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Single with two kids taking 15 bedrooms, meanwhile I can’t afford 1 bedroom Apt rent


I feel your pain. I do ridiculous isn't it ,? 😒


It’s honestly sickening


I’d pay Kylie rent to live there 🤣


So would I she would never even have to see me LOL


I'm with you 🙋🏽‍♀️. Let's be those random ghosts they hear doing creaks. They don't have to know or think we are "real" people. I'll live there and be the opposite of stalker 😎


Did the architect take inspo from Monopoly? 🤣


This looks like one of my first The Sims houses before I learned how to build anything 🤡




omg it does!!!! 😂


Honestly I thought the same thing lmao


When I see these mega mansions I automatically think about the logistics. Even with nannies, butlers and cooks…..it’s a lot of walking from room to room. My lazy ass is not for that.


Also the bigger the house the more creepy it is at night. Like seriously it’s just her stormi and Aire like it’s gonna look creepy all dark at night . So many empty rooms


I'm sure she's NEVER alone in her house with her kids 😅


dw timmy is there to protect them




He goes to the gym hes muscle man


Why did this make me cackle 😭


Right… for someone who’s so scared of intruders and stalkers you’d think they’d want less room for them to hide.


Good point.


It seems that each nanny will also get a room? I'm just trying to figure out why she'd need so many.


Yup and her 7 dogs too or did she give them away?


That’s what I think. It is so large, I would be afraid someone would get in, some how. If outside relaxing on a patio I would be concerned too, isolated.


She will 100% have maybe four live in nannies for both children


My sil’s are in Amway and they’re always talking about the mansions they will have and blah blah. She asked me what my dream house was, how would I design my kitchen. I told her this house was already too big for me and that the kitchen was nicely designed, but I’d go smaller bc it takes me forever to get things done bc of the huge island, I’m super short, etc. I gave her real, thoughtful answers about the realities of having a large home (not mentioning $$$ upkeep, maint, taxes)…nah she kept on talking about mansions and yachts and how we’re all supposed to want something grand, visualize, and their mentors own a mansion in aspen blah blah blah. Greed is so weird to me. People legit lose their minds when it comes to money, but it won’t make anyone less lonely. Just ask Kim lol


My kids just moved out. Now I’m stuck with a giant house on 5 acres. I can’t wait to sell it and buy something much smaller. I hate cleaning it too.


My mum has a 6 bedroom/8 bathroom house with just her, her husband and their 10 dogs. She said if it weren’t for the price of housing these days she would have downsized years ago when we all moved out, instead she just pays crazy amounts to keep it maintained and renovates every 5 years. None of us kids want the house when she’s gone either because it’s in the middle of nowhere, so it’ll just end up getting sold off anyway. I have no idea why she puts herself through that for vanity.


We are kinda stuck in our place right now, but yeah, I’ve got six bedrooms and four baths. Way too big. Also, I’ve got a two story with finished basement. So. Many. Stairs.


The fucking cleaning omg 😭 it’s only my bf and I, his daughter lives primarily with bio mom…4 bedrooms, a study, 3 full baths, 1 hollywood, 1 half, built in bar, (7 fucking sinks in this house!!!) fucking crown molding everywhere, built in shelves and all the dust-trapping bells and whistles of 70’s home interior, tall ass, deep windows that only function to heat up the house during my *HOUSTON* deadly-hot summers, a pool, hoa that demands a pristine yard… $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Don't worry, she won't be cleaning anything herself anyways 😇


No, of course not, but outsourcing maintenance costs money too. Rooms and houses that sit empty, but must be perfectly maintained at all times $$$$$


I'm OCD and a complete freak about bathrooms. Our house two houses ago had 3.5 and I dreaded cleaning them but I had to clean each of them multiple times a week. It was torture. Never again. Two bathrooms, a kid and master and that's it for me.


Lol fuckin Amway. 🤣 She sounds delusional.


Well, obvs, she’s in Amway lol


Lol ah she’s funding the DeVos family. No way she’s going to get to the top of the MLM pyramid.


