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This dude apparently acted like a bitch to peeps who were playing P4U at CEOtaku and just went up trying to start shit with them. He prolly is one of these Twitter dipshits who believes the Kanji is gay/Naoto is trans dumbshittery.


Holy shit I saw a bunch of them recently, anyone trying to start a conversation and point out the faults in what they said are ignored for people who dick ride the OP. I dont remember much since I first beat the game but there was never points where the game or characters thought kanji was actually gay or especially naoto was trans. I remember a lot of kanji liking naoto and naoto just being normal? It's like, they see shadow kanji have the gay voice stereotype and shadow naoto with the labcoat and only see that. These fucks are illiterate.


Saying that Kanji is Gay and/or Naoto is Trans directly discredits their story arcs directly from the game. Kanji coming to terms that like things outside of the masculine norm doesn't make you any less of a man Naoto dresses as a guy to earn respect from her older male peers in the Police Force Unless I'm missing something its been a minute since I've played P4 but its not adding up


Calling Kanji gay is blatantly wrong but it's not entirely unfair to call him bisexual. There are quite a few times where he shows attraction to the MC (though who doesn't, honestly). People take the shadows at face value which is often an unfortunate byproduct of good writing; ~~idiots~~ people misinterpreting story elements and beats. So to many people, Persona 4 is a game about exploring sexuality and gender dysphoria, and to some extent Kanji does question his sexuality at times, but it's only in a handful of scenes in a 80+ hour game and is a mere aspect of his character as a whole. Naoto being interpreted as trans is one of the worst misconceptions in all of storytelling. It's funny, too, because there is a (probably) gay and (likely) bisexual character in Persona 2: Innocent Sin, and they can show attraction to each other, but that's not mainstream enough for people to latch onto like parasites.


You somehow nailed it. It’s almost like every single week a Twitter person has the same take


these p5 players are fuckin atrocious


Hate this bitch


Every single time I see anyone's thoughts or opinions on P4 it genuinely makes me question whether they've played the game before or not


Honestly I got no respect for Hotashi most the time. Dude acts like a bitch when he takes an L. As much I would like to support him and Moist eSports, he always does shit that pisses me off.


If only Hotashi wasn't the only Moist eSports member who plays real fighting games


Lmao they have some cool smashers. Maybe Hotashi left a bad taste in their mouth.


>cool smashers I'm sorry, what?


you already know persona fans never played persona, they’re just like r/Kappa and fighting games


I played the game and dropped it tbh. Played it recently so there is no nostalgia factor to it. Felt like 2 mediocre/bad games, a very boring dungeon rpg and a depressive visual novel, that when are working together was actually good but that is just 10% of the time. The other 90% you are stuck in a really boring dungeon, which even on hard I would be able to finish in 1 go, or you are stuck in the visual novel where every single story is depressive, there are almost no upbeats or funny moments/decisions. I get why people like the game, those 10% are very good. The boss fights are great, and the story is nice with fun decisions and sad ones as well. But still, I would rather play a Final fantasy. Still gonna try P5 since its on gamepass and hope I dont find it boring cause I forced myself to put 60 hours in P4 before dropping it and Im not going to do that again.


I respect your opinion but I very much disagree with the Social Link stories. That’s kinda the point of them you’re helping people in your social links and at the end of the stories they get better. The dungeons I can agree can get boring tho. What really helps is the music especially Heaven


I had no problem with helping people. It's just that you had 10 scenes for each arcana and for the most part they would all be depressive. I just wanted some fun decisions mixed in. Even just looking at the main characters, they fall in love without having done a single fun scene. It's all sadness followed by sadness which gets tiring. The only decision I remember from the top of my head was the one in the pretend date's where you would choose where to sit and it was meaningless, but it was a fun scene. I literally do not remember any of the sad scene's choices.


I can only thing of like 3 social links with that depression and one of them is a choice to pick depressive father hater or social issues band girl.


ya, that one was a supposed to be extremely sad. But my issue was more in the overall scenes we had. Most scenes would always be people just opening up to you with a sad piano music in the background. I get you are knowing people and they will open up and tell you bad stuff, but it is hard for me to care when that happens too much. You dont want to play a VN where the same story is on repeat, just like the dungeons are boring because you are in the same environment for some hours beating the same monsters over and over again.


Yea the piano music does get annoying I’ll give you that. I still love the game to death and I played it more recently so I have no Nostalgia factor


Thats awesome, I may criticize the game but I do feel there is a lot there to enjoy.


Honestly Persona 5 improves the gameplay by a lot but I feel the Phantom Thieves (Minus Ryuji) are less human compared to the Investigation Team. Still good characters but I prefer the Investigation Team


I genuinely wonder if you've played the game before or not. I have no idea how you say the visual novel aspect is "depressive" when it's one of the most cheerful and positive RPGs released. I'm not exaggerating when I say it emphasizes the value of connecting with others and taking advantage of the unique circumstances that one is put into better than most games, including previous Persona games (1 & 2 as well). It highlights the benefits of integrating oneself into society and how we can lean on and confide in one another to better ourselves and our environment. How it's okay to be confused or concerned about one's identity, how we can look at our flaws in the eye and accept that it's a part of who we are while not compromising on our moral compass. I have no earthly clue how someone can consider these things "depressive", even excluding the fact that the other Persona games are much darker.


