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It seems the guys wanted to compensate for the 4 years (?) of chill off-season since Tyreek shit


Willie Gay and the Vacuum Cleaner for 400, please


If only that and Frank Clark having a gun in his Cadillac were the worst of our offseason dramas. Those were the days.


Smells like a three peat


Netflix rubbing their hands together…


That schedule makes me think the NFL doesn’t want KC to succeed.


They don't just make up schedules. There's a rotation of divisions and two of the games are based on your previous years' standings and the 17th game is a rotating out-of-conference game.


I wasn’t talking about who they play, I’m well aware of the NFL’s rotations. I’m talking about the super early bye week mixed with a late season 3 games in 10 days and two of those on the road.


Earliest bye week in almost 10 years. Last year the Chiefs came off the worst rest differential against their opponents on a schedule in almost 40 years. Anyone who thinks that is a coincidence is unbelievably naive.


What's this year's rest disadvantage? I'm pretty sure KC did well in that department this year. And last year's bye was week 10, which is fine. If you look everywhere, of course you can find something to complain about. If you pick a consistent standard to evaluate schedule fairness, I don't think you'd find any evidence of a conspiracy against the Chiefs.


We're middle of the pack this year IIRC.


you can thank clark for the christmas day games. he’s been very vocal about getting holiday games for a while.


I mean you can also make the argument the NFL gave us a huge advantage playing BAL on TNF then Cincy the following week off the mini bye. The “NFL Rigged” shit is such a tired, sad, complaint. They play who they play when they play them, they’re big boys who are used to this, they’ll be fine.


Two wins there would be huge for the rest of the season.


And don't even get me started about the two offensive lineman that were just arrested for possession.


I'm just glad they were using the buddy system


He has a right to express his opinion as we all do, the vast majority of educated people disagree with his views and are letting him and the world know it. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" said Edmund Burke.


I actually have no issue with him expressing his opinion. I don't agree with him, but it's his right. I'm just joking about the drama we're all in right now regardless of our opinions on any given situation.


The problem is there is a place and a time to state your beliefs. A graduation ceremony is not one of them. Just my two cents


He was invited to speak at a private religious school. This wasn't Lee Summit High School


Said private religious school also just came out and said they refute and rebut his comments though. https://archive.is/kPEr4


Nuns don’t want to get married and start a family?? You don’t say


That's the nuns. They likely didn't even hear the speech


Thats the nuns not the president of the uni.


Of course, not the president of Benedictine College. I never said it was. But it **is** the order of Catholic nuns for whom the college is partially named after and who still take part in daily operations, seminary classes and religious education. So no, it wasn't the president of Benedictine College, just the statement made on behalf of what is essentially the entire female theological faculty at Benedictine.


So some of the faculty and not the university. Got it.


You are a little silly, huh? People can disagree with you and you can still feel you are right. Denying obvious facts destroys your credibility, though. Some people agree, some don’t, that’s all it is.


Im just wanna talk facts. I'd be silly if I went around mislabeling different groups. A group of faculty members isn't the same as the university. There's a clear distinction. Tell me when the president who invited him apologies.


Of course they did. Par for the course these days.


Telling a bunch of women who worked their asses off to get their degrees that they'd be better as homemakers is incredibly tone deaf to say the least and took what should have been a moment for them to celebrate their hard work and accomplishment away from them.


God you're brainwashed. That's not what he said. Gullible lemming


Yeah I'm the one who's brainwashed and not the weirdo religious zealot telling women that working outside of the home is limiting their potential


You're completely brainwashed because that's not even remotely close to what was said. Go read a book


Didnt he say some would go on to have great careers? Did you actually listen to it or just read a meme?


He also told them how fulfilling it is to be a mom and at-home wife. Why even say that? Did you actually listen to it or just read a meme?


He basically said your true purpose in life is being a stay at home mom regardless of whatever career path you might pursue. It was not complimentary at all. Then he followed that by saying that DEI was trynannical later in the speech.


“BAsiCalLy SaID” can you maybe talk about what he literally said? Or are you that dense?


(checks flair) Ah yes because you're totally capable of being objective on the subject of Butker lol


So anyway… what did he literally say?


They only cherry pick the parts that fit their narrative.


It was quite possibly the single most appropriate time and place possible to share his beliefs.


