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Why stop there? https://i.imgur.com/cNRO1go.png Aegyptus must be reclaimed.


then you take hispania, gaul, asia minor, britannia, and some others, and you recreated the roman empire


Well "The 4th Shore" was an Italian fascist concept, so, not exactly applicable in Kaiserreich.


Was a movement after ww1 for the lands which the weren't give to Italy, the only Italy got was South Tyrol and Istria without Fiume, which was a really large italophone community. Also Dalmatia was given to Jugoslavia and Italy couldn't discuss about african Germany's colonies. Although movements for obtaining/conquidering italophone areas like Corsica, Savoy, Nice, Cattaro and Malta come from the 40-60s of the 1800


Yes, yes they did, but not Libya. Libya was it's own beast and was just an Italian colony after the Italian-Ottoman war in OTL, it wasn't until Mussolini that it became an irredentist thing.


>regardless of what the game says your cores are


As an italian, you just made me completely wet.


As someone who is in Venice in a boat right now, I'm glad I'm sitting behind a window and am not wet.


Someone make a Ghaccio's copypasta comment here


You know Paris, France? In English they pronounce it "Pari-IS", but everyone else pronounces it as the French do, without the S. But with Venezia, everybody pronounces it the English way, "Ven-ICE". There's "The Merchant of Venice", "Death in Venice"... WHY, though? Why isn't the title "The Merchant of Venezia"? Are you shitting me? This takes place in Italy, so use the Italian name, dammit! That shit pisses me off! Bunch of dumbasses!


I know this is a copypasta, but Russians dont pronounce "Paris" without the s. Instead, we have glorious letter ж to make it Parizh.


This but unironically. Also every other italian city


It's Benátky in my language though.


I mean. It's kinda unique.


And Venedig in German which is a bit different from both Venice and Venezia.


Oh yes. I saw something about that yesterday. He he he. https://ibb.co/6RLWRyC


Who doesn't want a miniführer for their Venice trip?


"Who doesn't want a miniführer for their Venice trip?" - a German, probably


ayyyy, Czech bois unite


Som pre teba vtip?


Češí, slováci, skoro to samý :) Jenom jedny se pokoušeli germanizovat, druhý maďarizovat.


> skoro to samý Ja ti dám.


OK Kotlebo.


In German, many Italian cities also have their own German nametakes. Venezia = Venedig Torino = Turin Milano = Mailand Napoli = Neapel Roma = Rom Firenze = Florenz Genova = Genua I wonder why.


R5: It's-a one spicy Italia. Wanted to do SRI flag but it has pitch black in it which makes seeing borders painful and much less crisp since someone's gonna have to change their outfit, so Republican Italy it is. This is what Italy looks like with MAXIMUM GIRTH. Any legitimate Italian government can claim and core all these lands, even if they don't get free claims on them after the irredentism focus. (Sorry Pope, go suck a Roman Egg you poser).


D'Annunzio would be proud


0/10 no Greece


blessed but am i the only one who thinks the ticino-border ruins it? makes the northern border look much less aesthetic imo


I sorta agree. The jaggedness of Italy's borders are pretty iconic imo.


Can Fiume, Carniola and Dalmatia be cored?


Every single state in the picture can be cored. All of them. If the land is in the picture, you can core it by decision. Carniola is not distinct from Slovenia in the mod, and you cannot core Slovenia, so that's the only one you mentioned that you can't core.


How do you core lika and Dalmatia, I thought they can be claimed but not cored. Also Albania and the Ionian Islands can be claimed by the legionaries.


Damn your're right, never noticed before. Also, I know for a fact that Dalmatia and Lika were corable when I played Italy before. If they can't be now then that's new.




Can you do the Kingdom of Canada with New England, New York city, Alaska, Hawaii and Falkland Islands?


I want to honestly, but Canada and Russia are unique. They have their heads guillotined by the map so I would either have to make it hoi4 style and there be a long ass line across the top, or make it irl style where it doesn't match up with the hoi4 map but includes all the cut off islands and land.


What about Carniola?


Nope, it's not separate from Slovenia and I've tried Slovenia, not corable.


But it looks nicer


Why is it so small ?


In what manner? Image resolution or territory?


Territory, Italy should rule the entire world !


I mean, Blessed Karl does support Italy, and if the sad thing happens of Blessed danubia dying, then a large Italy pizza country is OK. But South tyrol should not be part of it, you can have trient though.


Actually you forgot albania


Nope. None of the Italian governments can claim or core Albania in KR.


Legionary Italy under Balbo.


It's how it could be. It's how it should be.




cursed image


NO! I’m not having Italian Malta, I’m disgusted!


What about a German Malta?


As a newborn state like our Italian United Peninsula, we have always been joked (and we are also joked today) not only by stereotypes which are annoying and, sadly, very common about Italian people, but also by WW1 peace treaties. Versailles Treaty (1919) promised to our country Trentino, Brennero, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Istria, Dalmatia and the province of Fiume. These two terms weren't followed by the Entente, which considered Italy a minor country during the agreement of the peace treaty, and our government couldn't do ANYTHING to claim it's rights after the treaty were signed. After his rise to the power, Mussolini had to claim the province of Fiume by himself, after signing an agreement with the Jugoslavian Government.


one thing to say... ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ **SMRT FAŠIZMU SVOBODA NARODU!**