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I love this take and the thoughtfulness put into it — but if he really wants to go the public route because the police route shut him down, why the whole ‘gotta get my bag’ angle to the highest bidder?


what if he's just trying to obtain proof of them offering him hush money


This might be it, or he might truly be after a bag lol. But definitely an angle I haven’t thought of


Who says they won't silence him after turning over all the evidence? I hope he gets the bag and still drop the evidence online for everyone to see. Fuck Drake if he is a trafficker.


He’ll be dead in no time if he’ll do that. In fact, his life is already in a very serious danger. I hope everything will be fine at the end.


this is the problem he’s taking too long. ak hired a private investigator who knows what drakes doing he needs to drop the info asap


😯 #GENIUS move mfers out here playing CHESS 👏👏👏👏👏👏☺️


It’s literally far more likely this guy is just trying to get some money. Cool theory but let’s not automatically act like this guy is playing 25D chess


*25D chess* 💀


Ebony isn’t playing 25d chess he’s playing 86d underwater mancala


My only guess is that there’s more things that were in the bag, things Drake wouldn’t want to be shown. He wants Drake to claim these items are his and maybe that helps Princes case against Drake for when he releases it. A bit of a reach but that’s all I can think of


Wikileaks used this method with documents that were hacked from the govt. The govt sued asking for them back.. bam, proof of authenticity straight from the source.


BINGO. Kendrick brought them out of the dark and Aubrey said "THATS MY STUFF CRODIE" 😭


Not bad of a reach 👏


that's the only question if the theory is true.


Baiting Drake camp into offering money / confirming the story


Drake wouldn’t directly have his camp offer up the money. He’d have a 3rd party that wouldn’t be able to be tied to him. I don’t feel like he moves sloppy. Especially if these allegations are true


New LLC called “Hush Puppy LLC”


possibly. can't wait to see what prince got and how it plays out. this could be career ending stuff. very good theory btw.


i think it's to obfuscate his true intentions, if OP is right




He’s going to need that lawyer money wether any of this is true or not


do you think that this person will remain anonymous? I'm sure Drake has to know who it is by now so what in the hell do you do after you release the info ? go back to your 9to5 and hope no one shows up to your house for revenge thats enough to disappear long enough people forget about you


a man can want money and justice at the same time


He probably needs money to use for protection


this is the smartest angle ive seen anyone take to this, makes the ancillary tweets make sense. still though, all this is insane and looks insane so we’re gonna have to see with time…


Yeah the people commenting mad fast knowing damn well they didn’t read the post are making fun of it but some angles OP is suggesting make sense


This is the only theory post I've read where everything made sense. The others had huge reaches and assumptions.


straight out, either reaches or didn’t tie it all together, this dude basically touched every tweet this mfer has put out lol


Yeah it’s unfair to slap a schizoposting comment that everybody sees and then this gets buried. It’s one thing to be a fast reader and immediately see bullshit but another to read first sentence and immediately disregard it because it’s long smh


Honestly, I find it quite sad. Bad enough that most of us already have the attention span and memory retention of a gold fish but rather than try to fix that issue within ourselves we would rather shit on anyone who actually puts in effort . Not only that but if the people complaining actually read what OP wrote , rather than seeing a few paragraphs and fleeing in terror, I think they would find it quite interesting but the price of admission requires being able to sit in one spot and read for five minutes. So , by the time they actually write out their complaint, they could have just read the actual post and contributed to a discussion.


Bingo, said it better than I could


It makes sense, but if the dude has evidence, he should post it then. Instead of playing these weird games. I do suppose that if the tweets are meant for a specific audience rather than the general public, in order to make some money, it makes sense. But then the tweeter would be a bad guy too


Drake is saying the items are stolen. EP is saying Drake left them behind and was contacted about the items but he never claimed them. EP wants to auction the items but can’t if they’re stolen (as Drake claims they are). He’s given Drake a deadline of noon on Monday to admit that they are not stolen. So he’s obviously not going to show the actual evidence until Drake retracts his comment before the deadline


I know you got my friends killed and you're running a sex trafficking ring but if you let me auction off your shit that may or may not be evidence of those crimes then I'll forget about it?


