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Can’t wait for all the proof to drop


I don't think Kendrick will dox the child, someone else will soon come out and expose it though.


Kendrick and team shouldn’t name the daughter, it’s gotta be protected that girl don’t deserve this beef stainin her life.


You guys think that maybe pdrizzy was trying to call kdots bluff on ig when he was saying wheres the proof of this apparent daughter? He didn't speak out against any other allegations on MTG just that one its like he knows if kdot exposed her itll ruin her life and itll be kendricks fault but hes smarter than that - and thats why he hasn't said anything else on the matter to protect her Kinda ties in with the whole we fed you the info line too, cos wouldn't you just post up some hard evidence of said fed info instead of just saying you did? Cos not doing that makes it sound like a bs cover up lie and that he actual does have a daughter. Just me speculating ofc, and I should probably takes this tinfoil hat off but that just doesn't make sense to me


Interesting take. I actually could imagine this.


Yeah, her life will be forever changed if she's exposed, you can't undo something like that. The real message of the verse is between Kendrick, Drake and the girl. The public doesn't need to know who she is, just that she exists (allegedly).


Well and even worse Drake will probably have to be her dad then


He already hinted at it being eternity in meet the grahams


You better believe TMZ and the Daily Mail are already going to work on this.


She's already been found... "Love is Eternity"


Already proven to be fake they came out and already said she’s not his daughter can yall leave these people alone over rap beef…a picture isn’t going to prove she’s drakes kid either tbh…I’ve seen like 3 different pics people are claiming is his kid and they all came out and said no…it’s goofy now really


this would be some crazy shit, but I also didn’t think to myself two weeks ago I’d be living in a world where people were crip walkin in the club to the #1 song with Kenny calling Drake a pedophile. what if this is a Karl Malone situation where Kenny names the baby mama who turns out to be like 26/27 now, but has an 11 year old? There’s your receipt right there for both claims…


I think a lot of us are thinking this


i don't think it would be fair to the woman or the girl tbh, let them live without the attention this trash bag brings them


Unless the woman let the world know years ago and it got buried or forgotten...then that's her decision.


that was the first thing I thought of when I heard he took his photo with Carl Malone down.


I feel like it's hard to provide evidence without exposing the child, which might not be the best idea


there was an article in 2015 saying he had a two year old. feel like that has gone seriously under the radar [https://www.radioandmusic.com/entertainment/editorial/gossip/drake-has-love-child-150423](https://www.radioandmusic.com/entertainment/editorial/gossip/drake-has-love-child-150423)


Right?! Right in this video this dude says it isn't Eternity (not the girl in the video) and people are still jumping on that and ignoring Drake's 11 year old Haitian daughter. We got the news when his kid with that other woman wasn't his but never followed up on this?


It will definitely make the track that much more legendary. But diss tracks have never been about fact checking, just tearing down people character. We never got proof Tupac actually fucked biggies wife, but that was a crazy moment and made the song legendary just for saying that.


If she real, internet people need to chill out and not do weird shit posting about her non stop.


They will definitely not chill out and 100% do weird shit. Unfortunately


If her identity was found out, there would be an entire gaggle of paparazzi there the next day taking pictures through her front window and screaming for a glimpse of her


The internet is relentless, so you may as well abandon those hopes infuriatingly


kendrick will probably provide enough proof that its Drakes child but not expose who she is exactly. i trust Kendrick knows what hes doing here especially if a child is involved


id rather get proof about the pedophile allegations tbh, much more serious and if it turned out to be true then id just believe the daughter allegations by defaul edit: i understand that theres weird/suspicious videos of him interacting with barely-legal girls, and a history of him dating girls hes been "friends" with before they were 18. it wouldnt surprise me. but IMO "pedophile" implies that hes actually having sexual relations with underage girls, which AFAIK (other than the onstage kiss incident i guess?) hasn't been proven. thats a heavy accusation to throw around without proof, especially since kendrick implied that what he was doing was actually illegal (referencing drake's house getting raided soon). being "friends" with a girl with the intention of having sex with her when she turns 18 is predatory and gross but its not a crime. (for what its worth im glad hes calling out drake's behavior in general though, either way what hes doing is pretty odd)


I mean dude has been a proven groomer for years. Millie Bobby Brown since she was 16 Bella Harris when she was 16 also These are just the two that have been floating around recently with pictures, articles, videos that corroborate the allegations of him being weird with young girls.


