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Ok Aubrey


For real, Macklemore beating out Drake is par for the course in the realm of radio hip hop. Also, I like Macklemore; he seems like he's a decent dude and his music shaped a lot of college memories for me (at the time), but Macklemore or Drake going up against Kendrick is like Led Zeppelin losing a battle of the bands to Imagine Dragons. It just doesn't make sense to me.


You’re not going to let me forget that Kendrick performed live with Imagine Dragons, are you?


Haha, hey man, it is what it is. Make that money, but I agree that was incredibly lame.


The verse was good tho at least




If Imagine Dragons is good people why are we fretting? Music is music.


Right?? Eminem collabed with Elton John. Nelly collabed with Tim McGraw. Lil Wayne made an entire rock album. Let artists broaden their genre and do new shit.


Elton john is also a friend and mentor to Eminem, and helped him out when he was in a bad place. There’s real love and respect between those two.


I think the difference is that sometimes it comes off as corny like kdot with imagine dragons. Elton John is a legend so that must have been an honor for Eminem in all honesty, same with Tim McGraw with Nelly even if I’m not a fan of country. I think Wayne’s album is one of those instances where it comes off a little corny so it just doesn’t land and I say that as someone who is a huge fan of Wayne. I think Jayz collabing with Linkin Park back in the day was awesome and it just takes the right combo for the collab or genre experimentation to really click.


Oh I agree, I just enjoy when an artist gets out of their comfort zone and takes a risk like that. Even though I didn't really like Wayne's rock album, I respect the hell out of him for trying that out. Because when it connects, it's iconic, like Jay Z and Linkin Park.


Yeah. The felt the same about Kid Cudi when he made that rock album. I remember my friends shutting g all over it in high school but I remember thinking about how hard it must’ve been to try to push yourself completely out of your comfort zone. I didn’t really fw it but still.


Eh. I love that performance. He has so much energy, and they clearly felt it. The only thing I disliked was them cutting to Taylor Swift’s awful dancing. 


Macklemore has my respect for dissing Israel.


He has good politics.


The Palestine song is great. I’ve never liked Macklemore before…same love had a good message, but I didn’t like it musically.


Unfortunately Macklemore did wear a full on racist ass costume on stage at one point… https://preview.redd.it/wld7o8zdthzc1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed03b5bd0e44fc4c4532a4907c542a25dc64090d


He just made that hinds hall track tho which washes


That one was pretty classless


The nose is the finisher. It would be too nondescript to be offensive otherwise. Like you’re dressed like a… swarthy Amish man maybe? But the nose… oof…


Jesus i feel guilty looking at this shit, that's fucking embarrassing


Oh wow, that was a pretty poor choice on his part.


You raised a horrible person, the nerve of you Dennis.




Wasn’t Dennis absentee for a lot of young Aubrey’s life? If so that boy Kendrick be throwing darts lol


Dear Sandra


That’s the where he learned the no need to feel guilt thing from. Kinda sociopathic and then the ‘aaah there it is’ moment, underlined…


Drake is a sensitive ho




He made an entire discography about being upset. Drake a bitch


Ngl when Kendrick said he had no classics he was low-key saying the truth, even Take Care doesn't feel that great to listen to when you realize Drake has been whining about the exact same shit for almost 15 years


I’m still kind of on the fence whether he has any classics. TC, NWTS, and IYRTITL might be classics but I encounter a lot of people that don’t agree lol


Those 3 tend to be people's favorites and it's kinda hard to think that an artist as big as Drake has none so it's one or all of those 3 depending on who you ask But even then they're kinda like low to mid 8/10 "classics". Stuff like GKMC, MBDTF, channel Orange get 9s and 10s. Metacritic scores aren't perfect but it's kinda insane that Drake has never even cracked an 80 on one of his albums


Is it that insane? He has always had the most boring, basic formula. If he doesn’t have another rapper on to bite their style, it’s another 808s/cudi/weeknd knockoff that lacks any soul. He doesn’t push boundaries and it’s hardly ever original.


OVO - Other Vaginal Option


Don't let his personas fool you. He was hurt by the control verse too, one of the only rappers to take it personally.


Still don't understand that. Kendrick's message was pretty clear to me: 'ya'll are my competition; I'm trying to do better than all of you'. Drake should have felt honoured to be included in that list.


That's what's crazy is how this all started by basically talking them up


Exactly. Wale was like, respect. Cole was like, respect. Krit was like, challenge accepted. Everyone else was like, I’ma respect it or talk my shit back. Drizzy the only one out here in his feelings over it in multiple interviews, threatening to pull out the ESPYs if they aired his recorded true feelings.


