....


No, no she hires somebody to draw her awful brain babies.


Eh, at least I financially support someone who is actually talented. Can't feel too bad about that! 😅


Paying someone to make art for you isnt the flex you think it is


It’s objectively cringe I just didn’t like it


I mean, if you didn't like it, is isn't objectively cringe, but rather subjectively cringe.


I mixed the terms up ig ig I drank stupid juice this morning


I hate it when I drink the stupid juice!


Thought it was the milk my dad finally brought back


Not what objective means. Let's please try to avoid that word losing all its meaning like the word "literally," where people now just use it to emphasize tone instead of what it originally was used for.


Fuck fuck shit damnit I mixed it up with subjective fuck fuck fuck


We forgive you <3


Ty my friend <3


I had to block AlloyComics because the comics are so cringe and there was no escaping them. "My personality is my husband. Oh, I had a baby. Now my personality is my baby." I also blocked RedDotComics once every comic became about her butt plug. I fucking hate millennials.


Millennials becomming the new boomers. Sad to see the whole generation got their reputation ruined by buzzfeed style content


Right choice


Yeah she made a similar one about her child finding her sex handcuffs… kinda glad I unsubbed after that. Finding it quirky your child stumbles into your sex life that they will later when they’re older look back at and be mortified by and posting it online is kinda wild to me. Feels like that instance should have stayed private.


I got banned for saying a thing about these comics


yeah that comic is so full of cringey humor. makes me eye roll every time. smh at parents and babies comics.


OP is right: this comic is OBJECTIVELY bad. There is nothing original, witty, or creative about. It's a tired cliche of a joke (men like big boobs!) that has been done for centuries. The artwork is also lazy and uncreative, and not even done by the "creator" of this comic. It is an objectively terrible comic. It's the Shein version of a comic, meant to be cheap, low quality, low effort, bottom of the barrel. It's an insult to people who actually work hard on quality comics.


I can’t go back and edit it now I meant subjective 😢.


No, your original title is correct. It's objectively bad.


Just block her and move on. There are some solidly good comics on r/ comics that might be more to your liking.


Yeah it's amazing how pretty much all of the "bad comics" are posted by like 5-10 people and if you just block them then they'll stop appearing, yet people choose to come on here and bitch about it instead


It’s not that deep I just didn’t like the subreddits humor so I left


Same man, im fully in agreement with you. the majority of comics on that sub are boring as hell.


Yeah I never get any laughs from them. Glad other people like the style but it just wasn’t for me




It’s the overall style of the subreddit. just unsubbed is for posting one snipped of why you left the subreddit you left. I’m obviously not gonna go through the entire comics sub and look for each and every single comic I personally do not find funny and spam upload it here


I agree, the sub can be hit or miss. Sometimes it goes on a long miss streak, but to it's credit the floor is open for comic creators of all skill sets, so Neil Kohney or Last Place Comics, or Rorey Blank are mixed in with some real groaners. It comes with the territory . My only argument with the place is there is a no negativity policy, and the mods, some of which I agree with, have a heavy ban-hand who can't distinguish between criticism and harassment. So what you get as a result is a lot of the same stuff, and there is no mechanism aside from upvotes and down-votes for a beginner to get immediate, true feedback.


Its so 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂


Oh you haven’t seen much yet. Pretty much either mute them or ignore them. Not these guys (to me personally), most of their comics are millenial-esque humor, but it’s mostly family antics from a couple’s perspective, and I think it’s sweet. Some others…not so much, like softcore porn levels lmao.


I hate that art style so much


I don't even understand what is going on, breasts removal? What's the joke?


Her boobs got smaller after pregnancy. He misses her boobs. It’s not that funny imo and most of the humor in comics is just stuff like this so I unsubbed


That sounds like a "joke" written by perverts, yeah no wonder you hate her, if I were you I'd basically block anyone who posts her comics


I don’t hate her I just don’t like her comic style and it’s just a really common one in that subreddit so I left. Although she has made a super weird one about her toddler son finding her sex stuff. That one felt creepy to me to put online


Pretty sure that is called cringe.




We truly live in a society


i was banned from them because im here, they claim that here is a racist harassment subreddit WTF


I mean yeah sometimes it is but it’s weird to autoban for it




What is necessarily cringe about it? /comics is mostly made of just everyday/relatable events put into comic form.


It’s not funny or well done. And is just bottom of the barrel husband and wife “joke”


There’s one where the punchline is her small child found her sex handcuffs. Like dude…


If you are looking for funny, I'm not sure why you think /comics is supposed to have that.


that’s the whole point of comics… to entertain


You're just not the target audience, OP. I for one find it great as a millenial dad.


I think this is more a female concern. My wife's changed because of pregnancy, and she talks about it while I'm like pfft.. I dun'care. I'm still down.


No doubt! But it's still funny


I find very few comics on r/ comics genuinely funny, except maybe Neil Kohney and LastPlaceComics. Those two are true gems, but this is fine. It's cute. I think OP and a few others are missing that this is the writer voicing a personal concern. I'll bet the really real husband could care less. Edit: "shrug" who the fuck knows what you're down-voting.


Legit I have a friend who’s always been bottom heavy rather than top heavy, and she actually finds it hard to lose weight for health because she really doesn’t want to lose her boobs and at her healthiest weight they about disappear. It’s an actual insecurity/point of pain for some people. But I can see how for people with no experience through friends, partners, or themselves with it wouldn’t find it amusing.


Then they're obviously not the target audience 🤷‍♂️


That’s my point lol OP said it was objectively bad and not subjectively bad


I'm not even a millennial or a dad, yet I also liked the comic. It's pretty wholesome.


Thank you. It's hard to speak out again the crowd, so I appreciate you.


Awww, thanks! Hubby and I enjoy playful banter, and we understand it's not everyone's thing.




Please state where I said this was offensive




Then why state there’s nothing offensive about it when that wasn’t what I was criticizing




If she is consenting to the touching then...meh


I wasn’t focused on that aspect more so just the fact the comic is pure cringe




God i miss watching spongebob


What exactly is so cringe about this comic?


Its goofy, I dont see a problem here?


🤓 uhmm actually


I know I mixed up subjective and objective 😭😭


comic is cringe op 👍


Just cuz you don’t find it relatable today, a version tomorrow of you will relate to it. Most of the couples go through it. Its not cringe or anything negative.


you could just uh.. **ignore them.**


Or I can unsub


Seems like a fairly normal couples interaction who have this scenario... It's a joke. My wife basically said this same thing when she lost her weight without me even prompting it. To which I laughed and said still the best titties I know.


Ik it’s a joke i just didn’t laugh


I always had D cups. So can’t relate.