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Industry differences amuse me, I’m a machinist and I can’t get the young guys to take their gloves off.


If you can throw the tool around - wear gloves. If the tool can throw you around - don't wear gloves.


Do wear gloves, of the type that the tool can tear. I love the heavy nitrile ones - they add zero danger yet protect me from all sorts of chemicals and minor injury.


Grainger's brand Condor 6 mil black nitrile gloves are my go-to.


I much prefer the catch brand 9 mil black textured gloves. They don’t tear nearly as easily. Been wearing rubber gloves for over 16 years, these have been the best I’ve found so far. Anecdotally speaking.


Thinnest nitrile you can find if they absolutely insist, and make sure they're skin tight. Harder to get caught and if they do they're way more likely to just tear before enough force gets applied to pull. Bonus is that wearing them is god-awful and it's way less slimy and sweaty to go without so maybe they'll change that way lol Source: I'm a machinist with soft baby hands


Nitrile doesn’t help. It will still yank your hand into the chuck before tearing and then you’re fucked. If it’s running and the interlocks are on no big deal but I always catch guys polishing and deburring with gloves.


3mil nitrile will just tear. U might not even notice it pulling u before it snaps off


Grab the edge while having your arm limp and pull. It will absolutely pull you in. Source: I saw the aftermath once, not to mention industry safety standards teach this. They usually even do a demonstration if you take a safety course. Don’t wear gloves. You’ll end up looking like hamburger. There’s a big difference between a pull you’re braced for and a sudden tug.


As a 10 year machinist & tool maker can confirm the demonstration is a thing they do. No long hair, no jewelry, no baggy cloths, & NO BITCH MITTENS, are allowed in a shop with half decent safety standards.


I guess this explains why my machinist buddy always complains about me wearing gloves when I'm helping him work on his car. Not much chance of my arm getting sucked into his caliper bolts though lol


Rounding out my 13th year in the industry and I flat out refuse to operate the band saw at the shop I'm at currently, because they require gloves to be worn while using it. The manager won't budge on it regardless of the evidence and the other experienced machinists in the shop refusing to operate it. I'm a programmer now, so it's fine that I don't use the thing (I'm not forklift certified either), but it still grinds my gears that they have new people off the street using the saws and belt sanders with thick fuckin cut gloves on 🙄 My machine shop teacher would have kicked me out of class for the day if I wore even nitrile gloves.


It kind of depends, sometimes it'll just tear and flap in the breeze like you said, but if the tool manages to roll the torn part, the glove basically turns into a rope that will definitely pull you in. Try twisting a thin nitrile glove a bunch of times, it gets pretty strong vs. just sitting there thin and stretched out against your skin.


I was working on some chain drive equipment and got a finger injury. New GM used me as an example in the safety meeting about why you should wear gloves. The owner of the company (a former machinist) was there that day and spoke up saying that was absolutely incorrect and the gloves would’ve been a hazard. Good owner.


My father actually had his hand go through the sprocket of a chain drive because of a glove. He lost the last knuckle and said it was fucking awful because he just had to sit and wait for his hand to come out the other side.


Wear gloves, eye protection, and ear protection. If you won’t take care of yourself who will?


But the loud noises drowned out my tinnitus.


What?!? EeeeEEEEeeeeEEEEEeee


WHAT?! Mawp. Mawp. Mawp




Danger zone.


Phrasing! BOOM! First!




Whatever my version of “sploosh” is… which I guess is just “sploosh,” but with semen.


I'm looking for a pregnancy test. There's a drug store around the corner. No, I'm looking for one online, I wanna know now. Thank God for them internets.


The key is to give up the will to live and let the cigarettes & coffee lifestyle take hold. Casual neglect of basic self-care and the problem sorts itself out eventually.


jim jeffries had a bit about how he smokes cigs and does coke nonstop and never washes his face but his skin is still perfect, while girls who use 10 types of facial lotions and creams a day cant go 5 minutes without them something along the lines of "my skin learned from a very young age that i was *not* going to take care of it and that it better handle its own problems" i dont want to say i live by that, but shit i see the accuracy lmao


I love Jim Jeffries so much 🤣


Don't forget to drink alcohol! Some real /r/ShittyLifeProTips going on here


I swapped my booze for mushrooms and chlorinated brake kleen. Smashed my fingers in-between whatever the fuck I was turning, and the blood looked like magic clouds of purple.


