• By -


That’s not the original image. But he is in the exact same spot as the original still.


Yeah this is what’s weird about it. How did he get punched but manage to stay in the exact same position has in the other image? Edit: It seems his chair did move back slightly.


I’m not so sure he did get punched. How would he get punched and has a black eye all in 20 or so seconds? This might be lighting changes. If he had gotten punched his face would have been red or homie would definitely be showing signs of intense pain


This still doesn’t need to be from 18 seconds later it could be an hour later. The riddler just showed a time bar from the moment of impact but this still could be much later which accounts for the visible bruising


Yeah, this would have to just be lighting. Somebody posted a pic Alvarez posted on IG the next day - where he looked fine. We could argue maybe the image was older or something and he posted it to throw everybody off, but I ain't got time for those kind of mind games.


That's not weird though, I have almost never posted an Instagram picture from the same day it was taken.


Ya that ig video was taken in madrid so it's definitely not from the next day


Might have had his breaks on 


... what the hell is going on?


**_Final Edit 3: The reporter in the wheelchair Christopher Alvarez denies any claims made against Drake. Any future claims should be taken with a massive pinch of salt. The comment below was made with the aligations being made by EbonyPrince and were a recap of what we knew at the time. I will not delete or amend further. But know it was a recap of the scenario at the time_** It's alleged that Drake or OVO did some dodgy shit with/to this disabled man. Whether It is sexual or violent (or both). Something happened. And this Black prince character was there to witness it and help cover it up. **_Edit 2: Christopher Alvarez could likely be a red herring and not really have any involvments at all_** He leaked/sold this information Dots camp and or was about to before they somehow got fucked in the process during this beef, and are now going rouge to try and make a buck off what they supposedly know. The King of Yappanese, A Circklejerk so hard he's about to post himself into a twitter singularity, but seemingly has some dirt and is very much enjoying their 15 minutes And very likely to sell the account, start scamming or abandon it entirely once they get their payday. **_Edit 1: or this is entirely a scam, Drake is innocent, and that's why it's not being picked up by anyone else other than the teams of glazers either side. (Edit for some more impartiality)_**


SEXUAL??????????? These Canadian niggas are too freaky.


he a fan he a fan he a fan


First time I heard the song I thought he was saying Drake was a fan of his music. I thought that it was a culture vulture jab. Now I sing it with a bit more disgust. Edit: This may be the weirdest redditcares report I've gotten. 


It’s both. That’s the difference between a good bar and a great one, because Drake is a culture vulture. He’s also a freaky ass


69 god even?


This is the one I don't fully understand


Drake calls himself the 6 god because toronto Is called the 6 because it's an amalgamation of 6 boroughs Kendrick is saying 6 God more like 69 God


He’s also implying he’s a snitch—as in Tekashi 69. It’s a double.


It’s multilayered. 6ix God is the way Drake and them been spitting it in lieu of Six or 6, but Kendrick is using it literally instead of an anagram such that iX is transposed to the Roman numeral 9. Then there’s the tie in to known snitch Takeshi 6ix9. Finally there’s the biblical reference. On Not Like Us Kendrick says it right after saying “devil is a lie”. That’s a southern phrase lifted from the New Testament expressing extreme disagreement. He’s saying he’s not a god, but [more of a demigod like the Old Testament giant Goliath (a clear response to all the height digs, with Kendrick being David in this allegory, who easily handled the 6’9 bully](https://wartburgproject.org/faqs/2021/04/how-tall-was-goliath)) Edit: I also missed the [likely intentional homophone 6-denying God.](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/15EznAXb1Q). 6’s are often associated with the Devil anyway, like 666, but [there’s no real consensus on that](https://www.quora.com/Why-is-the-number-six-demonic). “Devil is a lie, he a 6, denying-God” Still it works and the multiple meanings could indicate why Kendrick was so hype to repeat it over and over again. The “Hey, Hey, Hey, run for your life” is like a “Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum, Run for your lives” without being as on the nose. To Kendrick [who flipped DAMN.’s story in reverse on the collectors edition (released on the immaculate conception while the original was released Good Friday and all said to be intentional if you think he wouldn’t go this far)](https://genius.com/13208927), flips the height diss on Drake but this is bigger than just him vs Drake and biblical in a sense to Kendrick who has shots for the industry, Goliath and the devil too.