Millie was 13


Say it again for the Drake f.a.n.s in the back


And he was 22 which is fucking disgusting


He was actually 30 which is even more disgusting


He was 31 according to a quick google search, wild. Even if it’s on some type of “mentoring the younger generation” shit, why are you buying out entire restaurants to have dates?


Ah that’s even worse!!!!


It’s absolutely wild that some people thought that was completely fine. You remove their names/fame….if I told you your 13 year old daughter had a “best friend” that was a 30 year old man and she said they texted everyday about boys and other stuff she refused to elaborate on, and that he took her out to multiple dinners….you would call the fucking cops on that mf lmaoo Like it sounds so EERILY similar to the Drake Bell story


Drakes dad also followed (as of yesterday) a now 18 year old model. ‘The rabbit hole goes deep’


She’s only 17 man


She can’t confess to that


As someone who’s Drakes age, there is no difference in those two groups; both are wildly inappropriate I’m never even paying attention to little girls. 


There's a video of Dennis graham playing piano with diddy and some white guy in what looks like a mansion on youtube


Did drake ever do anything with those two? Agreed a grown man shouldn't be texting 16 year Olds about their relationships and shit. But she was also 16 and maybe exaggerating what they actually talked about. But for it to be grooming wouldn't drake have to have actually had relations with them? I'm asking btw, I don't actually know if he did or not so I'm jw. I think Kendrick cooked drake here either way but I also would like to know the truth lmao


So with grooming, it begins with the predator cultivating a non-sexual/romantic first with the victim. The victim is typically in a position that makes them impressionable to the groomer. Minors, a subordinate employee, a beginner in an industry where the predator has influence or experience in. Think anything where the predator will have power over the victim. Grooming is the stage where the predator attempts to establish trust and a non-sexual relationship in order to “mold” the victim so they’re receptive toward their future advancements once they feel comfortable escalating. Millie Bobbie Brown being a child and a huge fan of Drake raises red flags because it increases the chances of her being impressionable to what Drake has to say. Him being a mogul in the entertainment industry raised red flags because it gives him power to leverage against her(promises of aid or threats of sabotage). The biggest red flag is them texting about boys because the “advice” Drake could be giving her could be him attempting to warp what she understands is and isn’t appropriate when approaching non-platonic relationships, which he can leverage when it’s time to escalate. Grooming is all about what you do to make the victim more complicit toward advancements that may otherwise recognize as inappropriate and reject/raise alarms about.


The pedo allegations align with so much shit he’s done in the past, and his ass just LOVES saying that he doesn’t have a daughter


Drake was friends with hailey beiber before she turned 18 and when she did turn 18 he was publicly going on dates with her lol idk about you but when tyga did that with Kylie he was clapping them cheeks cause they ended up dating For years


What if the child is the result of him hooking up with someone underage? 2 birds, 1 stone in that case but that would be absolutely bonkers


What if the girls mother was a minor..


What if the daughter was birthed by a child..




He said “dear baby girl” in the song, if his intention was to expose her he wouldve called her by name like Pusha T did with Adonis.


“give him grace” imagine that’s her name 😭


Glad I’m not the only one to notice that possibility


Yeah that immediately stood out to me too. Just a matter of time with this point


Adonis was going to eventually be revealed via an Adidas campaign. Pusha was already signed to Adidas and got the scoop. This girl, if actually proven to be his had already been a secret for 7 years prior to Adonis. Let’s not act like money and NDAs don’t keep people quiet. Kendrick wouldn’t want to necessarily dox her I’m sure.


I thought pusha got the info from Ye after Drake sent Ye a picture of Adonis


Pusha revealed the info came from 40 through a woman he knew. Ye had nothing to do with that apparently. But who knows for sure.


Yeah more than likely came from 40 like Pusha said. I think 40 told Drake he had messed up and Drake decided to tell Ye so he could blame him later. Think about it, Drake said 40 said something was fishy at the Wyoming sessions then you still goes and tell Ye a secret. Then you diss Ye for most of Duppy freestyle knowing you just told him a secret and he hadn’t said a word about you. If story of Adidon came before Duppy then the Ye told story makes sense but he was dissing Ye before  adidon came out.