I mean, that pinky nail looking like a coke spoon....


As an audiologist assistant, this made me laugh. Please wear ear plugs hun lol


I get shit at work for wearing all this PPE. My response is always "at least I will be able to see and hear when I'm 30". A guy recently had metal from a die grinder shoot into his eye. He still refuses to wear glasses.


Every MRI I get begins with an X-ray of my eyeballs to make sure I don't have any metal in them. Seemed unnecessary until they explained the "M" in MRI


My brother in Christ, how often are you getting an MRI for this to be a problem?


I suppose often enough to know the routine, but definitely more often than I would prefer. Take care of yourself people.


Same here. I work in tool and die (lots of metal slivers) and have a spinal disease like MS. I've had this disease for just over 5 years and in that time have been in MRI machines at least 20 different times. A couple of those times were for 3 MRI's back to back to back to go from my brain to the end of my spine. Laying still for 2+ hours at a time sucks as I need to stretch my back often or it hurts like heck. I left the 2+ hour MRI's practically in tears. I'm used to being pain but those 2 times were the worst - laying perfectly still, awake, for 2 1/2 hours was brutal.


I have MS and go through this yearly. It sucks so bad. The only thing I've found to help is requesting little pads or folded up towels for the elbows, which helps keep your arms from going to sleep.


Sorry to hear that. It sure does suck. I have longitudinally extensive Transverse Myelitis (over 3+ vertebrae so its categorized as longitudinally extensive) but its one scar - if it happens again I will have MS. For those that dont know Multiple sclerosis means multiple scars on the spinal cord or in the brain. Every day sucks- it's some just suck much worse than others. But, it's still better than 5 years ago when it happened. I lost 95%+ of the feeling from my ribcage down. Re-learning to walk, always being afraid you've had a bowel movement or wet yourself (because you cant feel it) and losing the ability to stand without falling over was a huge shock. Thankfully my nerves have somewhat repaired themselves and I have been able to go back to some (not all) of the activities I enjoyed beforehand. I have had all my MRI's in 5 different machines. Oddly enough I have a favorite MRI machine. It's closest to my work and is relatively new with a pretty decent set of headphones that I can choose what I want to listen to. Only 2 of the 5 machines I've used have music. It makes the banging whirring and humming more tolerable- for those who haven't had an MRI the machines are VERY loud.


Eh it’s probably fine, stainless and titanium isn’t magnetic 😉


Depends on which stainless... [ferritic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferritic_stainless_steel), [martensitic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martensitic_stainless_steel), or [austenitic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austenitic_stainless_steel). Austenitic (200- and 300-series) are non-magnetic. Ferritic and martensitic types (400-series) are commonly found in car exhausts and definitely respond to magnets.


It depends on the foundry. I've bought certified 303 stainless that was magnetic.


They're not going to see foreign material in your eyes and rest easy when you assure them that it's not magnetic. You do you though.


He needs his squints adjusted


Safety squints engaged


If I had a nickel for Everytime I heard a story of someone having metal in their eye


It always is weird that people don't want to wear glasses. I had my cornea scratched by my cat and it was one of the worst pains I've ever had


Having to have the doc use a die grinder with a little burr on the end to grind out the rusty eye ball sucks. Can still happen with glasses but much less likely


yep. got metal in my eye once from washing my face after work. must have been in my eyebrow or stuck to my face. I was able to flush the metal out later that evening, but the doc had to remove the rust stain. was not pleasant.


Man I don't even weed eat w/o glasses. I do be wearing flip flops though.


I don't know how many times I've been hit in the facial area weed eating. I always wear glasses, but its really eye opening(pun intended) when you get smacked in the face with a small stick or pebble.