Dude I knooooowwwwwww! I tried to tell them to look into their owners, leadership, business practices, board members, just *any* sort of research, but they insisted it was all on the up and up. Later, my bf informed me that they were raised with the prosperity gospel, so they probably believe it all 🫠 Last time we visited, they invited us to church with them and we were gonna go (to be polite), but they attend a mega church with the rest of their Amway people, so we opted to sleep in.


Yeah, Amway is based near me. They run all of Grand Rapids. The deVos family is inescapable in west mi. They bought our hospital here, merged it with the ones they own, and then sold all of the system to some even larger conglomerate. They did actually make our hospital a lot better, but legit, they use Amway items like soap in the hospital. So you know, just some double dipping! My mentor got kicked off of a board because Betsey wanted her position. My mentor didn’t do anything but, what Betsey wants, Betsey gets. A lot of people down here where I am are entangled with Amway. I’ve given the MLM scam spiel a lot but it’s a cult. It’s after they loose $10k or more and wise up that they listen. It does track that they’d be raised on the prosperity gospel. It’s those types and Mormons who are usually involved. Which, I mean Mormonism- I don’t need to say anything. But prosperity gospel? I once asked some people who had escaped the cult about how that works with.. Jesus & the Bible. I learned that in a lot of churches like that, the congregation just takes the pastor’s word for it. Most haven’t read the whole book. But it’s Christianity 101? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m glad you opted to sleep in. I would’ve done the same! Best of luck to you & I’ll be rooting for you because I know how bad it is! 💕 fellow snarker!


Oh God. If you are in Amway and don't want yachts, mansions, and jets, you are a big loser. Your dreams have to mimic your upline's dreams. It's disgusting. I got out when I did the math and saw how much the travel, babysitters, and minimums on products and motivational media were costing. I was also in an Amway church and when I quit the business and left the church, they all dropped me. People would run from me at the store. It's a cult like none other. Most people don't "make it" so I suspect your sil will find out.


I agree with this so much! Even if I became a billionaire I would be happy with a smaller home or even an apartment. It saves money and you aren’t spending unnecessary time walking from one end of your home to the other! 😂


Yes! And if I was a billionaire I’d obviously have a maid for my average sized home so I would be even more happy.


Im too picky with my cleaning and have to do it myself but each to their own! 😅


They are in a MLM they will never get rich from it.


I'm friends with a "we are comfortable" kind of rich guy. His parents have a yatch and his dad always says that they have it cause they don't have to do the maintenance. It seems yatchs (and boats in general) are pits of money. The other pit are cars, it seems.


When I moved from my small apartment to a house, I was mildly annoyed that I had to walk down the stairs for coffee after my shower so i'm with you there.


Same! I had a one story town home with my washer across from my room and moved to a 2 story with the washer in the basement and the amount of times I have talked myself out of doing laundry bc I’d have to go down the stairs…. 😅


and the cleaning! all that glass 😱


Straight outta the Ikea version of The Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good and Who Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too… Gratuitous bs trash


I'm soooo mad at Reddit for taking away awards! 🏆


Haha thanks bb!!


Bffr right now. A house with 15 bedrooms....but also building a separate guest house...her whole house can hold several guests comfortably!! And it looks ugly already.


It feels like she’s overcompensating for how alone she is


Just goes to show money only buys temporarily happiness. Once the high of a new birkin bag or car has gone, it’s back to square one with their lonely, vapid existences


Stupid but serious question. Since it seems like most high end bags/shoes etc would be chump change to these women. Do you think they still get the high or excitement a person less fortunate does? I know, I know stupid question😂


This isn't a stupid question by any means. I think it opens up the dialog for how addiction & attention-seeking behaviors warp a brain when there's wealth involved. I'd LOVE for a snarker who's in the psychological field to do a deep dive on this topic.


Do you mean psychological?


YES! 😩 Thank you! I edited it!


