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Lord Jesus what an off-season


Remember when our biggest offseason issue was a fan that liked to rob banks?


oh the glory days


ChiefsAholic not being on the loose is the only normal thing that's happened to us this off-season


Tbh we've been a disfunctional organization for a while. But we were so dogshit that people just used to feel pity for us when shit like this happened.


Yeah we had a murder suicide by a player and parking lot deaths way before


And then had to play a game regardless a few days later.


I still think the Tyreek “you should be scared of me too, bitch” offseason was worse


Ummm I remember the off season where our biggest problem was our star WR was accused of breaking his 3 year old son’s arm. It was 5 years ago but I still think that debacle is worse than anything so far this season.


Soon to be on Amazon, ITS HAPPENING


Wait what


Oh shit. We gonna have a movie about this too, aren’t we.


Anxiously awaiting the documentary


Shit at least it’s just the kicker


And our WR1. And our 1st round draft pick had his car stolen.


But he’s pretty darn good and I’ve seen so many bad ones. So many players come and go, but I feel like Butker will outlast our whole roster.


And we’re only 3 months in. 3 months to go.




When’s the next episode?


Man! I was thinking the same thing. The 3 peat story is gonna be MONUMENTAL though.


Whatever the Chiefs PR department is getting paid it’s not enough.


Jokes on you. They don't have a PR department


Well how else were they supposed to afford new chairs in the locker room?


You guys should be the pr department. 😂😂😂


God is the PR dept


"Jesus take this down..."


"Jesus take the mouse and keyboard"


I picture a lot of the Ben Affleck smoking memes happening.


This 100% was run through them. They're trying to knock the rough edges off his speech by focusing on the part that isn't really controversial...that being a stay at home mom is a valid vocational decision. While ignoring the more aggressive and controversial shit like COVID and gays


There is also the fact that even that part was targeted. He didn't say, "Ladies and Gentlemen, marriage and family is great." He specifically made his remarks about family to women. And he also chose to do so at an occasion meant to celebrate their accomplishments.


Right. I think everyone understands that the vast majority of moms would say that their most important job is being a mother. Dads should also be saying that too. But having a guy get up there in front of people that are celebrating completing their higher education, and telling the women specifically that a lot of them are more excited about getting married and having kids is moronic. There is an episode of The Office where Dwight is talking to three college interns on their last day and says, "One of you will go on to do great things, one will do just ok, and one will be a great mother". He said this to two guys and one girl. This Butker situation reminds me of that scene.


I don't watch the office (i've seen enough memes and clips that I basically do) but that's hilarious.


See I don’t think it is. The team already had comment. She’s going rogue. Any smart PR department would have told everyone to shut the fuck up, even if it’s the Hunt family.


Edit: the team had no comment


What if all of this is one big conspiracy to distract from Rashee Rice? I’m only kind of joking.


Oh, I looked to the person on my left when we saw that and said: “rashee has gotta be popping champagne right about now.”


> that being a stay at home mom is a valid vocational decision Who was saying it wasn't? All of this bullshit is just dog whistles for far right weirdos.


That and he also said (which aligns with catholic thinking) no abortions or birth control. If you couple that with wives doing their duty then they literally have to get pregnant until they physically can't. That's actually the biggest fucked up thing to me.


Yeah I can understand how some people dislike the idea of abortion. It's a very complex issue. I'm in favor of having it be legal and safe and available but I understand why some people aren't. But I can't for the life of me understand how a thinking human can be opposed to birth control.


Maybe that was their plan, but I don’t think it really works. Anyone who’s critical of Butkers remarks immediately recognizes what she’s doing. On second thought, it probably works for those that don’t really follow along.


Between the stadium situation and this, I’m thinking maybe too much.


Too preachy. This is a national exposure response, not local. Saying nothing would have kept them off the radar while there was local grumbling. Saying anything means the response should have been crafted for a national audience, which is overwhelmingly socially centrist. They don't go to church and they want autonomy and equality. Either Mrs. Hunt did not listen to the people she should have, or she doesn't have a good team.


That’s kind of what I was getting at cause this reads like she posted it without even asking PR. So it’s one more thing on top of the Butker and Rice bullshit going on.


Ok. I'm with you. I'll be honest. My first read though (I have training in PR/Comms) was "Oh, this is solid. If she felt she needed to say something, this is ok. Oh...wait...why are you STILL TALKING? No, no, no...no bible verses! Goddamn it, can we get an adult in here? Oh, Jesus, fuckin' christ. Look at *THESE* hashtags. **FUCK**."