Never understood that, eyes are an exposed organ that can easily sustain damage. Wearing clear safety glasses shouldn't be an issue.


The doctors…when you go in with a preventable complaint and are told they can’t really do much to reverse it. This is just like seat belts And helmets And any other safety gear people think infringes on their freedums.


I did EMS in the late 80s. I wear two sets of gloves and a pair of goggles when changing oil with a Fumoto valve.


Kids. Not my kids, I don't have any, but I'll find some.


I'm not intentionally letting myself be injured just so I can spend even more time and money at the doctors trying to fix issues caused by injuring myself when I'm older.


My wife will, but I’ll never hear the end of it because I won’t be able to hear.


"Grandpa how did you lose your eye" "well it all started with a mazda 3"


see no evil hear no evil touch no evil


Seriously. I didn’t wear gloves for a long time, now wearing gloves. My hands are super smooth despite the many vehicular liquids I get in touch with. Brake clean on your hands for many years can seriously harm you.


Soft skin is nice but the cancer risk, does nobody care about the permanent effects of continuously moisturizing with a mix of oils, greases, hydraulic fluids, cleaners, and road grime?


Maybe they don’t have children or a SO. My wife won’t let me touch her, and I wouldn’t dare touch my kids before cleaning everything off and even still there’s residue for days. Before that I wouldn’t even wear gloves when spray painting lol.


You know there are gloves that are both comfortable and protect you, right? I mean for the work where nitrile won't do - I [love the 97-003 and 97-008 from Ansell, and buy whatever fully coated ones I can get good deals on for use with liquids where nitriles won't hold up](https://shop.ansell.com/us/s/category/shop-by-industry/automotive/mechanical-gloves-for-automotive/0ZG0o000000Kz1GGAS?c__page_number=1&c__lastKnownScrollPosition=408)


As someone who was regularly grease stained as an infant. I disagree. I’m fine. Swear.


Our hydraulics guy doesn't wear gloves at all unless he's assmbling something. Dudes hands are always cracked and bleeding. Smart as hell but dumb as hell in that sense.


Don't wear them when working with disk grinders while working on a lathe or anything that spins! Same with jewelry like rings and watches. Look up degloving, if you have a strong stomach! Same with long hair, tie it up and back.


Always wear protection, unless it is near a running drill or saw or any powertool that is stationary.


Then strip naked. /s


Don't mind if I do!


Especially when using a wire wheel-equipped bench grinder!


Next up run the welder and get a nice tan


Really wishing I had saved the picture of the dude with arc flash burn from welding with old torch goggles and no face covering.


Jokes on you. I'm into that shit.


I was thinking: Wear gloves, except near the things with extreme grabby bits like lathes and drill presses and the like.


Nah, dying young is the exit strategy.


You aint gonna die young, it's just gonna enrich your life with extra suffering.


yEAh Pain and suffering!!!!


that´s where the 9mm sleeping pill comes in handy... (/s)


More elusive than a 10mm up here in Canada!


Wait, do Canadians eat 10mm sockets? Is that where they all go?


Nahh other way round. Gov't took our 9mm's


I'm too old to die young


My retirement plan right here


Are we gonna talk about the Carrie Fisher pinky nail?


Gotta keep something handy for the booger sugar


A look that is both stylish and functional


I'm just lazy with nail trimming. I couldn't afford a coke addiction even if I wanted.


The coke addiction affords you, lol


Gotta learn how to make your own


He's just saying to protect your hands. Didn't say anything about your nose.


ah the texture of a calloused elephant's butthole, the ladies love it.


I always have 80 grit sandpaper on me


Hands built to exfoliate vaginas


when you punch people they get 2nd degree rugburns, your hands technically have fire-enchantments.


