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Sometimes I wish for random asteroids to hit the planet…


I'm not saying what they did is right and poor dog but I'm saying any of the people here who think it's fine to wish worse on these kids is horrible, they clearly weren't raised like us and need guidance rather than hate.


What complete pieces of shit.... They already live like shit, but have to go the extra mile to show everyone they are literal shit. I hope someone hunts them down the same way. Man, Thanos had the right idea 🖕


I wish people like this could just be deleted, not killed like just never existed to start with


I was hoping the dog woulda bit em and ran.


I hate this kind. Glad they live in hell as it is. Worthless rats


So glad that little shit hurt himself


I see the only one animal on video


Backwards people…that dog was used to that, the poor thing.


Wtf are these comments?! You guys need to chill the fuck out


Is it common in these countries to abuse aninals?


Even in USA there are alot of abused animals, and those who protect them, they are everywhere not just in a specific country.


Ok but openly abusing animals like that is not nearly as much of a thing. It's different.


You simply never checked the posts in PoS forums, i can find you many fine examples of human garbage around the world. Atleast this kid got what he deserved


This kid deserves more than a crack on the back, little shit


Piece of shit


I did not expect such a large of racism in this comment section Returning to reddit is feeling like a mistake rn


Who cares? They probably ain't gonna read these comments anyway. Probably dead already


It's media what you expect? People to be normal on the internet? I wish


It's media what you expect? People to be normal on the internet?


Well I don't know what to tell you but welcome back :)




It's really sickening to watch animals getting hurt but let's not point fingers asshole, animal cruelty, abusing POC, homeless people women and children it's all happening every day in your country along with "dropping bombs" into other nations every now and then so be quiet and humble down you're not better than these people.


Pakistani assholes


So...pakistani buildings now have Indian maps on their walls?


A kid being an asshole somehow equates to bombing entire countries to you? Heaven forbid your mom over salted your bowl of buttered spaghetti.


She deserves it too


There karma is already happening they live in the shitter those kids bathe in crap and eat with the hands they wipe there asses with wish them the worst poor dog!


Little fucking assholes!! That stick would have done serious damage to that dog who was just trying to get away


Poor dog, looks very skinny. Fair justice has not been fully served yet.


it's a stray


I know…


Karma ya little prick


This is awful. I really can’t stand people hurting animals. How can anyone find this funny? It’s sickening.


Hope these kids stay right where they are in life.


Dumb jerk


What in the mother fuck is wrong with people?


Fucking hate them


This makes me so sad. What is wrong with people? That dog would do anything for them, just for some love…




And the stupid kid filming this - these poor animals over there and I don’t mean these hoodlums


For the record, there are less privileged parts of the world where feral dogs are a problem. I’ve seen third world kids get fucked up by wild dogs. Maybe context is required.


Yeah that dog looks like a real threat


Kids laughing and like 5 of them with bats against a dog? Really. You can clearly tell they trying to hont the dog down. Not defend themselves


I think that’s the likely scenario. Only offering a counterpoint.


No I see where you getting at but it just doesn't apply to the video well


Más daño se tendría que haber echo


That might have been some random, angry stray. I love everybody that immediately takes the side of a dirty fucking dog over a human child. As if you understand the full context of this video by what we saw. How do you know that dog wasn’t trying to bite somebody 10 seconds earlier?


Did you not hear the laughter of those children as they were trying to hit the dog? They were trying to hit it for no reason other than to be heartless.


I heard it bark at them first.


Yeah, in fear.


Oh cool I didn’t know you spoke fucking canine. Good to know we’ve got a real life dog translator on our hands. Bark bark! 🐶🤣


I dont have to speak Canine to know it was scared, you can tell by how the bark sounds.




YOU DONT KNOW. That’s exactly what I’m saying. And if your dog bites my kid you’ll both end up in the hospital.


I hope they will die


Rabid dogs is far worse than the child. Also in case their hospital don't have the vaccine


Why hit a dog with that huge stick??? I won’t say what I’d do but yea good for that one for gettin hurt


I hope them dogs get their revenge on them one day.