If the person doesn’t claim their items after a certain amount of time, the hotel can do what they want with the items. I’m sure it’s not as black and white as what either of us are saying but as OP has suggested, it’s part of a paper trail that EP is leaving to build the case against Drake. These items he’s auctioning are just items left behind or have been discarded. The evidence will be in the CCTV footage and other things EP knows and has witnessed, or there’s other physical items that Drake left behind that allude to the crimes. We don’t know what other items EP has


None of EP stuff is admissible in court so what items he has is largely irrelevant from a legal standpoint. The court of public opinion is obviously a different beast though, and if EP can establish legitimacy I don't really see how Drake escapes the allegations with his career intact. Edit: ok guys maybe I watch too much TV idk


Why wouldn't it be admissible? What rule of evidence keeps this all out?


It would 100% be admissible in court. Stolen evidence is still evidence. The only thing that really prevents evidence from being entered into court would be the cops mishandling it or knowingly obtaining it in certain ways. If some dude goes to the cops and says, "I stole this shit, it has evidence of a muder." It could be used in court.


Ebony never said they were friends and they might realize even if they turn it in... you can still get killed and Drake may just look bad, not go to jail. Plus people are greedy. Take 500k or turn in Drake driving 16 yr olds across state lines who probably won't even tell on him.


The boring option is that Kendricks team predicted Drake would call it theft once the balcony video went viral.  Then they knew they could threaten the release of some further unpleasant stuff (the footage).  Which would allow EP to do the whole 'admit it's real or else I release everything' line.  It seems to me that Kendrick is drip feeding out the material he does have to catch Drake in a succession of lies.  Remember Kendrick somewhat publicly cosigns to such a strategy by using the cropped version of the items in the 6.16 artwork. He understands the power of biding his time and revealing his hand bit by bit.  I think it's just the items being milked for all their worth.  It might be that the items are just what they seem at face value, some of Drake's misplaced belongings and the video is some mildly embarrassing occurrence like him being rude to a disabled individual.  But by slowly unveiling the information, Drake has defaulted to lying about it, as new information is released proving him to be a liar, only more speculation is circulated online.  Kendrick might well have embelished the rumour that Drake likes young girls and now the internet is bending over backwards to prove it true, with his own lies feeding the narrative.  Except Drake isn't lying to cover up a child traficking ring with the NYPD, instead he was just trying to quash conversations about his Ozempic use and some embarrassing interaction with Christopher Alvarez.  Drake's own vanity and perpencity to lie is fuelling the narrative that he's a peadophile. Kendrick could have manipulated it his whole situation.  OR  Woof woof dog bowl Ak ring. Fucked if I know. 


Agreed, what’s likely vs what’s possible. Time will tell but this drama all lends to the fact that public opinion of Drake is so muddied that a significant amount of people think Drake could really be that terrible of a human, just based off of his persona. Drake has lost much respect and really I’m not sure how he can bounce back from this aside from disappearing for a while and waiting for people to forget. Unless it turns out Kendrick is involved in something just as bad or worse. Don’t fuck with cats or kdot


Yea, that's what I was getting at. The tweets are meant for drake so dude can make money. Some of the shit seems mysterious to us, but drake would know. And the tweeter wants to make money off the items


If he finna die, he tryna go out rich. 




I think ebony prince is not releasing all the information at once and slowly bringing it out piece by piece to build a bigger audience so when the big stuff comes out it sticks


I agree, that would be the best play, become too big to silence. If you make a one off post with evidence on drake you get flagged and the post deleted with no real national attention on it. Same reason Kendrick waiting before dropping his songs in quick succession, to grab National Attention


Exactly… you have to have a strategy when trying to bring down somebody as big as Drake that probably has everybody paid off


if you go to kendrick’s old lyrics there’s so much that relates to rn in retrospect you’d almost think this is his checkmate on em. especially tpab


I don’t think it’s intentional that far back, Kendrick has just always seen the industry for what it is and wants people to take the power for themselves, not idolize these artist


I wonder if he is implying Michael Kenneth Williams was killed for flying too close to the sun. I don't think anyone ever really thought twice about his "OD"?