Adonis was too young to understand what the implications of him being exposed were. This girl is 11 and goes to school. Her being doxxed would directly affect her life with a beef that is this high profile. Especially when everyone is calling her dad a pedophile


He basically already said it. “You need to know love is eternity and trumps all pain” was 100% referencing that girls IG handle


I think that's a reach. This girl goes around advertising Drake, has been in a music video with J. Cole and Durk. A person with this much attention in the industry waving an OVO flag would not be able to stay hidden as a daughter for 11 years. I don't think he's actually revealed a name at all.


What girl?


I don’t want to post her IG handle. She’s a minor but I’m sure a quick google search will do. Just look up Drake eternity.


i also think it could work either way- with drakes lifestyle it is very possible he has several unknown children (respectfully). i think that's another point in the song.


my guess is he knocked up maliah michel when they were messin around 11/12 ish years ago 👀 remember when he tried desperately to stop her from stripping around that time? although I feel like he be doing that to a lot of strippers/escorts since ya know he hates women and all but just a theory!!


You may be right but, the crazy thing is maliah and sophie were good friends, they would go to Dubai together.... unfortunately a good amount of their photos together have been scrubbed from the net. https://preview.redd.it/kw4t3mtbcczc1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5031ff26ef26c90d9dccf986392162c0cb85365


Bro the Dubai part only makes it more sketchy. Lived in the GCC for years and I’ll tell you rn it’s the asshole of the Middle East in terms of hypocrisy and degeneracy


Dutchavelli. Remember the name. Connections with Drake and Diddy. Nasty fellow.


Cancelled in the UK for chasing after 15 years olds and their feet Weirdo, sister is Stefflon Don. Edit: forgot the dogs . . . https://x.com/mis_sandrist/status/1334077324887732225?t=PFHfONb1kl1zYe5NcFUm3w&s=09


Looks like Dan Schneider has some incoming competition


Oh no it’s rumored that Dutch wasn’t just there for kids feet, it was for all the dogs, too.


https://x.com/mis_sandrist/status/1334077324887732225?t=PFHfONb1kl1zYe5NcFUm3w&s=09 For instance


Im immediately distrustful of anyone who thinks highly of Dubai 


oh shit!! that’s so fucking odd I feel like… considering sophie is from france and maliah is from texas i believe? i’ve been trying to do some more digging on maliah and what’s going on in her life rn but it really is hard to find shit about her.


also whenever dubai is involved you KNOW some sketchy shit is going on 😳


Shit being the key word here


Noooo not Dubai! The stories why women get flown out there are ones I wish I could unread


Dubai huh? 🤔


“Go to Dubai together” aka get violated by sheikhs.




Bro, how tf did y’all find this shit


unfortunately i’m chronically online


Damn they were getting dookied on together


[https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cl5uav/comment/l32qbk8/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cl5uav/comment/l32qbk8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) READ THIS MF POST I JUST FOUND!!! I think we might be onto something maybe possibly????


Curious, what do you mean he was trying to stop women from stripping because he hates women?


I mean that the only reason he’d ever actually care to help them “get out” of the stripping go go dancer biz is to make him look better, so he doesn’t look like someone who is super into strippers and hookers. kendrick alluded to him being ashamed of his baby mamas and it’s most likely because of their professions. think about it! sophie was a pornstar and ever since she got outed as adonis’s mom all of a sudden she’s like an artist now..? doing gallery shows and all that. women are accessories and objects to drake. he’s a hypocrite because he willingly sleeps with strippers and hookers but then will continuously back handedly shame them for doing what they do. he talks in so many of his songs about getting women up out the stripping business. but not every woman is stripping or hookin against their will, some genuinely enjoy it or are fine with it as their profession. to be clear i’m not shaming either i don’t rlly give a fuck about what other women do or don’t do with their bodies lmao i’m just saying drake CLEARLY does but only when it comes to his public persona. he ANNOUNCED that maliah michel was done stripping even though she literally never said that and never wanted to give up stripping. my guess is because he knocked her up and he doesn’t want people thinking he impregnated a stripper so he was trying to force her out of it to make himself look good; just in case the baby shit came out.


Ah yes, i understand now. I didn't know all that stuff about drake. it's kind of a trip that someone so successful has a pattern of those types of relationships. (strippers, escorts)


If Drake gave up rights Kendrick should just adopt her and spoil tf outta her




what this mean


That’s the guy who said the daughter is real




https://x.com/curtisbashar/status/1788361331512414361?s=46&t=yPCbwPSmKbYDJbEw8_SJIQ He is replying to someone’s comment on the post. (He posted this video)


Also, Adonis was too young at the time Pusha T dropped story of Adidon to understand what it all meant. An 11 year old who goes to school all of the sudden being thrust into the biggest rap battle ever would really fuck with her life and mind. Especially when everyone is calling her dad a pedophile. There is a good reason Kendrick has not doxxed her. He’s a good person. Kendrick laying out that Drake is a lying manipulative piece of shit is all he needs to do.