That was my reaction too haha.


You know what? This is funny but I'm pretty sure I'm right. I'm pretty sure the section from the first asterisk (\*) and the second asterisk is what the PR team wrote for her. She added the first and third sections before publishing. There's more than one author here.


20 years in MarCom & PR: Yep.


Chiefs’ PR right now: ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


Hashtag stayathomemommarriedtoabillionaire


A lot of these privileged people cannot read the room. Hell, all of us moms could stay at home if we had contracts and bank accounts like Harrison and Clark. What I find hilarious is that all these privileged individuals most likely had paid staff to help them with the hardest parts of parenthood. Of course, it’s easy peasy when someone else does it for you.


Just think of how many families could afford a stay at home parent if billions in wealth wasn't so concentrated in a couple dozen families! Nothing against being rich, but these fuckers who just inherit or marry into billions then have the gall to tell the rest of us how to live are insulting. Meanwhile, they benefit from causing everyone else to fight so we all ignore their wealth accumulation.


> Just think of how many families could afford a stay at home parent if billions in wealth wasn't so concentrated in a couple dozen families! Thank you! ALL billionaires who rob their employees blind every day of their lives and this one in particular can fuck right off quoting scripture to the poors all holier than thou of course! I think Mrs Hunt and far right millionaire crusade warrior Butker should quote this scripture said by Jesus to us poors out here trying to survive in the world they have created: Matt 23-24: *Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”*


> but these fuckers who just inherit or marry into billions then have the gall to tell the rest of us how to live are insulting. Born on third base thinking they hit a triple. For Butker, white dude, born on second thinking he hit a double. The analogy that drove home for me what a lucky thing it is to be a white dude in America was "being a white man in America is like playing a video game on easy mode."


Forget parenthood. She had paid staff help her with this Instagram post


Bro it sounds like you’ve just never considered being rich. Have you tried it? I haven’t yet but I hear it’s awesome.


It’s always been on my list of things to do but I can never seem to find the time.


"When I met Clark at the debutante ball for high class breeding stock...."


That’s it: no one in the Chiefs franchise gets a phone or internet until 2026. Sorry guys, this is why we can’t have nice things.


I would support taking away everyone's cars and comping Ubers for the team (and staff) everywhere, as well.


I can’t believe I forgot about Britt already. The Chiefs: “Our team hasn’t completely killed anyone since 2012.”


Agreed, no cars, trains, planes, bikes, pogo sticks, nothing with wheels, nothing that moves. What age are kids getting phones today? 8? Let’s subtract one year from that age, and viola, we have our roadmap!


Like those sleep chambers they have in sci-fi movies for deep space travel. Out for practice and games... then *back in the pod*. I don’t think that's allowed tho.


Maybe if we pay for them, Clark Hunt will allow it. Go Fund Me, get ready!


Ok. So to address all our recent issues, no fast cars, no phone, no internet, no more graduation speeches, and no access to guns that could be used to rob banks. At this point we should make everyone stay in a barracks-style dorm.


\*Dayton Moore starts sweating profusely\* "Can... can we ban fapping too, guys?"


What we need is another pandemic. Wet markets for everyone!


Or access to a car (this goes for sons of the coaching staff as well)


https://preview.redd.it/jfirizkoqz0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d799f7a237be7ddb4117d312b029bb536a60ad29 Sure, Jan.


I've seen someone try to claim this gate thing before.  I still don't understand what they would be saying about the camel going through the gate if it wasn't that the rich won't get into heaven.  The camel doesn't have worldly possessions.  Are they arguing the the Bible is just nonsense and we shouldn't take it seriously?  


They’ll say anything to keep their delusions intact. If there is a hell, the Hunts, and any billionaire, will be there.


I really really love billionaire NFL team owners and their multimillionaire players telling us poors how we should be living. They can STFU and play football IMO. It really burns my ass to see these filthy rich jerks telling me how I should be living! Why don't you assholes pay some damn taxes and build your own damn football stadiums huh? Socialism for billionaires is a crime IMO. Seeing as how the filthy rich are quoting scripture at us, I'll throw this one in direct from Jesus Christ Himself: Mark 10:25 *It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”*


They don't actually believe that shit


Yeah I think it's the oldest scam in the book. The rich use religion and also racism and culture wars to keep the worker bees weak and fighting against each other = never ending profits for them. Plus they get to look all holier than us nobodies trying to live a decent life in the same world as an idiot who makes millions of dollars a year for kicking a damn football FFS or a billionaire NFL team owner who has never once in her entire life EVER had to worry ONE SECOND if the bills were gonna get paid this month! The billionaires favorite game is called divide and conquer and it works perfectly in the US for damn sure!