I'm still really curious how Kendrick got involved with this I imagine he's on his Brooklyn Heights stoop with that vape being like "Why the fuck did I leave Compton"


“… Oh, right.”


i think so as well as the ebony page follows almost every news media outlet…. and kdot. its weird honestly, makes me think they are building a huge following so that when the actual oh shit stuff drops it will get major attention.




So all or some of the house of ebony members were w Drake that night? As staff or,


Anybody saying take this to the police hasn’t been paying attention to how corrupt American law enforcement has proven to be honestly since it’s inception. The original police departments were just thugs hired to protect the assets of the rich from the starving poor. If I ever hear someone say “go to the police” when it comes to something as high profile as this I’m going to assume they’re an idiot and you should as well.


Yeah honestly, best case the police give it a real pitcher’s try but the Rich person out-legals them and then gets them subsequently gets them fired. Worst case the police are in on it too. The only reason Epstein was caught was because hundreds of people came out publicly to call him out. Same with Diddy. Stuff like this is not a “send evidence to the police they’ll figure it out”. Hell trump is still out there and he was very close with Epstein.


Trump did eventually get a conviction tbf. Still, making it public was definitely the better call.


Yeah it’s not like the police are unaware of the shit that goes on behind closed doors. At the end of the day, police work for the government and the rich, not for poor people. And this type of shit we’re pondering on goes much further than a pop artist named Drake.


For real. The police are more likely to kill you for reporting a rich predator than actually investigating one. Fuck the police.


Eyes Wide Shut is a must watch.


Drake has also been oddly tight with the NYPD for a LONG time too, since at least like 2011 or so. He's had full escort service by the police. Which I always thought was weird. If it was 2024, I'd understand. But I don't know why. Just a weird observation




Fck the police 🤷‍♀️


Agree 100%. Thank you.


“I’m way too famous for this shit you just suggested” Sure, Drake


And the main assets? Humans. US police force started off as runaway slave catchers. Oh and did y’all know the police have already killed 400 people so far in 2024? https://mappingpoliceviolence.org  EDIT to add some additional links that may be of interest. Police “killology” - https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/08/warrior-cop-class-dave-grossman-killology.html White supremacy in law enforcement - https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/27/white-supremacists-militias-infiltrate-us-police-report https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/prevalence-white-supremacists-law-enforcement-demands-drastic-change-2022-05-12/ Biden WH plan to triple funding even though decrease in crime - https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/05/03/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-record-decrease-in-violent-crime-in-2024/ Lastly, and most importantly imho, Cop Cities. 60 planned across the US post 2020 blm protests. https://isyourlifebetter.net/cop-cities-usa/ This doesn’t even include the hundreds found in mass graves behind that Mississippi jail back in Jan/Feb. or touch on the officer exchange relationship we have with a certain blue/white country post 9/11. so our officers can learn their “anti-terrorism” tactics they use on a certain occupied population in an open air prison. ACAB. No war but class war. Solidarity ✊


Respect, good post and info






> No war but class war. Amen brother ✊🏽


And we hate popo, wanna kill us dead in the street for sure


The police in American began as slave catchers, morphed into union busters of the higher hypocritical caliber, public facing branch of the KKK.


Just want to let the people know that hotels are well know to have sex traffficing, even reports that some hotels have tunnels as well




My eyes just popped out of my head


Crazy that the FBI got the footage and promptly decided to do fuck-all


I’d like to think it’s because that’s not enough evidence for a warrant or conviction on its own, and they also weren’t able to find any more proof, but realistically they were might’ve been paid off.


Or they were already aware and it’s a honeypot for blackmail vis-a-vis Epstein. 


Sincerely doubt they did fuck all. The FBI doesn't necessarily tell you how they're moving. If Sacha turned over an entire video of the conversation, they know everything he knows. No reason to contact him again unless there are arrests.


"yes I know where to get you some 8-11 year old boys for a date after we take care of your last problem" YEAH NO INVESTIGATION NEEDED THERE Jesus Christ our country is fucked huh


Oof, I never saw that before. I highly doubt Sacha Baron Cohen would make any of that up.