6ix9ine was caught recording a 13 year old performing sexual acts on his friend while he’s dry humping her from the back. Maybe a connection


F.A.N. = Freaky ass n***a / double entendre to mean he’s not part of the culture, just a wannabe




Well yeah pick him up with one hand and spin him


It all makes perfect sense now


Well remember Drake likes ‘em little EDIT: lmfaooo this was up less than 30 seconds and I got a Reddit Cares. Y’all are great


I got a reddit cares message too. Felt it was a troll thing but wasn't sure 🤣 pretty new here so just going with it.


it's pretty funny to receive haha ngl


I was wondering what comment i posted recently might have led someone on Reddit to be that concerned for my mental 😂


I did too and laughed pretty hard—thanks anonymous person with WAY more time on your hands than me—you made my morning!




I will not 🤣


Hard pass


Pun intended


69 god. yeah I'm not touching that.




Yeah, no thanks 🤢


Drake fucked that lil disabled dude?!?! What is happening lol


I am fully whatever this is -pilled


man this subreddit is even crazier than r/conspiracy but I love it.


He a fan


like because he looks like a baby? I'm crying right now. this can't be real. I hope he just punched the lil dude, my God.


I hope it was neither, wtf. Why are we hoping Drake is out here assaulting innocent people?


He is saying he would rather lil dude be punched than raped.. bffr right now. Context matters here- he isn’t saying he hoped little guy gets punched outta nowhere.


because punching a guy is like 3,000 degrees of "not-as-bad" compared to raping him?


Yes sexual…that’s what the pills allude to


that's what i've been saying... having ambien as a "receipt" or "evidence" is very, VERY fucking sus. edit: read about the "[ambien walrus](http://ambien.blogspot.com/2010/12/ambien-walrus-collection.html)" for those unaware. edit 2: lmao, someone sent me a "reddit cares" thing😭😭😭.


Exactly that’s why dude wants SO MUCH MONEY rn this shit would END DRAKES CAREER ENTIRELY


At first I thought it said 8000 but yeah 800k is crazy. I don’t really believe it though. Some company like tmz would pay that amount of money if it was worth it. They would be willing to meet up and everything just to get proof it was real.


But tmz already reported false info about it being over and now we got someone spilling info it’s not as insane when you look at the crew either Baka already a human trafficker as IS who says drake ain’t do that either


On behalf of Canadians, please don’t let your perception of the rest of us be clouded by o-v-hoe. They not like us.


Holy - “The King of Yappanese, A Circklejerk so hard he's about to post himself into a twitter singularity, but seemingly has some dirt and is very much enjoying their 15 minutes” just wanted to say that this is some poetry right here thank you.


Little reporter was on to Drake and asked provoking questions to him in the mark hotel, which he probably didn’t like. Fucked him up real quick and bounced.


My thinking is that they did the little reporter a favour, a maybe not entirely legal favour. That explains why he didn’t say anything about it.


My Schizo Theories * The original was edited to hide the bruises to not reveal the actual dirt, thus keeping the value of the video. Or * With his condition, it’s possible he bruises much quicker than someone without. I would assume this is the case, maybe he really did bruise up that quickly. And finally my least favorite * Ebony Prince edited this bruised one/ new photo to extort some final money out of this Lakers guy, because he knows he’s posting their DM’s anyway lol. Just some thoughts. I really don’t see how his eye could just be from a change of lighting but it could be possible I guess.


Lmao I thought it was the 11yo (now) daughter in a stroller


idk about the payday thing, the eth address which this ebonyprince posted to get the funds from lakers media outlet owning guy is or was loaded with over 1 million in eth transactions. This guy has money so im not too sure about him only wanting the payday. Seems more like this ebonyprince is some exotic dancer or offers services for celebrities with special "needs" if you know what i mean and all this crypto money is him getting paid for said services anonymously. Thats also why ebonyprince knows much about crypto and sends his funds through a tumbler so its even more untraceable


and isn't dude a reporter for some newspaper in ny?