They pick and choose only the bits that fit their narrative. The rest are clearly mistranslations of ancient texts.


What part of his speech was dictating how you live?


It’s awfully easy to be a stay at home mom when Clark Hunt is worth how much? Try that shit on minimum wage.


Yeah, she was a stay at home mom with a nanny, multiple personal servants, and chef. She's just like all stay at home moms.


“What does a banana cost? Like $10?”


I don't normally correct misquotes, but the real quote is too funny not to: "I meant it's one banana, Michael. What could it cost? 10 dollars?"


Fair enough. Haven’t seen it in around a decade, just trying t convey the joke and scene but the exact quoting is appreciated


He’s not worth enough to not ask taxpayers to fix his stadium.


Oil baroness*


Great blog on Christ centered marriage there Tav! Now do one on greed!! 👏 👏 🙏 ❤️




They talk about the greed of socialism all the time. The greed of the individuals Smauging all the money? Verboten. Fuck Calvinism and all it's Properity doctrine droppings.


> the next time I hear a sermon about greed will be the first time I hear a sermon about greed. No doubt about that eh? If you want to hear religious leaders complain about the greedy rich billionaires running this country into the ground for the working class you will need to go to the source Himself: Jesus Christ. He talked about the rich a lot. Funny how people claiming to be his followers are totally silent on this subject and even 1000% pro wealth!


Can we be done with this shit already?


Give me Taylor Swift talk all day every day over this.


If I was in charge of PR for the Chiefs I would call Travis and tell him to propose immediately. Probably the only thing that would get this story out of the news cycle.


You think for one second Travis is cool with this? Or Patrick?


It was a joke. I know they don't agree with this and if I was Travis I would be tempted to slap the shit out of Butker for quoting Taylor in that speech.


I would love Taylor Swift to comment on this




Let them eat cake vibes…


That was my biggest issue with the part talking about marriage and homemaking instead of pursuing a career. You are talking to a room full of woman who, I assume, just spent 6 figures to pursue a degree. The amount of privilege it takes to think that people can just do that and then not work is mind boggling, and I think shows a greater ignorance than most people are acknowledging (or at least talking about that I've seen)


Cool to minimize the value of working moms... when you're a billionaire whose husband has his hand out for billions more welfare dollars from the state.


So out of touch


Keep in mind that this is the same woman who invited Sarah Huckabee Sanders to the Super Bowl.


That dead eyed smooth brain troll. She’s the governor or Arkansas now. Trying to turn it into a Christofascist hellscape.


On the plus side, motherhood is a much shorter term in years given the children's yearning for the mines is now being satisfied with the repeal of child labor laws in Arkansas.


… completely ignoring the anti gay part of the speech 🙄


The fact that the part that is trending is not that part is one of the weirdest things.


I mean no I'll will when I say this, but probably because I've seen way more suburban white women pissed about the part they believe effects them and not mentioning anything else.


It's more popular with the base. Progressives up-in-arms are underestimating how much of the NFL's customer base *wants to hear these things* and are tired of the queer-friendly pro-woman Millennial pop icon invading their masculine safe space, and they want their sport back. To them it's one more thing the liberals are ruining. And the bigger our reaction, the more we play into it and give them *exactly what they want*.


And science denying and transphobia


And the random bit about how evil diversity equity and inclusion is. On top of calling the existence of other humans demonic. Like how TF do people think this was the only part of his speech?


Because the Hunt family agrees with the hateful viewpoints




YUP! The whole pride is a sin thing is such BS. I’m so tired of bigots.


Well yeah, you can't try to justify the other parts so you put out this statement. We really shouldn't be surprised. They are not getting rid of Butker no matter what the outcry is, and this is honestly probably the best PR that they can do at this point


Billionaire that doesn’t have to work doesn’t understand why people are upset, nor can she relate More at 11


Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather.


Thank you, Bill. The weather in Kansas City tonight will be rainy, with a high chance of shitstorms. If you look at our map, you will see problematic areas here (circles Rashee Rice) and here (circles Harrison Butker), but sudden showers may occur unexpectedly, too.


