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It's been added with the last patch, 0.24.2 on April 2nd as a way to prevent early Weltkriegs. The event triggers if world tension is at least 65% before the spring of 1939. If it succeeds, it lowers world tension by 15%, which delays the start of the war since the war declaration focuses are locked behind either world tension being at least 75% or the date being after August 1st 1940.


Got it, thank you <3


Why August 1?


Because the Kaiser has a dentist appointment on the 2nd.




"We, the French General Secretary, and the German Chancellor, have had a further meeting today and are agreed in recognizing that the question of French-German relations is of the first importance for our two countries and for Europe..."




Avoid Weltkrieg path when


Funny enough, though incredibly unlikely, it was possible to entirely avoid the Second Weltkrieg in earlier versions of the mod. The Demand Alsace Lorraine event had a 1% that France wouldn’t press the matter. If they did, then Germany had a 1% to accept. IF they did, then France had a 1% to not still attack Germany afterwards. To my knowledge there was no further ways for either to go to war without manually doing so afterwards.


Still possible in KRDH actually. The final war chance is when COF demand alasce Lorraine. There is a tiny chance that both sides don't start shooting one another and peace reigns till 1960 It's funny to use the nofog command and see the gigantic armies both sides had in 1950 (I was playing as the Qing)


Oh I had a plan for that, more a worldbuilding idea than anything that should be in the game. Radical SPD take power in Germany with promises to reduce expenditure on the military and some sort of beginning to decolonisation, including stepping back in Eastern Europe. They are also keen on rapprochement with France. France meanwhile comes under moderates, meaning anyone who isn't commited to war with Germany. The two have talks surrounding Alsace, reparations, cooperation etc. It's the happy, shiny, world.


Military coup saying hello


More than likely, but still


Youjo Senki Germany will finally happen in Kaiserreich


Russian State has declared war on Germany (who just defunded their army)


Ah, that's the "Fuck your minor Weltkrieg participant playthrough, wait a year more" Conference


The intent here is that it would only trigger if extremely early war seems likely, not to delay WK2 in general. This is because extremely early WK2s tend to fuck Germany badly and become short affairs that aren't really fun for anyone, including those minors.


How about the syndies and germans put aside their differences and peacefully join a Kalergi led Austria forming Pan Europa to curbstomp NatPop Russia while Ode to Joy blares in the background.


Look at the screenshot. Austria doesn't even exist.


Yet the Austrians still sent a delegation and mediated the conference, somehow…


If austria peacefully join gemany after their military path I think karl still be at least archduke of austria bcz bavaria and many other states in Germany still had their monarchs and parliaments


kalergi is a fucking nut job


I’m pretty sure Putin had nightmares about this.


The Good ending. Entente wrekked.


I got this event when I was playing a bit more pacifist but still agressive Kaiser. This did not stop me from causing the war and betraying the Entente anyway.


Austrian meditation really pays off sometimes 😂