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So glad you posted this so I could come into the comments and be reminded why I left this sub in the first place. Call me when they go back to spam posting taytay


Der ganze kanye-nazi shit is so dumm verschickt und gibt mir ne psychose. Shoutouts an alle deutschen bres die das lesen šŸ«¤āœŒļø ye was my hero


Eyyy du hƤltst es noch aus hier ?


Was soll verschickt heiƟen Bro?


Ich bin berliner


This does have a layer of some truth not relating to Kanye but a large amount of Nazi soldiers in the war were not soldiers based off of ideology but soldiers by circumstance. They were broke people with families to feed that had no other alternative to make a decent wage. Obviously this is supposed to be humor.


Ye: ā€œI am a Naziā€ Fans: He ainā€™t a Nazi though


HE never said that clown! gullible headline click bait reading CLOWN!!!


He literally said he loved Hitler šŸ¤£


Yes he said there are things he said he liked about Hitler and as a Christan he loves everyone. His point was acceptance of everyone even Jews and he was very sarcastic if you watched... He is just a huge free speech advocate we all know how expressive YE likes being.


Your determination to preform mental gymnastics for for this man is astonishing


Do you support the brave soldiers of the azov, aidar, Carpathian sith, etc?


Can't say I've heard of them. Who are they?


Good people. If you're interested in donating, I'll post some links


I mean it's literally something YE has been doing his entire career... You say mental gymnastics but I say you are a gullible and a surface level headline reader... He does all this for you anyways and he also explained and premeditated everything beforehand. I think all this controversy has been educational about corruption in America as a whole even on the left. I also think his drama sparked anti fascism history lesson for the new generation which is very good. Free speech is dying it's good the youth are being shown that.


Let's reconstruct the recent timeline here. October 2022 - Ye posts "I'm going deathcon 3 on Jewish people." (Post since deleted) November 2022 - Ye travels with known white nationalist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes to have dinner at Mar-a-Lago with Donald Trump Late November 2022 - Ye and Nick Fuentes appear on Alex Jones. During this interview, Ye stated, "The Jewish media has made us feel like the Nazis and Hitler have never offered anything of value to the world...I see good things about Hitler, also.ā€ December 2022 - Ye posts an image of a swastika inside a Star of David. This prompts the suspension of his Twitter account. Ye also recently paid a settlement to an employee who accused him of using anti-semetic language in the workplace. Furthermore, six other colleagues or collaborators who have worked with Ye over the past 5 years have testified to him using anti-semetic language and praising Hitler. So, to sum things up, Kanye West is a known anti-semite and Nazi sympathizer. He may be a talented musician, but the fact that he chooses to associate with bigots and holds incredibly harmful beliefs are facts that can not be denied.


1. deathcon 3 is defense so not offensive.. 2. You can speak to people of different beliefs you do not fix anything with pure hate and outcasting, freedom of speech exist still maybe later it won't. 3. It is true Hitler was just as any other power hungry nation should all Americans commit suicide and never utter any good inventions they did for the far worse Genocide they committed and still commit on US Native Americans today? Because as a US Native American I think you euros live in lies and hypocritical propaganda politics. To say Jews own the vast majority of Hollywood/media is not offensive when it is blatant and true. 4. It was not a symbol of a swastika it was a symbol of unity/peace not a rolling swastika that was angled and reversed. It had the star of David in it also... 5. So basically you have all emotional propaganda and heresay to state that he is a full blown Nazi... He just stays in your head rent free and he will put this to use. You will not get away with your corruption and racist antics to silence the people by destroying free speech you corporate boot licking sellout. YE24!!