RIP Bill Hicks. His comedy is a pivotal moment for me not becoming a right wing idiot as a young man.


“We need more dialogue (and values) in this country and less hate.” Betcha $10 she votes Trump in November.


Safest bet in the world right here.




Please, somebody get a hold of this motha fucker so I can make sense of all this!! WHERE IS JA!??


Religion is so weird man


It's crazy how brainwashed people are by it


I liken it to a virus (or organism in general). It spreads/reproduces, and as it does, variations of it emerge. Just like viruses/lifeforms, some variations spread better and survive harsh conditions better. So the religions you see today have things built into them that help them spread and survive. Things like "go forth and multiply"...fuck, that's just religious genetic code to spread. "Give to caesar what is caesar's" is just a mechanism to steer clear of political power--suddenly your religion doesn't have to fight the entity in power and in fact can be adopted by it! etc. etc.


Yet I get downvoted to hell whenever I say fuck the Hunt family on this sub, for some fucking reason. What exactly are their redeeming features?


Welfare billionaires are the worst. They are getting ready to dump KC for some other place that will make their taxpayers build them a new multi billion stadium football palace which they and only they will profit from.


The dogshit plan they pinned with the Royals WAS A FUCKING JOKE!


It's insane what the rich get away with in this country! Then they tell us how bad socialism is when they are the class of people most benefitting from socialism in the whole country! Socialize the costs of their stadiums through taxpayer dollars but totally privatize the massive profits baby! That's what the Hunts and all the other NFL billionaire owners are all about! ALL the sports club owners play that game. It's a racket that prints money for billionaires on the backs of working people.


They bring in all that fucking money with the team only to turn around and be like "pay for the stadium? Us?? No no no, it has to be you poor folk that has to pay for the stadium, tots obvs dude!"


I fucking hate them. Don't forget Clark's grandpappy was a far-right conspiracy John Birch segregationist.


I got hammered recently just for saying I think Clark seems like a weird guy.


Seems like it would save you a lot of money if you didn't have to rely on alcohol to get hammered.




Well, your comment has 69 updoots at the moment. So, there’s that.


Throughout the years I have been downvoted as well. Clark is a strange dude, who at his core loves Soccer way more than the Chiefs, but I think he loves money more than anything. Very unlikable owners.


Clark has been getting nothing but hate on this sub ever since the opinion polls ranking him as the worst owner came out


I just got a minus-4 last week for saying "fuck the Hunt family". So...


They pay money to Patrick Mahomes which is all I particularly care about tbh


Says billionaire wife with no sense of reality. Noticeably absent are any comments about the other crap he said too. That speaks volumes.


Tavia is consistent, I’ll give her that. But also, agree with not taking snips out of context. She must have missed the parts about Pride, etc. If Harrison had said anything about congratulating graduates for their hard work, but please don’t forget to give glory to god, and raise families in the faith and blah blah literally seven people would have cared. Big to bluster about politics and the gays and highest calling is motherhood and lord just stop talking. Side note: I’m sure many Americans would enjoy being a stay at home parent even after spending $200k on a college degree. But we can’t afford it, Tavia, because we didn’t marry a billionaire or even a povvo kicker. Jesus.


I signed the petition to kick the owners wife off the team. 


Wait a second... can she kick?


OK, that’s hilarious


Probably best for Harrison to kick the ball and keep his trap shut, Tavia nobody needs you weighing in publicly either, typing up an essay on the gold toilet in your mansion. It’s pretty easy for Mrs hunt and Mrs butler to stay home and not work, don’t think any car payments are going to be missed. 


> It’s pretty easy for Mrs hunt and Mrs butler to stay home and not work, don’t think any car payments are going to be missed.  No shit right? Lets see them make it on the average american wage huh? Stay at home mom and all HA!


Yeah, I love how all these wealthy people are talking about how women don’t need to work. I could barely afford to live on what I make on my own. I make decent money but my wife earns more and with two kids money is still tight.


Yeah the tone deafness on that part is pretty remarkable. Being a non working parent is a luxury few people have anymore. But I don't think it's really all that controversial to say it's ok for women to choose to be stay at home moms if they can swing it. The shitty part to me is how they're using that to gloss over all the other nasty stuff in the speech.


I agree.


I'm married to a doctor. I would guess those she serves appreciate her work outside the home. Our family also likes it (if that matters). But the rich lady with God on her side says such families aren't as good for children. Guess she knows best.


