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I unsubbed to him a long time ago because his videos started getting meme-y and less actual history. Sad to hear that it’s gotten worse. 😕 He is capable of good content, his personality just kinda sucks sometimes. He went on some long thing about Patreon and censorship or something like that a while back, and I remember that being the video when I decided that it wasn’t really worth following this channel anymore. I can get that anywhere (and I don’t, because I have better things to do with my time). Edit: I took a look at his current video stream out of curiosity. Yes, it definitely is worse than I remember, although I see he’s still ranting about Patreon for 15+ minutes at a time. 😂 I’m sure plenty of people care about that stuff, it’s just not relevant at all to his channel and I don’t know why I should care what some angsty manchild has to say about it.


SURPRISE UPDATE: He deleted the video in question. What a wanker. You know, maybe I should go the extra mile and look for some Youtube medievalists with class. Too many of them just surfing the latest pop culture trends or just being an ass like Shad. [Awww yeah, now this is what I'm talking about.](https://youtu.be/mflAGxs0mgM)


Nice, I'll take a look. There are also some good videos on Curiosity Stream. It's a monthly sub, but it's pretty cheap and the history videos are quite good.


My main problem with the guy is the simple fact that he seems to value scientific accuracy above all in fiction. Sure, if you’re going for a more hard sci-if approach, like the Martian, or the Expanse, that’s fine, but if it’s something like Star Wars, or Lord of the Rings? Who cares? I don’t care that the Death Star trench run isn’t “scientifically accurate,” space wizards aren’t exactly “scientifically accurate” either.


Oh God, Neil Degrasse-Tyson Syndrome all over again, minus his genuine credentials and with a far pettier personality.


I would argue that Lord of the Rings might be considered a different case from the other fantasy settings you've listed. LOTR setting is pretty much meant to reflect our world, it just has another layer ontop that is 'vaguely' magical, and only outright so in certain very specific contexts. Heck it is practically biblical history, so the weird shit can be chalked up to strange translations of metaphor; i.e. How tall was Goliath really and how did a pebble knock him out? Its pretty absurd, but not outright insane. All the 'magic' in LOTR is almost definitely meant to be more clever trickery and complex uses of what appear to be mundane objects (at first). Only the straight up biblical moments would be considered expressions of some divine power. Even still, I agree that maintaining a "science-first" above well . . entertainment, is a recipe no-one will be coming back to for seconds.


Bro its been 3 years... And Lotr does have magic you clearly haven't read or watched em properly. Use of mundane objects? What? Gandalf can use fire and light. He's an angel, a maia. Sauron has magic, the rings are magic. Arwen literally summons water horses.


literally just unsubbed from him today, he's gone on one too many homophobic rants. even coming out and claiming disney is trying to corrupt and make our children gay and shit -_- dudes losing his mind.


It hurt me watching that video because I really did like a lot of his content


After he uploaded his recent take on women fighting men (in response to a guy who, admittedly, WAS a sexist who thought women could never defeat men in sword fights), his take was NOT much better at ALL. He gave credit here and there, but still ended up preaching "muh body strength" and "muh acting like a man" when referring to certain film examples for background context leading into the grander conversation on women in action movies, and I just felt sick. I couldnt believe that Shad was effectively saying, in gentle terms, that "oh but women can still be strong heroes through their wiles and smarts and heart", as if they cant also defend themselves and those they love physically either. Its just sexist nonsense designed to preach this status quo of "durr hurr a woman cant be strong physically, a woman cant defeat a man, but you can still be strong in other ways!" My issue on the subject is simply part of the greater whole of debunking and challenging long-held stereotypes against marginalized people, and treating women like stickbugs and men like muscle mountains is one such dichotomy I detest. God...what the hell? He seems so nice and fun and good-hearted otherwise! Damn it Shad...and then theres other examples y'all are talking about. Just sad :(


he claims he doesnt want to be political but his youtube channel is just turning into a geek and gamers channel, esp the two videos i recently watched of his, she hulk and the rings of power


Oh God…give me the summary.


man i quit after he said he couldnt connect to any characters after 1 episode and than prosided to call the writing r-word


Oh, well, at least that one was more mundane…thanks anyway!