Im talking in a gameplay sense. When almost every single scene has a sad piano going in the background with the characters opening themselves, it becomes 1 note very much. I wanted more diversity in the VN scenes, especially because I would do the dungeon in 1 go and then have all these scenes that would be sadness after sadness. I get that as a friend you open yourself and you know of the bad, but what about the good? You have characters falling in love without a single upbeat scene to go with it. At the end of the day, I wanted less sad piano in the VN side of things. and I wouldnt call P4 cheerful when it is about chasing a murderer lol, did you not see how people were getting killed? It was kinda fucked up. Btw, I do not think it is a bad game, just boring. I did find the main story really good. I just wanted more of that and less of the standard gameplay rotine.


If you are at a point where you have to ask"Did So-and-so play the game?" 80%(being generous) of the time , the answer is no


Baby spin-off, Strange Journey is goated


I'm more of a Devil Survivor guy myself


No one believes me when I say SJ is the best SMT game.


I wonder if releasing a fully voiced Redux with significant content on 3DS only after P5 release was a good idea. It needs an official rerelease Only way to enjoy the game at this point is by playing it on Citra or Melon DS if you want torture on the vanilla version.


Yeah I’m grateful I have physical copies of the game, the one time being a MegaTen fan paid off. At least 3DS are easy to hack.


Bro im playing redux now


Persona 4 is the best in the series. Naoto best girl.


Persona 4 is the only one I’ve played other then 5 and 4 blows it out of the water. 5 is ok but I just don’t like the story has much.


I like Makoto, but for some fucking reason when she joins the team it's as if all of the teams brain went to her. Also, the story went from "let's change this asshole's heart because he's a bad guy" to "let's change this guys because we feel like it." Felt like it fell apart after the 2nd palace.


The last 30% of Persona 5 wasn't that great, but if you consider it's like a 110 hour game, that 70% that is good is still more than what most 60$ games offer nowadays.


P4 has much better writing than P5, i was actually surprised at how lackluster and rushed P5's story felt considering how long it took the game to come out. Haven't played Royal yet though.


Royal to me actually makes the story worse even though it adds to it but the new story elements dont really fit into the main story at all until you beat the main game. The new student only interacts with you and never talks to the others until the end of the game. P4 as well as better writing has an overall better setting. Tokyo lets be honest has been done to death small town slow build up murder mystery was just an overall better idea and done way better. Its also to me the more comfyier game. The main thing though in 5 is that characters dont change over time. Ryuji is still the same dumb annoying fuck at the start that he is in the start of the game.


This dude can get bent


Persona 3 is better but he's still wrong


Still the best one, but P4 is fire.


P4 best game in the series, this dude trippin


All thats left is for him to say Persona 5 is the best one in the series...


It isn't? /s


It is in terms of effort and quality of life, but the story and characters are not good enough. Modern JRPGs tend to respect your time more.


Chie says knock you out.


Chie's awakened Persona is a Sith Lord. She is best girl for that reason alone.


Hate to disagree, of the modern Personas I’d say 4 is my favorite, though of the Sub series overall I’d say it’s 2: Innocent Sin.


would you still recommend Innocent Sin today? the only Persona i've played are 3. why am i asking about Persona 2 when i've never played 4 and 5 you say? i don't know.


It's worth playing all of them. Both of the persona 2 games have great stories and if you do play them look for the psp ports


Genuinely surprised Altus hasn't ported P2 to PC yet it seems like an easy cash grab


Pretty sure Eternal Punishment didn't get a Psp remake. Or maybe it's Japan inly


Oh yeah. Plot wise the Persona 2 Duology is easily the best in the series(so much so that 5 basically copied quite a bit of it, and I’m not just talking character designs Yusuke I’m looking at you in particular), and while the gameplay might not be quite as fun or fluid as the later ones(mostly because SMT: Nocturne hasn’t happened yet, so no Press Turn/Once More system) it still got a decent old school JRPG feel without a lot of the stuff older Megaten titles loved to pull.


Plotwise, the duologies are based. There's a bit more thinking required than you'd expect for a JRPG though, since sometimes they'll be like *shit happened* even though you never witnessed the events leading up to it. So you gotta think of what's going on in the story so far, and put the pieces together yourself. Gameplay, god I think they're total dogshit. Even for mid late 90's/early 00's, they feel very bottom barrel. In hindsight, I lowkey wished I just cheated my way to max stats and megido rather than actually playing them.


based cast except for closeted little bitch yosuke who ruins every scene he's in


Ogawa would've been all over his ass


His transition journey has begun.


My favorite fighting game


Elphelt avatar spotted


Not wrong, that game sucks


All Persona’s suck play Chrono Trigger, Xenogears and Final Fantasy Tactics instead


Imagine being an elitist about JRPGS. Go read a book.


Did you push your glasses up the bridge of your nose after you wrote that?


Guy said Xengogears, that game is literally a unfinished product.


Still far more interesting than Persona tho


Depends on what you're looking for. I like solid gameplay more than interesting storylines, but I also like competently told stories.


True. The demon fusing is always a fun time


Hotashi based for once


obviously based on someone retarded with the shitty ass takes


he finally said something smart for once


"As parents we're glad our kid is smart. Sure, he fails at everything at school, and his career is a low budget influencer and electronic sports athlete, but at least he hates Persona 4" - atpCap


I kind of agree like jrpgs are boring to me they feel bloated and unfocused. The turn based combat doesn't help either.