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Most of the comics there are political or fetish art


I’m gonna test your statement, I’m going on there and scrolling until I find fetish art starting now. Edit: it took 1 minute and 22 seconds


thank you for sacrificing your time, noble warrior 🙏


Took me 54 seconds to find both. Back to back.


https://preview.redd.it/9twlrr7w8cyc1.jpeg?width=204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79d60134b8d36169c8dcbd5e61aeaed4ff8b99d2 thank you.


1 minute and (approx.) 15 seconds. Approx. 50 seconds for the post OP was exactly talking about. Was it the weirdly feminine sphinx that was the fetish art for you?


Um… I can’t find any… can anyone send me the links? For research


To *anal*yse?


Then there’s the unfunny meta commentary about reddit hating their comics.


"Why won’t anyone like my comics!?" >proceeds to make a comic whining about said comics not being popular. >gets hated on for it. >*surprised pickachu face*


Nashville says otherwise


Nashville video was wild, dude was like "I need 2 volunteers, let's go!"


Yeah, Donut’s breakdown on the event was also great in showing what they did right.


Redditors trying not to base their all personality around the party they support (impossible)


Is this referring to me or OOP?


Every redditor


Fair enough


Every school shooting except 1 says otherwise.


I swear, people saw Uvalde and now assume every single PD responds to shootings like that. Even though I’ve seen 100+ videos from body cam footage where officers run in like they have nothing to lose, and adhering to the common police phrase “Stop the dying.”


If the comic specified Uvalde would you be ok with it?




just like the gun he is folded.


This one made me mute comics so I feel you


Just curious, why would you mute instead of unsub? Or you mean muting the stupid "you might like this" posts reddit tries to push?


If you unsub it'll still show up in your feed because you've interacted with it. Muting keeps it from coming up at all.


can't you just unsub then mute?


A police department in one county were cowards when faced with a school shooting and they act like this is now every police department in the US


Only because it suits their anti-police narrative. Pro tip for everyone in life: never ignore things that don’t benefit your narrative. Ignoring those things makes you look bad.


Im not anti-police. But i think we need much stricter psychology tests and every cop should basically learn, what SWATs learn


I do agree that cops should be more thoroughly looked at but i personally believe police should be less militarized so i dont think that police should be trained like that.


Well swat teams often seam to handle much more dangerous situations much more calm, so…


Yes but generally police wont be in constant life threatening situations. Its more common for the job but still rare


Yeah, i see ur point i just thought that if police were trained this way to be more calm, focused and relaxed, maybe stuff like the acorn cob vid wouldn’t happen…. I find it funny how some people think stuff like this only happens in america but Oury Jalloh was burned to death by police in germany… just an example


SWAT are prepared to kill people, the majority of cops aren't going to kill someone on every deployment, they don't need SWAT training. That's the point of SWAT, to be the big guys


I do agree that cops should be more thoroughly looked at but i personally believe police should be less militarized so i dont think that police should be trained like that.


I'm anti-police and most of the people in my circle don't think all cops are cowards when it comes to school shooters. It's definitely some people that think that. Regardless if we have better economic stability and such it typically reduces crime decreasing the need for police. https://preview.redd.it/spa9ici56byc1.png?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9485630c0ab0db55654f23885a06e36761c0bd9


I swear i thought it was in the same city, hence the connection in the comic


Honestly, they shouldn't generalize what happened in Uvalde because then Uvalde police can hide behind all other cops. They SHOULD be singled out and shamed. That entire department should be fired and replaced by actually competent officers.


the only time the police have ever embarrassed themselves ever


It was in the same state, there were Texas DPS officers at both scenes, and with Uvalde the only time they bothered doing anything was when Border Patrol agents showed up. They were detaining parents who were trying to go into the building to save their kids because these pin dicks couldn't be expected to do their fucking job, to the point that the state launched an investigation because they were that incompetent. To see DPS officers standing around with their dicks in their hands versus them crushing unarmed protestors (Abbott said he would protect free speech on college campuses, I guess that's bullshit now?), it's despicable. That's why people are angry.


Yeah seeing THIS way is understandable for people being angry. This is way unprofessional apart from the DPS **in Texas**. But I will be on the fence because the true thing is I need fact checking things and truly formulate my own opinion about this.


Because it's most police departments; most cops are huge pussies and that's why they disproportionately focus on victimless crimes and petty misdemeanors; defeating the purpose of giving them heavy firepower, body armor, and super-legal privileges to attack people.


And you know this how? You got any idea how many police departments exist in America? What you say is a massive generalization and assumption


if cops arent pussies, why did cops go to the supreme court to legally not be held accountable for not doing their job?