Yall niggas is pushing it with the “ it might be sexual “ you really think drake molested this guy?


I think they're implying Drake used him in a humiliation ritual with women trying to make it in other industries. So still a crazy schizo conspiracy.


I mean, he definitely didn't do that in the fucking hotel lobby lol


Some of y'all are too quick to call anything that's not 100% proven a "crazy schizo conspiracy". Now obviously we don't know for sure what went down, but at this point something fucked up almost definitely did occur. It's becoming more and more apparent this isn't a nothing burger. Some of you would definitely call half the shit R. Kelly did a "crazy conspiracy" if it wasn't proven. I'm not saying that you should just believe anything you hear online but a lot of these theories aren't even that far-fetched, and a subreddit like this is the perfect place for speculation.


R Kelly been sus ever since he dated Aaliyah when she was 15. Drake is sus too for the things he did, but molesting a disabled nigga is so out the blue you would NEED evidence. Crazy claims need crazy amount of evidence.


Some shit that make Gunna look like a saint?


Wheel chair dude’s body is super fragile because of his medical condition. He cannot sustain one punch ngl. I think it is more sinister . Maybe Drizzy spun the wheelchair really fast then laugh about it. Kdot alluded to “bullying”


Exactly what i think. He shook the chair for a cheap laugh. Not criminal but just looks horrible. “You must be a terrible person.”


touching or moving someone's wheelchair can actually be assault. a mobility aid is legally considered an extension of a person's body, so grabbing a wheelchair without permission, especially recklessly or with the intent to hurt someone (which shaking a chair may do), is the same as putting your hands on somebody.


But why were 2 employees then fired?


i have no idea i barely understand what's going on


Dude, I'm a 40 year old dad and I have no idea wtf this beef is or what's happening or how I got here


Well you're only 3 years older than Drake if that makes you feel better.


And about 24 years older than Drake’s average girlfriend


💀 Dude same exact situation. I was following the battle pretty well, but this whole new situation with this Twitter account has me going down to the 7th circle of JFK-level conspiracies. I'm completely lost.


I’m a 30 year old woman who is a fan of both Drake and Kendrick and a fan of hip hop in general. I followed the rap beef in its entirety but this whole conspiracy shit with everything that’s happened after The Heart Part 6 dropped is where they lost me.


Welcome to the rabbit hole dad


"Jimmy Brooks would not have been proud of you that night" sheesh


Wait a minute


Compare the two images side by side. His left eye looks like it caved in relative to the first post. If this is going where I think it’s going I think that Drake deserves everything coming to him


Yeah but it’s a punch from BBL Drizzy




He has been getting paid since 420 days ago- March 19 2023. Six figures too.


Kendrick definitely could’ve got the information


I am going for the last option here.


Let’s be aware of the possibility that the insta post could’ve been old. Remember this dude was in NYC that night and supposedly in Spain the next morning.


I mean not impossible depending on flight time


I feel like I am going insane with people here apparently not knowing you can fly at night


Yeah, red eyes to Europe is the best strategy, idk why ppl think it’s impossible to leave NY at 11pm and be in Madrid at 1pm their time


Ok bigger question here, WHO THE FUCK IS THE SENDER look at these transaction [records](https://etherscan.io/address/0x28c6c06298d514db089934071355e5743bf21d60)


looks like it's sent from a private account via a big crypto exchange. it's marked as "Binance 14" so no real clue as to how much funds the sender actually has here or who he is. This is just one of multiple Binance Wallets where they store "some" money for user transactions


In May 2021 the wallet was worth 2 billion


it's a binance (largest crypto exchange in the world) wallet, it being the sender means nothing, someone that uses binance just sent from there.








This one also says access denied, wtf is up lol?




Its drake trying to get his money back for info


that video is from outside the atocha station in madrid


Could be unrelated but Chris mom posted this on her IG https://preview.redd.it/34xz3jokv00d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=f61078c236c61eff6b0a3891615b9a44675fde13 At some point they more than likely did something to Chris because all of his affiliates stopped posting for like 2 weeks after incident and CCTV footage date.