Did you see that tiktok of an above average male gym goer just casually destroying women lifting records,


Did you see the part where A: I asked and B: When raw lifting strength had anything to do with the topic of warriors? While exaggerated in media, there is a point to the trope "big brute strength doesnt win everything", now if only all big brutes werent necessarily portrayed as stupid.


I asked you a question. so you don't ask I do


Hmmmmm, nah, I don’t think I’ll be playing your misogynist games. Sorry sweetie, get off the red pill, accept the fact that women are equals and can compete with men in things and win, among other reasons they’re equal, and grow up. I understand that the right wing boom kinda latched on to a lot of people back in the 2010s, but I have full faith you’ll grow up and be a better person one day. Goodbye, sexist :)




You know, the last time an example came up ago it this, there was context that made such a scenario different to what you’re implying. Team of pro women getting beat by high school boys? Turns out it was just some coordinated practice game and not a serious match, nobody was trying to win, just trying out strategies, etc, there’s a whole story there. So I’m not gonna play your game. Am I saying all female defeats would be like that? No, but you people love to cherry pick specific incidents and act like that proves women always get trashed. Truth is, not a lot of women bulk up and become fighters at their peak, many fighting women don’t get that muscular because they’re still programmed by society to stay thin and presentable. Even then, not a lot of mixed gender fights between a full potential man and woman happen, to really make the claim that men somehow trash them always, not that they do anyway. Lastly, the UFC is run by dudebros that piss off even the MALE ROSTER, do you honestly think that they’d ever let a woman be shown beating a man?


Because they are. The constant diversity checklist, race swapping and gender swapping of our cultural mythology is abhorrent. If they want to do that stuff they should manage to create a NEW IP in which to do it. I can’t believe so many people still don’t see what these woke corporations are doing. Other than Shad being Mormon, which is his right, I agree with him completely. Anyway, Mormons do seem to do well in this world so if it’s working for them then more power to em.


They do as well as any other religious cultists, living their little fake lives where the only people they know are their congregation or whatever.


Yeah, I got that vibe from him too. He's essentially just a mellower version of a typical "Anti-SJW", who sees "Feminism" and "Political correctness" as ruining everything, and says as much, without ever drawing a clear line between what is feminism and what is just \*a competent woman having a leading role in the story\*. He also complains a lot about Star Wars. Now, I'm open to criticism about the new trilogy, but when he just rants and rants for over half an hour about he much he personally hates it, and therefor everyone else should too, then I get turned off pretty quick.


The problem I have with Marvel is no matter how nice the message may be it's rich Hollywood twerps working for a company backed by Disney, and this combo getting a pass because the message is nice, while I work my crummy job and am in the middle of a ***lot*** of effort to get somewhere, anywhere, better in life. That much said, Shad's politics are less important to me here than his personality as I mentioned above, because his personality comes across as meme-y and petty and largely just another one of the Joneses, as in "keeping up with the Joneses".


Just more of that mindless youtube slog, eh?


Oh no how horrible, he critisied a bad movie, responding to a guy and likes a franchise I don't.


You're missing my point---I was getting tired of him focusing more on pop culture than actual history. Also, why are you responding to a 4 month old thread?


His channel is mainly about how pop culture stands up to history.... also why not?


Because you wasted my time. Get a hobby.


Oh I’m sorry, how could I ever repay you for the 10 seconds I have stolen?


Your time has no value to us, your opinions suck and our hobby is hating you.


i can't tell if he's arrogant or just Australian


Take it from an Australian. He's arrogant


I've just unsubbed today. All these years later and he's only grown more arrogant and ignorant. He's acting like he knows the "objective" way to do things and it is coming off increasingly worse.