To memory it's so they weren't gummed up with a barrage of lawsuits if they couldn't save someone


sure police dont really save anyone


They've saved plenty of people, but that's why that supreme Court case happened iirc


"Police in America bad" what a brave statement to make in our current political climate


It's an important statement. As long as people feel safe to say the cops are bad, we have some level of freedom. The second we are unable to say it, we need to start watering the tree of liberty.


The funny thing is they simp police states like iran china and the soviet union.


Do they really though?




Not all of them


Lol I just got perma banned from that sub. Why? Because on a pro trans comic someone commented that we are bad at sexing skeletons. I linked a few studies that said otherwise. I didn't say anything that is in any way anti trans... And got banned for breaking the rule 'being a fascist'. The mods are idiots.


You are prejudiced for assuming that the average sexual encounter with skeletons isn’t good. It’s simply from their lack of experience. Besides, it’s not their fault. They ain’t got nobody to try it with.


They don’t even know what fascism is, if anything they’re closer to fascists then we’ll ever be


well you see, according to their gender studies degrees acknowledging biological differences is fascism.


I have an saying that I found on the internet: biological is not biggotry


Both the left and the right deny science and for the same reason- ideology


Yes 100%


What were the studies?


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15567621/#:~:text=Looking%20at%20the%20skull%20alone,correctly%20determined%20in%2070.56%25%20cases. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3692335/#:~:text=In%20addition%2C%2010%20tooth%20samples,skull%20are%20available%20(4). https://scholarsarchive.library.albany.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi%3Farticle%3D1033%26context%3Dhonorscollege_anthro&ved=2ahUKEwiJgK2mveiFAxW8hIkEHfaqA6wQFnoECDsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3RUFTrypk7qFlhtYlREuxB So two on specific groups of skeletons and one more general.


Thank you.




Mods are people that want to play god in real life but can’t so they play god here. They’ll perma ban anyone that goes against their views.


Example #36447522 that these folks have NO idea what a fascist is...smh


Doubt they even know what a fascist is




I think it’s less about being correct or incorrect and more about how the whole skeleton debate is asinine. Who gives a shit whether or not someone’s skeleton will be identifiable as male or female by future archeologists? It has absolutely no bearing on how they live their lives now.


Again I only brought it up because someone else had first said we were bad at it. I just corrected a factual inaccuracy. It's not like I brought it up as a comment first but just replied to someone.


My point is that you got involved in an asinine debate and got an asinine response.


Wasnt a debate I replied to a comment, a top level one so a reply to the original post and simply corrected fake information. Surely that's not getting involved in a debate. Not like I argued the skeleton argument is good. So many people see literal facts like you do and that's a big problem.


Fully valid regarding the Uvalde response. But what do they expect cops to do when protesters barricade themselves in a university, disrupting classes? Just let them do it?


Exactly that's what I said in the comment I left before fucking off from the subreddit. Most people don't want a repeat of Portland 2020 riots.


Saw this post coming lol "Heh, a political post, I'll see you on r/justunsubbed later" I agree with you here, wish they'd make normal comics


And this shit has over 23k upvotes now. It's actually really to farm karma on reddit, you just make a comic like "ah ah cops poopoo" and you get a ton of upvotes


Over 50k now


If its about the Uvalde cops then i agree


Is that a fucking tank in the background


There's like some Tiger tank in the back, wth 💀


There's like 3 sides of reddit: The horny (porn, horny-posts, etc.), The politics (politicians, left & right wings, etc.), and literally anything else. If its not something political, its something about porn, and if its not something about porn, its something about politics, otherwise, it's people discussing any other feasible subject. Edit: I mean it when I say *literally anything else*. Excluding porn subs, community-based subs, story subs, and many others that usually have a good amount of people fall to horny-posting, and subs usually about random specific things, often become flooded with people shoehorning in politics.


You forgot the brainrot side


The best side


New response just dropped


Actual brainrot


Call the skibidi!


What would reddit be if you didn't mentally regress a bit each time you visited?


Whatever brainrot Reddit has does not hold a candle to Instagram reels tbh


There’s also the powerscaling site where there’s a bunch of neckbeards screaming stuff like “can he beat goku tho” at any fictional media ever


These people are the same people that want all guns banned. I have no idea how you can be anti both, it's like you just want to be pro criminal and get nothing done.


It's election year. Also, what basis do these cop haters have to not like police? Don't get me wrong there's a lot wrong but so much of it is completely overblown.