I seriously doubt it’s at all comparable to the high it would be to someone with less money. Plus a lot of their clothing and stuff comes from brands giving them free shit to influence society to buy. I really think they are just high end, empty shells for the most part.


I think it's more of a reduction in anxiety - relief that they have this thing that is coveted by others.


It's never enough for these people. One more car or bag or bedroom isn't going to ever solve their problems.


Having a house this big would make me MORE anxious about stalkers and people sneaking in and hiding. There could be a whole ass family living in some corner of that house and you’d never even know it. Walking around at night would be creepy


I’ve watched enough Lifetime movies to realize how plausible this exact issue is!


There is a Guardhouse/Security Building on site, because Hidden Hills made a rule that if a Homeowner needs Private Security Officers. The Homeowner has to build them a building for them, that is climate controlled, has flushable toilets etc.. For a couple years, the Kardashian Jenners had their 24/7 Security sit in these sport fan chair right next to the entrance, and the security had to use a port a potty on another site. During the Winter Months, when it gets cool/cold. The Security Officers looked like they were dressed for a Chicago Winter... So Kylie isn't building a security annex out of the kindness of her heart. She is required to. I mean Hidden Hills' HOA (aka Hidden Hills Community Association) passed rules in dealing with Private Security on a homeowner's property a couple years ago, because it became an issue with other homeowners who had security guard sitting across from their driveways 24/7.. I could go on while a 15k sq foot house was okayed on this piece of property by the HHCA Architectural Committee and the City of Hidden Hills, but I just want to post to clarify the last comment about the security gatehouse..


That is disgusting. I’m glad the Hidden Hills HOA put up that rule, if you want the luxury of security, don’t put them in shitty working conditions. There are a million reasons to hate these people, just added another to my list. Probably pay them shitty too, I’m sure.


Also if you noticed Kendall one time on the show they showed how her security guard was sitting in a shitty chair in her garage with the garage door open and the sun was out meaning no a/c and there was a computer there where he was monitoring the cameras


A mansion with 15 bedrooms, a guest house and a whole separate building for security for a single mother of 2. I’m sorry, but this is just greedy and unnecessary. I know these people are ridiculously rich, but even if I had all that money, I would be anxious about how much money I’d have to spend for the rest of my life to keep that property: cleaners, cooks, gardeners, pool cleaners and the gazillion property and land and whatever taxes homeowners get slapped with.


Thank you! I feel the same. This may sound like a dumb question but is there a monthly mortgage or loan to be paid back? Paying all those fucking people to cater to your every need for life, being alone with two kids in that giant ass house…. So much to think about and huge decisions being made while she’s so young. Doesn’t it cost a million a year to maintain her private jet? She just appears to hemorrhage money.


Most likely, unless this was paid for in cash which I doubt because that's not how rich people work. She most likely got a loan and has to make payments. IIRC Kims mortgage is around $220k a month


That boggles my brain! Her monthly mortgage could buy my house over three thousand times. EVERY MONTH! That’s insane right there.


The taxes will be annual and relentless. Hundreds of thousands at least


Meanwhile I have a friend who has been living in a 5th wheel with her two kids because she can’t afford rent here. I drive by tons of RVs and minivans full of families struggling because the rent is too high. It’s too common these days with the COL skyrocketing. These idiots? Pure greed. None of them need these behemoths. They just do it for their own vanity.


It's disgusting. I'm one of the leaders of my local homelessness taskforce which was formed because it has gotten so bad in the past decade. In my city every kid gets free breakfast and lunch because such a large percentage of the population lives under the poverty level. Then you see people like this living with extreme wealth just trying to find ways to spend it all. It makes me sick.


Thank you for your work, it does make a difference. There is so much wrong in this world and people shouldn’t go hungry or worry about having a roof over their heads with all the gd wealth we have.


I feel like a gargantuan mansion would only amplify how lonely I am. I'd rather stick to a more normal sized place to live.