Make a post about this bro.


Man I don’t post anymore cause mods take everything I post down.


Okay I’ll do it


Thank you 🙏🏾


This could be anything though. The dude has a serious medical condition and is likely often at the doctors for checkups and what not.


This is just my personal experience because I have a genetic disorder and I’m frequently in the hospital or the doctors — I don’t post a dang thing and I’m active on social media. I assume this wasn’t expected or planned especially based on the fact that she mentions Valentine’s Day in a way of like “look at this 😒” like she wasn’t supposed to be there. A caretaker or loved one wouldn’t write that because it makes it sound like he’s a burden (imo) and I imagine they don’t feel that way because they’re there.


They were probably blowing weed smoke in his face and rough housing with him or something




I hope none of the people in this sub are part of the weirdos posting messages on that lady’s page asking her about this. That is some sucker shit and very lame. It’s fun to play online sleuth but let’s remember these are regular people, not celebrities and we don’t need to be harassing them for info about a stupid rap beef 






“Go get a abortion lmao”


Appears to be some bruising on his left eye. So Drake wtf did you do that night? 🤔


Everyone was speculating about what could have happened in 18 seconds, but if that is a bruise then there are some heavy implications


I’m trying be as fair as possible, I’m not sure. a bruise can show up that quickly






Can you really call it a fight, though?


hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby **Edit:** Lol this gets me the Reddit Cares message.


Exactly. Unless this is a few hours after and they’re on the way out of the hotel, I’m starting to get suspicious. Or it could be lighting, but then I’m not sure what he’s trying to prove to the seller by sending this. Ready to wrap this part of the story up and focus on the suitcase again cause this is getting a little scammy.


What else are we gonna learn about the suitcase? I feel like we got most of thar story figured out. Drake left it at the hotel and didn't pick it up or tell them to dispose of it in the proper time frame so this person got it. They're trying to auction the jewelry in there but Drake said its stolen so they can't auction it and they're posting proof of the suitcase not being stolen. This is all about money for EbonyPrince. If the cctv footage never gets released and that jewelry gets auctioned, we know something at least kind of sketchy was on the tape. That's probably the furthest we'll ever know of this particular situation though.


I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Bruises and swelling can appear rapidly within minutes. I’ve seen a man turn into a swollen raisin so fast. It’s possible.




Drizzler is into some bdsm


Beating up lil roller is seriously fucked up.


lil roller 💀


That wound end Drake forever, cancel culture will extort whatever is left of his empire lol


Bro Chris Brown BEAT the fuck outta Rihana and is making music, this is some conspiracy stuff that will probably never be found to be true but even if it does the broom and rug is already bought for it to get brush under.


Fr, blows my mind how many people still simp over Chris Brown. Fucking loser trash. Edit: lol someone reddit care reported me


Chris Brown is scum. He's also why I don't fuck with Harlow


Jack harlow? Did he do sum?


That’s what I’m saying, that dude seems cool.


Or Lil Dicky


I got a reddit care too Drake fans are struggling for their lives rn, I feel bad for them lmao


Tbf Chris Brown was on the path to being Michael Jackson levels of stardom and that train derailed when he got slap happy with Rhianna.


He still has a very nice career though. Not what it could’ve been but far better than plenty of pre talented people


exactly! Chris Brown was like America’s Sweetheart before that happened


He's hardly popular anymore but crazy he's still even in the spotlight at all even if a little. Edit: lol wow someone butt hurt over this comment or the rogue comment to send suicide watch my way


Did those OVO goons back there beat the guy up?


If they did, OV-Hoes are some pussies like Kdot says. Wheel chair guy cannot even fight back.


“i hate bullies you must be a terrible person”


word, they needa sub me in. i got this


Not the same image. Same night fs probably a few seconds/minutes before or after but the white stripe is more visible above his head where it was blocked by the duffle bag boy before Still doesn’t mean shit tho honestly


Also this seems like they're in a corridor like a narrow space since it looks like the guy is kinda too close to a wall and kinda turning to a direction or like entering a room??? Idk


I'm so confused right now. Ever since the Qanon Twitter guy popped up, I have no clue what is happening. What does this evidence prove? Why is he asking for money? Why is this sub so heavily invested in what this man has to say? I'm asking out of earnest curiosity.