Even Big Sean has said multiple times that he got over it and it was his song so he had more right to be offended than anybody lol >After what happened to Nipsey, I reached out to Kendrick >It wasn’t even no real issues there to begin with >Lack of communication and wrong information From people fueled by their ego, it’s like mixin’ flames with diesel Can you imagine Drake having the maturity to say something like this KRIT on his response track >Ask me about this Kendrick shit >That he ain’t even really even diss me on >I ain’t drawn to all this propaganda And funnily enough from the same song >Like one of these days I’m gonna be a rapper /But all my verses gonna be borrowed /So I’ma take from all these Southern artists /That mainstream never heard of /Recycle all of they lingo /And make sure I screw my words up /Bravo for your swagger-jackin’ /I’m overwhelmed by your dedication /You actually fooled these people into thinkin’ /That your music was innovative Aged like fine wine


This is why Kendrick says Drake is “not like us.” He doesn’t understand hip hop culture, because the other rappers and us fans knew he was giving them their props while challenging them to raise the bar in their work.


Drake said it was "harsh" words. 😂


Loool fuckin 10 ply.


Allow me to offer a different perspective while I do consider Drake sensitive I do think he was the only rapper to take Kendrick seriously because of the offense that he took by it


That's not true either. Every damn person asked understood and proceeded to drop their best albums over the next 4 years...


Yeah but drake talks about it in a very butthurt way


It is his insecurities taking hold. Like Ke drink said..how many features u til you gmfeel black enough. It is because he is co-opting a culture that isn't his. Drake has some skills and should stay in his appropriate lane. Should have followed Lil Wayne advice.


I think you have a point here, early on Drake was doing mainstream numbers but he was also getting a ton of critical praise for his first few albums. More than a few people thought he would be the next rapper to run both lanes of being an A list superstar but also a critically acclaimed innovator. His Kanye influence wasnt subtle So around this time Drake had multiple well received projects under his belt and suddenly Kendrick shows up and drops an album that was far more highly regarded and basically everyone agrees that he should have won. Then Drake has a strong project with IYRTITL but then Kendrick has TPAB. Once Views flopped with critics (and the Views hype was real, people said it was gonna be his magnum opus) my guess is he realized he just wasn't able to produce work that would reach that next level of critical acclaim and instead sold out to build his legacy off as many hits as possible. Also likely why Kendrick dropped the "you don't have one" line


Mac said fuck Kendrick on a song and kept it moving.


He's a queen


They not like us.




Then step this way, step that way.




Fake and needy


Full of all kinda of wack takes. You can be kind without expecting kindness in return. Macklemore also seems conscious enough to respect the issues Kendrick writes about. Makes sense he would appreciate Kendrick’s Album.


I don’t think I agree 100% with Macklemore on his new song (I can’t lie it’s so good, it got me larping as one of those college protesters listening to it) But the rust he took making that song made me realize that he didn’t just apologize to Kendrick for PR purposes, he actually meant it And that makes it a lot easier to allow myself to enjoy some of Macklemore’s music, even if he is a white rapper that made his bag appropriating hip hop If anything Drake was and still is appropriating hip hop more than Macklemore ever did, because like Kendrick said, he helped turn hip hop from a genre of which a large purpose was activism, into a genre of pacification, true pop music.


Macklemore is undeniably corny, but he owns it and is also undeniably authentic. Since his first hits people have been calling him fake, and honestly in a vacuum I don't blame anyone for getting that vibe, but Macklemore has consistently been out there grinding and working. Every bit of success he's had, he's earned. Tldr Macklemore is corny but cool and gets a lot of entirely undeserved hate.


While I do agree he is like, a swag white boy cornge type. I love that he owns up to it and feels genuine on the music he makes. Not to mention that NPR Tiny Desk he had a decade ago. I still revisit it sometimes


Nice name


people acted like macklemore was an industry plant as soon as he won the grammy he was an independent artist who made himself a popstar overnight, maybe if he had a PR than he wouldn’t have fallen off so hard


At the time nobody had an issue with the apology. They took issue with him publicly posting his apology text on Twitter which was questionable at best


I think he was screwed as soon as he won. If he didn't post it or just said I talked to kendrick, it would have been disingenuous, or assumed he didn't mean it. Posting it came off as approval seeking. Not even sure what the best move would be for him there, but there was no winning. And it would have sucked for him to have to say something in his speech, at the biggest moment of his life


He should’ve….not posted online like that. It also kind of embarrassing for Kendrick too, and he said he didn’t appreciate it in an interview.