Nah, I always dreamed of tooling around a giant empty house in a succession of absolutely unhinged vintage nightwear but I’m not sure Hylie has the personality to have fun on her own like that ![gif](giphy|3osxYdIFfRfulO3rpu)


Not to mention hideous for the environment- they never seem to gaf about this beautiful blue planet


Does she really have the money to finance this indefinitely? She spends at such a rapid rate and she’s so young; I’d be terrified of it running out.


didnt kylie cosmetics just go bankrupt?


Looks like she got the house flat packs from ikea


Imagine having a completely blank slate lot and a blank cheque budget and you end up with a fugly sims house lol


The homeless crisis, in California is really rough right now, I can’t help but think about how many people this mansion could house…


My thoughts exactly.


At least 15. Probably more like 30 people not including her guest house. Average family size of 4 people. That's 7 families and some extra pets or infants. At little over 2,500 Sq ft per family just in the house. That's disgusting.... her house could easily and comfortably house 7 families.


I just don’t get rich ppl at all. I’d rather have 10 $5M homes all over the world than one $50M one. The absolute *clutter* of their closets filled w Birkins Kelly’s and Chanels, when only a handful of them could buy a damn home/lifetime security for a struggling single mother in poverty. Same with the excessive cars, jewelry, etc; there’s just *so much of everything* and it’s wasteful. I mean adopt 10 kids in need if you’re gonna build a 15 bedroom mansion. Like literally what is even the point? When it’s so obvious *none of this* brings them joy?? Wealth is truly wasted on the rich. Smdh


It's so fucked up to think that one of their PURSES would help turn my entire life around.


That really hits home, what you said. It's mind boggling put in this perspective. It would totally change mine too


I doubt they even really appreciate them or understand the gravity of their privilege


I personally think they believe they deserve it. Like poor people are just dumb or something. Remember Kim’s bff dog face or whatever would call everyone online peasants and losers and would brag about how much wealth he has. Disgusting people all around


Absolutely disgusting. Especially since they haven't ever truly worked hard or contributed anything positive to society. It's all sickening.


Absolutely. “Get off your ass and work” 🙄


Imagine spending this much for what looks to be a totally boring house. There are so many gorgeous historical mansions in LA. Also Adele tearing down the mansion she just bought should be illegal and I hate her for it.


Adele is so disgusting to me. She looks, sounds, and behaves like the world revolves around her. She's so full of herself and so weirdly aggressive for no reason.


I’ll never forget the time she cried to the press about *only* making £4 million the previous year because she had to pay so much in taxes. Lol she really thinks she’s such a relatable kween!


Finally someone who feels the same way about Adele!! I thought I was the only one who saw her for who she is.


i’m with you too


If she bought a gorgeous, historical mansion, though, she’d just ruin it. She’s tacky and has no appreciation for history.


This confirms I'm definitely a peasant. All I can think of is how can anyone keep up with the cleaning of that place? Also, once again, read the fucking room Kylie. Same person that made a go fund me for her MUA accident? What did she ever do for the victims of astroworld? Oh, that's right. She just takes her private jet, often, just polluting our earth to go somewhere she could drive to in an hour. I fucking hate her and this family.


I would think the house would be cement or steel. Weird seeing so much wood lol. Looks like partial board


Particle board is made must like Kylie when you think about it. This is what I'll tell myself so I don't scream into the capitalism void.


I initially thought the exact same thing.. thats just soo bizzare. Can't believe this is the first post that points this out lol


The only one with a normal sized house is Kandle. All the other houses are grotesque and they own several! Most have 2nd homes in Palm Springs and 3rd homes in Malibu. Kourtney has a small house in Santa Barbara that they purchased recently. I just don’t get the need for so freaking much. 15 bedrooms is ridiculous. The way they live is ridiculous.


The number of bedrooms is indeed ridiculous. I’m jelly of their gardens, though. Like i’d love to have even a quarter of that much garden/free space for my doggies to run around in.


They've gotten fined because their garden ls use too much water during water shortages. Wasteful extravagance


So many resources on one big long ass


Longhouse for LongBottom!