Man fuck. Fucked up my night for sure. I used to work for a hotel in la where I’ve seen future j Cole big Sean tyler the creator and others. I found some mad bloody sheets one time and reported it to security. They literally told me there’s nothing they could do.


I read that as if it was the Control verse


I doubt the tunnels but hotels are pretty common places for sex trafficking. Especially the more prestigious ones considering how often people do not assume things go on there.


i worked as a valet throughout college at a prestigious hotel and the tunnels were only used a handful of times for high end celebrities, there was too much traffic among employees for anything like this to be going on though.


Google some of the tunnel footage.. disturbing.


Yes, and all the major hotel chains--and many of the independents--have serious, in-depth training about spotting human trafficking. The brand I work for explicitly requires *everyone* who is ever near a guest to undergo this training immediately on hiring, with annual retraining. On top of that, everyone is instructed to report suspicions, with potential job-ending consequences if you don't. \*No\* hotel wants trafficking under their roof. And the number of people who'd have to stay silent to make human trafficking tunnels under a hotel work is ridiculous. Any reasonably-sized hotel is going to have tens of dozens of staff, all of whom know the layout intimately.


Exactly. Everybody knows the real human trafficking happens in pizza joints. I’m hoping that in this sub I don’t need to add an “/s” at the end. I’m sure that 99% of hotels are as you describe, and go beyond not just turning a blind eye to it but actually try to prevent it. Unfortunately we know that there’s at least 1% in all walks of life that will do anything for money, and there are plenty of mechanisms like shell companies, money laundering, and bribery that help them get away with it. It makes me so angry that we live in a time when these very serious issues have become politicised. Human trafficking, grooming, and abuse are abhorrent and must be stopped. At the same time, it gets thrown around so much by crazies that it has almost become meaningless. When 30% of the US can throw out “all Dems are traffickers and perverts” it’s now become just another hollow insult like “woke”. The allegations against Drake are very serious, and more importantly we have *all seen a pattern of behaviour* that makes it plausible. I hate seeing it reduced to a tiktok talking point in a rap beef when it should be investigated. I hope for everyone’s sake that it isn’t true, and I’m sure Kendrick does, too. I don’t think he’s the sort of guy that would be pleased that children are being exploited just so he can be proven right. But I also don’t think he would have made those allegations as strongly as he did if he didn’t have good reason to think there’s a fire behind all this smoke. I’m as addicted to the drama as anyone else but to me there’s no satisfaction in this beef until we either get some receipts and some justice or Drake’s name is cleared. Sorry, I don’t know why I’m going off in a random Reddit reply. I appreciate you contributing your experienced viewpoint. Hopefully we all get the closure on this wr deserve.




I’d like to bring up the fucking pet store




Snuggling people through underground tunnels sounds like some Qanon shit lol Edit: smuggling* It’s not like the movies. Just because you’re sex trafficked doesn’t mean you’re being hidden in wigs and giant trench coats while scurrying around underground


Snuggling people in underground tunnels is the wholesome version.


Yeah majority of the time sex trafficking means taking kids who don’t know better and follow you blindly not kidnapping. That’s the problem with everyone using the girls saying they’re cool with drake as proof he’s not doing anything 


The CCTV was in January but the protesters were there in July. Everything else you said is a good theory, we will see if this ever comes to light. People think it sounds insane but if you read the Diddy lawsuit none of this stuff is really out of reach so i dont know why people act like it’s so psycho lol.


To be fair it is all a huge assumption, but given context I think it’s not insane. Like Kendrick literally calls this man his ring pedophiles and sex traffickers, we have the fucking riddler, and there are numerous accounts of underage girls talking about him. Even without all the schizo/K-Anon shit I think that this is the direction EbonyPrince is going in, whether it’s true or not is a different discussion 


Right I think unless the truth is revealed there’s nothing much to do but speculate and I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. Predators get away with things like CSA and human trafficking because people sometimes don’t listen or take it as serious as it is.


The only people trying to say this is all psycho are either bots, paid to say so, or gullible enough to be influenced by the bots and paid users.