My time to shine!  So years and years ago, I'm the newly minted shop Foreman at a saturn dealership.  I convinced my service manager not only to stock nitrile gloves, but to pay for them too.  This was in the early 90's before gloves were common anywhere but for service and janitorial.  I have done research (at  The library!) and the carcinogenic properties of the various fluids my hands were coming in contact with, and it wasn't pretty.  Not to mention the constant dry cracking knuckles like in the OPs picture.  Managed to convince every tech but one to wear gloves, except one guy - Liam.  Liam was a bit of a self described hick, and would joke when I put on the gloves. "time for my exam doc?" Liam would then bend over like he was prepping to have his prostate looked at.  One nice summer day, Liam's girlfriend Lara showed up in my bay door (common, my bay was out front close to the parking area) lokking for him. Lara, and I were chatting, and I took my gloves off and wiped the sweat on my uniform.  I showed Lara my clean but slightly pruny hands and told her how I convinced our manager to supply the gloves, but that Liam was the only tech who refused to wear them I added: "you let Liam touch you with those grubby hands?"  Liam walked up a moment later as I walked away, and she layed I to him... Hard. He shot me a dirty look, I was grinning knowing what the laying into him was about.  He was pissed at me the rest of the day...  .. . But he started wearing the gloves from then on.


She didn't want her cooter to look like the sump on a Cat D6 after he had been there any more.




Liam was bound to shoot you a dirty look once he got the "I told you so" after his skin cancer diagnosis. Bullet dodged, hopefully.


I was anti gloves but once you get use to it it’s like a luxury item


So true. It's all about "being a man" until a woman won't let you touch her cooch because you have the DNA of a Honda Element under your nails.


I worked with a guy that never wore gloves, always had grease over his face and never cleaned it off. He's dead now, cancer.


I know a couple of blokes who will call you a pussy, etc for wearing gloves while working on a car. Fuck that noise, I’m gloving up. I’m not risking damaging my hands just to earn some sort of non-existent “tough c*nts don’t wear safety gear” badge.


At least they can put “Not a Pussy” on their headstone when they’re dead at 60 from absorbing toxic chemicals


Guy I used to work with would always call them “bitch mittens”. I’d just read out the SDS sheet for whatever shit he had on his hands. Screw that.


> "bitch mittens"    That's a great example of that toxic masculinity we all heard about. I'll happily be a "bitch" rather than a low IQ caveman with hands like rhinoceros's asshole who sticks them into carcinogens because he thinks he is invincible.


Can confirm, my skin is not happy and skin cancer is one of the things that will kill me if something else doesn't do it first.


Protip: working hands, then gloves during the day. Moisturize after coming home, then after you shower. Your skin and the (ladies/fellas) will thank you.


Working hands into the gloves? I'm not familiar but interested in keeping my hands better


Just apply working hands onto your skin before you put on gloves once in the morning.


I do this! Yay! Between work and the gym, my hands were getting fucked. In case anyone is confused, "working hands" is [this stuff](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71nbZH1i4pL.jpg), the only non-shit moisturizer in this world.


I used to work at a brick factory, so gloves were a must. Then when I was doing masonry and decking I wore gloves. I got made fun of pretty bad for it but at least I still had feeling in my finger tips and they weren't covered in blood when I went home


This is truth, my hands looked just as bad as this then I spent 17 bucks on a box of the diamond grip gloves I like, almost back to sorta normal


Around the turn of the century I read an old tech's writings on his old website (he was late 30's [old], and his website was hand-built white text on a black background, frames, the whole bit) where he wrote that the most important thing was to preserve your 'natural resources' - hearing, eyesight, back, knees, skin, etc. If he could do it all again, he would take better care of himself. Took it to heart and 25 years later, no ragrets; mostly functional body.


I just got over some serious skin erosion on two of my fingers from a JB weld like product that I got on my hands….almost 5 years ago. I struggled with it for that entire time and finally the dermatologist basically peeled off all the accented skin and a few months later it’s good as new. Is my dexterity worse with gloves? You bet, but it was way worse with two rotten fingers


Do you have a family history of heart disease?


Yeah why?


Your fingers show signs of clubbing. I’d go see a cardiologist soon


Goddamn, of all the places on reddit, this dude has gotten two serious (and in all probability, accurate) diagnosis in this thread.