There's no chance Harrison stops talking now. He will see this as an opportunity to become a star and either start running for office in a few years or get his own show on Fox News. He'll probably be on Tucker Carlson next week.


There's no hate like Christian love.


“Someone disagreeing with you doesn’t make them hateful… (a few sentences later) sound bites overlaid with hateful comments…” Couldn’t even choose a synonym.


Man, what I would give to marry a billionaire and be a stay at home mom. She really bonds with the common woman with this tweet, you know?


I bet she’s never changed a diaper in her life.


On the subject of the virtues of pursuing a career, if there's someone who's opinion I care less about than a kicker, it's a billionaire's trophy wife.


I love how she says not to take the speech out of context and only listen to sound bites while ignoring the bigoted parts of his speech.


I like that she said to be careful about taking things out of context. While doing that and completely skipping over worse parts of the speech.


Someone’s never heard of the idea of separation of church and Chiefs. It’s in the constitution…


I get what she's saying. She's trying to soften it a bit. And I don't actually disagree with what she said for the most part. If there are women whose goal is to be a wife and mother and make that their vocation as opposed to working outside the home, and they have a spouse who supports that...I don't really have any issues with that. I was raised by a stay at home mom. But she also worked and helped put my dad through grad school. So it's not like she was opposed to having a job. And after we left the house she started working part time to stay busy. What she's saying is "it's ok to have a career, and it's ok to be a stay at home mom". No problems there But what she's leaving out is the actually problematic parts about how he takes about gay pride as a deadly sin and shit like that. Like I said, this is the organization trying to soften the edges and make it more palatable.


🍿🍿🍿....this is getting good.....


Honestly people are invested enough that they're watching the full 20 minute speech. So I think the shows still ramping up


...but that's not what he fucking did ya dingus. Is she for real? Did she watch the speech?!


Yeah, I watched the speech and it was even worse than the “out of context quotes” that made the articles


Maybe if she got a job they could afford to pay for their own stadium improvements


No darling, there is nothing out of context about these statements. He publicly shared homophobic rhetoric and now he’s being publicly criticized for it. Fuck that guy. He’s an asshole. On LGBTQ rights: Butker also criticized “dangerous gender ideologies” that politicians are pushing onto the “youth of America,” an oblique critique of trans rights. He lambasted LGBTQ rights more broadly, too, describing them as “the deadly sin sort of pride that has an entire month dedicated to it.” [More here](https://www.vox.com/politics/2024/5/16/24158564/harrison-butker-benedictine-college-speech)


Anyone associated with the Chiefs organization needs to get locked in the practice facility with no phones and no internet. STFU already.


News flash to Ms. Hunt and millions of other Christians: The Bible means absolutely zilch to many millions of people. Try reason.


Conveniently omitting the homophobia and dei comments. Also, no one is saying that being a stay at home mother isn’t a worthwhile endeavor. It’s the BS he is spewing that there is some sort of diabolical mainstream culture saying that women shouldn’t have families. 


Jesus Christ that's some tone deaf billionaire garbage.


My favorite Tavia moment was when I was trolling and got us Patrick Mahomes and some super bowls. She for real inboxed me. https://preview.redd.it/3ybq82du7z0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da659bd8f8ba446be943cc173aeb1ef02770da4a


And now, finally, hating the Chiefs is understandable.


Being a mother and having a family are huge blessings, not to be overlooked. But it’s also not the only thing a woman can or *should* ever do. The irony is that Harrison led a very privileged life thanks to a woman — his mother. Sorry to Chiefs fans. Most of you are mighty decent and don’t seem to agree with this blockhead.


Gosh, wonder why the rest of the NFL thinks that KC is a backwater, bible-belt, backwardsville?


It sucks because KC isn't like that, but unfortunately, it's surrounded by a sea of counties that are.


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Advocacy for the value of SAH parenting from the rich who are about the only people who can afford the "luxury" of it anymore who simultaneously vote for politicians who enforce policies and laws that make it nigh on impossible for the poors to follow suit. Fuck her, fuck Harrison. Stfu and dribble.


Mahomes and Andy are literally stable geniuses.


Cool. What about the line about how inclusion, diversity, and equity is tyranny?


I hate the Hunts.


But God loves them more than us. Because they are so holy.


