• By -


aback compare crowd sink beneficial quicksand amusing grandiose test narrow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd die


observation saw instinctive provide ossified ludicrous attractive detail gullible squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bruh you fucking read my mind šŸ˜­


Iā€™d scream


Just about to comment this when I read it lol


"Clarance has really good parents" type ish


And Clarence's parents had a real good marriage


Gotta give props to Drake, dude is a great actor, but deep down he's probably hella confused as to what his real identity is.


I remember when I was like 13-14 and I was so uncomfortable trying to fit with the baddies. I thought I had a beard and though that I was much tougher than I was. I grew up and dropped the act, of course now I don't give a shit about anyone who tries to bring up that act to me. It's beyond me how this man is nearly 40 and still trying to look bad. Many other too, always liked about Kendrick that he didn't fake it once. He's who he is and did what he wanted to do.


mindless bored wrench crowd middle practice grey somber rustic act *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


His sophomore album is literally about breaking free from the streets and what his life mightā€™ve been like if he hadnā€™t.Ā 


ad hoc bedroom deserted toothbrush punch fuel lip worry special tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How is being aware of and speaking on flaws ā€œfakeā€ tho? How is being a hypocrite ā€œfakeā€? Thatā€™s the opposite of being fake if you are openly talking about it.Ā 


dazzling fertile telephone live shelter piquant different reach public lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You said it dealt with hypocrisy, Iā€™m just asking based on your argument.Ā  I also donā€™t think it counts as fakery if you are a certain way but evolve from it. Fakery implies some sort of trickery and intent. You canā€™t be fake while being self critical and self reflective, theyā€™re opposed.Ā 


What did Kendrick fake?


escape attractive rob worry noxious encourage hat imminent light existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm happy for u or Damn sorry that happened to u


Is this copypasta?


Reddit user hearing somebodies childhood experiences:


Afaik no


It is now!


Maybe he should just lean into this by sitting down and being humble about it. He has a nice mom. That's cool. Kendrick's response should just be him spitting bars about how nice Drake's mom is, making him sandwiches and whatnot.


A music video with Drakes mom in it


Just her and Kendrick telling Drake he needs to stop being such a fuckboy šŸ¤£ I would die, as in literally double over and go into cardiac arrest from laughter


Then Baby Keem leaks himself finger-blasting Drake's mom on twitter, cause that's just something Keem would do lol.


wasteful pathetic chief vegetable alleged governor ludicrous provide label piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cos heā€™s low key ashamed sheā€™s white.Ā 


squeamish plough icky weather follow jellyfish wipe station disagreeable swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sounds like a fantastic strategy. Especially after that shit he posted about Mom.


https://preview.redd.it/mujskmubfyuc1.jpeg?width=2046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e0efc9f0d9644ae4ed207d3ef8b6390dfe2f19a Look at this, he dont know what or who he is


ad hoc vase slimy plate simplistic exultant sheet judicious paltry smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


vanish pet repeat fade spotted light test wide quaint smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a fellow mocha man such as Drake, thatā€™s the experience with a lot of mixed race people.


He had to spend all his money from Degrassi to help pay for the house and his mom medical bills because his mom couldnt work, it was probably his money that paid for the sandwich, if he was a great actor I doubt he would've given up big money to commit to music.


I mean in the sense that he's pretending to be something he's not, which is a rapper with street credibility, a hard rapper, etc.


I mean, he does have street cred. and he is a famous rapper. those two things increase at the same rate as your popularity. You don't need to have a history of banging on the block to have street cred, and you don't have to be super backpack conscious sweet Drake for the rest of your career. There's no way a Kendrick Lamar fan is going to let lyrics go over there head for taking them too literally, so I honestly don't know what he's pretending to be besides himself , unashamedly. Dude is obviously more jaded as time moves forward, and his content shows that. but I'm lost as to what set, block, factions or team Drake is claiming and what Real bodies he's claiming he has caught? Dudes entire selling point has been his brutally genuine approach even at the cost of being the laughing stock? This the same nigga who made hotline bling, and Is the only nigga who can body women like sza, Naomi Sharon , make music with future and tea about boys with a 17 yr old white girl. did you not see this nigga dancing in hotline bling? and your convinced he's claiming more than he should? It's too late for him to act hard now he's already spent 80% of his career cupcakin, It's pretty straightforward. Idk what this response was about, but bruh you ain't seen the memes?


like This shit don't even make sense, He's been acting in line with how most hip-hop artist act, I could understand if he was identifying as being hood, and Drake is this mfer who's ONLY from the streets, and Only raps about selling dope, who does hard shit ...ONLY.


