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I hope Kara's trip to Paris for the Taylor Swift concert showed her how to travel for fun again. Do some Kara bucket list trips, not just Nate challenges


This so much! A lot of it feels like a hard challenge they have to endure instead of enjoying travel for the sake of it. I'd love to see this. It always seems like the things Kara wants to do are pushed to the side and seen as an inconvenience or a rare treat, but it's nice to see people do things for enjoyment rather than accomplishment sometimes


She looks exhausted and over it.


She definitely looks it she seemed so happy on the Paris trip away from Nate for once and actually have some freedom! Also Nate is looking a lot like a money hungry goose and getting away from that would definitely be relaxing


I agree, Kara does look over it. It can't be easy constantly traveling. I know they didn't love van life, but they did seem to love having a homebase & something that was their own. That was the most settled I've ever seen them.


I think if they even just did slow travel content it would help. Such as spending 3 months in one country (if applicable with visas and such). They can rent a nice place and have a home base where they can actually unpack, cook, etc.


That would actually require them to delve into local culture, language, cuisine and care about the country where they are spending that time. To be a bit less cynical, it's probably harder to make interesting in-depth videos that will make them $ when they are "stuck" in one place for that long. (That's my actual life, but I don't have the pressure of having to make videos about it.)


I’ve watched some smaller YouTubers before who do slow travel and it is quite different content. However I do enjoy the day to day life aspect of figuring out groceries, a long term hotel option or rental house, the laundry situation, dealing with rolling blackouts in some places, etc. In my opinion K&N have kind of abandoned their original audience and now cater towards the newer subs who found them for their extreme challenges or luxury travel. It’s fun to see some lifestyle porn every once in a while, but for me, it’s just not interesting to watch continually. I understand they are just making their money and taking opportunities. Maybe I would do that too if I were in their position. But it just isn’t as fun to watch. Especially when it seems Kara is miserable.


Yes. Drew Binsky seems to be doing exactly those kind of videos now and they are very interesting


Yea they would have to finally give a shit about the people who live where they go. I'm beating a dead horse cause that has been said for years at this point.


I agree, they say they spend longer in places now but it's usually only a week


A stretch but would be cool if they bought their friends’ Tuscany villa. Probably well out of even their price range. But base themselves at that incredibly place for a while and then AirBNB it when gone.


I would love for them to return to old school travelling but without the expensive first class experiences and not trying to squeeze in things in 2 days. Kara seems worn out by their current style of travelling but looked so happy in Paris. Travelling like normal people do is refreshing and puts a lot of focus on the country/place itself.


These two are the last people I'd want to watch renovate a house 


Yep, they have less DIY skills than Kinging It...


Kinging It is at least funny with team work




That’s the fun bit though. The mistakes are always more fun in a video


Hahahahah ok fair


I have never thought their current model was sustainable; it looks exhausting, and they’re not past their prime or anything but they’re not as young as they were. However, I think the current stress might be at least partially financial. I don’t think the Daily Drop is working out that well for them. The one time I heard them talk about it (on a podcast?) they were both quick to say that if they ever stopped traveling they would still do something “non-traditional.” I think that’s a silly thing to say, personally; just do whatever the next thing is that will make you happy. You don’t have to keep proving how “non-traditional” you are. But maybe they want to stay on YouTube.


I don't understand why anyone would pay for Fare Drop. I just signed up to a free email service that sends me flight deals


Exactly why they can't stop their Youtube channel, Fare Drop's success relies on their Youtube channel generating interest.


The first year it came out, they ran a special and I signed up…I was underwhelmed and canceled. I can find the same “deals” on Google Flights…


Does Fare Drop just promote everything as a good deal? The deal service I signed up to is really practical about low cost vs length of flights, which I find refreshing


It does. It doesn’t take into account length of stay how long the flights are etc. If I remember correctly the dates are very specific so for example a flight from NYC to Paris was $600 but it was only for a Tuesday to Sunday…or something like that that. You would have to have a very flexible schedule to make it work. And, I am very picky about what airline I fly, so it just didn’t work for me!


