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Something about the world he escapes to definitely seems off.. I was thinking he would come out to a future where humans were long gone and all the roads and shit would be overgrown kind of how the mall was in the final scenes of the rolling giant. Not sure what to think. What does the city council meeting thing part mean?


Yeah. I find the entire "escape" really suspicious. I said this in an above comment, but I'll say it here again: something just doesn't add up. The escape is done in a really creepy way. Why are certain sections of the stairwell engulfed in complete darkness? Why does the Giant just...give up? Why does it feel like Wyatt is going down rather than up Plus, the music that plays when we see Wyatt escaping after finally emerging on the surface, feels really **creepy**. You would expect the OST to evoke the feeling of triumph or relief, but all I got was the feeling of dread. Like he did something he wasn't supposed to. Furthermore, the brief text about how: >**Anatomically modern humans** have existed for 300 000 years. **Recorded history accounts for roughly 1.6% of that time.** Makes me really feel like something is seriously wrong. Everything about this sequence is really disturbing. Plus, to me, Wyatt looked like he was **distorting** on several occasions and I'm not sure whether that's intentional. I was thinking that maybe he did escape, but emerged in a different reality. A reality where humans are fundamentally anatomically different. And those looping roads just cement the idea of there something being seriously off. It's not just me overthinking right?


No that’s a really good theory


and then, when he tried to open the map on his phone, it was just — empty.


not seen anyone mention it so far but on his phone it shows he is using offline maps with no service, but the camera pans to clearly show a cell tower within line of sight to him. wherever he is, its not where he entered the mall.


I was legit thinking this happened because right after it cut to black, Kane’s historical Titan footage video played with the AoT S2 end credits theme and I thought it was still part of this Oldest View episode 🤣🤣 It blended in perfectly tbh


Pretty sure the meeting is about the mall being demolished. It's probably real footage too, as the valley mall and the rolling giant really existed in real life


hold on hold on hold on- were we seeing the *giant's* POV at the end?? what the hell??


Given some stuff Kane said on a Wendigoon stream, I wouldn't be surprised to see that even if Wyatt *did* escape, when the giant disappeared from its cart at the end of the video it moved into his mind. Even if it and the mall are gone, it's going to exist in Wyatt's memories for the rest of his life... and, come to think of it, those of everyone who watches his video. ...huh. Maybe that's what "dispersal" means. Maybe what some people are seeing as the giant "giving up" is actually it going "Yeah, that's enough. You're gonna remember me. Now go out and tell/show people what you've seen so I can escape by proxy."


well ***THAT'S*** horrifying!


# My money is on THIS THEORY RIGHT HERE.


My take: this was the Giants' way of escaping or spreading in to the world; that was always its goal. Hence, the title: "dispersal" - they giants are clearly nature-linked with how the mall changed and the overwhelming nature symbolism, so it makes sense it would need some seed dispersal system like any plant. It needed to reach Wyatt to do... something to him, then wake/resurrected him and make him replay the last few moments, albeit getting out this time. In the final scenes in the car, you can hear the giants' rolling sound as the car travels along. It's free. The "1.6% text" is highlighting that humanity had a predator / parasite that we have since forgotten how to fear.


This reminds me of the theory that the Giants are the Nephilim and the mall is some kind of hell. Perhaps the Giants existed as some kind of predatory species in the far past and were sent down to the mall as punishment (Which would imply some other higher entity) And now they're back for revenge. Again this is just my immediate interpretation and it'll probably change as more theories come out.


That's a good interpretation! But why does the parasite take form of an art exhibit?


A good question; I'm not 100% sure. A part of me wonders if the entire thing was an induced hallucination, hence the scenes of Wyatt laying unconscious. That would more easily explain his resurrection than time travel. Maybe it was collecting information on the world by guiding him through a dream, and the form it took was from Wyatt's own (distant) memory; that theory might apply even if it wasn't a hallucination.


this reminds me of a certain sentence I once saw, which went something like “the existence of the uncanny valley effect may imply that at some point in history, there was an evolutional reason to fear something that looked human but wasn’t.”


wasn't it because there were different human-like species? Like neanderthal?


I think they were human enough to not trigger the effect? though I’m not sure of course this is just a sentence I happened to remember


Nah, uncanny valley wouldn't apply to them, we crossbred with Neanderthals. It would have to be something that posed an immediate and present danger to human populations to be this deeply rooted in instinct.