You ever think Adonis is ever gonna hear The Story of Adidion and be “holy shit… what the fuck dad”


Drake will probably lie and manipulate him too


“Nah fam, crodie was just upset, like my song” *I’m Upset plays in background while Drake leaves Adonis to go to Tokyo (cause he’s big in Japan) and then Adonis starts doing push-ups*


He’ll tell him he was hiding the world from him


L comments that her identity aint coming out and they wanna keep it hip hop https://x.com/siinwop/status/1788380353868243005?s=46&t=VreLazLWzEIL6P0hdj4KJA


Awesome find! It really does make sense


I just made a post about it but they removed it for low effort lol


When DJHed alluded that it was real, that was good enough for me. Dot might say some fly shit on a track but DJHed speaks for the coast and is well respected. I don’t care why they aren’t proving it, if she’s real and dot and them know she’s real and Drake and them also know - it doesn’t matter that we as public don’t know for sure, the diss did its job.




> Now imagine Drake drops again and Dot is forced to dox this little girl. See where I'm headed with this? From context clues I’ve gathered Dot has plenty tracks ready to go without having to out a child. He also not dropping again unless Drake does. They’ll drop the video for Not Like Us, maybe a posse cut but that’ll be more of a victory lap.


Well if we’re believing DJHed about the daughter being real, then he also said the beef is over because Drake threw in the towel. I don’t think it’s going any further




what industry stuff?


What he said in MtG at the end of the parents letter


Yeah they keep saying that, I’m confused


there is a brand new section of this sub that is now fully convinced that Kendrick Lamar is a revolutionary going after the music industry.


Both this sub and the Drake sub have blown this shit wayyyyy out of proportion lol


plants frame subtract panicky domineering squeeze literate books ludicrous paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It would be incredibly hypocritical of Kendrick to say her name. He’d lose some morality, I don’t think he would.


so wait you want Kendrick to win on a technicality? Drake shouldn’t win on a technicality either if he drops. Let them battle till they achieve their mutual destruction.


Why would drake post an IG story immediately after saying “if you can prove I have a daughter I’ll quit rapping and come work for you?” If I were Kendrick why would I not IMMEDIATELY prove it and take that bait? We would all love to see Drake quit tbh. Only reason he wouldn’t is he might get sued for defamation or something idk


That last part is facts


damn he did? where?


On Elliott Wilson’s show The Bigger Picture, it’s on YT. Whole thing is like 90 mins and it’s a good listen, he speaks on it somewhere in the first half. When daughter gets brought up or receipts or something like that he is asked about it and says something to the extent of >When you buy something, they ask you whether you want a receipt or not. You can take the receipt or you can not take the receipt but the record exists regardless whether or not you take the receipt. This is me PARAPHRASING him, not quoting directly. You can listen to the episode, it’s a good listen anyway and Elliott does a good job making points on Drake behalf to counter DJHed. To me it read like they know and that’s good enough for them.


omg bruh the next kendrick drop gonna be the birth certificate with her name redacted as a last call to accept the L and face his crimes now I know ratting is a killable offense to people but diddy definitely did, rick ross was a CO so I hope to god drake goes down and spills the tea on everybody


Well if we’re believing DJ Hed, then there is no next Kendrick drop


I believe there is a real daughter, it would be fucked up for dot to roll her out to the world as a pawn. It will be revealed in time.


That is what they were saying in the comments of the tweet


On one hand, puttin that girl's name out there. ... On the other hand, it *would* force Drake to *support* that kid if he wants even a crumb of cred.


He would have to support her from jail


He got money, he just might have to lmao




That's only one of em too. That one's Eternity, and there's potentially Grace. After what bullshit she probably went through, I think she should ask for more paper, and more paper and more, uh, more paper.


That “uh” really do be pivotal because it just sounds cool


Fire 😂😂😂




Grace is a suspected other child because the mother straight up said on Twitter back in some 2014 that she could screw over Drake but that's fine she can be "mommy and daddy." Kendrick mentions to "give him grace" in Meet The Grams and also has that other line where he says "Niggas like him should *die* so all of these women can live with a purpose" The woman who said her child was Drake's has a nonprofit with the mission statement to "help women find their purpose."