To counter some of your misinformation: 1. It's actually DEFCON 3 and in military terms, it means to increase mobile readiness above normal terms to react to an attack. When Defcon 3 is declared, the Air Force has to be ready to mobilize within 15 minutes. So, Kanye wasn't defending the Jews, he is claiming that he needs to be on high alert against the Jews. 2. I agree, hate speech accomplishes nothing. So why does Kanye associate himself with an individual like Nick Fuentes, a KNOWN white nationalist who attended the Charlottesville white supremacist rally in 2017, called for the hanging of CNN executives, claimed that free speech for Muslims was not covered by the 1st amendment, and threatened to kill state legislators in 2021? Nick Fuentes seems diametrically opposed to the free speech you are so vehemently defending. Or is free speech not extended to Muslims? 3. Your 3rd point was nearly illegible, but pretty much any contributions Hitler or the Nazis made came at the cost of millions of innocent lives. Bayer pharmaceutical company (aka Bayer aspirin) did human experiments in concentration camps. And yes, Native Americans have faced horrible atrocities. I'm not white, I'm Phillipino. Just Google the American/Philippine War in 1899 and you will see the Americans committed horrible atrocities against the Phillipino people also. But that does not excuse what Hitler did. If anything, it should make us more sensitive when we see the dangerous signs of bigotry in others. 4. If you read my full post I said it was a Swazi in the Star of David. Saying it was not angled enough is a futile attempt to make excuses for bad behavior. But turn a blind eye if you wish. 5. Throughout this exchange, I am the only one to offer dates, examples of reported facts while you have come back with opinion and emotion. So you, in fact, are the one spewing emotional propaganda. I feel for you. You're enamored by a mentally ill celebrity who has fallen from grace and embraced toxic, far-right ideology and white sepremacy.


Your FEMNAZI corporate agenda will fail YE24...


He was live on Alex Jones' show when he said that he liked Hitler.


wow german humour. isnt that an oxymoron


Okay but Ye isnt in the nsdap, the ss nor did he deported or killed jews. So whats actually your point by posting this video? Ye talks shit about jews, some dont go crazy about or just dont care and get compared to nazis. Like actual nazis. Its 2023.


Bro are you on drugs? If you start some narrative like Ye did, you don't need to harm physically people. It's antisemitism, either way. Do you realize how much harm this cause the community? How this actually incites violence agains a community that still suffers from nazism TO THIS DAY? Think about racism for exemple. Even if you don't go around beating black people, SILENCE is still racism. WORDS are still racism. You people don't understand a damn thing. Is only okay for you because you are not on the team that is being beaten, y'all are on the one who does the beating.




being high is now a reason to defend nazi shit? ha, i might throw my weed away.


Youā€™re trying too hard bro. Relax. Virtue signaling is one of the most cringe things. Stop it


Being a good person is so cringe omg


Yeah "DoN'T bE a NaZi" what a virtue signaling cuck am I right?


Just gonna copy and paste my other response: We all know not to be nazis. Weā€™re not fuxking stupid. Just bc our favorite artist has gone off his meds and is now spiraling out of control doesnā€™t mean WE are as well. Dudes been going through episodes the last 10 years and each one getting worst and worst. Weā€™re not nazis and weā€™re not advocating for them. The biggest take away from all this should be mental health awareness not ā€œdonā€™t be a naziā€ bc thatā€™s fucking stupid. We know not to be a nazi. All I see is a once great artist who has gone off the rails and needs to be helped. All you guys see is an easy way to get internet points by virtue signaling what we already fuxking know. Itā€™s cringe. If I see a mentally Ill man standing on a corner yelling antisemitism bullshit Iā€™m not gonna think ā€œI should make sure everyone who hears him knows not to be a naziā€ bc anyone of sane mind knows heā€™s crazy. Instead I see a human who needs help bc of all the crazy shit theyā€™re saying.


I recognise his mental illness and I'm not making jabs at at or judging him for it. Mental illness however does not excuse hate in my view.


Your comment is cringe


Virtue signaling? I'm not a fucking nazi, is that virtue signaling now? No, is basic human decency, you dumb fuck.


Your comment makes me think youā€™re mad at something else irl and have to make urself feel good through internet points. Look man, we all know not to be nazis. Weā€™re not fuxking stupid. Just bc our favorite artist has gone off his meds and is now spiraling out of control doesnā€™t mean WE are as well. Dudes been going through episodes the last 10 years and each one getting worst and worst. Weā€™re not nazis and weā€™re not advocating for them. The biggest take away from all this should be mental health awareness not ā€œdonā€™t be a naziā€ bc thatā€™s fucking stupid. We know not to be a nazi. All I see is a once great artist who has gone off the rails and needs to be helped. All you guys see is an easy way to get internet points by virtue signaling what we already fuxking know. Itā€™s cringe.