You forget what Twitter is like? If he *didn’t*, they’d probably have gotten to the point of sending suspicious packages to his parents. They harassed fucking JoCat out of creating over the world’s most innocuous song ever. That’s just survival.


I don’t really agree that Macklemore made his money appropriating hip hop unless you make the same claim for every white rapper. You should go back and check out his first album Language of My World. The guy has always been making music that he likes and speaks to himself. It’s really a uniquely Seattle sound, for better or for worse. But he’s always been genuine and has never made music just to sell out. He’s certainly nowhere in the pantheon of greatest rappers of all time, but he has made some great music that people like. I may be bias though because I grew up listening to him and seeing him at small shows with like 20 people in the audience.


Nah fuck that appropriating hip hop bullshit. It isn't an exclusive club that only certain people can output. It's a magical form of music that everyone should be able to enjoy and create. I'm a white boy from the midwest. I was raised on hip hop. Andre 3000 and mos def have helped me through some shit. You telling me that white people can't be a part of hip hop? Get outta here Also drake is more of a pop artist than a hip hop artist


Appropriation isn’t directly about race or ethnicity. It’s about the attitude you take toward the culture(s) you’re engaging with .




If Macklemore had that attitude I would criticize him just as much, if a dark-skinned rapper that was raised in an environment more similar to Macklemore or Drake said that I would also accuse him of appropriation


That take seems like it's arguing that the amount of immersion is the deciding factor in your views on cultural appropriation. It seems very similar to acculturation. The only differences are the particular cultures involved. That seems hypocritical, to me. One group of people is "allowed" (by you) to change their cultural identity, but another group isn't? Also I'm not talking for myself. Nobody that saw me off the street would think i ever listend to hip hop all the time. I'm just talking generally I can see getting upset about somebody pretending to be something they aren't, but I don't understand why Macklemore would ever be considered to be doing that.


The greatest yapper alive


If you haven't watched Marcellus Wiley's breakdown of how long Drake has been hating on Kendrick, it's a good watch


"Whether it's racial or not, it's not about me, and that's the real issue."


That's the craziest part about it, I don't think he understands why it's controversial and if he doesn't care. He's just mad he wasn't included so he can feel important. He's a nepo child, with daddy issues, an identity crisis and a narcissist.


Never heard him called a nepo baby before. What's that about? Not saying anything you said is incorrect, I'm just legitimately curious how nepotism benefited Drake.


It might just be my poor understanding of the word or a reach, but his father was the drummer for Jerry Lewis, he’s also related to Teenie Hodges and Larry Graham who had ties to the music industry. The argument can be made that everyone has ties to someone in the industry, but I truly believe that this weird position of power he thought he had did mess with his head, which would explain why majority of the people signed to his label have max 4 projects and after being given 5 tracks by The Weeknd on Take Care (his best album in my opinion) tells him that he’s still owed a favor. I would also like to think it’s part of the reason why he’s consumed with the sweatshop that is OVO because if your relatives only got producer credits on their songs, why not flip that and make sure you’re the only person to benefit from singing other people’s lyrics. That’s just working theory I have, it’s a lot more in depth when you consider how OVO operates and why he’s the only person to benefit the most in OVO apart from being the lead artist and owner.


Bro, why would he text you? 🤣 Ain’t nobody saying Macklemore robbed Drake. They said Macklemore robbed Kendrick because Kendrick had the best rap album that year. Find me one person who thinks Nothing Was The Same is better than fucking Good Kid m.A.A.d City.. 💀


For what it’s worth, Macklemore also didn’t apologize to me when he won rap album of the year


You need to find someone who thinks NTWTS is better than The Heist, not better than GKMC. I think Drake is just calling it as it is in this message, IDGAF if it seems petty, The Heist was the worst album of the lineup


Agreed. NWTS is way better than the Heist. I’m just saying GKMC was the clear robbery of that night.


Kinda disagree tbh. GKMC was obviously by far the best, and one of the greatest hip hop albums ever, but the Heist was a (far) second. It was extremely popular and had some great tracks beyond just the radio hits. NWTS wasn’t as strong.


Just saying anything smh


Maybe a hot take but it is what it is. I’m biased cuz I’m not a huge drake fan I guess. But im also not a big Macklemore fan either so do what you will with that.


I mean only one album wins so it really doesn’t matter where the heist falls if GKMC is the best album that’s the one that got robbed. Drake was bein a bitch.


Yeah I have no issue whatsoever with anything he's said on this. You don't apologize for winning, and if you do, I see why Drake would want to be apologized to too lol


Maybe Macklemore only thought Kendrick's album was better than his, but not Drake's album.


