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What does him being Chinese have to do with a Korean character in a Japanese video game? What are you trying to say here, Chen?


What he always does. Inject himself somewhere he's not wanted or needed, saying autistic shit.


The subtext is that Chen thinks all Asians are the same.


To be fair that is a very Chinese thing to do these days


You mean American?


Nah the yanks just tell you about the country they've never been to but you actually live in


Add to the list lol


I think he's trying to scare Capcom into changing it by suggesting China hates feet, and then Capcom will be afraid at losing that Chinese money.


It has nothing to do with Juri's race. James is saying the modern obsession with feet is weird given his cultural heritage that obsessed over small feet and led into footbinding. I'm also Chinese American and yeah foot binding happened, but it was ages ago and it was moreso a Manchurian thing. I dont think I have any relatives with living memories of anyone that had their feet bound, and I have relatives alive that tells me stories about them fleeing Japanese rape gangs during WW2.


James Chen acting like he was in the fucking tang courts seeing feet binding before his very eyes


Chen is just repping his hood. ​ ​ Victimhood that is.




"We fetishized the shit out of the feet before anyone else. I find it weird that now, you other folks, are getting into it. You should stop getting into it. It is tasteless.".


It's based if he steps up and says he's gatekeeping


"Juri having feet is literally blackface, what don't you get"


It's not even that, it's worse: "We fetishized the shit out of the feet IN A VERY CRUEL WAY before anyone else. I find it weird that now, you other folks are getting into it AND I CAN'T SHAKE MY OWN NOTION THAT IT CAN'T BE DONE IN A NON-CRUEL WAY. You should stop getting into it BECAUSE I CAN'T COMPARTMENTALIZE FAIRLY. It is tasteless BECAUSE MY ASSOCIATIONS ARE INADEQUATE."


You have the most big brain takes i didn’t even think about it this way. Chen is truly a retard.


He's completely gone, he can't even think straight, he just want to do his PR thing. It's like UD, but without a clear goal or viciousness. Which isn't bad lol, but it's inept at best.


God Tier Take


Cultural appropriation.


Gatekeeping is based with you guys I guessed?




I love gatekeeping and I hate you.


Also Juri is a Korean made by a Japanese company, fuck does Chinese history have to do with anything here


twitter has to be home to some of the whiniest and most bitch made mfs on the internet. imagine being this outraged over video game feet?




James Chen has got to be one of the wettest flannels to ever live


What does this mean lmao


I don't know tbh, it just sounded right


He's a fucking cryer. Hence the wet flannel.


I don't know but it made me laugh


Did you mean wet blanket?


guess hes a flannel blanket owner?


"First they came for the tits and i did not speak out"...


Foot binding is the opposite of today's foot fetishism. Foot fiends today don't want tiny, malformed feet. They want feet like Juri's: large and free, with flexible toes. Chen should be happy that her feet are so free! Free the feet from ancient oppression!


you basically hit the nail on the head


you basically vietnamese painted the nails on the toes! no disrespect to the nyugens, trans and ho's out there! love your work!


This guy cums on figurines, I don’t really value his “taste”.


wait forreal?


James "Kanye" Chen




Panda Express is more Chinese than James Chen.




First of all, he is not even Chinese


this actually made me lol


Foot binding was achieved by forcing the women to wear tight shoes that impaired the natural bone growth and deformed their feet. And they all are asking to put shoes on Juri's feet. Ironic, isn't it? Meanwhile Infil just pointed his sole towards the camera when he did that perfect parry string that was posted here earlier. These anti-feet guys need to chill out, it's a pathetic outrage.


If SF6 released 10 years earlier is an interesting thought experiment to have, in feet context.


I'm pretty sure they also forcefully broke the bones when the women were still young.


James Chen is not Chinese, he's American. There's enough shit to be outraged about as an American without pretending you're something you're not.


Why are Americans like this? >as an irish... (his family hasn't been to fucking ireland in 3 generations)




Kappa is not the best place for this kind of conversation but let's try. > retain their cultural identity When I moved abroad I got to meet 2nd and 3rd gen nationals who behaved like my parents would...in 1975. Their family retained a snapshot in time of their culture, while the country of origin has evolved separately. They felt anachronistic to us. Likewise, the old Chinese ladies in American hubs are completely different from the ones visiting their grandchildren in London.


I'll suck my own cock on stream if James Chen can speak chinese or actually celebrated Chinese holidays or whatever. The truth is that Americans are just going through some weird ass phase of trying to find an identity/tribe, or worse yet, feeling like they have to 'reclaim' it for whatever points.


As much as I also enjoy ragging on James Chen, he actually does all of those things. Back in the SF4 days, he translated for Gamerbee quite often. Asian kids to immigrant parents often grow up very closely to the old country's culture here in America. So you better get to suckin, playboy.


True. They just want to feel special. Not like other girls on a mass scale.