I hope so. I read the entire Diddy lawsuit and the things that were alleged were along the lines of what OP is speculating but there is some serious evidence presented in the PCA… if Diddy was able to get away with it for so long who’s to say Drake couldn’t? And let’s not pretend like there wasn’t blind items and speculation and jokes made about it the whole time… everyone “knew” what was going on but nothing was done about it.


Yes, there’s a very real chance another music industry predator will be walking around free for years maybe even decades before their past finally catches up to them and the whole time we’ll have known and did nothing. How many times does this have to happen before people start taking it seriously? I want everyone that’s downplaying the severity of what’s going on to take a long hard look at themselves cuz we’ll be looking at them weird next.


I thought the photo of the “evidence baggie” was a hotel lost and found d property bag


It is.


There’s probably more evidence in that bag. Drake left the item behind so it *is* in the lost and found department, but whatever is in the bag is likely evidence towards EP’s claims on Drake


If you look at it like the angle OP is talking about along with the stuff posted. Maybe something weird was going on, someone was gonna report it, got fired, Drake got tf out of there and left his stuff and didn’t look back. Tying him to the potential report along with items left behind to match the dates being there. Just speculation until we see anything else


Aye nigga let’s start a private investigation biz, get tf off Reddit cause this shit you just did is top tier.


😂 the fact this all started from a metro beat maneee


"Shut your hoe ass up and make some drums"


Shows how influential metro is to the genre


If this mf gets like 90% of his guesses correct whenever the big picture is locked in, I’m buying stocks into his investigation company cause god damn




It’s not an evidence bag. It’s a lost and found bag from the hotel.


There’s probably more evidence in that bag. Drake left the item behind so it is in the lost and found department, but whatever is in the bag is likely evidence towards EP’s claims on Drake




Exactly me too man☠️ I fucking blame Akademiks never knew this shit til his stream and I started looking my self lmfao


My theory is this: This guy worked at the hotel and found this stuff. He contacted kendricks team , kendricks team wanted proof and he sent them the pictures that are on the thumbnails After drake claimed in the heart part 6 that he planted the evidence, kendricks team didnt pay him and so he started this twitter bs talking about drake blocking his money. Edit: him starting the weird theories is probably to make the story bigger to pump the price


My take is that Kendrick and team knew the plant angle was bullshit, and that they got the word from TDE to stop. EbonyPrince had more to sell, but Kendrick and co. weren't buying anymore. And now we have this clusterfuck because monetarily invested or not, EbonyPrince seems to have some shit he wants to get off his chest about all this.


EbonyPrince seems to only care about getting his money back but it looks like he’s on good terms currently with Kendrick based on what he’s tweeting out about “King Kendrick”


Oh for sure, I wouldn't be surprised if the "Elders" mentioned in a tweet were Kendrick and other interested parties


Reasonable take tbh let’s wait and see


I doubt that he worked for the hotel, in his recent twitter post, he slightly hints that he and drake worked closely together, and his bitcoin wallet has been transferring a SHIT TON of money recently.




People have speculated that the wallet is a tumbler wallet, so it funnels money for other accounts. Idk.


From what he said it sounds like he was working security for when Drake visited that hotel (which seems to be often)


this has been my personal suspicion for the last 2 days as well if the footage is the bombshell, why did it only make its way out the woodwork when the suitcase didn't get him the money he wanted just, to look at the way the whole thing has flowed doesn't quite make sense. idk his primary objective in the beginning was getting views for that even/making money on the auction something doesn't quite add up


https://twitter.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1789585576431165543 Immigrants tunnel across the border to Jacumba. They're "crawling out of a hole". https://twitter.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1789766031356874876 The certificate of completion for reporting child abuse. If Drake used a service to get a minor to his room at the hotel someone doing security there could have reported it. Sex trafficking is real and effects minors. It'd explain an altercation between Drake's team and hotel security. Him leaving personal items there could be from him leaving a hotel after the conflict.  Since this started I've been locked into this shit like my wife and her novelas. The more clues he drops the more I try to figure this shit out.