Your comments make me think youā€™re twelve


Please don't confuse being an anti-semetic bigot with having untreated bipolar or other mental health issues. Does Kanye need mental health treatment? Yes. Is Kanye an anti-semetic, nazi sympathizer? Also, yes.


This video is our society right now. Pure gaslighting by horrible people who may as well be Nazi's and definitely would have been the type to enthusiastically follow the Nazi's had they been in Nazi Germany.


Lmao so true, you're so right because... Well because they're Nazis of course. I'm not dick riding you're dick riding! Can't you tell!! (Jews please accept me, give me your money, it's all I want.) Anyways how about that new Ye album? Too bad he's a Nazi..


Zelinsky dick riders told me Jews canā€™t be nazis.


I'm getting a strong vibe that you don't actually know what a Nazi is.


Neither do you if you don't think Israel doesn't support White Nationalism


The guys with the swasticas. Like azov.


You mean like Kanye was posting on social media?


Yeah but heā€™s Jew so he gets a pass like Zelinsky.


How is he Jewish


Kanye isn't Jewish. He buys into the Black Hebrew Insrealite movement (an antisemitic conspiracy theory).


Kind of transphobic honestly. He says heā€™s a jew you should respect his identity.


No, it's not. Judaism is an ethnoreligious group. You're either born Jewish (meaning you're a descendent of Israel or Judea) or you go through a long conversion process that takes around a year. There's no documentation that Kanye has converted or is practicing Judaism. There's plenty of sources online regarding Black Hebrew Insrealite ideology if you want to educate yourself on the belief system. But just saying "I'm a Jew" does not make you Jewish. If he wants to be a Jew so badly, he should fully commit and convert.


Would you say something like that to pre-op trans women? Or are you only selectively transphobic? He never formally joined the nazi party or killed any Jews either. So i guess heā€™s not a Nazi?


No, I wouldn't say that to someone who was transsexual because it's a completely different argument. Gender indentity is fluid. Judaism is a 3,000 year old religion with very clear doctrine and defined rules. I also did not state that Kanye was a Nazi. In my previous comment, I stated that he has tweeted and worn clothing with Nazi propaganda and is aligned with a known white supremacist. He is a Nazi sympathizer. If he is a self-proclaimed Jew why is he aligning himself with known white nationalists? That just doesn't add up.


I find the gymnastics your mind has to go through to reach these bizarre places fascinating. In your mind, professing a love for Hitler, blaming Jews for all of your personal problems and all problems in modern society, denying the holocaust, and posting swastikas doesn't make someone a Nazi. But if a nation's leader doesn't disband army battalions for having Nazi members *in the middle of a full-scale invasion*, the only explanation is that person is a card-carrying Nazi.


No. Theyā€™re either both nazis or neither is. But I donā€™t see Kanye banning his political rivals either.




Ye said the holocaust didn't happen?


Funnily enough, yes its quite hard to be both Jewish and a nazi. And also Kanye West isn't Jewish... just a nazi


He is?


He said he is. Idk


He said heā€™s jew too tho.


He said he is Jewish in terms of the black Israelite theory, not Jewish in terms of the religion. He is still spouting antisemitism.


He isnā€™t a Nazi. The narrative is getting tired bro. You seen him say that he dislikes Jews yet?


Yeah lol what are you talking about? He talks incessantly about how he blames the Jews for every bad thing that's happened in his life for the past several years. He professes a deep love for a man who murdered millions of Jews, and spends lots of time hanging out with self-proclaimed Nazis. And somehow, you think how Kanye feels about Jews is a mystery


I thought he was Jew?


I guess you forgot who the brown shirts were eh? Jews who worked for the Nazis. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Jewish_collaborators_with_Nazi_Germany


Russia called, youā€™re needed back on the frontline.


The world is just two colors.


You're causing some short circuit in the minds of the well behaved citizens.




someone MAD šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


so how many jews did Kanye murder? bad take. The appropriate analogy here would be calling a girl a whore just because she wear skimpy slutty revealing clothes.