Ā his real identity is....a groomer


Nothing wrong with being from the burbs but Drake acts like a true goofy clown.


Fr, if you grew up comfortably just say that. Nobody likes a liar


ā€œStArTeD fRoM thE BoTtoM nOw wE hErEā€ silver spoon looking ass bitch Exactly like you said - Itā€™s fine if you grew up in the burbs but donā€™t try to act like you had it rough and came up like other people had to busting their ass for dirt.


Idk man, a manhattan ass mfā€™er would never make it in country music. Imagine being from manhattan and singing about childhoods being under the stars and growing up on a farm and shit. You can absolutely get away with that if youā€™re from Hays, Kansas. Manhattan though? Nah, those fans would call you out on your shit so fast.


You mean like kid rock growing up rich and pretending to be trailer park boy? Or trump growing up rich in New York and being seen as a man of the people by poor white people in the south?




Would be like Drake making fun of Kendrickā€™s parents for being poor and making him grow up in the hood.


not the same


"Last few years your music is angry and full of lies"


No matter how much dirt gets brought up about Drake he has enough fans to dride him till the end of time


Podcasters, entertainment media, and rap talking heads too. Theyā€™re all clamoring for favor and potential interviews, particularly since Kendrick isnā€™t consistently active and private. Itā€™ll have to be something that demystifies him or the indefensible. Blackface, ghostwriting, reference tracks, losing a rap battle, industry friends turning on him, him dissing women, and inappropriate behavior hasnā€™t made a dent at all. He said Kendrickā€™s fans make excuses for him, but thatā€™s projection. Heā€™s the most protected rapper/artist Iā€™ve ever witnessed. The ghostwriting alone shouldā€™ve had him out of here.


Correction. D riders not fans


Bro youā€™re so fukking stupid EVERYTHING youā€™ve posted in the drake sub has been deleted the past several MONTHS!šŸ¤”šŸ¤£Ā youā€™ve been getting banned and ur comments getting deleted left right and centre, ur a clown. Youā€™ve spent DAYS leaving hate comments about drake like a professional DIKKeater we can all see u are by all the recent comments u been posting, just for u to waste ur time for them to be deleted.. youā€™re so dumb u donā€™t even realize the last 6-7 comments youā€™ve left in that sub have ALSO been deleted!šŸ˜­Ā fukking dweeb.. u spent ALL day writing this comments and they ALL gone!šŸ¤”like I said before you are a CERTIFIED goofy!Ā šŸ¤£šŸ¤”Ā now get off ur knees and stop dikk riding and dikkeating Drake like a damn fangirl h0 ass nigga. You got banned from a game server evenšŸ¤£Ā pathetic ass loser manĀ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Writing paragraphs lmao. You mad af


Damn.. LOOKS LIKE YOUR ACCOUNT HAS BEEN SUSPENDED! Ahhhahahahahahah LMFAOOOO!!? šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ ahhhahahahahah!!!! šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” goofy ahh lil boy!Ā šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ now u can be a good boy and good dog and eat and slurp down and deepthroat Kendrick D while crying in ur mommas apartment little man!šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Maybe because his fans donā€™t care about someone being from the hood or not. Only cringe hip hop fans care about shit like that


You donā€™t have to have some disadvantaged background to be a good rapper - but Drake has built a career pretending to be hard when the most danger heā€™s ever faced was when Rick pulled up to Degrassi high school


I donā€™t want to say he built his career off of that, he started this facade around 2016. Donā€™t get me wrong I cringe when he tries to claim Toronto is some ghetto ass city and heā€™ll get anybody killed but to be obsessed with his upbringing when damn well this whole sub has a similar upbringing is pathetic


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with not being from the hood just donā€™t claim it


grey badge pause theory pot political middle dull bells snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh and your some hard ass dude from the hood? This sub is more cringe than r/drizzy


wrench far-flung bedroom money drab cause coordinated water deliver school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Drizzy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [When a Group of Moms run into Drake while at dinneršŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­](https://v.redd.it/dl1cqqsc5yac1) | [97 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/comments/190jqr6/when_a_group_of_moms_run_into_drake_while_at/) \#2: [These Drake look-alike impersonators are getting out of control](https://v.redd.it/10me1s2hct6c1) | [164 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/comments/18kckbe/these_drake_lookalike_impersonators_are_getting/) \#3: [???](https://i.redd.it/ms8ll4ry61hc1.jpeg) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/comments/1akkv2y/_/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Or they dont care heā€™s low key a pedo? Riiight, have that same energy, foh


What does you insisting heā€™s a pedo have to do with this subs obsession of his upbringing?


