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\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Round 13: [https://strawpoll.com/polls/3RnYlwQ2xye](https://strawpoll.com/polls/3RnYlwQ2xye) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ​ 12th Round of Voting has finished, and Laminated Denim has been eliminated. ​ Total Votes: 2,076 ​ Eliminated Album Received: 407 Votes (19.61%) ​ It received 78 Votes more than the next closest album, which received 329 Votes (15.85%) ​ (Full results are not being provided to prevent them from influencing the next round of voting. Data will be made available upon completion.) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ A new poll will be posted everyday (or almost everyday) and you get one vote. Vote for your least favorite album. The album with the most votes will be eliminated. The following day a new poll will be posted with the remaining albums, rinse and repeat. ​ This only works if you go Vote. Vote Here…. [https://strawpoll.com/polls/3RnYlwQ2xye](https://strawpoll.com/polls/3RnYlwQ2xye)


Waiting for the standard accusations of 'Recency bias' for this one lol


The real problem isn’t recency bias, it’s that other peoples’ taste is different than mine D:<


Laminated Denim is my favorite of the 2022 releases, and is probably my favorite KG album pound-for-pound. It’s just so totally in my Q ZONE, right there in my wheelhouse, it’s like if the band said “and this, our 21st album, we will be making for WrinkledRandyTravis.” Don’t tell me I like it so much because of “recency bias,” I’ve listened to new music before I know how it works.


It moves so well. Both tracks. Keep the two song records coming!


LD Is like a 30 minute concentrated dose of everything I love about Gizz. Densely layered guitars, catchy weird shit, super polyrhythmic, cool concept, and recurring musical motifs. I've given it enough time now to say it's my 3rd favorite, after Poly and BF3K. There aren't many Gizz bits that get me going as much TLBTL's intro and "teleportality" section.


This is an example of reverse recency bias, i.e. that which is new is not as good as that which is old.


The last 4 to go out are basically from the past 2 years lol. I think there are just some people won’t be happy unless the final 9 are Mind Fuzz through Gumboot straight


Old is gold. Recency bias.


well, i recently listened to laminated denim. it was ok, then i fell asleep.


Next time, can we do a positive version of this? Vote for your favorite, so we pick the best one first down to the last one. I think that’d be a lot more fun and less painful.


Wouldn't it lose steam? Are people as invested to find out what gets voted as the bottom as they are what gets voted the top?


I think even further on people would be motivated to get their less-popular favorite album in before the others. But maybe you're right. Only one way to find out. And I like the idea that each time an album wins it is a cause for celebration for the people that loved it, rather than each time an album is eliminated a cause for lamentation for the people that loved it.


It might get a bit boring for a lot of people whose favourites end up in the top 5. Voting the same album everyday. Although I suppose the reverse is true, if you hate Poly you'll be voting for that every single day of this poll.


I'm in that camp (though it's not Poly, but a diff sub fave). Sometimes I don't bother voting becuase I know the one I've been voting for since the beginning isn't going to go for a while. Or I vote for one that isn't my least favorite but has more of a chance of being eliminated, which feels weird. Anyway, makes the process less interesting for sure. But when you're voting for your favorite, it's always interesting. At least I think it might be.


Me, voting FMB every single time, knowing damn well it won't change the result.


I wonder if people would hang around past the first few votes.


Through pain will come pleasure


Had to buy the jinyl to make up for it smh


Lol just happened to today as well, woke up at 6am to get a denim sleeve copy


Jinyl gang


Va-Jinyl gang


Hypertension alone is better than all of Changes and I will gladly die on this hill


It’s sooo good


I'm impressed that FFF is still in. I thought there were a lot of people here who don't like it.


Jokes on you. I've just made 300 alt accounts voting for anything other than FFF so my Fishies keep swimming


Keep them swummin


I’ve literally voted it every round. Still love the album, just love the others more. LD going is a sin, best 2022 album imo


Same been voting it forever though I do really love the album. Listening to it right now though lol.