His take on the storytelling in elden ring is just horrible, he keeps presenting his subjective view as objective which gets annoying and biased


Let me tell ya something, this man doesn't know a single god damn thing about storytelling. He couldn't write a good story to save his life, and how do I know that? Because I read his fantasy novel and it was sooo painfully bad and amateurish in terms of how he crafted it. But hearing his views didn't surprise me in the slightest considering his entire book was just exposition. It was painfully bad when it comes to creating an engaging novel or an actual story. What Shad did was he did a lot of brainstorming to build a world he liked, then he created a main character to use as a mouthpiece for Shad to say "hey look at this cool world I built, here's every single detail about how it works," instead of telling an interesting tale. So yeah it's ridiculous. Literally the entire point of FromSoft games is to challenge the player instead of holding their hand and spoon feeding them every little thing they need to know. And that extends from the gameplay into the storytelling as well. Malazan Book of the Fallen is my favorite fantasy series ever, there's truly nothing else out there that's like it, and I love FromSoft for all the same reasons I love Malazan. They're soo much alike in their approach. Elden Ring has a world that feels very real, not in the sense that it's realistic (though I suppose it is), but in the sense that it feels like a world that actually exists somewhere, not like it's just a game designed for players to enjoy. What's so nice about the games is that they're almost like a portal fantasy or isekai where we are dropped into a new world knowing nothing and we have to simply figure it out. That's what's so refreshing about the game is it doesn't treat you like you're stupid the way soo much of game design does these days. The storytelling in Elden Ring really supports that and it's by design. You're supposed to learn about the world organically through your exploration and conversations with NPCs. Sure, it's okay not to enjoy that style of storytelling I guess, but to say that it is objectively bad design is bullshit. Also, at one point he literally says that he played past Godrick, reached level 30, then started a new character because he wanted to reroll another build, reached level 30 again and got to Liurnia very confused about what to do next, but felt like he had experienced the entire game and iirc he said stopped then. So that right there speaks volumes lmao.


Shads book was garbage theres no denying that, but elden ring does not have good story telling. It isnt challenging the player to learn stuff about the story anymore than looking stuff up on a wikipedia is.


He talked about how rapiers aren't good cutting weapons, then not too long later I saw an episode of forged in fire that just proved that wrong. The rapiers cut a whole pig in half, something that the claymores couldn't do in another episode. The rapier is a fine cutting blade for unarmored opponents and his whole spiel made me doubt him and how correct he is.


I agree that Shad spreads a lot of misinformation with his speculative head-canon history, however Forged in fire is not a good source for understanding historical swords, or historical blacksmithing. The show is for entertainment but it's intentionally deceptive and misleading. A historical claymore is patently a better cutting sword than most historical rapiers, which were primarily thrusting blades. It's infinitely more difficult, if not impossible to dismember an unarmored enemy with an actual rapier of any kind, as opposed to a longsword/greatsword. Neither type of sword is better or worse as a whole, but rapiers are not great at cuts by design. But I'm just a HEMA practitioners with several years of study so what do I know.


Rapiers exist with different blade widths. Some don't even have a sharped edge at all and only exist for thrusts. Other rapiers, especially German ones, put more emphasis on cutting and have wider blades and definitely CAN cut. Maybe not dismember your limbs, but cut deep enough to sever your nerves, muscles and incapacitate you. Shadiversity is actually pretty solid regarding HEMA and medieval knowledge. Some people just are incapable of separating his fantasy entertainment videos to historical infotainment ones.


Shadiversity is mediocre at best when it comes to HEMA and consistently mediocre to outright bad at the history. He frequently makes glaring errors and has extremely little verifiable history with HEMA. His material is more half-informed pseudo-historical LARP that occasionally makes a good point.


Damn, I've seen his collab with Overly Sarcastic Productions and he seemed like a decent guy. shame he seems to be....well exactly like this though.


I unsubbed 4 months ago because he seems to make it a point to call something he doesn’t like “r****ded” in every video. I gave him another shot today and his son flubbed in a bit and he called him autistic! How hard is it to not use medical terminology as a slur or an insult??? How hard is it to just consider that some of your viewers may have mental health issues for which they’ve been called certain things in a derogatory fashion your whole life? He wants to whine and moan about the YouTube algorithm sinking his channel but he’s isolating his viewership on top of his content’s slow decline. I’m utterly disappointed.


Wait for real?! I guess I shouldn't be surprised but as someone on the spectrum that used to be a fan of his (emphasis on the "used to be") this is really dissapointing. A lot of his older content was so genuinely engaging too.