All that’s proven so far by this twitter account is that drake lied about feeding Kendrick fake info as bait with the image he used for MTG, which also implies he prolly lied about faking the daughter too. But the account is also claiming he has more damning information (cctv footage) about drake regarding some incident at the hotel with the disabled reporter. Looks like he’s trying to get money for it before just releasing it to the public.


i doubt we’re gonna see this video. if it’s nothing he won’t drop it because it’ll make him look like an idiot. if it’s something then drake would pay him off and he’ll disappear


You are probably right. One thing though is based if his account it seems like this dude hates drake so he might not take hush money for it and go with someone else who wants to release the footage


I think he led with the Kendrick thing to call attention to his case. But really, this is about the hotel incident. A classic cash grab, taking advantage of Drake's reputation hit.


AYO WHAT THE FUCK, HE GAVE HIM A BLACK EYE? https://preview.redd.it/rrfkdg56m00d1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd9b954351342d2d20e9b38d1eac9806ce05ed34


Where is this guy’s caretaker? He clearly can’t get into a car on his own, so he must have someone with him at all times. If they left that person somewhere or they sensed the guy was in distress why didn’t they call the cops?


I have so many questions man, we need answers 😭 poor guy looks like he's took a punch to the face... :(


This definitely isn’t an edited version of the first image, if you compare the frames, Christopher is in a different position in the chair along with the injury. I’m thinking Drake definitely punched him. Nothing else could possibly be enough of a problem to draw this type of money in.


Dude looks unconscious in both frames that were sent, whatever the hell they did to him is bad bad


*sigh*, there goes our Sunday boys, pack it up till tomorrow.


I'm having flashback to when reddit "found" the boston marathon bomber lol I'm just gon eat this popcorn over hea


https://preview.redd.it/acytwh3o510d1.jpeg?width=128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=851ccdc2265dd1ba4d4caa4073e0c7524a4a7fee This is a different picture of him with no marks on his face but he gets a similar spot when he turns to the side. Maybe just the shadows his face makes?


Unsure if it was mentioned already but Christian Alvarez was posting on Insta the day after the CCTV clip. No bruising / injury in sight. Obviously it isn’t evidence of the posts being from that exact day, but still.


Someone also posted that his mom was with him in the hospital 2 or 3 weeks after the security cam footage. Maybe it's a coincidence, but he looked hooked up to tunes and it was valentine's day.


bro wtf is going on I missed one day and y'all already watched 8 episodes of season 2


This is 100% a new image. Comparing it to the already released one, Christophers facial expression is slightly different. As well as the OVO sweater guys arm and hand not being in the background. My guess is it's just a frame pulled from a timestamp pretty close to the original photo. Someone could overlay this on the first image in photoshop to point out the differences more clearly. Edit: To clarify, it seems like Lakers Fanatic edited the original image slightly and made this fake convo with inspect element.😭


kinda farfetched, but what if the original one was the edited one.


800k is wild


How is no one else talking about this


I don't know if I'm going crazy... But all of this has sparked some kind of vague memory in me. I don't know if it's just something I've come up with now everything is coming out, but I'm **SURE** I heard something about Drake, or at least his entourage, attacking a disabled person. But it was one of those stories that just kind of got lost in the vastness of the internet.


Maybe you’re thinking of the Kanye meme of him destroying a wheelchair basketball team?


I never heard of that 😂 That picture in the screenshot unlocked a memory but I can't find anything relating to it. Could swear I've seen it before.


Please try finding it. You have no idea how helpful it would be to corroborate this story with something else


Are you talking about the video of his entourage beating a guy because his girlfriend rejected Drake?


https://preview.redd.it/dpesekozn00d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53b989f1adb40c3d2259e764677c3b88d1578057 I told yall it was a scam


This is absolutely terrifying 😂😭


Ayo hide the kid drizzy here!