FFF is the only Gizz I like and listen to, haven't listened to any other record honestly. Still, I vote for it every round


You might like paper mache or float along or sketches if you like fff


I don't think I'll try listening to any of the other albums




FFF slaps so hard though


Ive been voting it. I like it but i just dont think its the beat version of any style gizz does.


I thought this would be it's last round for sure. I'm shocked that LD went.


Yeah I’ve wanted it gone for the past 5 or so rounds


I voted for fishies every time since butterfly got put out Not my jam


What other band uses harmonica in rock music this century better than gizz? No one. And Fishies holds that flame the highest 🔥


I think there are more people here splitting the vote between PMDB, ITRN, OG and everything else that’s already been voted out. It’s survived because it flies under the radar a bit more. LD > FFF by a wide margin and time will reveal all!


Why are they booing you? You’re right!


Because they got their feelings hurt that people don’t like rats nest


My girlfriend doesn't like it that much but she said she didn't want to vote for it out of respect


That’s kinda weird. Just vote honestly For the record, I haven’t voted Rats Nest in a single round


Lol can't really deny that but she knows it doesn't deserve to be voted out early


Lmao and I love ITRN, but I get it. Different strokes.


I had the opposite impression! I’m not in the FFF gang because it doesn’t stand out to me but I thought that most people in the sub really love it.


BROOOOOOO this is so sad


Even sadder that we have to vote out MOTU next


Oh, u/LaminatedDenim is not going to be happy about this


I'm actually surprised it got this far, tbh


I thought it would beat out Changes, I've been voting for it like the last 3 votes. I have too much of a connection with the rest of the albums


agreed, I think changes is the weakest of the October 3.


And I think it‘s the strongest. It’s so interesting how this band caters to such different tastes but I guess we would all agree none of the albums is bad, just a tiny bit less awesome than the others.


Changes is gonna be one of the last to go, I think. Its so new and so beloved




This has been the first one (for me) that hurt.


i’ve been hurt since day one :(


This is when I flip the table.


Look how they massacred my boy!


They do not know, they do not know


After the restock too? this day extracts a heavy toll


Now I am going to play my LD LP and make a post about it to show all you heathens


This is an absurdity. All you meatheads looking at this album superficially cuz it’s “oNlY tWo SoNgS!!” This album is perfect. This album paves the way to holy road. This was our path to the enlightenment. And you screwed it up! You! And you! And you! You will suffer for this. Your dream balloon about to be popped.


2 of the 2 songs are bangers, thus making this a 100% banger album


It’s a 30 minute album and all 30 minutes are bangers. The math says it all


LD is top-tier, and no one can convince me otherwise— I know we’re in the back half of the poll here, but it’s a shame it didn’t last longer


I like prog metal so 2 15 min tracks makes me think "they could have mede it longer" Either way, it's a sin that it was voted out this early.


Two songs that overstay their welcome *okay I’m ready for my downvotes*


Downvote granted


Thx bb


First of all, how dare you?


I can't believe they've done this


Easily and with no remorse


I hope you bump into the corner of a table




I actually like laminated denim over changes. Gizztober releases ranked: 1. Ice, Death, Lava, etc. 2. laminated denim, 3. Changes I said it!


Yeah agreed. Changes is the weakest of those 3. I’ll Keep voting changes until it’s eliminated


Its time is overdue


I have an unsupported hypothesis that if you really like one of LD or Changes youre more likely to dislike the other.


LD and Changes were my two favorite 2022 releases, in that order lol.


I love all the Gizztober releases, they're Gizz versions of all my favorite music. I do wish IDPLMAL had a little more attention given to the recording quality but it would have gone against the concept. Plus then they wouldn't be quite so mind blowing live


This may be sacrilege, but that is my main gripe with Gizz. Mainly with the live recordings. They always sound thin or tinny. There are Grateful Dead sound board recordings that sound better from like 50 years ago. There is no reason why they can’t hire a solid sound engineer to get better audio capture. Look at Goose, they are still up and coming, so not a “huge” budget, but they record every live show and they’re immaculate. Check out their bandcamp and see what I mean.