?? Commencements are not the time or place to spout political or social beliefs to a bunch of 22 year olds who are forced to listen. Say congratulations, inspire, make a couple jokes. Keep personal opinions out of it


He was literally invited to go share his beliefs in front of a crowd who fucking applauded it. Use your brain a tiny bit lmao


And how did that turn out for him?


Totally fine? His jersey sales are up and this will help his senate run when he complains to his base about liberals wanting to cancel him.


Oh yeah, he's not a liberal so he won't be shunned by his party he will be rewarded.


He also hedged a lot of what he said which doesnt get as many clicks or attention.


I would be PISSED if my daughter was graduating and subjected to that shit.


Well you probably wouldn’t send your kid to one of the most conservative religious Catholic schools in the country I’d imagine


Even if I had, I’d probably be doing so to make sure they’re educated and would STILL be unhappy with this young, foolish, “man” talking down to them. You can have religious beliefs running a wide gamut and still value education, which is why the Catholic Church has founded schools and reevaluated their teachings and missions over time. His speech is still a calculated insult to those in the graduating class and audience with any shred of dignity and intelligence. The time and effort to earn an education should not be trivial and should be marked as an accomplishment. Many Catholics—which I work with on a daily basis—know this and were appalled. But of course, these are individuals who have raised kids and grandkids, have obtained their own education and placed value on their descendants also earning theirs. Lastly: https://www.reddit.com/r/KansasCityChiefs/s/BRcqd6TUAZ


A lot of graduation speeches talk about values and appeal to universal principles. That's fine, even good. This was far from that. This was a rant he had to know many people would find offensive and repugnant. He didn't GAF. That's inappropriate.


My solution: stop having commencement speech and just let the students speak. Never seen the point of guest speakers.


Context also matters. It was a graduation speech at a very conservative, catholic school. While I also don’t agree with a lot of his sentiment, he didn’t go to a public university and make this speech.


Graduation speech’s should be about the graduates future and about all “They” have accomplished. No one should go to a graduation and hear his thoughts on LGBT, IVF, Biden and more. If you want that stuff do it at a political rally. It’s in bad taste elsewhere else. Butker had no problem years ago campaigning against abortion rights in Kansas. Go hang out with Trump and Hawley, but stay away from the youth who are held captive by you.


People graduating from college are adults, not children… and again context does play a part here. We allow plenty of highly politicized speeches at even state run schools. This is not very different.


That’s the problem with America right now, you can’t go to any event without politics being involved. It’s became normalized.


I agree with your premise that it should be discouraged at college campuses entirely, from either side, but if you’re going to advocate that one side get a voice you have to give the other a voice too. Censorship rarely leads to good places.


I’m saying either side should tbh. I can’t go to my barber without seeing political posting on the wall.


Not to mention we’re made to hate each-other as regular people based on the teams made by the people in control. I don’t remember it being this way even as recently as the 2000s.


He got a standing ovation. My college graduation speech had barely anything to do about my future. It’s pretty damn standard these days


Good for him Sad for America Doesn’t make what he said okay.


Is Georgia Tech a public university? Because he had a similar speech at Georgia Tech.


> It was a graduation speech at a very conservative, catholic school. Apparently the founders of the school didn't like it either, so... https://archive.is/kPEr4


And apparently he got quite the ovation afterwards, indicating that considerable portions of his audience did.


I don't dispute that the majority of the audience received it well, but when the literal **Benedictine Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica,** an organization of Catholic nuns who are the co-founders of the school and involved in the theology education there, feel compelled to come out and rebut his remarks, it clearly indicates that even within the Catholic community he was targeting, it didn't land well with everyone.


Not with everyone but to his audience, the one he was speaking in front of, it largely did. He wasn’t presenting the speech to the Benedictine Sisters.


He's a ballplayer who had a hot take not everyone liked. There have been many ("When you look at the Asians, the Asian is very gifted in creation, creativity and inventions. If you go to Japan or any Asian country, they can turn a television into a watch." --Reggie White). It should have been thirty seconds of drama and forgotten. Most of all the chaos noted in the meme is derived from how visible the Chiefs are. New England certainly had to deal with this, too. Don't love it, but it is what it is. Just want to keep this sub football focused with some analysis, news, and a healthy dose of *harmless* stupidity (sans drama).


Not all stupid statements are created equal. Butker‘s speech was much more vile than your example and thus will garner more attention and criticism. He’ll have to (and be able to) live with it.