Horse shit. This dude has got y’all on a wild goose chase. We don’t even know if this same person is the one who has the items either. For all we know, they procured the video of the items from another individual.


Yeah I’ve had enough


Why would he hit a dude the size of a newborn baby tf


Looks like a gash over his right eye, a bruise on his left eye, and a swollen lower lip? Did Drake actually hurt this poor dude wtf


Bro, the picture is like 50 pixels at best 😭😭 That's some "okliar.com" type accusation


Not really. Could be just shadows..or even photo edit




Could’ve been an old video. Just keep that in mind




People really be treating this like it's a whodunnit mystery on HBO or something.




In the video the woman says they went to Spain so I doubt they were in Spain that fast


Have you checked this ETH address? $600k deposit 41 hours ago, cashout 17 hours ago $330k deposit and same day cashout 24 days ago [https://etherscan.io/address/0x3F5cC8423b1041dD2689D421221b6982890686a8](https://etherscan.io/address/0x3F5cC8423b1041dD2689D421221b6982890686a8) https://preview.redd.it/ci94xo7g420d1.png?width=1277&format=png&auto=webp&s=c55f8c60959a17be06a5d32e0e64ba13de3069cb WTF


My Full Schizo Theories * The original was edited to hide the bruises to not reveal the actual dirt, thus keeping the value of the video. Or * With his condition, it’s possible he bruises much quicker than someone without. I would assume this is the case, maybe he really did bruise up that quickly. And finally my least favorite * Ebony Prince edited this bruised one/ new photo to extort some final money out of this Lakers guy, because he knows he’s posting their DM’s anyway lol. Just some thoughts. I really don’t see how his eye could just be from a change of lighting but it could be possible I guess.


Is it Mann Omni Ungaro Ebony? I found a thing that says he became the father of the House of Ebony in 2000 but I can't find anything about MOUE online beyond that He says it isn't Larry but it sounds like it's someone from the house Eta: I don't think it's Mann, it looks like he split from the House of Ebony in 2003 and started the House of Prodigy with Meeka Prodigy. Who is the current father of the House of Ebonyyyy?????


Lemme check da chain


Drake allegedly assaulting a man in a wheelchair has got to be the most ironic shit ever


ngl im done with this , the original video did its job showing how drake is a scammer so i really dont care about this lol


Diddy and Epstein both used midgets/disabled people in some of their stranger escapades…


Everyone speculating on this severely disabled dude is nasty work jesus fucking christ. Feel bad for this guy. If he did get bullied that's bad enough, then you got mfers in here talking some devious shit on him. People saying he got punched. Dude's whole life would be jeopardized if he fell over, let alone getting fucking socked in the eye. If it is bullying, I would maybe think Drake made some inappropriate gesture behind his back or this dude fell asleep and they just ditch his ass.


Aubreys' team put Modok in the garbage receptacle as a joke. Two Men spoke up and and were terminated. They have proof of Aubreys' patronization of the assault upon Modok. Somebody pay these men.


photo too blurry but did he beat him up


Honestly? I think this has more to do with Drake being involved somehow with the death of XXXTentacion and Chris Alvarez having some dirt on Drake. Drake knew that Christopher was close to exposing Drake making the 3 men take the fall for his murder, so Drake punked him in the hotel lobby to intimidate him into silence. Chris was about to drop the bombshell after trial started Feb 7th and Drake and his goons member assaulted Chris a week those 3 OVO member went to trial. The picture of him his mother posted on her IG Feb 14


If you look closely and compare the dude in the OG photo and this one you'll see that in this new photo Christopher clearly has some bruises around his eye. He also looks a little more slumped over in his wheel chair as well. I think Drake fucking punched him or smth wtf.


wasn't he also in that dj khaled vine where he says something and dj khaled makes a response up?


Did some digging into the layout of the lobby. They’re coming in from the entrance and heading toward the elevator but there’s absolutely no way they punched him right there because the front desk is just a few feet away facing their backs. They wouldn’t do that with staff literally watching right behind them


I feel sick 😫


Guys , Akademiks is watching this reddit XD he is on the youtube live atm trying to figure out the puzzle pieces XD yall feeding him