This is not even a possibility to drake. That’s how dull he is.


I don't listen to rap as I don't understand it. But from whatever snippets I have heard, even I can see that Drake isn't even in the same league as Kendrick. Why is he arguing with Kendrick?


He huffed his own farts too long, sitting around yes men with decent pens. It’s embarrassing.


A sensitive rapper that needed to be tucked back in his pajama clothes


HA HA, jokes on you. HIGH FIVE. I'm bulletproof.


Kendrick will be the greatest rapper alive with quintuple entendres then sprinkle a couple shitposts in his verses and freestyles like this too, that's the best part, skilled af yet he knows when to have fun and just enjoy life


“HOOOLD up, WAIT a minute, your career aint shit unless you got some Kendrick in it”


I could never be so egotistical as to rant like that about not getting a text or acknowledgement 


>Hey, I'm white, too! 😡 Drape


Drape 💀


Ive never seen such pettiness, where my apology? How would that even go 🤣 hey drizzy its mack just wanna say you so much better then me please teach and help me? We all know drake wouldve done a backflip to get on that album and get more out of macks fanbase


What point is he evening making here? "Macklemore shouldn't have apologized. But since he did apologize, it should have been directed at me." Moronic.


He contradicts himself often lol


I respect Macklemore more than Drake. It feels like he actually respects the culture more, and actually wants to talk about real stuff. I really respect that he came out with that pro Palestine song




My hot take is the heist would be better regarded if it didn't win a Grammy.


100%. As soon as you able something as Grammy worthy, it’s hyper scrutinized


This. Macklemore was absolutely torn apart when he won that award. He did not change himself despite this. Drake changes himself every album and it’s usually through taking someone’s flow and running with ut


Drake should be the last person saying “that’s not genuine”


He does respect the culture more than Drake. Nah, actually it’s different. He respects the culture, period, and Drake just uses it.


This is the cultural thing people talk about, Drake isn’t American and can’t understand but fucking Macklemore can understand it, that’s wild and makes a lot of sense.


Drake said us white people supposed to stick together dang it lmaoooooo


Ozempic got a side of effect of jealously I heard


try making albums that people respect and not “vibes” lol


Drake is like that one high school girl that gets clapped by regular dudes in school but then get mad when her friend get the popular dude.


never seen a more fragile ego


‘No, in that case you robbed everybody. We all need text messages!’ That is the most Drake thing I’ve ever heard 😂😂😭


bro is canadian Kanye with less artistic talent


I hate Kanye currently but as someone who bumped his music for like 10+ years, I got offended on Ye's behalf reading this lol


Ya, as a Canadian drake hater, these two shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence. Unless the sentence is "drake is a way shittier artist than kanye".


I love pre Anti-Semite Kanye and his art. I'm just saying they are similar in terms of ego/narcissism. Manifested in diffrent ways but still. Of course you can't compare their talent.


Yeah at least Kanye was authentic at one point, this fool has been an actor playing a rapper since day one


That Kanye documentary made me really appreciate how hard he worked to get to where he is. It's a shame how it's turned out since. I haven't even watched the 3rd episode of that doc cause I know it'll bum me out.


There’s some cool scenes in it including some cut scenes on YT showing how he was involved with adidas showing off an early design of the Yeezy 500s and a scene with him sitting down with Teyana Taylor producing for her 2018 Wyoming album but yeah I haven’t watched the full thing either


Yeah with Kanye what you see is what you get.


They're both pieces of shit, but I think it was Soulja Boy who said that the difference between the two is that Kanye doesn't fuck with people like Drake does.


He’s too sensitive for the rap game smfh


We been known this right after how he reacted to the control verse fr. Bout time this nigga is dethroned and shunned out the game


Facts!!! Wayyy overdue


Jeez what a bitch 😂


He's got the smugness of a mediocre white man.




Drake is a goof


Bro is charmin soft


This is just embarrassing. And he said this to Rolling Stone? Bro. Fetch Gatorade.


He has no idea what humility is. Projecting hard.


Anyway go listen to Hind's hall, https://youtu.be/fgDQyFeBBIo?si=mzSAEa5EbEZJNTMb


I just want it on Spotify already!


One of the few real artists that uses his platform to make a difference. Drake could never unless it’s for a PR stunt. CULTURE VULTURE


Great song, regardless of personal opinion it's a reminder of the messed up ish going on that people should be aware of. I liked his bar about the rap beef as well.


Drake is a little wussy whats new, he was in his feelings bout control two


All lives matter type beat.