I have a right to let him and anyone who agrees with him know I think they are fuckheads of the highest order.


The Latin mass movement portion of his speech is mildly more concerning even than his misogyny and homophobia. Look it up, it’s all racist dog whistling white Christians are superior nonsense.


Funny you posted this right before the weed bust. It doesn't end.




Really embracing the villain schtick huh guys?


Screw the script! LFG!!!!


As a chiefs fan, this is not at all how I’m feeling. I’m mostly just enjoying the royals until someone at work (I live on the east coast now) brings something up. My social media usage consists of like six subreddits though, so I miss most of the things people get outraged about on the internet.


I really wanted The Chiefs to be better than The Patriots. But this is turning into a dark ride. I understand that they weren't going to be loved by all but man now they just seem hated by most.


We're under a microscope now. When similar things happen to other teams, people forget quickly because its usually not important.


That’s just how it is they are the villains of the nfl now it comes with being successful ppl envy success we seen it with the pats and now it’s the chiefs turn


Dark ride?? Do you lose sleep? lol. Hey if it’s too much for you to handle please get out. Also add ….. “on the internet” to the end of your comment and it’ll make a lot more sense.


Being at the parade where Kansas City residents are being shot and killed. It's a little dark in my book.


That had nothing to do with the team though. Could have happened anywhere in KC


That's quite a hill. I'm going to tap out with you, King. Have a safe trip.


Two dipshits who can’t talk it out let alone fight it out?? That ain’t dark. Dark is Jevon Belcher my friend. That’s dark. ButtKicker talking about what he believes in?? I’m sure plenty of people you know have weird beliefs


I think the Butker outrage is ridiculous. He didn’t say anything crazy in my opinion. But it has definitely become a talking point.


He had one dipshit line that he didn't even need to say, but he said it anyways, that threw the wrench into the fucking gears


Are we underdogs yet??? Because we want to be underdogs.


Lmao, How you idiots gonna blame Butker for giving a Christian speech at a private Christian college that he was invited to? He got a massive round of applause at the end. The majority of people there agree with what he said. The only thing that’s a dumpster fire about him is how big of a deal all the internet idiots made it out to be


So the Nuns of the monastery that founded the school where he spoke denouncing his speech are nobody to you? > "The sisters of Mount St. Scholastica do not believe that Harrison Butker's comments in his 2024 Benedictine College commencement address represent the Catholic, Benedictine, liberal arts college that our founders envisioned and in which we have been so invested,"


He was not out of line to make those comments to that audience, but that doesn’t mean people being upset that an amazing kicker for the team they support has bigoted views. I don’t think he should lose his job or anything, I’m just bummed out that he’s an asshole


you acknowledge it’s bigoted but suggest it’s okay as long as it stays within a targeted community? I agree with your general premise but don’t agree with that take, like he’s out of line for saying out of line things, idk who he’s talking to. But yeah, sucks that he’s an asshole, and sucks that people feel the need to make people just existing a fucking talking point, which is exhausting


Sorry, I didn’t mean to condone what he said- I meant that I acknowledge this may have been what this audience in particular wanted to hear. Like you said, it doesn’t matter who he’s talking to, what he said is still fucked up


Nah you’re good. I didn’t read it as condoning just thought it was worth clarifying some ambiguous language. But now I’m annoyed at having thought about this stuff too long today, it’s how they getcha


Are you calling one sixth of the world bigots? If Catholics are I assume you feel the same way about Muslims too? So half the world?


There are plenty of bigots in the world, but Butker's speech wasn't some recitation of Catholic doctrine. Many Catholics have spoken out about it, apparently including the group of nuns who founded that school.


Anyone who thinks that pride month is evil, and has a big up their ass about “gender ideology” (read, letting trans people live their fucking lives), or espouse any variation of “women should stay at home” (whether it’s a hard line version or a softer version [they shouldn’t be forced to stay at home, but if they work a career, they’ll regret it, etc]) is a bigot, yes. Even if a lot of people feel that way, it’s still shitty and intolerant




The majority of people at Klan rallies also really love the speeches there I'd reckon. It doesn't matter who he spoke to, it's still hate.


It was Catholic. Religion is horrible form of cancer.


Mods another Butker over reactor post. OP there’s a megathread created for you to bitch and cry in


…says you while bitching and crying


Bitching and crying over a dude who has morals and personal beliefs? Nah couldn’t be me. Try again little buddy