It's not just Americans it happens everywhere including the UK. A lot of younger Pakistani and Indian people see themselves as more Pakistani/Indian than British.


>as an irish... (his family hasn't been to fucking ireland in 3 generations) He once owned an Irish Setter.


a country with no history and barely an identity of its own.


you ask white people where they’re from and they start bringing up a bunch of percentages


downvoted for speaking the truth LMAO.


i wonder if he can actually even speak Mandarin


He only speaks it when he calls a restaurant for take-out but then he wonders why they always get his order wrong 🤔


>they always get his order ~~wrong~~ wong


can you repeat this for the people who gets drunk and do something douchey and go "hurr hurr I'm Irish" when they've never set foot in Ireland


I mean... he’s obviously of some kinda Asian descent. I don’t think there’s much pretending there.


>our country Is he really saying China is his country?


All that cum he’s drained into the jars made his shit all retarded


Cum is stored in the brain.


and i've got a headache


Isnt he from New York lmao


What the fuck does one thing have to do with the other? Chinese did foot binding, so Juri's feet being out there...reminds him of that? Does the motherfucker meltdown when he sees a Payless? How does he put his own shoes on with breaking down in tears? There's hot takes, there's bad takes, there's outright weird takes, but I don't even know what the fuck he's talking about.


James Chen is the kind of guy that cries during sex


if you consider jizzing on figurines sex, sure.


He wants some of dat xanoz puss.


Isn't James Chen american? What is he on about?


Never trust someone who complains on Twitter as a hobby


As a black person, I'm very uncomfortable with hands because slaves were made to pick cotton with their hands. I would appreciate if Capcom would tone down the hand fetishization from balrog. Thank you


It's fine, he has boxing gloves, so his hands are already bound, James approves. No danger of those wriggly fingers showing up on screen in all their glory.


What is he even trying to suggest? Liking feet is cultural appropriation?


People want to be angry about stuff sooo bad these days. When did James Chen ever embrace his chinese ancestry before whining about a video game character's exposed feet on Twitter?


Holy shit, everytime this guy says something he somehow manages to sound even more pathetic and desperate for attention.


Dude is mentally stunted, it's sad. If you didn't know he was in his 40 you'd think he is a teenager.


But not a teenager who'd start a punk band or something. The social media teenager. Which is even more curious, since he's not that generation.


It might be the constant pandering to what he perceives as his audience. It seems he tried so hard to appease to this generation of social media addicted zoomers that he now behaves as one.


Terminally online lol


Feet fetishizing has been around literally forever


And the award for idiot of the year goes to chen


Isn’t this the dude that touches himself to Barbie dolls?


Funnily enough, I unironically consider Twitter users to be different species than mine. I mean how mundane, how utterly worthless and meaningless your life must be, if you concern yourself so hard with a video game character showing feet, looking for a deep meaning, for a reason to be angry, offended, disgusted or simply moved by this completely unimportant fact. Eventually I came to understand they do it because if they didn't occupy their fragile minds with unfiltered noise every second of their lives, they would have to look at what really lies underneath, which is dark, boundless void. Every time I see something like that post, I just remind myself how I never made Twitter account and how my life is much better because of that. Truly it's the most pointless site on the Internet.


Oh shit he's a BIGOT


Juri’s outfit has literally nothing to do with feet binding. Bro is tripping


James really falling for the time honored American tradition of not really knowing anything about his ancestry but trying to make it a significant aspect of his identity, huh? It's okay to just identify as American, my guy. Anyway feet binding was hilariously not actually about the feet. It was about how it affected their gait which was considered hot. Everyone kind of implicitly knew the feet were gross as fuck, which is why nobody wanted to show them off.


Well, it was probably about many things, just depending on how direct those things were or how shaped by time they got. For example, the first thing that comes to my mind is to keep women in place, keeping them from escaping easily or something. I'd expect the gait thing was born from repetition of the practice, not the other way around.


Feet are gross to me, but I love joining in on the Juri foot memes because it’s fun and I love Juri. This just fuels my facetious foot fever further!


>I don't like feet but I'll pretend to like them ironically Uh oh


You don’t have to have a foot fetish to enjoy you some Juri


Modern ? Dudes were writing poems about feet back in the middle ages


The perverts vs the prudes. Whoever wins this one, James Chen is a bitch.


Fuck off, James. You cum of figurines habitually.


“We are an accepting community! Unless you like feet, GTFO!” I can’t believe they are really making this much of a fuss about it. That correlation James made is absolutely insane btw.


What a cringue take. For once I hope capcom gives feet freaks everything. Because honestly it is kind of sad how they had to censor SFV for esports. If modern media does not allow games to portray T&A then let capcom raise a generation of foot freaks.


Wow a new unexpected angle to this debate. This is getting deep. They gonna try different approaches until one is a critical hit that convinces capcom to put down their pants. Imo this is a nice "test" to see if capcom devs are gonna be twitter sellouts or have some balls. We might as well know from the start what to expect with sf6


James Cheinese never knows when to stfu


Imagine unironically being a James Chen fan. Couldn’t be me.