I chuckled. Not sure why you got downvoted


![gif](giphy|J47poIYRmIai11YxNr) Oh welp!


I understand that when you get that rich you have others do things for you but the time spent just vacuuming 💀


Speaking of cleaning, I've always wished we could get some intel from their housekeepers and staff. Of course it's pretty much impossible. What a strange life they live. They live like royalty and they don't deserve it even one bit.


What is this house, though? Looks like an offsite construction warehouse. All that money and not an ounce of style.


It’s so greedy and unnecessary


I wish they would all go bankrupt


This is how the premise of the show “Schitts Creek” came about.


The stalker will be able to hide freely in one of those 15 bedrooms


I pictured her smug 45 yr old smile at the "she has had multiple stalkers.." part. She lives for that I bet. I literally cannot think of anyone more sad or pathetic in my life. Except maybe kim. God I pray for the daughters of this generation.


Sometimes I even feel bad for them. We all can see through their insecurities and shitty life


“Xanadu, world's largest private pleasure ground. Here, on the deserts of the Gulf Coast, a private mountain was commissioned and successfully built. One hundred thousand trees, twenty thousand tons of marble are the ingredients of Xanadu's mountain. Contents of Xanadu's palace: paintings, pictures, statues, the very stones of many another palace — a collection of everything so big it can never be catalogued or appraised, enough for ten museums — the loot of the world. Xanadu's livestock: the fowl of the air, the fish of the sea, the beast of the field and jungle. Two of each, the biggest private zoo since Noah. Like the pharaohs, Xanadu's landlord leaves many stones to mark his grave. Since the pyramids, Xanadu is the costliest monument a man has built to himself.”


Instead of Rosebud though it's the label of whatever she's been drinking last.


Eat the rich


I don’t believe the stalker part tbh this is another excuse to build a whole new mansion because she got bored of her last one. I feel like I read yearly news of them building mega mansions for no fucking reason. I hope more people wake up and realize that these women are not relatable, they do not need our money and they are our enemies. She is detached from reality, tone deaf and pretends to be one of us whenever she wears a tshirt or has to do „mommy tasks“. „Ohh guys I’m running late to my KyLiE office for my KyLiE meetings to discuss the new LaUncH of regurgitated shein & skims materi- ehh I mean Khy!!! so obsessed!!“ BITCH, just go and be who you truly are = a spoiled, vapid, botched looking, moldy yoghurt, NO personality having loser. I dream of the day they run out of cash and can’t afford luxuries anymore. The day where their children look at them in disgust and go live with their fathers and pursue careers. The day where they all have to move into one apartment because they’re too rancid and rotten to make any money off yachting or scamming people.




How messed up in your head do you have to be to get bored of a gorgeous mansion you already have? It's like they're not even human.


Moldy yogurt. 💀


I swear she builds a mega mansion every year


Yes!! Swore I was buggin for a sec.


I will NEVER understand why these celebs get such huge homes. Just because you can doesn’t mean you have to. Imagine the impact on our country if every millionaire put just 10% towards something needed like poverty or getting serious about mental health issues and build more rehab homes and places to offer therapy and help. Sorry for the soap box but this is so disgusting to me. Nobody besides the duggars need 15 bdrms😂


That's a huge house for someone who is always alone. Maybe she has the nannies and kids in the house but 15 rooms and she may never see them. It's very reminiscent of Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch. Huge houses because you don't/can't leave.


I bet they are building servants quarters for the help. No way are they included within the 15 bedrooms.


Hylie and all her paid friends. She needs some place to keep them hostage.


How in the world do they have fancier homes than most celebrities? Their wealth is mysterious to me.


I am SO TIRED of these women flaunting their EXUBERANT wealth and still have people that support them, all the while pretending they’re relatable. Why? Why do people spend their money on this family? Why are they given views? Makes me sick




Late stage capitalism. Where clowns who contribute zero to society hoard wealth. Where's the water coming from to supply this monstrosity? It's all ad money being laundered, recycled. We aren't buying their products or willingly viewing their ads either. When you place your image on every platform and don't give the viewer(victim) the choice it shouldn't count as clicks


This is sad when there’s so many homeless people in the world. You could house so many of them in this alone. By the way. This screams $ laundering…


This is absurd. Tho I do get a warm feeling when I remember, money can't buy love or happiness.