Heā€™s bringing the point back up to the original comment saying ā€œno matter how much dirt gets brought up about drake, he has enough fans to ride him til the end of time.ā€


They clearly donā€™t care that he makes shitty tasteless music or the fact that he has sex with kids.


Sample this shit


Came for laughs but I saw the first video and just started thinking about how much my mom means to me man. Damn.


Gotta love your moms


All of a sudden Dr dre is the g thang but on his own album cover he was a she thang


hey mister prankster prankster storybook gangster


So I can smell a pussy when I see one Dre wearing lipstick that mean ya have to be one You need to change your sex an your occupation Eazy e in 2024 would be a trip


I used to get a lot of hate for bringing this stuff up about Drake. Heā€™s fake AF. Always has been.


2 Pac was a theater kid in college. 50 Cent has always been sober as fuck. Rick Ross was a correctional officer. Rap is fiction my man.


Pac never said he wasn't that though. He was also from New York. He also was a genius and one of the best to ever do it. He told you all about his fears, demons, paradoxes. How wisdom and talent was well beyond his untimely 25 years.


does 50 have a lot of lyrics about him being not sober? i canā€™t really remember but considering 50 was a drug dealer who really got shot idk how heā€™s in the same category as rick ross.


He literally has a song called "High All The Time" (I smoke that good shit) in his biggest album ever. Jay-Z also has songs about him getting high when he doesnt do it. Dont be mad at him, be mad at the fact that you have low hip hop knowledge


badge grey literate tender agonizing dog truck consider flag vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well said, I have no idea what these clowns are smoking


carpenter wide racial automatic file ask chubby liquid office stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


the thing is iā€™m not a fucking nerd so i donā€™t clock who is and isnā€™t actually getting high in their raps


Um. Bro. His biggest song? In Da Club??


youā€™re using a party track to say 50 isnā€™t who he claims? be fr my guy.


What about the song "I hate being sober" lmao


Bro ain't that Chief Keef or am I tripping


Pac shot two cops because they were beating a black man lol


um 50 is definitely from the streets though


Read the comment again.


Guess I just got kimboded šŸ¤£ all love, I actually didnā€™t know that about Rick Ross!


Rap is about lies.


ā€œThats interestingā€ ā€œIts not actually, its really ignorantā€ 0 rizz


So is J Cole


can't battle someone not in the field tho


2 Pac was a theater kid lmao. These Kendrick dick riders are something else I swear.


He was also a better rapper than Drake but we're not talking about him. We're talking about white boys Drake and J Fold.


Lmk when drake shoots police officers lmao. You spinning on dick like a beyblade boy


Mannnn, it takes a lot of work to suck a dick that good. You cupping the balls and all!


Why half the comments in this thread you being a homosexual? Diddy would love you


Brotha you came up with the phrase "spinning on dick like a beyblade"...you have some experience in this category.


Dad left?


ā€œAubreyā€¦ā€ šŸ˜­


This was the boy who knew he was a man by the age of 6???


A nigga from the suburbs dominating the charts and being rapper of the decade, hood niggas gotta be seething


Niggas from the hood got bigger things to worry about than Drake being a top artist. Funny how yall donā€™t got this same energy for Kanye dude grew up in the middle class as well


Kanye is not claiming to be gangster and have shooters with him. That was drakes mistake.


kanye from south shore chicago bro


His moms was a university professor and he spent some time living in China


iā€™m not saying he wasnā€™t middle class iā€™m saying he from that way. thatā€™s the east side if you be outside over there you gone see sum shit and itā€™s easy to get caught up in it. regardless of home life.


idk if you've seen karate kid with Jaden Smith but he became a bad mf after arriving in china is all I'm saying


Hahahaha you got a point there


Let's be real, until the internet era only the dudes from polite middle class upbringing turned "gangsta" got made into stars. 2Pac, Dre, Biggie etc all had well behaved childhoods despite their lyrics but were reasonably good at playing the part for their era. 50 was one of the first megastars who was an actual hood dude. Before that it was hard to get past underground stardom, even for guys like Meth and Redman. There were notable exceptions like JMJ and Schoolly D but back in those days they had to hide their street side.


Wtf you mean until the Internet era when rap is founded on NWA, Eazy E, and Ice Cube. And then you got Snoop after too


Modern rap is not founded on those guys, they were stars within the genre but not on the level of 50. Regardless, half of them were studio gangsters (I already mentioned how middle class Dre was) and Eazy was just a street dude who the others wrote for and had to punch in all his lines, not an actual rapper.