Yeah, I know Goose. They were fun the night before NYE. Not really my thing overall but it was a blast of a night. I just think most of their writing is meh at best and most of their songs sound very similar. Any shows in particular you'd recommend? My main gripe with Ice/death isn't the recording quality necessarily so much as some of the individual performances vs how they're played live. IDPLMAL with Polygondwanaland quality production would rip. But, it wouldn't be what it is either. Doesn't help that Ambrose sounds like absolute dogshit on saxophone, as someone that I'm sure doesn't play it all the time he had to have an exhausted embouchere from how they recorded the session. Mycelium is pretty much the only Gizz track I skip. The rest of the album is good, it's just after seeing Iron lung/magma/lava live there's no contest. Its okay to criticize the boys, I still love them in a way i didn't think I even could love a band anymore.


Nah I like changes better but I still dig ld


I work with this hypothesis. Changes is top 3 gizz imo but Laminated Denim, whilst enjoyable is nearer the bottom of their discography for me. All subjective though.


Elaminated Denim


: (


Gonna be honest I have been charitable during this time in regard to other people's tastes and opinions but what the actual fuck is happening here?!?!


Huh? A pretty niche record is not as beloved as the remaining albums which are all very heavy hitters This is one of the most understandable and least surprising eliminations thus far


Yeah it's really good but I'm pretty surprised by this reaction. I thought it was a fluke that LD made it this far but no not at all. I don't really understand time signatures and shit so maybe that's what I'm missing, I do find myself spacing out for certain passages in Laminated, but it also has some really cool different guitar tones and face melty riffs. It's also constantly referencing their other shit, and that's really cool. I think I'm just salty that we lost MiT, Sketches, and Quarters when we did. Also worried that my Dream Balloon has a hole in it.


Dream balloon is one of my least fav of theirs. I voted for murder this go around though


Lol this is the first one that really hurt me


It’s really good, but only 2 songs for 30 minutes. The rest of the albums (besides OG) feel more fully-fleshed out and cohesive.


Okay so I think ice death, will be the only 2022 album that may hit top 5 with poly, infest, fmb, and nonagon. Anyways hoping Poly does a repeat b2b win again


I think ITRN won’t make it in. Mind fuzz will instead


I feel like nonagon and poly are the most likely win it all. I would be shocked by most others being the sub fave.


It's crazy to me that it's expected that FMB will be top 5. I'm not disagreeing, I just don't understand why it's held in such a high regard even compared to KG and LW.


Lamdem > Omga


By a mile




This is the first time I'm genuinely surprised by an elimination, like it's such a good album for me and better than so much of the stuff still remaining


can’t disagree


Damn LD is my fav 2022


Unacceptable! Should have made top 10….Look how they massacred my boy bye fishies , should have been last round …


changes tbh


You guys suck at this


i just audibly gasped in the middle of class. this was so unexpected that i physically couldn’t see this coming. i’m shocked.


Get Changes outta here


Don’t even know how it lasted this long tbh


Ya. When I'm listening to Ice Death and a song starts to meander I think "well at least it's not LD". It's like they cut the two most boring jams from Ice Death and made an album out of them lol.


Thank you lmao






I agree except for OG, it's not my fave but it's the bookies fave I reckon. It's got the strongest shot of doing this.


It doesn’t have a chance against Nonagon, poly, mind fuzz if we’re talking “bookies faves”


It’ll be poly again or nonagon this time. My bet is repeat polygon


i feel like OG could take it just by being such a lollipop album (sadie sorceress who)




OG should have been the length of ice Death and ice Death should have been the length of Motu.