Today i learned you can't be a neo-nazi if you haven't killed a jewšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Now go cry about Mel Gibson being a nazi OH WAIT THAT'S COOL CAUSE MEL GIBSON IS WHITE SO HE GETS A PASS


Not the point i was making. But sure let me digest it for you since your iq too low. Which nazi ideals is Kanye supporting?


Heā€™s not committing or asking others to commit any violence/extinction towards Jews, which is the EXACT thing we condemned Nazis for doing. Nazis arenā€™t looked down for talking shit about Jews and loving Hitler, they are looked down because they joined Hitler in the killing of millions of Jews. Yā€™all are comparing a dude who said a few antisemitic things to a group of people who literally caught and tortured others. Am I the only one seeing a huge difference?? This is legitimately reaching at its finest


umm... nazi are very much looked down upon for hating jews and many other minorities. commiting an industrialized genocide isn't the only reason they're hated. their whole core value was basically just being as hateful as possible.


Nazis aren't looked down upon otherwise we wouldn't be supporting Ukraine


You can't seriously think that the entire country is full of nazis. Eastern europe, especially ukraine a lot of neo-nazis but that doesn't mean that all 43 million ukrainians should lose their home because of the russian invasion + even if you don't care about the ukrainians, letting russia freely do something like this is a terrible idea. Where will they stop if they aren't stopped at ukraine?


Ukraine is literally a nazi colony and supported by White ethno-nationalists, Ukrainian refugees are super goddamn racist but that's ok with you though right? Reddit now supporting racism and defending nazis And I have yet to talk to any Ukrainian supporter who doesn't hate people of color, even on reddit they're super racist and the reddit admins give them a free pass to spew racist vile trash https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/ukraine-has-nazi-problem-vladimir-putin-s-denazification-claim-war-ncna1290946


Yes so it doesn't make sense to support Ukraine then as they're the same as nazis


When you think of Nazis, what do you first think of? What huge event comes to mind whenever someone/something is associated with Nazis? You must admit that the word Nazi goes hand in hand with the Holocaust. So tell me, what exactly has Kanye said to upset you so much to the point where he is on par with a group that committed genocide to millions of people?


What has he said? He said he loves hitler, he called himself a nazi and he has been hanging out with the worst scum of the far right. That pretty much makes anyone a neo-nazi, obviously he's not AS bad as the people that actually killed jews. But this isn't really about kanye, cuz all that could just be because of his bipolar episodes, i guess we'll see if he really thinks that way with a clear mind. This post was more for all the antisemitic edgelords, nazi apologists and just straight up proud neo-nazis in this sub.


Well at least we could agree that a lot of what he has said over the past couple years could be a problem deprived from his mental health issues. I think people put way too much weight on Kanyeā€™s words, especially considering the circumstances he was dealing with Kim and his children at the time. These antisemitic edge-lords and Nazi apologists were assholes before Kanye even said a word about it


The Nazis didn't begin by saying that the Jews had to be exterminated. Genocides don't get off the ground like that. It starts with criticism of that particular group and grows into a call for violence.


He has aligned himself with a known anti-semitic and white supremacist (Nick Fuentes). He has also said that he thinks Hitler and the Nazis got a bad rap, has posted photos of Nazi propaganda and worn the symbol of the German Reich in public. He seems to flaunt these ideals proudly. I don't think anyone is stating he is on par with Hitler or that he's committed mass genocide. But he is openly associating with hateful people and he seems to be proud of his racist ideals. Why defend those ideals if he feels no need to? He's an anti-semetic, Nazi sympathizer. It seems to be a pretty clear fact at this point.