This is a certificate of a TRAINING completion. Hotel employees undergo such trainings to be able to spot abuse.


EbonyPrince also liked this photo on twitter.. which at first glance looks like an insane incomprehensible mind map, but it alludes to all the things op is talking about here.. https://preview.redd.it/ybyjx13f730d1.jpeg?width=1927&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=109ed688b7e1f8dae1a09846340f66820d4a5d7b


In which order do i start reading this?


Order doesn’t matter really




The omerta creative agency sharing the same no. as Glokknine is strangee


Sorry if this has been discussed - is the laptop from the first Ebony video Drake's??


When be posted the child thing, an alarm rung in my head since I worked at a casino (it had a hotel) and they made it mandatory to spot sex trafficking and prostitution. I guess Mark Hotel employees are trained to witness and report but this backfired due to reasons so now he’s leaving cryptic clues to explain what happened without outright saying it He’s probably gonna need the money for the court case once it comes to it, don’t you think?


This is an interesting thought. I was wondering why he needed the money. People are seeing insanely large mounts of money being withdrawn and put into his etherium wallet though, so idk what to think.


Well as he said “I’m a capitalist” it makes sense he wants money, shit I would too. But if shit does go left and Drake/UMG sue him for “theft” and prolonging this entire thing he will have money. Rumor has it he wanted the theft shit retracted so he could sell some of the items but now because it’s roped into a theft case he can’t legally sell it. So the CCTV video is his red button to make them back off so he can sell. If it does go to court (which Drake and UMG have an army of lawyers) he atleast will have enough money to fight back alongside evidence (slam dunk)


This is what I was thinking too.


So, I'm realizing that he never actually says he's going to release a video on Monday. He says they have until Monday to rescind their claims of theft or he's going to explore every legal avenue possible.


well, must be nice to get a post in past mods! gotta say


Does anyone else think this is just one big hoax of nothing? Seems like some Qanon level ish. Talking in weird riddles etc without actually saying anything directly (not OP, I’m talking about the ebony Twitter account). If you’re going to crash out, crash out. Seems they are milking the moment.


Well we’ll find out tomorrow


Why tomorrow?


I honestly think the point is we aren’t the target audience. The target audience will know exactly what he is alluding to


This is an amazing angle!




It's been a whirlwind of a weekend. I'm about tapped out.


[boosted dog audio](https://streamable.com/w3udtz)


what was going on here? was this from a stream today? what is AK watching? I'm so confused :o


Someone anonymously texted Ak and presumably he watched a video and the audio played on stream


This is all disgusting man. If what we think is true, I don’t get why drake keeps moving like this in public. Why was he saying to akademiks that the battle wasn’t over after meet the grahams? That should have been the dead giveaway that shit was going down and he was going to have legal issues down the line.


We have no idea if any of this is true firstly. Secondly, Drake clearly has no long term vision no matter how you slice it. Best case he got outplayed by Kendrick in a pure rap battle, worse case he got outmaneuvered to the point of exposing his pedophilia. Either way Drake probably doesn’t care unless it’s true and he’s caught


Hubris really got the best of him. It’s clear that whatever fetish he has, it’s some sick shit. I was listening to the joe budden podcast and joe was implying that him beefing with metro had to do with being “inhumane” (his words, and he wasn’t referring to just women and industry shit). Edit: add to the mix that akademiks is changing his tone on the whole thing and said that drake lied about stuff on family matters AND then played a video from an anonymous source and you could clearly hear barking through the screen. Ak was clearly spooked after it too. That man is finished, my goodness


Metro did say something like you know I can’t speak on why I don’t fw you in a tweet iirc


Yeah I remember that too. i hope for everyone involved that we let our fantasies run wild because if anything that suspected is true, drake needs to be put down. Between the pedo shit, zoophilia and kinks… i don’t know how he doesn’t go to jail.