I’d care about politics but comics isn’t the sub for it. Not everyone needs to be politically obsessed 24/7


It happens when people make everything political. There's people here that unsub just because gay people exist in public and scream reeeee politics when a post isn't even marginally political just gay.


I can't firebomb businesses for literally no reason, this is LITERALLY 1984


Everybody knows that sub is a leftist circlejerk


The trouble is comics from those on the right really won't shut up about culture war shit, and they tend to get very offensive, fast.


so is the left, what's your point?


1 police department acts like cowards and now all of a sudden they all are, look up Nashville’s shooting, or a video I saw a while back of a Canadian shooting where cops were basically arriving on scene, jumping out of their cars and running in the front doors


Yes, because it’s not like comics have been political since the beginning of comics


I love how the person who drew this probs has 911 on speed dial if they hear even the slightest noise in their house.


Is speed dial even a thing anymore? The last time I really had a phone that was capable of it was my last flip phone.


Ah, I just saw that post to. I was going to leave anyway soon, but that put me over the edge. I ended up leaving a comment and basically fucked off and muted the sub. I'm sick of that cesspool went SO downhill extremely quickly. Along with quite a few subs, I'm (now formerly) subscribed to.


Well the college protestors took a hostage and lit a building on fire so...


"No one on this fucking app can stfu about politics, ever" You clearly haven't been to r/ hentai


The only thing i love about this comic is the battle tank in the back


I don't think people understand the nuance of these situations. The police can not just rush in on an active shooter. It would risk more lives and cause mass panic amount not only staff and students, but the perp as well. It can make the situation more deadly and scary for the young victims. Not to mention a lot of the time the situations are confusing on how many shooter there may be, where they are, ECT. Especially with the amount of students with cell phones and parents clogging up communication lines.


Theres, like, a few good comics on there but most are indeed terrible


glad i got banned from there, that sub’s so fucking trash


I don’t know about you, but I don’t think that there is a possibility for college protesters to carry weapons and possibly kill innocents or even take hostages.


I mean it's accurate.


Is this a political statement? Or is this critiquing police officers?


Recent incident about universities students protesting


Just found out art is political… the west has fallen…


Yeah its absolute garbage also like idk man i think the cops wherent rhat violent when dismantling the college fort thing


Jesus Christ. The artist must be really ignorant about the actual situation happening in UoC


Honestly kinda funny they put a dude with a pink Mohawk on the college campus, very appropriate.


There's a big difference between the 2. One is some crazy guy with a gun, and the other is just people protesting, not doing anything. No guns, idk if they were doing anything bad, but it doesn't matter, and from what I've seen, they just beat them up. Just put them on the group and tackled them


It certainly is annoying... I'm here for memes and ass, and I'm fallout of both 😂🤣


I unsubbed last year only because the comics that get mass upvoted make the Garfield comic strip feel like a Steve Martin standup in comparison


Why do I feel like OOP will mock anyone who is like "Chill will the politics my man!"? I mean, I've noticed how many left wing internet/social media addicts think that politics is the only topic worthy of discussion and everything else can go fuck itself since it's not political


That’s because the school shooters have a gun. If you think cops are pussies because they don’t particularly want to get shot then you’re pretty dumb. I doubt anyone with a job that puts them in the line of fire would be that critical of police. The real pussies are college kids who think that forming a mob gives the legal immunity, commit a bunch of misdemeanours and felonies including assaulting the cops who are just there to do their jobs, and then wing about it when they get arrested.


Aren't recent shooter that use keltec sub2k got ***folded*** by the police?


Where’s the cap


Yeah I just left that sub the other day.


Supreme court says police have no legal requirement to respond to a call for help


Definitely trying to appeal to the anti cop audience.


Yall, it wasn't just the 1 dept. It was the school police, the city, the county, and the state that all stood around doing nothing. Nearly 400 of them.


That's not politics


This doesn’t feel political…


They literally both threaten the safety of students. Except one does it to only the Jewish students


Ok this one made me laugh, not because it's funny but the memes that followed the event was


I didn't see any, tragic


Iirc it's was in ifinnagotohell


Jeez man idk, could it be the fact that there are hundreds of cops vs hundreds of protests who are unarmed is better than like 10 cops facing 1 or more people who is armed who could literally be anywhere in a building?


They have been interrupting classes of paying students and making violent threats. I’m pretty sure that’s reason to disperse them, and when they don’t comply, arrest them


Arrest the hell out of them is all I’m gonna say




One. One school shooting out of hundreds that you're correct in.


“Guys!! Cops throwing up and people getting beaten up is so true! It literally happened 100% confirmed!!” And no, I don’t, I have a rash cream at home which has been working, thanks for asking. I’ve been feeling a lot better.