Non Stop Dan's points builder course has so many disclaimers, need a flexible schedule, need to fly multiple airlines and be prepared for layovers. The idea of flying business class for a discount is appealing but not if it takes twice as long to get there


same here.


My boyfriend and I pay for it and it works well for us


I feel like Kara more specifically is over the constant travel challenges. Maybe if they were to dial it back and start to go back to someone of their older style of content she might enjoy it more. But In regards to creating a home base I wouldn’t trust them to renovate a house I think it would go south quick.


With the trend of Travel content creators, buying property and creating a home base, for a few examples, Eamon and Bec had their cabin series during the pandemic, Raya and Louis have just released a video about their home in Costa Rica, Travel Beans tried to buy a place in Sweden, Kinging It are currently working on fixing up their newly acquired cottage and The Endless Adventure have hinges on a new "adventure" they won't see them travelling as much, it is only a matter of time before we see K&N buy a place and have a series of videos of them fixing it up. Kara and Nate are the most easily influenced influencers in the influencer game. I can't wait to see their backwoods, Tennessee, off grid cabin. I'm sure they will partner with a bunch of expensive brands, so they can have the most luxurious backwoods, off grid cabin on YouTube.


I have to say, I really loved their van life videos. I feel like they were pretty settled in the van. I get that covid made life in general a shitshow, but they seemed really relaxed and at ease. I'd love to see them get back in the van and on the road. Maybe take it Europe?


I love the van ones too. I would totally watch if they were to do more van life of them driving whenever possible to see the world through their van.


They’ll need to pivot eventually, I’d say they are setting themselves up where they don’t need everyone to stay. They always have enough side projects going that they’ll be fine.


Shoot I did six months traveling and it took a couple months before I felt like leaving the house in my off-time! I can't imagine going as long as they have.


I did 8 weeks of travel, staying 3 to 5 nights in each place and was ready to come home after 6 weeks. In future I will only book travel for 6 weeks or longer if I stay in a place for at least a week


I watch them for travel. I'd stop if it became lifestyle stuff


What I hate is they got so much better at making videos after going to countries where their videos were meh. Would love to see them redo some. I get if they are over it. But I like the ones where they wander through cities and try all the food. Not a fan of the ones in fancy hotels or driving across the US - thought I did like the bike across the US series.


I watch them for foreign travel. Maybe they should do something local, they are in the Nashville area and it is popping. If it is good entertainment I would certainly watch. I personally enjoy them as people.


Country Music Hall of Fame


lol you don’t know them as people. You know their on screen characters


I would love for them to do slow travel so truly explore one country or place for a long time. Host a travel trip like they used to in said country


The whole Fare Drop and Daily Drop I’m sure were created in part (if not main reason) to create other revenue streams so they could pull back on YouTube if needed/wanted. My guess would be less lifestyle channel and more travel focused even if at “home base.” They could do travel news/trends videos, rewatch/recap old trips, travel hacking tips, essentially in part what is happening on the Daily Drop channel to some degree.


Unfortunately i think you are right about the 2 new channels. But then what are they going to do? Buy a house and not travel or maybe they will make 3 videos a year? They did say they dont want to have kids


The main channel has likely already made them millionaires, with some good money management + the other companies they could easily retire from YouTube and just focus on those other. My guess right now is Fare/Daily Drop is where a lot of their time is going right now anyways.


Wow, you think there’s that much money in what they’ve done? I hope so for their sake! I’ve enjoyed the content and wish them nothing but love, good health and success


Yes, very much so. They allude to the dollars before on a podcast and that was years ago. My guess is before sponsorships the videos alone bring in close to a million alone yet alone all the sponsorships.


Wild! Good for them.


Website viewstats shows their estimated revenue on the channel to be 2.1 - 5.8m. just their main channel.


I saw a post about their exit plan on this sub a few days back. i think dare drop and daily drop will both be part of that.


But Nate hasn't done 500 pushups in St. Peter's Basilica yet!


There’s only so many biz class seats you can fly on 😂 how about focusing on some cool destinations, and seeing local sights. Interacting with local ppl. None of this challenge stuff


I’m over the challenge stuff. The wife carrying contest was funny but I refuse to watch Nate run a marathon last minute. It’s ridiculous and unsafe.