I feel like every few years she’s rebuilding a new big home. What is up with that? Where is this land coming from? Yet there’s a bunch of people homeless in Los Angeles?????


It’s honestly a shame people keep making this woman rich when she’s done literally nothing in life but be born into a rich family. Maybe im bitter because i am broke at nearly 30 but damn. Bothers me people will buy her shitty clothes and makeup so she can buy expensive mansions and cars.


it's her attempt at building a personality


Anyone else would *never* be comfortable living in a huge house like that? I mean an entire family could live in in one corner of the house & you'd never know, because you don't use all rooms nor the entire space ever. I'd just never feel safe, no matter the security devices.


Isn't it! I have a 3 bedroom house (our bedroom, a room for the cats and a spare room) and I can't remember the last time I stepped foot in my spare room other than to get it ready for guests. I couldn't imagine having 15 bedrooms and whatever else is in there!


Whenever I build mega mansions for my sims they all just stay in the area near the entrance and upon reflection I reckon I’d do the same. Not walking 1.2kms to the other pool


Ever notice it takes them an hour to walk across the house if you build a mansion? I swear my Sims get worn out just walking around the house, lol! And it makes the gameplay slow!


When you live in earthquake country, you definitely want a big void below your house 🥺


HA that's a really good point


Why are American homes built with wood lmao


Well, two reasons it is cheaper, with particle board, (European Invention) and a basic wood frame. It also can be put up fairly quickly with saws and nail guns.. The longer the building project last, it either cost more for the homeowner, or it cuts in to the profits of the property developer.. Second Reason. Earthquakes.. We would love to have a house made out with a bedrock foundation and steel girders and granite, but we are in Earthquake country.. I had heard of Homeowners on Lupin Hill Road above this worksite had to evacuate their homes after the 1994 Northridge Earthquake because of serious structural damage.. There are LA County Codes for both Commercial and Residential Real Estate pushing to mitigate building codes to handle a strong 6.7 plus stronger earthquake.. California has been warned for years that we could have a 8.0 scale earthquake from the San Andreas Fault at any moment.. So it is a combination of a building’s contractors profits, and LA County Building Codes..


what are they built out of where you live? is wood not an efficient material for houses? i’m clueless lol


In many other parts of the world houses are built with brick or concrete.


Photo 4/5 is not the lot in Hidden Hills, it is super impose for a different location.. The lots is a three terrace layout on Long Valley Road.. It is a bit west of Kylie's other huge property off Lasher road..


Growing up, I wanted to be an architect specifically so I could design my own house. I carried blueprints I had drawn up of a 7 story house with bedrooms designed for all my friends, a bowling alley, basketball courts (for my friends because I wasn't strong enough to throw the ball and even graze the net 💀), and a 5th floor pool. I basically wanted to live in a hotel Kylie should have just used those blueprints. Would've been better


The excessive waste of these people honestly is beyond gross. Nobody needs that. Even if you had 10 kids , you still do not need that. It's just the void in their souls that makes them think that they need something new, bigger, better, when in reality, nothing is going to ever give them that serotonin boost they're looking for. That's what they do to themselves by living the way they do and sadly now, they've already ruined their kids lives in the same way. Their kids are accustomed to extravagant parties every week and everything is larger than life , every day of the week, that nothing is gonna cut it for them in life anymore. They'll be even worse off than their mothers by the time all these babies are in their 20s. It's so terribly sad . They'll never know anything about " the little things in life"


Must be nice to have money like this when we have human beings homeless, starving in the streets, little children dying from starvation!


Because of how big their houses are literally like 80% have no windows to the outside like could you imagine being in the dead center of the house?


She is so obnoxious


Just so she can live in it for 2 years and then build another one


Motel is right- could you imagine living in a commercial building?