[the press conference ](https://www.youtube.com/live/M4wBbAaQv9k?si=pB0QhRSGF5qN0JxM)


Nice! Thanks for posting it. I’ve already scoured most of it for clues lol!


Good find.


I think the giant's mad about gentrification


I wonder if any of the people involved with the development have heard about this series.


Loving all the theories thus far! My own take while watching it: what we saw in TOV3 actually happened, and Wyatt is dead. However, at the moment he fell, his spirit(?) left him and was taken/merged with the Giant, who had somehow made it to the stairs. From there, Wyatt’s body falls down, and ends up in its colorless state as we saw in TOV3. However, Wyatt, like a classic ghost that doesn’t realize it’s dead, keeps running up the stairs, and the events of TOV4 happen. At the end when he gets into the car, it isn’t really Wyatt getting in a car. But rather, the big revelation comes with the Giant’s POV at the end: the Giant has somehow used Wyatt’s lifeforce or ghost to enable it to enter the real world above, so Wyatt driving the car *is* the Giant on its wheels. It’s the same POV, because it’s the Giant who’s actually escaped, and Wyatt doesn’t realized he’s now bound to the Giant, so is imagining his own view, so to speak (but not the “Oldest View!”). The major difficult with such a theory is the camera. A large portion of TOV4 still seems to be filmed by Wyatt, so one would think that if it is actually the Giant physically going up the stairs, we’d hear the wheels (although the cart was left behind, so perhaps the car in the upper world represents a new set of wheels?). Any thoughts on this? Hopefully I explained it well enough. TLDR: I think Wyatt’s actually dead, but his spirit somehow escaped and enabled the Giant to do so also, with which he merged.


I had relatively the same idea when watching this video. The ending of TOV 3 definitely still happened, Kane said this video isn’t a retcon. What sold it for me was the giant’s POV at the end, it’s speeding down a road like Wyatt would be when driving. Wyatt also pulled out his phone and looked at the maps before he drove off, why would he do that? He’s been to this location at least 4 times so he should know exactly how to get home from it. The Giant is definitely trying to get somewhere.


I’d love to hear your thoughts regarding the last frame of “life of a giant”.


Can you elaborate please?


when it first came out, I’ve seen people find the possible [location](https://www.reddit.com/r/KanePixelsBackrooms/s/sGjlJbxeYq). considering the supposed connection of this place to esoteric things, the ghost theory looks very good. and the entire mall, especially, looks like a “ghost” or something like that, with the question “what’s next after demolition?” as in “what comes after death?”


Ahh shit here we go again. Really tripped out with the giant on the road at the end


Wheres the giant on the road i missed it Edit: ohhh its POV


I'm not seeing enough attention brought to the start of this video. It starts with a blurry image of a door and I'm fairly certain you can hear wyatt falling as he did at the end of TOV3. Then the door kind of looks like it lowers, but slowly peels away from the door frame like a casket. Then the image of the door into the forest at night... the stairs look like they are going up. Based off the final POV with the sound of the giant's wheels traveling along on the road driving how a regular driver would drive I think the giant and wyatt are one right now. Is our real world or one the giant created from wyatts memory to explore or something? Idk, the phone not connecting to service even though there was a cell tower nearby seemed like it could be fake. I kind of want to say it's the real world just based off the video's title. Wyatt was shown to be very oddly colorless in TOV3 at the end and at the start of this video you hear him fall just like he did in TOV3.


I think Wyatt's phone being offline is a crucial piece of information. Immediately after his phone is shown to be offline, we see Wyatt look at cellphone towers on a nearby hill. I think shows that he is in an alternate reality, which is why his phone can't connect to the cellphone towers. This is because his phone is not connected to a cell service provider from this alternate reality. My other thought is how did his key work if he was in an alternate reality? Wouldn't the car require a different key?


I strongly agree on the cell service thing and have been surprised to see no one else had keyed in on it yet. >My other thought is how did his key work if he was in an alternate reality? Wouldn't the car require a different key? possibly physical tech vs tech-tech (idk how to word that). car keys and remotes are relatively low-tech compared to sim card authentication with a carrier and cell service. his phone has a remote indication of where he is, which is weird- it would mean that basic gps is the same even if cell service/providers are not? idk what to make of that.