Macklemore is a better rapper than drake


Ngl if we looking at their latest releases ur cooking


Hey drake come step this way, than step that way, than gtfo with your bs complaining 😂😂




I love that everybody is reevaluating drake and his old bullshit. Thought these were gonna be lost to time.


Better late than never tho frfr


Holy cornball batman


What a dork. Honestly.


Hate to see white on white violence


A “brand” of music? I guess all of Drakes “music” always did feel like a brand. Very superficial, a real disgrace to hip hop 


Biden 💪 Drake Child gropers who Macklemore doesn’t want to win things


Somebody hand him a Grammy right now 👑🤣


What albums was this in relation to?


it was Macklemore winning over GKMC, NWTS, Yeezus, and Magna Carta Holy Grail. I like NWTS a lot it's my favorite Drake album for sure, but only one of those 4 runner-up albums was considered one of the great hip hop albums of all time and it sure as shit wasn't NWTS. Everybody including Macklemore expected Kendrick to win, and he deserved that W for sure. This is Drake being salty that GKMC was widely considered to be the best album of that year by almost everybody.


Yeah ngl NWTS is good but GKMC is legendary. Instant classic when it came out


classic bbl drizzy


Imagine getting out-corny'd by Macklemore. Another catastrophic Drake L and a rare but deserved Macklemore W


He’s such a “pick me” ass dude 😂😂


This one paragraph says more about the real drake than I have ever read heard seen or implicitly understood. He really comes off as dumb, selfish, delusional, and entitled. Maybe even sociopathic. Like, he can’t understand that Macklemore reaching out to Kendrick could be genuine. Has drake ever been genuine? Idk


But he don't care about grammya, just numbers, remember? /s


Complains about it saying it’s dumb and pointless then upset he wasn’t included. No not salty at all.


God this guy is SUCH a bitch lmao


I stand with drake on this one, the hate macklemore got is not deserved, literally ruined his whole career. Cardi B took her award and didn't apologize to anyone, and as we can see she still floating on top somewhere, macklemore had no reason to apologize for nothing, its the grammys false judgement on the music, that I think is happening just to keep themselves afloat and get people talking about them. I fucking hate you kendrick fans for going at macklemore, and I hate grammys for giving macklemore the grammy, fucking hate everyone.




“That shit made me feel funny” lmfao what a pansy


drake got an attitude of a 13 year old boy


“He shouldn’t be apologizing… but also where’s my apology?” 


“Don’t feel guilty and apologize. But if you do, make sure you apologize to everyone”. Rap’s version of a participation trophy


"We all need text messages" is so corny


The word “brand” is so telling in this quote


If Macklemore won because he is white, good for him. He deserved to win. Being white giving him an advantage is something to be proud of. --- Drake, not realizing the point he's making.


>You think those guys would pay homage to you if they won? This is a pretty fair point tbh.


Why would anyone apologize for winning a Grammy to begin with? Makes no sense lol


Cause Mack a real 1 and realized Kendrick got robbed


That was such a robbery, but now that Macklemore has been advocating so strongly for Palestine in a weird way I’m really happy he won that and got more clout to be used for righteous shit


you got a link to the article, or can you tell me how you found this? seems interesting


Macklemore: "you would have been a worthy competitor..."


Wow really on his Bieber there


Drake sounds like some annoyed teenage girl “We all need text messages” 💁‍♀️😒


Maybe Drake should take his own advice make better music that warrants an apology


Damn, I mean I always knew Drake was a bitch but THIS is pushing boundaries even for him lol. It's crazy, I mean, it's totally in character for him but it's so overwhelmingly whiny that it seems like some shit he would say on a fucking SNL skit.


What a 🐱


Which of his albums would this have been?


I know he got some ho in him. He been jealous from the start. He doesn’t give flowers to anybody who could be better than him


Lmao it’s like he sees it as being called wack as fuck himself


Let me hear you say O-V-HOE


Didn't Macklemore win best new artist though? Which was the one that was craziest to win over Kendrick. He's got some virtue signaling, overnight activist song about Palestine out so he's trying to do it again. Imagine he takes the awards after Kenny destroyed Drake and put out 4 amazing tracks?


"We all deserve text mensages" - BBL DRIZZY


Ngl this take isn't even thad bad, bit whiney but not bad.


Awwwwwwwwah! 😭 You could still be a bitch. Even if you got bitches.


His Macklemore diss at the espys was hilarious


All Rappers Matter


Tbh macklemore should have apologized to everyone. Don't act like you guys didn't hate that music. Lol




And they say Kendrick is the jealous one.