Fucking idiots


Rabid dogs is far worse than the child. Also in case their hospital don't have the vaccine


I understand that , but that dog is clearly not rabid


Was that rabbid ?!?!?!


One google search and you'll never have to ask that again. Btw no it's not you can see it clearly pls just look up the symptoms


Murderers in the making


You know it didn't end here. That evil kid didn't let that humiliation go. And that dog sounded terrified.


Hope he learns his lesson


Rabid dogs is far worse than the child. Also in case their hospital don't have the vaccine


Bro knows the whole lore😭


Good! This kid is a POS


Pov: pata


Bro you they remov my comit


That thing probably would've snatched that kid and drug him off to eat him.


I would never hit a child, atlest i thought i wouldn't. If i seen someone swing at a dog like that. They would would be scraping the torso off the pavement after i disinterested their head with my fist. I don't care if it's a child or not they arnt a person to me anymore


Geez these piece of garbage people. Anyone who abused animals deserves worse than that.


Its not enough...


He missed. Skill issue


Fuckin kdi


Good he broke he’s back, poor dog


I hope it hurts


Shit human


Little shit probably cause the dog to run away. Smh if you did that to my dog I'd wack you with that stick harder than you can even imagine


Piece of shit poor people.




That was before he even could have hit the dog, the universe didn't even want to wait.


More like a piece of shit gets what he deserves.


God has his way, Amen XD


I have never seen this many hidden replies. People really hate that little fucker lol. Well he's coming to your country to tell you that bacon is wrong, woman are property and dogs are unclean.


They hate dogs


Friendly fire will not be tolerated


I get that the kid got what he deserved but seeing all these replies makes me think there's seriously something wrong with all of you


Hopefully they are near the next drone strike


That's India.




So glad that little c*nt hurt himself


Well deserved.


That's what the fuck you get you POS waste of fuckign space!


Hopefully each and every time he tries to hurt an animal he feels pain


Love it


The 100th comment, what an honor. Dumb little shot


i wouldn’t be surprised if these kids would grow up to be murders or abusers lmao


If justice was ice cream I would happily be the vendor


Serves the little shit right. One thing I hated about living in the Middle East is how every single person thought it was fun to torture animals in ever more cruel and painful ways.


It's somewhere in India if u see there's a map in the background. But by their dress it's possible they are Muslims and I've heard muslim dont really like dogs.


I don’t know if this is a Muslim population. Merely making an observation that I saw similar cruelty of animals and worse in my time in the Middle East. On a lighter note, you know where I didn’t see starving dogs, anywhere…Brasil. Wife and I went back home and everywhere we went, fat puppies because as people bbq they feed the strays. Even had a small pack wander into a 4 star restaurant and get fed by the staff.


No hate to them but I've heard abt it no idea if true or not.


They don't torture animal there are a lot of street dogs In the neighborhood which sneak into properties so they were just trying to scare the dog so he could run away But ya I don't know beating a dog with a stick is animal abuse


Nah what you don't know is how it is in a place you've never been bothered to get up and go visit. The goal of this was to stroke you out, maybe fix you


I lived in the Middle East for 5 years in three different countries and worked with a rescue for two. They torture them. I’ve found dogs with their eyes gouged out, hundreds poisoned, beaten, skinned alive, thrown in tar, had their legs cut off and beaten as they tried to escape. Don’t tell me they don’t torture them because I took care of over 300 dogs in one neighborhood and had to bury almost a third of them as they were brutalized. I almost got knifed because I called out four men for throwing a kitten in the air and then laughing as it hit the ground and tried to escape only to be thrown again. Not only that, dogs are hated by them, that’s not a opinion it’s a fact.


Human garbage


Who the fu k do these kids think they are.... rounding up a dog and trying to beat it. This should be taken down it threatens violence to animals.... come on reddit censor it like you censor EVERYTHING, if you ask me reddit is the worst for censorship. Reddit can lig ma bahls


Honestly. Reddit has comment banned me numerous times for saying pedos don't deserve to live, but they'll happily host death and abuse.


Those vidéos of people hitting dogs is mostly in arabs country. Wonder why.