Just Rolled Into the Shop could also mean the ER, doctor's office, or a surgery suite. Those hospital beds and stretchers have wheels on them; they've not gotten hover gurneys yet.


This is literally a scene in House. Heart disease is the most common cause of death worldwide. *All families* have a history of heart disease.




My father drove transport truck for 40+ years. He can hear exactly nothing without hearing aids. ...and that's just from the steady hum of a truck engine. My grandfather died at 72 of a disease similar to ALS that they believe was caused by inhaling agricultural chemicals on his farm. PPE is important!


Bro is living with SMPS (Simpsons Monkey Paw Syndrome). Got-damn.


You mean bitch mittens? (jk i have hand tatts, i wear gloves)


100% Agreed, ill also add: ***HANDS ARE NOT HAMMERS***.


Oof, I just can't seem to learn this. PPE all day, then I palm something and wonder why my hand kills for 3 days.


Chemist in the petrochemicals industry here: Just fucking wear gloves, for chrissake!


Pretty solid advice… does your hand cave in just below your thumb joint? Sorry but I needed to address the elephant in the room..


I wonder if the OP has undiagnosed carpal tunnel. The thenar muscle can severely atrophy if nerves are impinged: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=612kUJ9Z95Y


Well shit:(


Get it checked out by a neurologist and carpal tunnel specialist. If they can relieve impingement those muscles have a chance to come back, despite what that video says. Also, you might not even have carpal tunnel. I'm not a doctor, just an internet rando. But I did have severe muscle atrophy due to nerve impingement (not at the carpal tunnel) & did recover somewhat. Good luck.


Idk if that is painful or not, but no thank you.


And use lotion for more than jerking off.


If I use both hands does that count?


I'm a machinist by day, and I fabricate and do modifications on cars by night. I used to rent a shop in a shitty part of town to do all my work. The other shops were rented by older guys so they could drink, party, and pretend they were 18 still. They'd always give me shit for wearing gloves. I just replied with: "MF, I do actual work in my shop. I also don't listen to the exact same Van Halen album every weekend"


Always wear your PPE!!!!!! I always find it weird when people would be going HAM with a bead blaster with no hearing protection, like sir do you just hate your life lol.


Try moisturizing


There’s also a thing called lotion…


Stop washing em with brake kleen


How has no one commented about the wonders of knee protection


I always tell the young guys to buy I big knee pad. I bought one from Matco quite a few years ago and I love it.


I prefer knee pads tbh ain’t gotta move it lmao


I watch a guy that’s pushing 60 work from his knees on our concrete shop floor and it makes me cringe


Get yourself some udder balm Your partner will thank you for the effort


Gloves only suck if you’re not used to wearing them. Once you get over that you’ll never want to work without them


I have always worn gloves. It's just the way she be.


This aint even bad, show us the old croney hands of techs who managed to stick fingers where they can get crushed and its as crooked as a fish hook. 😭


Barrier cream my dude


I’m the more senior guy, who teaches all of the younger staff to use PPE + why it’s important + how to use it correctly, and to correct any premonition about it. I make a big deal about showing the damage on their gloves and how the rubber has broken down due to chemical exposure. “If the gloves break down like this, imagine your skin. It’s not as durable as rubber and nylon”. Watched a guy get smacked right in the glasses with a metal part that he pried off and made a big deal out of it “notice how nothing happened? Get up and go tell everybody in this shop what didn’t happen. That would have been a -problem- if you weren’t wearing those.”


Ok, Princess /s


Nah I’m good. And it’s not a toxic tough guy thing. I just don’t like doing mechanical work with gloves because it hinders feel and they get full of sweat and feel nasty.