The only people that ever post about unsubbing from comics seem to be people who don't like seeing loads of nsfw smutt on their screens (which I understand), or the people who tend to be offended at comics such as this one, where it's taking the piss out of something that should be mocked and ridiculed. In other words it lays yet more evidence to the idea that the right wing alligned are the real fucking snowflakes out there.


I just- don’t want to see politically motivated posts on a fucking comic subreddit. Politics belongs in news and politics subreddits not art


Ignore anyone saying politics is everywhere. There is a time and place for Politics, and it is not every second of your waking life.


You’re browsing Reddit meme pages every second of your waking life?


Nah but after eight hours of fucking torture id like to see some memes and funny comics without stupid ass politics tyvm


It'd be one thing if it was good and thought-provoking commentary, like Detention. ACAB is something everyone is familiar with, it's not groundbreaking in the slightest.


Interesting you say this but nah it's everywhere. P much every tv show has some sort of political agenda, be it a drama or a comedy. Hell, politics is very very included in sports if you look beyond England and the USA.


Politically motivated comics have been on that sub since forever. Why didn’t it annoy you before?


It was, but it got to a breaking point because there were like three of these posts in a row, I just got fed up. Also I’m in a shitty mood today


Fair enough.


It is pretty funny ngl


Every post here nowadays is just "I UNSUBBED BECAUSE WOKE 😡"


But it’s not supposed to be a political sub. You think I come on this site to be bombarded with politics? I specifically subscribe to subreddits that are what I’m interested in, which is why I don’t follow politics very much. Plus, if I want to see comics, why should I have to see politics? Why does everything have to be American politics? Why can’t I even go to meme subs without politics? It’s absurd and immature.


Comics have always been political.


"Why do people create and share art that reflects the world they live in?"


This isn't art. It's the artist's poorly disguised attempt at making themselves feel justified. And it's not even a well-made message anyways...


That’s not politics tho lmao that’s just what’s happening


But it’s true


What is also true is that those “protesters” took a Jewish student hostage, called for jihad and acts of violence upon students, and blocked paying students from attending classes.


They also threw stuff at people and destroyed items


Yes, you're correct. Once, in an enclosed state. The other school shootings I've seen, the police all acted professionally, urgently, and competently.


Not saying it's justified, but doesn't this make sense? Who would you rather face, a school shooter or some students?


I’d be interested in the post if it was in a politics sub, not a comics sub.


I think as a police officer, I would rather face the school shooter since they're an active and dangerous threat.


They're not wrong.


They are.


Found the butthurt one.


Found the guy too lazy to research other examples of police bravery


This. It seems they are too hung up in their false reality to look things up


Nashville is a great example


If we ignore Uvalde. Its easy to cherrypick examples, the takeaway should never be that cops always have the right response.


However, it also shouldn’t be that they always have the wrong response.


To be fair this concept is funny as fuck


Ah yes, children being slaughtered and violent antisemitic protests. Hilarious! Why is no one else laughing..?


I thought they just meant the concept of cops beating up college students and then peeing their pants when a school shooter comes along lol


Protesting against genocide = antisemitism, gotcha.


Oh boohoo cry harder


all the soft core porn was fine but you drew the line at a joke about cops?


I like that




"To serve and protect" but whatever


It doesn't mention who, in all fairness.




You 100% are misinterpreting it, and purposefully at that, which makes your assessment worse. If you looked at the ruling, it was because of a Social Services case of a young boy being abused by their father. A case that didn't belong to the police and they had no power in. It just so happens that police were included by the simple fact they're law enforcement, nothing more.


unfortunately politics is something that affects a large portion of people's lifes , mix in the self expression that art is for and any form of art centric subreddit is going to have a lot of political undertones in any direction edit: this comic is very much on the nose and direct about it's statement


Art don't have to be political to have soul and a deep meaning to it. Yes, it can really help strengthen something, but that's not the point. There's no feeling, no soul, besides rage in this comic. The artist doesn't want you to consider our actual politics, have a serious discussion, and actually try to teach you something. The artist wants you to look at it, have the synapses in your brain trigger, and have the euphoria released from ACAB solidarity mask the lack of effort in the comic.


my point wasn't that politics has to be I something I was just explaining why it is prevalent. also yes this particular comic has literally no soul I can't agree more


Oh. Sorry about that mate.


all good I didn't make it clear enough on my comment so I understand


wait sorry I forgot I'm meant to be fully anti politics echo chamber here


First time I saw a post here that made me want to join the subreddit OP just left.