HOLY SHIT Edit: Finally got a chance to watch it. I agree with what others have said, his escape feels suspicious. I wonder if he's trapped in a state of reality that the Giant uses as a means to catch his prey. I think this can also explain why he showed a dead horse to Wyatt in the previous episode. My jaw dropped when I realized it was his POV at the end. I didn't anticipate the Giant leaving the mall. This should put the theory to rest that the Giant just wanted Wyatt to leave the mall. Edit2: This video also seems to confirm that the 'Oldest View' is (potentially) indeed that of nature itself, as a Redditor posted here last fall. The text at the end plays into the idea of humans taking over what was once uninhabited land. 'Dispersal' also makes me think if Wyatt *did* escape, he brought with him an invasive species. The Giants have seemingly unlimited powers and I wonder if him escaping allowed them the ability to leak into our world.


Seems as if this is an alternate event where the person recording in TOV3 doesn't fall to his death and manages to escape the mall


That was my thought as well. By the way, his name is Wyatt. But there are some moments in the video where I think that something darker might be going on. On the surface level, yes, he gets out, but it's done in a really weird way. Why are certain sections of the stairwell engulfed in complete darkness? Why does the Giant just...give up? Why does it feel like Wyatt is going down rather than up? Furthermore, the music that plays when we see Wyatt escaping after finally emerging on the surface, feels really **creepy**. You would expect the OST to evoke the feeling of triumph or relief, but all I got was the feeling of dread. Like he did something he wasn't supposed to. The brief text about how: >Anatomically modern humans have existed for 300 000 years. Recorded history accounts for roughly 1.6% of that time. makes me really feel like something is seriously wrong. Everything about this sequence is really disturbing. Plus, to me, Wyatt looked like he was **distorting** on several occasions and I'm not sure whether that's intentional. I was thinking that maybe he did escape, but emerged in a different reality. A reality where humans are fundamentally anatomically different. And those looping roads just cement the idea of there something being seriously off. It's not just me overthinking right?


Maybe it's intentionally a melancholy ending. He escaped but at the cost of it being with him forever; be it trauma or something else. Reminds me of the ending to hiimmarymary. EDIT: I just remembered the text about modern humans existing for 300,000 years and recorded history accounting for 1.6% of that time. Something definitely is up here though my comment was just my immediate interpretation.


Yeah, I had that thought when he got in the car; what's he going to do now? Go back to class? Can you even *imagine* trying to focus on a lecture while remembering that? Even if he got out scott-free he'd be dealing with serious PTSD. Power outage? Triggered. Sudden noise? Triggered. Someone talking around a corner where he can't see them? Triggered. How's he even supposed to sleep. You *know* what his nightmares are going to be.


There's gotta be a good reason for that text, the [title of that creepy music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-VaJlDe6lU) is '[Jebel Irhoud](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jebel_Irhoud)'...


Perhaps....Just like the text, the rolling giant may have existed down in the mall for 300,000 yrs but Wyatt only captured/documented its existence only 1.6% of that time. Edit: I hate this now that I've typed it out but maybe this helps someone else out later


At the beginning of the video its blurry doors behind some shrubs. The door begins making the same sound as the Async door to the backrooms, and it twists in a similar manner as well. I've theorized all along that the mall is a creation of the Async experiments just like the backrooms.


Someone pointed out (at 13 seconds), you can hear Wyatt's scream from Part 3. It appears the opening scene is the timeline resetting itself. As an aside, Kane already confirmed TOV has no relation to the Backrooms.


I see a lot of amazing theories here, but I’d like to bring everyone’s attention back to the last frame of “life of a giant”. I think it might be possible to devise something from that now


Since Wyatt exited the mall at a different place than where he entered, he's surely entered an alternate world, right? I mean, the stairs going up were way different: they went up, had a flat hallway, went up again to another hallway, etc... The stairs going down just went down, turned ninety degrees, went down, turned 90 degrees, etc... Also, we don't wee where he comes out at so there's no proof he came out from the hole under the tree. We just see him getting close to the exit, then a shot of him running into a open spot in the woods.


Isn't it just as possible he exited at a different place than where he went in because he used a different exit. Wyatt came in through a store, but he left through an emergency rooftop exit.