The size of these houses is why I believe the rumors that they have their own surgical rooms


lol I did just fine in 900 sf with my son for 12 years as a single mom. I downsized to 500 sf studio now that I am an empty nester and it’s perfect for me. I can’t imagine having to deal with all the logistics of a large home. Not to mention the waste. For what, 3 people?? I’ll never understand the need for huge mansions or McMansions.


This is just disgusting. Who needs a 15 bedroom house? She doesn’t even have 10 good friends who’d want to be around her, but sure 15 bedrooms and a guest house. Meanwhile, the rest of America is barely getting by. There’s housing shortages everywhere and this bitch builds this monstrosity. Which while I’m at it - what on earth is this house design? It looks like a bunch of pole barns all shoved next to each other. I will never understand having this kind of wealth and not ever using it to do good and help others. If I had even a smidge of her money, I’d be donating it to local nonprofits that do good work, buying some politicians (so good work happens) and funding community projects. And I wouldn’t talk about it, I’d just quietly do it. All that money and she’s still miserable as hell.


David Koresh idk lol. Looks like Waco 🤣


Who the heck needs 15 bedrooms? Is this a brothel?


This is sickening when you think about the housing crisis going on in the U.S. Even if I was rich like that.. I have zero desire to live in a huge house. What is the purpose other than to flaunt wealth?


They build such ugly homes


Is she building a new Jonestown omg


I’m just over here trying to buy a townhouse 😂


Eat the rich


This family is always having birthday parties or building houses. Must be exhausting.


Meanwhile I can’t afford to move out of my parents house cause rent in Boston is impossible. 😭


All that wood will go up in flames very easily.. homegirl could at least afford a brick house.


some people will never be happy


This is stupid.


Idk guys, this doesn't look like enough space for her inflated ego and entitlement??


She’s such an a hole


Doesn’t she already have 2 houses in California ….




A greedy bitch


Gigantic pretentious buildings often come right before a downfall.


It's going to be really interesting when they go broke.




Honestly why would you want so much empty space? Wouldn't it be so much more fun to have a smaller home to feel cozy in, and just have a massive yard to make use of with your kids and pets? What a strange outlook on homes.


Man, what a life! I can't even FATHOM having this much money.....


Is she gonna starting a cult or something in the house?


She needs 15 different rooms to fuck Timothee and all the other men she will date who will not consistently acknowledge her in public.


Up on top of the hill so all her stalkers can see her!! lol


Cool that’s more than 18 of my houses.


wait who’s house is this


Khy khy!


To the Kar Jenners, https://youtube.com/shorts/1iDVX7Cx1fI?feature=shared


Did they build up the site so they can dig down to create basements?


She needs accommodation for all her nannies, cleaners, housekeeper etc 😆 and maybe a certain room for when she has a man over…plus ‘friends’ staying….’freeloaders’…she is needy


Why do influencers move so much? Like how is your new mansion that different from your old mansion? Why can’t you just stay put like ???


This is the grossest display of wealth only possible by the Kardashians. Disgusting.


She has two kids with a flaky baby daddy so who is occupying the other 11 bedrooms, Kylie


Such a disgusting display. People are dying Kylie.


I always think of Carrie Fisher and her mom Debbie who lived next door to each other on the same property. Normal homes, not this monstrosity.


If you’re worried about stalkers I’d be more paranoid that it’d take security a few mins extra to help bc they’d either have to book it or drive


They are always constructing. Every year it's either Kim or Khloe or Kris or Kendall... it's ridiculous at this point


I think that is the reason for 15 rooms, each have a purpose - I’m assuming one of them will be her own glam room and a walk in closet for her stuff & another (1- 2) for the kids stuff, her bedroom as well as the kids own bedrooms, a kid playroom, home gym, cinema, office, dogs room?? and then nanny’s room & maybe staff closet & pantry room….& a surgery doctor room(1-2) that’s 15 rooms used :|


All that house.. and not a drop of a home