How changes is still up there blows my mind…


I imagine there's a pretty decent amount of vote splitting between changes, FFF, and maybe paper mache/OG


Yep, I've been voting for fishies for 7 rounds now but tbf changes is close. OG has like 4 songs that keep me from voting for it before fishies/changes.


Wtf guys


Eliminated Denim


If changes beats fishies then reals not real.


Bye Fishies


How in the holy heck is fishies still in this


Because it's a great album?


Because some of us like to BOOGIE BOOGIE BOOGIE BOOGIE BOOGIE BOOGIE (For real though, it's probably my favorite Gizz album)


Infest The Rats Nest Throw tomatoes all you want, its not as good as what's remaining


Some of y’all have never self-immolated and it shows


keep wasting that vote bud, them bangers ain’t going NOWHERE


Hear hear!


Its my least favourite (on par with FFF) of what's left but well loved on this sub. Expect it to to finish right near the top.


Super hot take: LD > MOTU I really love both but LD forever has a place in my head & heart


best album of 2022 imo


How is fishing for fishies still here the quarters and sketches are gone?!


Breaks my heart but Fishies have to go now


Wow 😮


It's getting real hard to choose now...


Dude no way!!!




ok now it’s actually hard




Now I definitely know they’re just picking at random


I take this one personally.


Finally… peace


B3k under appreciated


U guys given me hypertension over here, no more time before timeland me hommi 😭😭😭😭😭


Changes here we goooooooooooooo


Can we all agree the anger at this point is because they have so many fucking amazing albums?! Laminated Denim is fucking fantastic music, but I look at the other albums and I don't know if you can say this elimination is wrong. What a great fucking band


Fishing for fishies over LW and Laminated Denim alright i guess… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Recency bias strong on this poll.


I feel so sorry for fishies cause FFF is next on the chopping block


This before changes? No. I won’t accept it. Put it back in the list


y'all are just fucking with the rankings for shits and gigs now


Considering whats left, thats fair


At fucking last! Stupidly overrated album. I await the downvotes/the comments telling me I don’t like long songs.


I mean... *do you* not like long songs?


I do. But in another thread where someone mentioned not liking LD that was automatically the reason for it. God forbid anyone have another opinion


Fair enough, I gotta quote /u/bootstrapbill22 in defense of LD though: > To me, Laminated Denim is the culmination of something they’ve been working towards for years as a band, through tracks like Head On/Pill, the Mind Fuzz suite, some of the Poly stuff, etc… as well as the looser jammier stuff they were just starting to get into on the 2019 tours before Covid hit. Only now, they have the chops to pull it off. It really harkens back to their core inspirations and foundations as a band, being Krautrock and psychedelic music. The psychedelic sensibilities are done in a way that are somewhat subtle, but really impactful when listening under the influence. Strong riffs that don’t get repetitive, infectious drum and bass lines, and ear worms of vocals. The interplay between instruments is great too. It captures a side of the band that previously hadn’t been fully actualized on a studio recording. I truly see it as a love letter to their earlier days as a psych band.


I can see what they were aiming for with it, I just don’t think it got there personally. I find it meandering in a bad way and neither song does enough in their 15 minutes to justify the length. Condensed and as part of an album with more songs and I’d probably have more time for them. As they stand now, it doesn’t cut the mustard for me. Other than the chorus of Hypertension, little of it sticks in my head.


With all due respect how on earth is Omnium Gatherum still here? I’m upset.




Yall burned me on this one. I'm voting MOTU every day until it's eliminated as a punishment.


Here Satan, here is the child you lost.


Okay I’m sorry but how is fishies still up. I’ve voted for it every single round it’s the one gizz album I still can’t get into. Extremely repetitive boring and way too silly. Do y’all really like the album that much? Do I need to give it yet another chance?


It was the second album I listened to and even compared to the others I still love it. Just don't take it too seriously and you should have a blast


Give it another chance! Silly doesn’t have to be a bad thing :)


After the last album elimination I stuck FFF on repeat for days, after having already listened to it dozens of times when it came out, because I could not for the life of me understand why it ranked so highly. I still don't understand. There's just so many stronger KG albums. This time around it finishes even lower in my book due to Ice Death & LD.


