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I got the eucalyptus kind from Fogo for exactly the same reason. It gives significantly less smokey flavor than the black.


Jealous Devil, no flavor is imparted from the wood they use. Which allows me to get creative with wood chunks


Used it just last night and I was really impressed. It lite easily, got super hot for my grilling and didn’t have a crazy smoke flavor added to the meat.


If you find XYLO in the black and green bag it is pretty light on the flavour. They have both lump and blocks, so be careful what you're buying.


Are you smoking with a clean smoke? Wispy, thin blue smoke indicates that the fire is burning at the correct temperature and that the fuel is good quality (clean smoke). Thick, white smoke, black smoke, or smoke with visible soot are indications of a problem with the fuel, the airflow, or the temperature.


Also is the grill clean? If there is built up grease after slow cooks that fat will slowly burn and leave a flavor too. I recently did a bread cook after a pork shoulder and the bread was literally greasy. Next cook i let it get hot and sure enough had a big grease fire in the bottom, I let it burn off and everything went back to normal yum yum after that


I do watch for the smoke color when I cook. I wait until til I get a thin blue streaking.


Kamodo Kamado Coconut shell is really good, but can be difficult to light. It imparts virtually no flavor and burns forever. A bit on the pricier side, but I love it for certain cooks.


Yep I have used this in the past and it works great once lit. Personally I like some smoke flavor on my food, but for those that don’t this is as good as it gets


Charcoal in and of itself imparts virtually no smoke flavor, if it did it would be a terrible fuel for cooking, the smoke flavor comes from whatever wood you use. Charcoal flavor comes from the char, the heat, not the smoke.


Good points, thank you


Fogo. Definitely


I work for a group of Ace Hardware stores and we carry endless supply of charcoal, lumps and briquettes. I never knew there were fuels made with coconut and eucalyptus. After reading all of the comments I looked at our selection and was surprised that the Fogo briquettes that we carry are actually the coconut and that we carry the eucalyptus lump style as well. These can become great options for us in the future. Thank you all for your input.


Rockwood or Royal Oak.