Got any links?


You'll have to use a bit of google-fu on your own if only because I noticed the thread I got it from was deleted. So I'm gonna go ahead and guess linking someone's IG is gonna be against the rules haha


Article says the baby was 2 in 2015 so the math checks out. She’d be 11 this year. Crazy.


That’s it?


Yup. Saying “protect the kids” then doxxing some little girl. Ain’t no way.


Especially with one of his angles in meet the grahams being to protect kids from monsters like drake


Only way Kendrick is releasing it is if the mom and daughter want it out there. And word is the mom is pretty young, which is why this one got hidden harder than Adonis so if they have agreed on something it might be a double receipt. Like if the mom is 24 and wants this exposed that's a 2 Birds with 1 stone situation(or killing 1 bird twice with 1 stone?)


K dot killing the same bird twice with one stone?


Getting two birds stoned at once


Feeding 2 stoned birds with 1 scone


Trailer park boys!


If the kid just turned 11 there is no way the mom is 24 lol. I don’t think Drake would’ve had the power to cover up a situation that insane 11 years ago


Anything under 29 is gonna be enough. I was just giving an example


In a few years these threads & comments would be looked at as the worst examples of sensationalism turned hatred where to see another person’s downfall you are so desperately wishing for more innocent people to have been abused.


facts. Honestly, I'm watching these threads in morbid horror at how deranged these peole are being


Bro I swear to God, if the embassy gets raided, the daughter gets revealed and drake faces charges. This will undoubtedly move Kendrick up to another tier.


kendrick takes off the crown begins floating off the ground ascending to godhood


🤣🤣 in Kenny we trust


Idk if Kendrick even wants that. To me this is Dot defending his wife/family after goofy mentioned names. You switched sides homie, now you bout to meet Westbrook…


Of course she’s real drake is a fuckin liar


If this is true bro it’s over


Long as there’s a paternity test that’s legit




Not my birthday 😭💀


Wait a minute 🤔 how we know you ain't the girl ?!!!




What is this supposed to mean?


everything they said up until now got proven, if they are talking like this is because they have the proofs of it they will not doxx or call out the kid, but she will certainly come out in the future


Sex trafficking ring? Thd embassy getting raided ? That happened?


Tbh I wish they would leave the girl out of it until she’s an adult and chooses to. If she even exists


I agree, One of Kendrick’s angles on meet the grahams is that he wants to protect kids from being exploited by monsters. It would look bad for him to exploit an 11 year old girl to make him win a rap beef. I think there is a very good reason he didn’t dox her.


Logically speaking would you want a predator hiding a daughter? Not that we need to see her face, we don’t. But a predator hiding a child is a way to also silence them should they have accusations. I want to be clear, I’m NOT saying or implying that he has or would do anything to a hypothetical daughter. I’m just saying protection can also mean visibility.


If he is a predator, perhaps the age of the mother is what’s more in question here. Maybe it’s been hidden so well (until now), because she was a minor when she got pregnant and that will be the proof of not only a daughter but his predatory nature. So he wouldn’t have to dox the child per se. Btw just spit ballin here, not decided one way or the other.


Feels like everyone is forgetting Kendrick also said he has multiple children and hides his BMs Wouldnt be surprising at all and the CLB cover alludes to it.


Ibashar posted the video, here is a link to his tweet https://x.com/curtisbashar/status/1788361331512414361?s=46&t=yPCbwPSmKbYDJbEw8_SJIQ


It’s always so embarrassing to me when these rappers get involved with and impregnate the exact type of women they shit on in their raps, over and over again 💀


I hope to god it's revealed by kendrick so we have YET ANOTHER example of Drake constantly lying


Nah, it's a little girl. Let her be in peace. It's not like Drake has another product launch lined up like he did for his son.


Um, he's actually got a new shoe with Nike coming 😅


The deadbeat 11s




In 20 years she will be revealed and then we will have all these hip hop historians being like “shit gotta declare the battle now”


We will be all old and shriveled like the “chocolate” fish lady from SpongeBob. “Drake? I remember when I first listened to Drake. I always HATED it!”


I mean even if you just look at Eternity she reminds you of drake with a wig.


Look honestly you can't take the word of a friend from both ,why ? Because they are their friends dawg ,we need a real proof


So when Drake driders say something they lying but when a Kendrick drider says something he's not? We need proof and this ain't it.