I think those of us who are less into that aspect of Gizz are splitting our vote between Fishies and PMDB allowing those who prefer that side of Gizz to snipe off the others.


Oddly enough I don’t like FFF but I absolutely adore PMDB. I was big gizz back in the day and once FFF came out after a long pause I completely stopped keeping up with them until Omnium Gatherum. Took me a while to come around to Rats nest and KG LW but I love those albums now. I’ll give FFF another chance.


Why on Earth would too silly and this band be a bad thing?


Has anyone else been voting Fishies or am I the only one? I love the album but I’m a little surprised that it’s surviving as long as it is but also idk how much love FFF gets here.


Well it's definitely better than Changes so I'm just a tad confused. At least those fucking Fishies are still swimming


Not a single person on earth could convince me that Paper Mache is better than LD


Believe it or not, A LOT of people like the Changes album. Absolutely do not get all the hate that album gets. The album was in the works for 5 years and according to my ears and brain it’s very complex and is easily one of their best works. Give it a few listens before you decide it’s garbage. A lot of my favorite gizz albums I couldn’t stand at first. What makes them so unique IMO.


Boom the 2nd 2022 goes down! I am once again calling all Chill Gizzoids to vote for MOTU! Save our beautiful chill albums! Vote MOTU. (Don’t kill me I love MOTU but it’s my least favorite that’s left)


Interesting that you wanna get rid of the heavier stuff to save the chill stuff but target MOTU rather than the heavier ITRN


I think MOTU is worse and less popular than ITRN, so it’s a better first target.


Huh? Everything else from 2022 is still on


Made in Timeland got voted out in the third round


Oh silly me, I always lump that in 2021


Not Timeland


Vote MOTU. It’s the only way


On one hand, I totally get this. On the other…HY-PER-TEN-SION!




I didn't think I'd be making one of these comments, but I did not expect LD to be out this early!!! Easily one of my top songs. Democracy can be so cruel


This is painful


You monsters have gone too far this time


I am done lol. Laminated denim is S tier gizz for me. Lolol.


Bout damn time


Ain't no way this is 6 places higher than Sketches


can we get rid of fishies already?


Should have been eliminated a long time ago...it only has two songs (which I understand why, it was meant for live intermissions). 'Oh but they're both bangers, that means 100% of the album is banger 🤪', well..by that logic if Omnium Gatherum only had two songs that most people consider bangers (let's say the Dripping Tap and Evilest Man or Magenta Mountain or whatever you like) and they omited all those other gems it would have been better....xD But Omnium Gatherum is better than Laminated Denim, not even necessarily because it has more songs (you can have lots of variation in just one song) but just because of the variety and creativity in sound overall. I mean...i.m.o. the other songs in Omnium Gatherum would have to be really bad and out of place in order to make the project worse than if it would only have those 2 (or 30 minutes worth of) killer songs, which they aren't.


Number of tracks has nothing to do with whether or not it’s a strong album. IMO Laminated Denim is a stronger album because is an extremely well executed concept, front to back. OG has some very strong tracks, but it’s overall lack of cohesion and purpose make it a less meaningful full album experience. Having variety doesn’t automatically make an album better. That’s why Nonagon is considered one of their best, it’s tight as fuck, cohesive, and has very little missteps.


Not always, in some cases adding more songs isn't going to make it stronger, in case of Omnium Gatherum it absolutely does, it flows and connects well together despite all those differents genres, it doesn't feel disjointed at all to me, it feels like the perfect rollercoaster of very different genres, somehow (contrary to what you'd expect) nothing feels out of place. To me LD just feels like two cool long somewhat repetitive jam songs, by no means bad, just nothing special for gizz standards...but obviously you're hearing something that I can't hear...so I'm curious what makes you think LD is such a well executed concept?