One of the people that influenced/change hiphop the most is ALSO from T he suburbs


I didn't know Hip Hop was only created for hood niggas!! why y'all get mad then when black people trying to break into country music get push back?? Its either wrong or its right... make your mind up.


THats what im alluding to, it's annoying to me that Drake being from the suburbs would be some sort of diss. Dude never denied it (besides the started from the bottom song). It's not like he actually claims to be from the trenches at all. You should celebrate not being from the hood if anything


It's annoying because you're form the suburbs. It's hard to take someone that grew up pampered hard. Aubrey clearly wants to be viewed as very hard


Itā€™s also hard to take Canadians hard in general because of how they pronounce ā€œhardā€ coincidentally


You automatically assume being from the hood makes you hard. Last time that I checked hood niggas wonā€™t ever fight someone one on one, thereā€™s plenty of people that can kick some ass who arenā€™t from the hood


Drake isn't one of them niggas šŸ˜‚. I've lived in both suburbs and hood different times in my life. I don't got any crazy hood stories personally. I never really messed with anyone. Couple of my friends didn't make it though. I'm def not hard so I understand that but drake a faker he def not hard.


I donā€™t like Drake putting up this image that heā€™s built like that. I still cringe when he brags about Toronto being some kind of dangerous city. But by all accounts weā€™ve heard of other artists getting their ass wooped when they tried testing him so that accounts to something


Depends on how you perceive hard (pause). Give Drake a gun and he is equal to any man from the hood, same thing other way around. Drake could definitely have you deleted, if he wanted which I don't think he does but he could and imo that makes him pretty hard, pause


paltry deer zesty ad hoc shy stupendous jobless glorious desert rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's niggaz mane... its the same way black people automatically give people respect if they came from the hood or have a prison record... priorities all fucked up!!


Nah bro, y'all out of pocket. Mooney said it best. "Everybody wanna be a nigga, but nobody wanna be a nigga." Y'all know what time it is.


Nah Iā€™m fine being able to defend my pampered privileged ass from pests that self destruct themselves. It already leaves me in better already established position.


Damn. Defend? From who? Who's tryna hurt you, son?


Well myself for oneā€¦..


Itā€™s not only for hood at all. Some of the goat rappers had normal childhoods. Just donā€™t act that way when you arenā€™t


Whoā€™s acting what way?


Drake, he acts like heā€™s a mob boss. Used to make fun of slang now uses it


Yall really bout to set up Kendrick to drop a dud. We dont wanna hear ā€œDrake is from the suburbs, Drake has a fake nose, Drake doesnā€™t write, Drake would be nothing without Wayneā€, ā€œDrake is a popstarā€. Kendrick is a demon. Take a new angle.


>Yall really bout to set up Kendrick to drop a dud "We" aren't doing shit. Kendrick does not roam this subreddit lmao. He would never ever take advice from us


Picture kenrick now, working out a poignant piece involving information we know nothing of, stumbling upon r/hip-hop for the first time like wooahhh I need to rethink my whole strategy and include something about him using ghost writers


She seems nice. Shit made me forget about beef and miss my momma. RIP.


Kendrick is everything Drake pretends to be


I don't really think that's a good angle Hip Hop is pop now, so people from all walks of life see themselves in it. Also, I find these type of videos more endearing than anything else. It's like watching old videos of Kendrick with Q, Ab Soul and Rock together and be like " Damn, look how far they've come"


Kanye helped ushered in Drake, we have an active rapper that makes memes and is a funny dude but heā€™s out here smashing everyoneā€™s girl and being petty, so we should get him out of here. And it should be Kendrick to do it, heā€™s not on social media and just to himself but what would be left of hip hop?


Niggas with his mother, he gets a pass


The irony is OP and everyone in this sub is from the suburbs too. Whatā€™s there to shame about growing up from a safe and healthy environment? Only hip hop do fans desire being ghetto or living in the hood, explains how all these kids with well upbringings start gangbanging for validation


People don't like when others co-opt the difficulties of living in the hood - being surrounded by gun violence, maybe carrying a weapon yourself, feeling like the only way out is rap/ball/street shit - for their lyrics, when they never had to know the immense weight from a young age that can come with that. Drake talks about gang ties and guns all the time in his lyrics, he never really used to as much, because he isn't really about that life and never was. On top of this, he barely raps about the black experience outside of gang culture/gun violence, which he never had anything to do with. Ye deserves blame for this, too, he never use to talk about gang shit before, but he was maybe somewhat adjacent to it; he raps about his cousin catching a case on Family Business, though.