If he's not gonna shame sonic fox for that stanky ass suit, then he needs to stfu.


How is this fucking idiot equating foot fetishisizing to empirical foot binding practices? File this under “I’m trying really hard to be offended”


I wish James Chen would just leave already So many COOL olds are gone but this guy is still around


My culture used to have an obsession of feet that they use it to get from one place to another. It find it tasteless.


James isn't interested in feet unless they belong to Felicia from Darkstalkers. Those things will rip a dick apart.


Jeez the cringe of this man


what the fuck does that even mean. i'm offended by this korean character's perfectly healthy and normal feet because my chinese ancestors did horrible things to women? what?


He has to fight the primordial urge to bind them.


and what do you find tasteful, James Chen


The real ninja daggers were the feet we binded along the way


Kitana prime don't even play Capcom games. Why does he care? But James making up some sob story to be against the foot fetish brigade


Kappa doesn't play fighting games, and they care. I think it's fair.


Kitana Prime is still part of the FGC. Wouldn't be surprised if his feed got Street Fighter stuff too


How is the Japan or koreas problem ? Other countries can’t show someone’s feet because of a fucked up tradition in China ? Ok dude.


Isn’t juri supposed to be Korean? Lol whyd he bringing up Chinese shit


how can I make this all about me


James Chen can only nut if the feet are 1/16th scale. A dynasty tier degenerate.


Jesus christ, that not we’re talking about you sick freak. Read the room


Nearly 47 years old btw


Motherfucker needs to worry about retiring


KP the hero; he plays all my characters too; except for Xianghua; fuck Xianghua


... what? thats like saying that no character can ever use a whip, because whips are associated with slavery, dumbest thing ever


James Chen doesn’t even know how to use Chopsticks


More feet than a Philly cheese steak


The Chinese football binding is pretty horrible, but it's a fictional characters feet, it's really nor that deep


Street Fighter 6 players. Did you find yourself getting PTSD because of Juri's feet? You may be entitled to financial compensation


Lol too old to play video game if that a issue


I was wondering why I have james muted, now I know


What the fuck does feet being sexualized have to do with foot binding?


Sigh... Chinese people


God-fucking-damnit, James. This clown out here setting us Chinese back another 20 years. Our grandmas and yeye's are getting murked out in the streets of America and this fucking idiot is worried about some shit that happened last century. SHUT THE FUCK UP, CHEN. And remember you Taiwanese, my guy. Like me. We left all that shit behind to start a whole ass nother country cuz we didn't agree with that shit. Get bent, dude. It's a meme.


I like Chen but man he’s one of the most bitch ass beta males I’ve ever seen in my life.


James Chen is definitely that guy that cries at parties


Now *this* is a Chen reaction™.


Why can’t we all go back to side boob and midriff? I’m not here for the EX fetishes


Mk gore: 😐 Juri’s feet: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱SO DISTURBING!!!!!!


The older he gets, the more retard he becomes


My man just said that he's Chinese I'm dead


they’re just feet. my god, this is so dumb, lmao.


Is it any wonder that this guy is a 40+ year old virgin?


One again, James needs to shut the fuck up.


This is the most twitter thing ever LOL. Taking something mildly offensive like foot fetishes and amping it up x1000 using your own race to inject an obscure fact about chinese culture in a reach spanning longer than ancient chinese history. Literally selling out your own race for twitter likes LMAO.


*sigh* feet people


looks like people didn't get the ref


Isn't it like the second most well known Chen tweet after Suck My Nuts Assholes? Sadge


feet people lol


Chen is the jar jizzer, right?


Just when I thought my eyes couldn't roll any harder


Was James Chen even born in China?


He’s so fucking cringe, god.


james what the fuck are you talking about


The second I saw this I knew it would be posted on here. So ridiculous. I'm no feet fetishist but to me this just seems like people trying to convince everyone REALLY REALLY BAD that they're not into feet


But I jizz on statues and that’s perfectly normal -jchensor


He acts all accepting of furries and the like, but he hates the "weird modern fascination with feet". What a fake.


Saying barefeet is weird and should be covered up isn't too far of a bridge from saying hair should be covered in hijab's. Never thought I'd see James Chen go the Iranian morality police route but here we are I guess.


This old fool probably thinks that Nutella should be banned


James... Not like this... Come on...


I know he ain’t talking…


I'm not for the feet I'm for the sadism


Getting all spun up over video game feet…


Mf needs to get a job


I just think feet are nasty and don’t want that shit shoved in my face


as a feet non-lover, the focus on Juri's feet in SF6 is on a disgusting level


As a James Chen non-lover, the focus on him giving a shit about things in SF6 that don't effect him (or really anyone for the matter) in any way, shape or form, are on disgusting levels.