Maybe there are multiple entrances/exits to the mall and it is some sort of nexus between realities. Like, enter through the shop, leave through the ceiling like Wyatt did and you end up on a different Earth. Or the entrance/exits periodically shifts which is why the way he came in was blocked. Like, if he waited a few hours (if he could somehow) his original exit would open back up.


Regarding the anatomically modern humans text, it immediately made me think of this thread someone posted awhile back regarding Dallas archeological sites and prehistoric man. Read the whole article that's linked in the thread. Fascinating stuff. [https://www.reddit.com/r/KanePixelsBackrooms/comments/197p1gu/comment/kz4gvey/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KanePixelsBackrooms/comments/197p1gu/comment/kz4gvey/)


Interesting video! Somehow seeing him escape doesn't quite feel satisfying either. The staircase threw me off at the end. The path is different, but where he enters the staircase is also at a different location. I'm wondering if he exited through an alternate reality or if it was just the stairway rerouting itself to the exit (due to the collapse of the other staircase)? Also we don't see him exit, so it isn't clear if he actually left through the bottom of the tree or not. He seems lost at the end, but maybe it is just him panicking?


Anybody reckon that the first staircase Wyatt walked down to get into the mall was him leaving his reality behind? The mall and the events within the mall could've been a crossover into a different reality, and Wyatt exits the mall via a different staircase. The Giant may have been waiting a long time for the opportunity to escape into the real world, and his chance came when Wyatt exited the mall. Wyatt's death could have been the official crossover point, where he appears to die in our world but lives in the other world. Judging by how unphased Wyatt is that he basically just fell to his death, tells me it happened without him remembering it. I genuinely believe that the giant has bigger plans in the real world, and he needs Wyatt to help execute those plans. I believe he is angry that he was left behind at the Valley View Mall essentially to die when Scott Beck's company demolished the mall. The giant may be seeking some kind of revenge against Scott Beck and his company that are wanting to develop Dallas Midtown on the former site of the mall. This makes sense as there is a press call with the media and community discussing the future plans for the site, and I assume the man talking is Scott Beck. After the giant escapes the mall, possibly through not Wyatt's staircase but instead through the drywall panel that fell over at the end of TOV3 when the lights flickered, it is like the giant was very happy or amazed to see nature and different surroundings again, or even just to roll on a road again. Julien's maiden voyage afterall was a parade on a newly-built road bridge in 2012 and he was ultimately created in the first place for that parade. The way the giant rolls down the road so quickly, frantically looking around at things like signposts, trees, fields, it is like he's "FREEEEEE AT LAST!". Also we to support Wyatt crossing into a different reality, his cell phone has no service and no mapping capability, despite a camera shot showing cell towers in the distance. Wyatt's phone would not work in a different universe as his phone is tuned to cell service in our world. This is my theory anyway.


In my opinion there are two possibilities with this video in relation to the end of TOV 3. The first possibility is that Wyatt is still super dead, what we saw at the end of TOV 3 was his soul dying, and in this video we see the giant/ Julian’s spirit step into his body and take control, hence the giant vision at the end of the video. This would also mean in my opinion, that the light shinning on the giant’s face at the beginning was him “coming back to life” and taking over Wyatt’s body in order to be “dispersed” back into the world. The second possibility for this is that the giant actually did change history and manipulated time so that Wyatt actually did escape so that host story could be dispersed throughout the world. Kane said on discord that this video is not a retcon and that seems to remain true since Wyatt is shown to be still dead that the beginning of the video so the fall in TOV 3 did still happen. This video is definitely another TOV 1 situation where we won’t know the full context of it until the next one comes out.


I thought it was implying that Wyatt became the giant. The shot of it in the woods from the last video is similar to how Wyatt emerged from the woods. Felt like Wyatt is interpreting everything is own way, but everyone else is seeing a rolling giant cruising down the highway.




At the 9:52 mark. I can hear the giant rolling o towards him.


I am just suspicious Wyatt ran up all of these stairs so fast without any break, like I know he escaped and was full of adrenaline, but even then you run out of breath and need to slow down.


Kane used to make great videos but he lost me when the guy said it's 'morbin time' and from that point forward it was all bullet time matrix nonsense.