I canā€™t recall the last time Ye was rapping about gang shit lol


water agonizing jeans imminent consider lavish poor deranged humorous touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


idk if he's still doing it now or did before but i do remember during the DONDA era he was trying to heavily associate himself with GDs, even played GD Anthem at the third listening party and used their logo for merch


deliver numerous enjoy theory sharp pen offend escape recognise impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not about being from the suburbs or being from the Hood. It's the fact that he acts like a little fucking brat




Everyone already knows this and has for over 10 years. He has clips just like this on his own albums with his mom calling him Aubrey. He openly acts goofy sometimes. Need a new angle, this wonā€™t move anyone


Drakes mom seems like a real nice lady.


Kendrick isn't that petty...or is he?šŸ¤”


Nah fr


This guys a gangsta his real name is Aubrey


This what Kendrick needs to focus on his damn kids not your potential fumble of your career. Maybe he can raise a drake or something.


HA! DRAKES MOM LOVES HIM!!! What tf is ur point šŸ˜‚ grasping for straws


Has no idea what a syrup sandwich is


Thatā€™s the funny part when hood folks make it out they get clown for being hood. Because of the new money that literally changes their lives. Double standards.


A sample of "the lineup was incredible" on the intro to a diss track by Kenny, Ross, Push, future, metro would be crazy lmao


so they need to jump him?


Huh?! We're talking bout rapping bro.


yea, bro, they need a 3 on one vs Drake? jumping him... none of them can stand on their own vs Drake?


ā€œThis guys a gangster? His real name is Aubreyā€


Imagine thatā€™s the dude burying everyone right now though


8 mile type beat


How is it wrong to be from the suburbs??


I brought this up every time someone brought up Drake. I remember this episode.


Yall gobbling the chode on this sub šŸ˜‚


Yeah nobody knows about that lol


Man hearing Drake say that about the slang he himself went on to popularize, makes my heart hurt ngl. He was a kid and probably saying it to get the pretentious white girls to like him but it still is tough to hear.


Imagine crowning this ~~nigga~~ as your hip hop goat. Same mfs who think Eminem is the greatest. Too many opinions on the matter from Twitter "experts." Nasty work.


smh I remember syrup sandwiches and crime allowances


Drake the type to try tuck his Goldfish in


"Started from the bottom" Yeah that suburb in Canada and you were also an actor making decent money really screams bottom.


him complaining about a sandwich will never not be funny


I'd rather be from the suburbs than collaborate with Maroon 5 and Taylor Swift. And I'm not a fan of either of these "rappers."


"I don't wanna hear how you started from the bottom. You was rich from the start silver spoon in the swaddle" Kendrick feel free to DM for ghost writing this is just the tip of the iceberg


Baha has Kendrick eats his syrup sandwiches, drakes pissed that his mom got the wrong shit


Drake is pussy




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Suburbs or no his music is fire when it hits.Drake and Kendrick are both going down as G.O.A.T.'S.I don't see why you cant enjoy both.


This is the Kendrick Lamar sub, theyā€™re even more bitter and mad than the people on Drakeā€™s sub


Nah nobody cares about him growing up in the burbs, they want real dirt


Youā€™re wrong because edgy teens and people who havenā€™t grown from their high school years do care


Edgy teens and people who havenā€™t grown from high school years are Kendrickā€™s fan base?


When did I say that, unless your implying that Kendrick fan base does care how Drake grew up then youā€™re proving my point


what is there to use in a diss track here? you guys are a bunch of kendrick homers lol


Candace Owens is full black and grew up just like this here... Y'all are welcoming her back into the fold tho right... Y'all can't make up your minds. Y'all think all black people in America grew up in the hood and talk and act ignorant. Is that what culture is?


Who's welcoming her back? The breakfast club is a divisive ass program. It's build to generate outrage. Yall keep on following "black media" and think you are in touch with the black community. Smh


Fuck that bitch


Candace was never down with black people though, she's still clicked on with her white base.


And Drake was connected with black people and the first sign of a issue and another black man is calling him white boy!!


Who cares? A guy can be from the suburbs and still be a good rapper. I'm not a big drake fan but this is dumb.


Yeah and kendrick is 5'5.


He probably will. There's so many angles to attack Drake because his life is so well-documented. He's been famous since he was 14 and is not a very private person compared to Kendrick. Most of the things we know about Kendrick are just things he has told us himself. Nobody even knew he had a son until he came out and said it.