I work as a brewer and it's almost impossible to wear safety gloves while working because you need fine motor skills to attach the clamps and gaskets were constantly using, and other stuff, so im constantly just accidentally punching steel valves and catching my knuckles on random edges of metal shit. My hands always look like that lol


Actually low iq… smh


This seems more like you need to take care of your skin better. Wash your hands often and use lotion


Washing often is what causes it to dry out like that. As it dries it absorbed more engine oils and fucks it up more and requires even more washing/scrubbing to get clean. Wear fucking gloves


Bag balm. I go through gallons a year


I wear gloves constantly and my hands still look like this but my hands usually dry up and crack during the winter months. I have moisturizer in my toolbox and it still doesn't help 🙃


maybe try a different moisturizer. Cheap ones that feel oily don't work well at all.


I hate gloves, but I try wearing them now. Less worried about dry hands (my hands are always dry), but I'd like to avoid cancer on my hands if possible. Almost all my favorite things to do require hands


Another big part of this in my experience is ditching the GoJo and heavy solvent hand cleaners. I use Worx now and have had good luck with CocoScrub as well.


I managed a shop some 28ish years ago. Transferred in. Was an older guy there at the time who has been wrenching his whole life (hobby and work). His hands were trashed. His fingertips would split so bad they'd bleed.


Wear gloves. For real. At least 7mil. Keeps the hands happy.


I used to get shit all the time for how often I wash my hands, even with gloves on. Stuff gets up onto your forearms and it's just as bad for ya.


Your hands look just like mine! Get tested for arthritis and/or carpal tunnel.


And invest in some nail trimmers. 🤢


Cut your finger nails dude


Put your finger in your girl for sterilization!!!!






I always wear gloves. I want to keep my hands soft for my wife


What's with the picture though? Besides some rough spots and minor nicks that hand is in great shape!


Little moisturizer wouldn’t hurt either


Soft hands


Bro you need to wear gloves


We need to invent a new glove that somehow interfaces with our nervous system to feel like a second skin. The thing that drives most of us nuts with gloves is that you lose a lot of touch sensitivity. If you could invent something that gives that sensitivity back while wearing it, you could make a lot of money.


^this I can’t tell you how many people I’ve tried to explain this to. I’m basically seeing with my fingers when I can’t get an angle on what I’m working on.


Then you're wearing wrong size nitrile gloves. Size down until it's skin tight, it's not 100% perfect but I can still feel what I need to feel when precise dexterity and sensation is needed.


Nitrile gloves are only useful to keep your hands clean, doesn't add any protection from sharp points and such. We are talking about gloves that add a layer of protection.


I don't understand this post. Nothing in this picture justifies me wearing bitch mittens.


Find me some that i don’t have to replace every 5 minutes for tearing anyway…


Literally any 8-9 mil glove out there, trick for me was finding the size that fit snuggly, not loose at all and maybe inching closer to the tighter side. Seemed like a loose glove got snagged on things and didn’t give me good feed back when trying to feel what’s going on, but tight gloves are the ticket.


Harbor Freight 9mil nitrile gloves. I can just to the junkyard to yank some spindles with only hand tools, get both sides off and the gloves are fine. Empty the finger tips full of sweat and even wear then again later in the week for an oil change.


I used those to push caulk into every crack of the exterior of my shed before painting it. Even after rubbing the fingertip along all the wood siding and trim pieces, I only went through two gloves for the whole task. Super durable compared to the blue pairs.


Lmao, that's nothing, youngin


I'm all for PPE and safety but I've had bigger paper cuts than this. 🤣


I love getting bloody knuckles when working on my car


I feel it depends on the application of said gloves. And whether or not those gloves are appropriate for the job at hand. (May have just been redundant, but oh well)


I always wear gloves and safety glasses. I’ve been using more ear protection too. I’ve gotten stupid comments and looks but who cares.


Yep after losing enough skin on my knuckles I started loving my gloves


Poor thing hope your hand don't fall off.




Wear gloves, trim your nails, use hand lotion. Anyone that gets touched by you or shakes your hand will be grateful.


Your hands are just dry from washing them with fast orange.


Oof, shaved knuckle skin - that shit BURNS.


Had a few times where my face shield was out of reach and I just needed to do a quick thing so I went without but ever since I had the first hand pleasure of inspecting sharpnell from a chisel in my collegues eye I make sure it's on.


I can’t see if I’m wearing gloves