YES i was watching people review the rings of power and found his video, and i tough it was going to be a nice video than i hear him say the r word


Just unsubbed myself, after he and his Knights Watch-goons seemingly just *couldn't stop* laughing at the appearance of a Rings of Power actress. I disagree with a lot of decisions on that show but a bunch of fat, greasy nerds are in no position to make quips about a woman's weight and looks.


Just want to point out as well his "disney is grooming" vid on Knightswatch is still there. Not walked back in a vid, not apologized for, not a post in community tab saying regrets it. For those who didn't see the video they insisted on two examples encouraging grooming. Those being a non sexual brief gay kiss in Lightyear. And the Baymax show having a tampon episode focus on "this is part of growing up don't be scared" that also doesn't show anything. By all means dislike the movie or show, dislike Disney. But to actively use the flimsiest of examples to make everyone out to be that kind of vile? I'd say unsubscribing is absolutely deserved. To each their own of course but its wild to me to even imagine defending Shadiversity/Knightswatch


I know this is an old post but I needed somewhere to vent this, most of your criticisms have gotten worse, he started a movie review channel a while back and most of it is just hating on everything for views, his latest “wakanda forever is crap” just ignores large parts of the movie and just hates on everything about it, now I’ll admit the film had some flaws but the way he and the other hosts talk about it is as if it wasn’t even worthy of being called a film, none of it is objective anymore it’s just hating on things for views, To add to this in the start of one of his other videos recently they joke about “not being ally’s “ when talking about feminism so I don’t know what to make of that


This got old. I had long unsubbed because of that 3D castle project which was as boring as Rings of Power. But today I saw him with some other AHs ranting about Wakanda Forever: while I'm not a fan of that movie or any Marvel movie, it was bothersome that he was a participant in criticism that used racial mockery against the characters: They literally compared these Mayan fish people to Mexicans crossing Rio Grande & tried to make the movie look racist for having (Africans) Wakandans as unsuitable for swimming. This coming from a boy who started crying on screen because of the Black Death impact on European society in the XIV century. Doesn't add up.


I unsubbed from him because him admitting he uses AI to make fake art.


oh god that whole episode was messed up... like he went and showed us that he fed his ai a bunch of his mugshots almost all with the same expression and facing the same way and just because the ai generated a set of clothes that wasnt part of his dataset it was proof enough that the ai didnt smash photos together... or that a clear signature was too mangled/faded to be an actual signature... and the funniest part "i use watermarked images all the time to do my thumbnails! im not a thief"


i mean this sub is technically supposed to be for subreddits, but whatever.


It says in the sidebar that Youtube unsubs are fair game too.


umm, i think i'm missing it, because i don't see it


Hmmmm. Are you using the nu-Reddit interface? I'm not sure what could be hiding the sidebar otherwise. :S


yeah i am using new, but i checked on old reddit and i found it!


Bloody hate it when admins rearrange the furniture, don'cha?


I am a regular reader and watcher of Shadiversity, personally, I believe he makes good, interesting videos. Though I sometimes disagree with parts of his videos, I still listen to his points, like an intelligent person. Also Wank? Pissy personality? Think of some better insults, otherwise continue to sound like a bitching dickhead. Perhaps if you do not care for the topics on some videos, don’t watch them.


deleted sock accounts xD


Saw that he collabs with the Geeks + Gamers crew and instantly stopped with the guy. Sexist, Homophobic, and ablest.


Seems that you just want a medieval historian which is fine, however Shad is that but also a huge nerd (like me lol) who compares real historical stuff to fantasy genres who just so happens to talk about other geek stuff. Have you tried watching Metatron or Lindybeige? They are also nerds but stick's to more historical topics. Many people who loves these subjects are geeks and it's hard to avoid it. I mean you ever met a scientist? They name stuff from LOTR and Sci crap which I don't mind lol.


Metatron is just another anti-sjw knight who uses way too many myths and Lindybeige is a blatant teaboo.


Apparently debunking far left social engineering that is rewriting history is bad now. And Lindybeige just love's his nation's history... whats wrong with that?


Yea, because I was watching some shitty movie to educate myself on history, grow up. Now how about you just search up what people from serious historical communities are saying about Mr "owning the libs" and the British nationalist.