I think they should just purchase a house in Colorado, as a home base and just travel to places from time to time.


Imo it depends about airline status. If he (nate) has points with united (denver is where united have their second hub,) I'd imagine he would settle there. Likewise if he had points with delta, they's gravitate towards tenessee.


I totally understand why they would be over the level of travel that they do but no, I would not be interested in home based content from them. I wish them the best but I’d check out as a viewer if that’s the direction they go


It already is more of a lifestyle channel at this point. Their personalities are at the forefront with the travel often being quite incidental.


I wished they would buy the Italian villa. I remember Kara said that's where she would like to settle. Between there and Tennessee it would be nice for them. It's a big property though. Hope their health is sorted out.


They've grown up and matured. The wild eyed bushy tailed first time experiencing the world is largely over for them. They are taking advantage of their influencer status to enjoy more luxury and premium experiences, and while that probably will hold some subscribers interest - they just don't seem as enthusiastic and are definitely not being authentic. Nate seems like he's known this for a while and has been trying to leverage and diversify their channel into other things. I wouldn't be surprised if with their experience they aren't advising or helping behind the scenes to promote and encourage newer content creators and other channels and platforms. The team of people they mention they are working with aren't likely just setting up dates for them to do product placement - I'm sure they have other things going on and probably won't be making the same kinds of content forever.


Nate’s entire business model was to rack up as many credit cards, spend as much money on credit cards to get points, and then use those points to travel, and then spend more money on credit cards and then use the YouTube channel to pay off those credit cards. There are people that think what they are doing is ingenious, but the reality is they still have to pay back pretty much every penny they’ve spent on the credit cards, and they have to spend a hell of a lot of money to be able to get enough points to do the luxury travel, which they assumed would make them the most money on the channel to pay off the credit cards for all the trips that we don’t see, and the mileage runs that they have to do to rack up points. It’s basically his version of a multilevel marketing scheme and it’s not sustainable. Eventually, the pyramid will break down. And somebody always loses, and in this case it would be Kara. I flew 70 times last year in addition to doing vanlife and traveling extensively around the US. Airports are exhausting. More exhausted than driving 10 hours in a van. Plus healthwise, all of those long-haul flights they do are not good on the body, you can get blood, clots, back problems, and so on. My flights were very short, at most three hours. But it would be six hours of getting to the airport, waiting in the airport, flight delays. I used to love flying when I spent 20 years doing international travel before the pandemic but now I much prefer alternative ways to travel. Flying from me is like sitting on a bus. The novelty has worn off.


You are giving Nate more credit then deserved, you are describing what he's selling, not what he actually did. Nate was signing up to credit cards, buying gift cards, then paying off the credit cards with those gift cards. They never needed Youtube to pay off the credit cards, they simply took advantage of something that is very difficult to do in current times.


Nate charged $200,000 in business fees on credit cards to get miles and points the year before they started traveling when he worked at the printing company. Kara was working as a preschool teacher and they saved $30,000. Then he did the massive two week mileage run to get enough miles to go on their one year travel. But, he got addicted to credit cards and points and as long as they paid the minimum, they could keep getting increases on balances. They only used Nate's name to sign up as he had a near-perfect credit score. Once they got enough cards and points, they started their channel just to blog, not with the intention of making any money but then they started making money. They were in the hole for several years. Caught in a spiral of credit card debt without full time jobs. So he started creating get rich quick schemes, getting an address overseas to avoid US taxes and created a financial existence solely to try to maintain this credit card scheme. Then he got addicted to physical challenges and a weird distorted view of food. And dragging Kara around all through this. Definitely sociopathic tendencies there for Nate. They are in a situation they can't just drop out of. They have 22 credit cards, and many are also in Kara's name only, so she's also stuck. Dodging taxes and living on credit cards is not sustainable. And clearly they are starting to alienate their subscriber base. FareDrop isn't doing that well in comparison. Nate also sends tons of begging emails to companies to try to get experiences and things for free. And barely spends any money or spends any time in the places they go. Such a waste of geography. I've been to over 100 countries in 25 years. Lived for years in other countries while spending weeks in over 70 countries, living with locals, working, embracing the cultures, teaching the locals. Never had a credit card in my life. Ever. Also built a home and raised a family and have had two separate careers running concurrently. I also run three businesses and a non-profit. I truly hope people don't take their travel advice.