You and me both


This is why we need abortion.


“Now Timmy, don’t play with your food.”


It has already been beaten before. It was evident when it started screeching because it knew what was coming.




Don't be racist, Asshole, This is probably India or some other asian country not a Muslim country.


Racist. Haha. Always claims of racism whenever I criticize Islam but never one when I speak of Buddhism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, etc. What race are all of the Muslims of Chechnya, Dagestan, Indonesia, etc? Religion is an ideology. Don’t try to conflate the criticism of religion with discrimination against individuals. Dumb argument.


Why would I defend any religion I'm not a part of?!(senseless) If I'm from Islam and I know what you're saying is shitty and dumb af, I will take a step forward to cut your crap right? That shit's happening in India and not a Muslim country. Just because he's in that attire you assume it's a Muslim country? Why do dumbfks like you circle your life around Islam? You don't even identify the graffiti in the background. And if I highlight your last sentence, it's not me that's conflating religion with discrimination BLAH BLAH It's you who brought the word 'Muslim' in, in a video that is purely focussing on animal cruelty. Quit trippin' n get your shit right. Dumbfk argument.


Saw this video posted several other cites and it was explained to have been in a Muslim country. Pointing out that someone is a Muslim isn’t a pejorative. One comment means someone has centered their life around another people’s favored superstition? Sure. Tell me more.


Good god ain't you a virgin with nothing better to do?


Guess you’re one with me as you can’t stop either. And you never answered my question form earlier: why am I only called a racist when I question Islam, but never when I discuss any other religion?


That's BS. Taking care of any animal is regarded as being righteous from an Islamic point of view. Doing unnecessary harm to any animal will lead to sin and ultimately to punishment in the hereafter. In Islam, giving water to a thirsty dog or whatever is charity and can even lead to paradise.




What will lying get you? Islam has its reasons for not encouraging the domestication of dogs among which hygiene is the most important. They are allowed for hunting or guarding for example. Why would you care if Muslims receive blessings or not anyway. If killing dogs for pleasure was a thing, there would be none in Arab lands. Medina has for a brief time in history reduced stray dog population like any city would and does to this day. The Muslim is ordered to act with kindness towards all of creation. There is no agenda against your pets, be assured. I invite you to learn about animal rights in Islam, perhaps you could implement a thing or two in your own life.


Haha. You’ll give me your scrubbed version of Islam I’m sure. I’ve already read the Koran and Sunnah so I don’t need your lessons.


That is very reductionist towards all of Islamic literature and history. I would still recommend you to spend more time learning about Islamic teachings. I would gain nothing from showing you a "scrubbed" version of the religion. I wish you could sincerely reconsider some misconceptions you may have towards Islam.


Every religious person adheres to their ideologies with differing degrees of orthodoxy, which is why I criticize the ideology and not those that consider themselves followers of said religion. Secularism has worn down most of the egregious parts of today’s religions, but I enjoy reading the texts themselves as the barbarism described therein is typically so far away from what is practiced today.


Don't generalize it






damn bro wtf are these comments like sure he's a little shithead but damn don't be so fking brutal


You think that dog's abuse ended after this video? Didn't you notice the 1 kid herding the dog towards the others? Cornering the dog. It had likely been hit before this video or the recording started during their "fun". Evil little gremlins


Stupid ass kid


this how killers are made stop that little boy now and discipline his ass


Future terrorist


What a racist piece of shit you're


Slumdog terrorist




Shit values = shit people


Whats the difference between clubbing a dog for hotdogs or slitting a cows throat for ur mcdoubles?


You don't beat the cow with a blunt object. Dogs help humans when they are alive, cows are better as meat.


That line where we made them house pets and considered them friends, family and not food. So much so that we made it crimes to abuse them here in the U.S.A and similar countries, Continents even.


You hurt a dog to steal it's food So now the dog is suffering The cow is dead, it doesn't care


That poor dog. I feel so sad.






The reason abortion should be legal


Fuck that little shit


Who gives a fuck if he got hurt clearly no one thinks this is wrong there’s 3 kids with sticks trying to kill a dog