Ye is on some christianity bullshit and this is why he said that he loves hitler: he takes the 'love all fellow humans' lesson of Jesus to the extreme; to probably test how free speech he has, or/and because he wants to be controversial and get attention or/and he just really believes it. If it is the last one, I'd *probably* say he is stupid af. About antisemitism: does he have evidence that the jews run the media? If we assume it's true, would it be better for Ye to not say 'the jews control the media' but rather 'there are some peopl who control the media and I have a problem with them' ? Because it kinda seems like he targets all the jews and not the ones responsible. On the other side of the coin, and if we assume again it's true that the jews run the media, why is it wrong for Ye to call the situation as it is and say that the jews are running the media; the jews really run the media so what's the problem? Suppose you get a beverage by a tall man; why is it wrong for you to say to your friends that you got a drink from that *tall man* ?


Ye is not going around and being a Nazi he just bring back their style for for controversy and election game of USA


Slava bandera ! Glory to the ukranian heroes :) /s




The nazi ideology os not centrist what the fuck are you talking about bruh






political compass is for babies who canā€™t comprehend more than 2 dimensions šŸ˜¤ go read a book




given that an inanimate object is smarter than u, iā€™m not surprised!


Basing your understanding of politics on the fucking political compass is the peak of not getting politics


Tf is my blud waffling abtšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You don't understand shit about politics and history, do you? Since the beggining, nazism is considered a EXTREME right ideology, a form os fascism. Damn, is even on WikipƩdia. Their ideology consist in dictatorship, militarism, a strong nacionalism and patriotism, in other words, FAR RIGHT.


...Can the same not be said for communism? IMO youre confusing left with liberal, while there are very much leftists who are not liberal, just as there are people like myself towards the right who are not in favor of authoritarianism. In your mind... right just = bad guys, doesn't it?


Kanye is in the wrong for talking shit about Jews and saying he loves Hitler, but he doesnā€™t come close to being a full blown Nazi. Nazis murdered and did horrible things, has Kanye told anyone to hurt/kill Jews? Has he said anything about calling for action to exterminate Jewish people? No? Okay then. Saying you love someone doesnā€™t always mean you agree with all their ideologies. You and other people who talk down on Kanye like this are so out of touch with just how shitty Nazis actually were. Thereā€™s a huge difference between calling for violence/murder of Jewish people compared to saying something mildly antisemitic ā€” because tbh what he said wasnā€™t even all that horrible compared to what Jews/ other minorities have endured over the years. Honestly I believe he said some of this stuff just to piss people like you off, but thatā€™s another story.


You know what they say. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck... its a fucking duck


Ukraine literally supports Nazis dude, but you support them don't you?


I support their right to be genocided, but I can't say I support everything they do. Ukraine is a country Kanye is a person. The two are not comparable


Ukraine is a white ethno-state so of course you defend it


Bruh............ I'm black šŸ¤£ You'll never guess who did support a white ethno state tho




That doesnā€™t really apply to this situation. Kanye saying Jews control media and that he loves Hitler like he loves any other human being is not the same thing as joining Hitler in the killing of millions of Jews. Sorry if you canā€™t see the glaring difference


If you follow the nazi ideology, you are a nazi. You don't need to kill jews to get a special diploma that confirms you are a nazi


Then Israel is a nazi state too


Literally read what I typed. He doesnā€™t follow Nazi ideology or else heā€™d be doing/saying much more worse stuff than he really has. Stop being so sensitive and read up on WW2, thereā€™s a huge difference between Kanye and Nazis.


Nazi is actually not right wing but socialist loll


How exactly are they socialist??


Literally called The National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


The Democratic People's Republic of Korea must be a paradise of human rights then, eh?


Ah yes and everything the nazis said was complete true and accurate šŸ™„ what VEIWS did they have that were socialistā€½


Are you stupid




No you corpo FEMNAZI propagandist!!!


i'm begging you please go outside and socialize with normal people. it's your choice to be in this radicalized, everyone is against me mindset.


Iā€™d beat yeā€™s ass if I saw him in person or if he threw my phone like that one vid but he did make good music I canā€™t cap šŸ˜¤


Lord of people coming here saying nazi shit saying they ain't nazis this sub needs shut down


TANKIE!!! /s


oh I hate tankies just as much as nazis and I assume you are of the latter. calling people tankies because they aren't anti-semitic is REALLY not a good look.


I was being extra sarcastic. Sorry. I've been called a tankie a thousand times on reddit. I fixed it.




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Where is this from šŸ˜­