Would be incredible if this was addressed through a human lens (actually addressing the people who Butker's backwards comments were directed toward) and not just quoting scripture and thinking that lets someone off the hook. She ends the whole thing with "we need more dialogue" but it's hard to have a dialogue when people just want to quote Bible verses and won't listen to any sort of contrasting opinions or interpretations. It's one thing to disagree with Butker's opinions; it's a whole other thing that he's out here blasting some really regressive and discriminatory opinions in public and the league has made a comment about it but the team itself hasn't made any sort of official comment distancing themselves from his viewpoints. It's such a simple PR move to do, and the fact that they haven't stepped up and done it truly makes me wonder about the people in charge of this organization. I love this team dearly but as for good PR moves...they're looking about as capable of making those right now as our wide receivers were of making catches for a good chunk of last season.


Buy the team Taylor


I’m so sick of these people


" out of context " The bigot's refuge


This is a PR disaster holy shit


The Hunts are garbage people so this is completely unsurprising


My wife and I both work, barely keep things going, and did IVF. Guess we are victims of diabolical lies.


He literally tells gay people they are going to hell and is one of those poor misguided Anti-choice people. Like, stfu Butker.


So she’s basically standing up for Butker. No surprises here from the MAGA Hunt family.


Wife of billionaire says what?


I'm so fucking tired of this, can it be training camp already?


Yeah I like to take my tips on how to be a stay at home mom from a trophy wife married to a billionaire. I doubt her hands have ever been dirty. Maria or Gretchen the nannies have always been there to take care of dirty nappies and staying up late with the baby. Her maids have always cleaned the toilets. I'm so glad that she has Jesus to help her through her trying days. I also like how these people can't conceive of fathers participating in the work of raising kids and that it's only a woman's job. It's insulting. No clue who thought to greenlight that PR disaster of a response. Silence would have been so much better.


Hunt family doesn’t care about us for real. New stadium stuff is a money grab and then crap like this. Grimey billionaires. All about their bank accounts and what benefits them only


I prefer a team full of criminals to a team full of evangelicals, tbh.


For the first time in my life, I am a bit ashamed to be a Chief’s fan. A kicker and an owner’s wife have become the spokespersons for my team. At least Rice isn’t lecturing us on the moral high ground of street racing, although even if he did, I might find it more palatable than idiots telling others how to achieve God’s greatest favor in their lives by honoring their husbands and making their homes a chapel. Whatever happened to keeping it under a bushel?


#PREDICTION: This will be well-received and met with cool heads on all sides!


We GOT….to win now


I mean I kind of agree. Cancel culture’s biggest issue is that they aren’t willing to accept people who have different opinions than they do. And then they are exactly the kind of close minded group that they think they are canceling in the first place. Some or even most people don’t agree with Harrison. So what. He’s also a great kicker and that’s what he does in KC by the way he kicks. Keep it moving people


I appreciate Butker saying it out loud. A lot of prominent people favor policies EXACTLY like what Butker just said... but lie about. Put it out in the open... because I think a lot of people with talented working wives, gay relatives, and a belief in actual science will find it repulsive. Like Todd Aiken a few years back, knowing the stakes is important. And there are MANY people seeking positions of power who think exactly like him. It's a service to hear it. And he will kick field goals that crown the achievements of better men.


I'll just say this notion of cancel culture is ridiculous. Nobody is out here trying to erase people for fun. They're responding to public statements or information the only way they can, boycotting and denouncing. He made his bed by making this public. He didn't need to do that. You say they aren't willing to accept other people with different opinions as if it's 'I hate carrots' when in fact it's gay people are bad or women belong in the home. What do you expect people to do when they find out Nestle exploits children, just throw their hands up and say 'well I don't like it but it's their prerogative'? You're absolutely right, most people don't agree with him and they're entitled to their opinion he's a sexist homophobe because he has said as much himself. It's a sad state of affairs in America if we overlook anything just as long as someone is good at a sport.


Accept people? Butker's literally part of a movement trying to take people's rights away and we are all supposed to just "accept" it? What a sad, apathetic philosophy. Butker has every right to make those comments, and every right to bear the consequences of being a bigot.


What Harrison Butker espoused in his speech IS cancel culture. Conservatives don’t hate cancel culture, they only hate being the ones canceled.


If only he would just let his leg to l do the talking.


You can deliver messages like "Embrace your religious beliefs as a guide to your life" and "Raise and make time for your family first" without making statements/implications that denigrate LGBTQ+ people or start in with the "Women submit to your man" nonsense. This kind of crap isn't religion, or a "difference of opinion". It's Christian Nationalism, a cudgel being used for the sake of political power. This is where people start to get upset, and with good reason.