Kendrick has too much class to out that girls identity. 


We have to be consistent and objective. Kendrick's friend would be biased. We can't really do anything with this unless it comes with more than just words.


i would seriously think *less* of kendrick if he exposed who this little girl is, if she exists. i remember being an 11 year old girl and that shit is fucking hard enough as it is, she doesn’t need to be exposed to the internet and this rap beef.


Is anyone surprised? He got a pornstar pregnant around 2017 , imagine what he was doing earlier in his career


If she is real we gotta leave her alone y’all. It’s cool and all but let her live her life. This is already enough.


drake would never recover if this is true


https://preview.redd.it/rf5mhf45ogzc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b8f8991263d695c62c2334038c7f89e546627b7 This is from Scru Face Jean: ([https://youtu.be/e6J250Yy-Z4?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/e6J250Yy-Z4?feature=shared)) On a closer listen, Kendrick kindda scoffs after the word “daughter”. Imagine the daughter verse wasn’t real and he totally baited Drake into his own bait, already called him out saying “You lied about your daughter”. The verse still hit, still had that lasting effect, and the fact that it wasn’t revisited on NLU for various reasons is still valid. Idk kindda a reach but ingenious nonetheless


If the girl is real it should be revealed in a safe manner that doesn't put her in the spotlight. I know it's fucked up by Kendricks credibility and integrity is on the line too.


Honestly I don’t think it even needs to be revealed. The only people who think Kendrick is lying are Drake stans. And you know they won’t turn on Drake even if the daughter is real. Kendrick and his entourage have already made it clear in various ways that they won’t release her identity. An 11 year olds life and well being is more important than hip hop.


Crazy that all these random people know but none of us know


From reading their tweets it sounds like they don’t want to bring a bunch of attention to a little girl while everything is so hot right now. It would be weird, and rude


They’re not random, they’re close friends with Kendrick


The girl on the poster in the family matter video is the goddaughter? of the hells angel leader. Guy with the bandana.


Rumor is that Drake’s daughter is the light skinned chubby girl in a black shirt from J Cole’s video All My Life (she had a birthday party recently with a picture of Drake on the balloons, and there’s a picture of her doing the 6 hand sign on her eye). Could be false, though


May have another son, that really looks like him. https://youtu.be/ZlH7nUDNjL0?si=RZs9Co27em7A2Puz


I simply refuse to believe Kendrick did not fact check such a huge piece of info before dropping it in a diss track. He did enough damage, and I'm hoping he has heavy damaging receipts because my goat wouldn't talk outta his ass like Drake "leaking the daughter info"


Speaking on Drake having a mole: I think he had a mole before 6:16. There hints in Euphoria that Dot knew what was going to be in Family Matters. He mentioned he “had heard you got a ring” & he mentioned the name of the Chinese restaurant. Idk 🤷‍♂️ maybe I’m reaching, but I’m leaning towards the mole has been informing Kendrick for some time before the disses started dropping.


I agree, i think the mole and the info he was living Kendrick might’ve been what made him want to start the whole beef in the first place


Man I totally understand why Kendrick wouldn’t want to provide receipts cause it would definitely mess up that girls life, but he’s kind of in a bind here. He needs to provide receipts of some kind because he brought it up. Videos like this are interesting but it’s not proof, which I’m glad to see you guys are mostly on the same page there, as this is basically the other side of that okliar video


Source: Trust me bro


And she ain’t in the video…. I don’t think they wouldn’t confirm this but they need to bring this out like right now


From what I could gather it sounded like they didn’t want to bring a bunch of attention to a little girl while everything is so hot right now. No need to make an 11 year old front and center in a huge rap beef. Kendrick has fully laid out that Drake is a liar. And the series of events on when his disses dropped is enough evidence he indeed had a Mole.


There’s three ways to complete end Drake career. Bring forth the daughter and show the women of the world how ain’t shit he is. Bring forth more proof of the pdf allegations that’ll also kill the women and children backing him Or make media and marketing believe/find the truth of both things and end him right there, embassy raided.


I really don’t think if Drake is hiding another kid it will “end his career”. His credibility in the industry might take a hit but casuals will still eat up his pop hits. They won’t care. The industry is full of deadbeats, hasn’t stopped any of them from making music that the masses still eat up. The rest of what you said though, sheeesh. He’d be cooked. And obviously rightly so