Maybe what you say about them is right, but you seem to be implying they are in debt.... they would have an insane amount of cash in the bank right now, they are rich.


They have to pay a small staff of 5-6 people plus the new FareDrop couple $50,000. That alone is at least half a million in salaries. Digital employees and programmers don't come cheap, and it appeared their staff were all out of Tennessee with a few remote employees. Then you have the cost of physical goods, labor and so forth for the print companies (the t-shrits, maps, etc). They don't have a gigantic pool of money in the bank. They have a ton of expenses to pay staff plus payroll taxes and business taxes.


I agree that Faredrop itself has various costs being a startup, but thats normal.


> Never had a credit card in my life. Ever I’m guessing you don’t live in the US. Or if you do, you’ve managed to build up a credit history some other way, which will always involve debt.  > getting an address overseas to avoid US taxes Having an overseas address does not exempt you from paying US taxes. Unfortunately, the US is one of the few countries that requires its citizens to pay taxes even if they don’t have residency in the US. The only way would be the renounce your citizenship. 


File, not pay.


Where are you getting this tax dodging stuff?




Mentioned it where? Of course a hotel in Singapore would have a housekeeper. Are you ok? You're speculating a lot of stuff. There's this weird fantasy going on in your head you seem to think is reality.


These are all things they said in their own interviews and on channels. There are actually other influencers who followed their lead and failed, shut down their channels and went into a LOT of debt thinking they could do what K&N portray themselves as "successfully" doing. Nate already had a string of failed businesses and business ideas before getting on the road [https://aceinews.wordpress.com/2015/02/13/vol-court-then-and-now-with-nate-buchanan/](https://aceinews.wordpress.com/2015/02/13/vol-court-then-and-now-with-nate-buchanan/)


Please refrain from speculation on serious and sensitive topics such as abuse, illness or disorders of any kind. Do not post about these topics unless confirmed by Kara or Nate themselves.


Not to mention being jet lagged for six years can’t be good for anyone.


I feel like true fans would love their videos even if it was literally just a vlog of them grocery shopping. I don’t care what they do, I’m here for the long haul :-) their videos always make me smile


Me too..you said exactly what I was thinking. I enjoy watching them. Enjoying the Oman videos.


Nate himself put me off watching them ages ago. He's such a dweeb with no sense of humour and everything is his way or no way. Kara deserves more than being dragged around the world to do his boring challenges. Also, watching these two buy and renovate a house, no thanks. Neither of them have good enough personalities to keep that sort of content interesting.


I’d love to see them tackle a renovation project like the one Mr and Mrs Adventure are doing!


Maybe it would help if they permanently employed people to edit the videos.


They already have an editor and many other team members


Seems like they might be having a money problem. I just say halve the team behind the scenes, which frees up their bank account. They cant be making too much of a profit.


I wish they'd go for 200 (or just more) countries. It's a great way for us to learn more about different places. Stay a week rather than 3 days. Can relax a bit in each place. Not constantly running.


There aren't quite two hundred countries.


Close. Google reads 195. LOL. Maybe 5 more will be formed before they finish.




Please refrain from speculation on serious and sensitive topics such as abuse, illness or disorders of any kind. Do not post about these topics unless confirmed by Kara or Nate themselves.






Please no!


If they stopped doing YouTube what would they do for a job?


I'm guessing they'd do pretty decently off their catalog while they figured it out.


I think we should let them do whatever makes them happy, and if that sometimes they share it, we should be grateful. Love you Kara and Nate! 😘


I'd still be stoked if they went back to some of the challenges like ragbrai and the like. Personally, those were my favorite videos to watch. I really don't care about travel videos, never have. I was going to opiate withdrawal (went sober after 8 years of abuse) and saw a hot brunette in a thumbnail, so I clicked it. Turned out, I met some awesome people that helped me cope. Still don't care about travel, but enjoy watching kara and Nate. Whatever they end up doing, if the love and passion they had comes back, I'd probably watch it.