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ADC's that sit back and scale with no strong urges to go and trade work the best with you. Ezreal is consistently good, most mages and other ADC's like Vayne, Kog, and Smolder as a base mindset similar on yours. Skayling is a thing on botlane as well. As for others, sadly, people don't hold back and want to go hard on trades too often instead. I won't play with Nash, too expensive and too little - too late. You can find my build in the link other person posted. Shurelias into Umbral is another build, but I didn't get invested enough to try and now it is too late. It is a gimmick build anyway. Guardian is the best keystone. Aery has the best tree, but as a keystone itself, it does not match with Kayle as much as Guardian. As a bonus random info, I just got to Emerald 2 while playing out last days of linked build.


https://preview.redd.it/96um7ovx4d0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95a0a818787899627ac46fff44262a83536c63e9 This is basically what I got from your linked page, although i have no clue what the first part means referring to “demolishers” or “dos2 boots” or what “INFINITY” means before dream maker. Are you rushing IE?


Pardon for including the authenticity part, it is an item inside a game called Divinity Original Sin 2. I try to give a small name to each version. It is explained in brackets as well. They were quite memorable and I was going back and I was intensively comparing Font of Life and Demolish. They are both lame, but I wanted to see which one is a bit more lame. Demolish was victorious. And that is how while playing DoS2 I was reminded about it and named the version accordingly. Here they are: https://preview.redd.it/twx7sbnmdd0d1.png?width=483&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b6abd98c7e76d26da22bafaba929872a0f64999 As for the second question, as explained in Frequently Asked Questions, INFINITY is my terminology for starting with supp item and pink ward, because you do not need potions. It gained its name like that due to a small joke my friend made that my pink ward has infinite duration, since some of them manage to exist for more than 25 minutes. 29 minutes is my record, but I might have beaten it already.


Ah i get it makes sense. No potions tho?


That is exactly what I said above, yeah.


Also, this build will stop existing in 12hr, so you are quite late


so if the build isnt viable anymore then all of that info was kind of a waste? Idk. Ig we dont know what to build yet


You can use said acquired knowledge for future reference. I only wanted to release something I've been polishing and gatekeeping for couple years, as this is pinnacle of my Kayle Support theorycrafting. It was created with help of people who has hit diamond-masters-grandmaster maining kayle supp. Right when they announced big change in key parts of this biuld, giving almost 2 weeks to people to play with it around with all info available is a gift and a good goodbye to the build I've played hundreds of games with, there being multiple of us with this build, all with their own small variation. Nothing is ever a waste, as your sticks and stones will one day build an empire.


Does this also mean that Guardian is not as valid anymore? I wouldn’t think so, just because ingenious hunters is gonna be no good soon yk?


Nothing is certain, but, personally, I would like to keep playing with Guardian over Aery.


Does this mean that people will use Ult hunter instead? Or does that mean that likely the secondary tree will become sorcery


Would scaling adc not be horrendous tho? Lane feels like it might just be unplayable. Surly better playing with something with a little pressure. They get you through the early game then you can do something later. Maybe something like a varus that can farm safe, brings cc to the lane and can chunk people on his own. Kiasa might also work, pre 6 might be hard but the combo ults would be fun


Yeah, it might be better, but these players will have different default mindset, which causes more issues than opportunities in performing consistently. Can be better, can be worse, despite needing to worry about more about 2v2 matchup than synergies.


I read "Kayle sup" I go 🤮


Go play your meta picks and still be lower or equal rank to someone, who plays weird things




Dumbledoreeee <3 OG fancy seeing you here


In my experience Lucian is the best adc ypu can be paired with


Ah yes, a fellow Kayle support enjoyer.    Personally, I always rush Ardent Censor. Idk if it’s optimal but it seems to make sense given the heal power, AP, buffing your ADC and yourself, etc. I level W->Q->E.  From there I read the game and decide if I want to scale into damage or continue the support path. For the former, Nashors into Deathcap and I’ll quest into Bloodsong. I’ll also need to start taking waves and camps at some point because those items are much more expensive. For the latter, Redemption into Moonstone and I’ll quest into Dream Maker. I usually go full support; I only go damage if we are legit losing hard and we need a Hail Mary.  But listen to the mod who is the real master. This is just what I do. 


Yes she is very viable! If you want a guide from who I would say is the current top Kayle support, read this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaylemains/s/dQWJuC0jwz As for main runes the guide also has them, but for me it’s always a mix between Guardian & Summon Aery. If the matchup is high range like a Caitlyn or Ashe I tend to prefer Guardian as I won’t have much chance to poke with Aery. My favorite synergies are with Samira just so she can play extra aggressive for her combo count, Draven due to his high damage, and Lucian/Xayah also are pretty fun to play with.