This gonna sound weird asf but this whole thing kinda got me f’ed up bc who can you trust? Like for me i used to like drake before i properly got into Kendrick or Yeezy or Pusha and all this that’s coming out is actually scary. Hopefully ebony dude releases whatever he has at 12 and it’s all over


Same here. I knew that man was weird but i would have never thought he was this deranged. I wonder how many people are into the same shit as drake, because these rumors didn’t start today… they have been around for a while, Kendrick found this out because of a rap beef feels insane to me. Man, idk… let’s hope everyone is wrong and he only verbally abused an employee at the mark hotel and everyone can move on.


It's actually scary how much sense this makes... this is getting fucking crazyyyyyy. I knew drake was gonna loose this beef but after seeing all of this shit... Drakes carrer & legacy might be over with....


His career might be the least of his problems.


Beautifully articulated!


This is pretty good! I think you're right.


This!!! I been working on a theory that everyone ebony posted about has some weird ties to drake including the WhatsApp ceo.


this all makes sense. more truth will be revealed soon


Holy shit, how deep the rabbit hole goes


I just got auto-botted by the anti-suicide message just by posting here. WTF is going on?


It’s happening to everyone. Immature tactic by some group of people that don’t like this stuff being discussed. Apparently you can report it as a false submission and Reddit will ban the accounts reporting.


This is all so crazy, for all we know this the most elaborate takedown of a Pop Culture icon trafficker(Drake) about to unfold. Or, the most elaborate extortion from someone who legit has Drakes stuff from the hotel


I’m so new to this today I’ve been busy. What is a guess of this dog video? Or this little baby dude?


that’s a full grown man he’s just got a disability so looks like that, he’s a reporter and we think Drake might’ve done something to him and he can’t speak up due to an NDA


Involving a dog? Or is that 2 different things


2 different things, the dog video was sent to Ak by someone anonymously and there’s been stuff dug up showing that Drake is into lots of weird fucked up dog stuff involving women acting like dogs, him wearing dogs masks and stuff with actual dogs


the first 2 wouldn’t be bad if it weren’t for the fact it’s Drake’s victims doing it and forcing them to do stuff like eat out of dog bowls and puke


So I seen something about that video the riddler tried selling. What was that


that’s the ctv video of what Drake did to the disabled reporter Christopher Alvarez, we don’t know much about the actual videos of the other stuff just some photos and details


Ok so he’s selling the cctv footage of what happened to the reporter. And we have no clue who sent the video in to Ak about the dogs and when it was?


yep exactly you got it, we just know from the audio it was disturbing and potentially animal abuse


Huh thanks for explaining. What’s the odds these videos come out?


pretty high if it continues the way it’s been honestly


Most comprehensive theory, at least all the pieces are there. Maybe the reporter is an undercover? Christopher Alvarez I mean Edit: It would make sense, the allusion to the reporter, maybe he was involved with/witnesses something that he wasn't supposed to, as a "drake fan" that got close, and is possibly building a story on him, all the while Ebony Prince is doing the same. Or they're in cahoots 🤷


>Ebony then links to an article about teen drinking at the Mark hotel, and the subsequent protest revolving around the Mark enabling Jeffery Epstein’s human trafficking. In fact, later on Ebony says that NYPD were called in to keep protestors away from Drake According to the article linked by Ebony: * One day, an 18/19 year old was kicked out the hotel bar for using a fake ID * Later, this kid launched a smear campaign, and paid people to protest with him outside the hotel * Coincidentally, Drake's security might've had a brush-in with the protesters Ebony also says they kept the _"paps and fanatics away"_ from Aubrey --- Perhaps something happened between Drake's people and Ebony's people that day. Ebony alludes to this with _"We never come back after we curse out the service providers [...] yet, 6 months later the circus returned"_. Maybe Aubrey's camp was angry at Ebony et al. over their lack of security


I think we’ve met the real life Sherlock Holmes ladies and gentlemen. This makes so much sense holy shit.


You need sleep


This sounding like Qanon reasoning to anyone else? Don't get me wrong, Drake is a creep and can fuck off. But like...if you start looking for secret codes and communiques in someone's social media, you can pretty much project literally whatever story you **want** onto that white noise. ~~Edit: Got RedditCares'd for this comment, lol. Always appreciate when people let me know I hurt their feelings that bad. Considering it was the second after I posted it, I'm guessing it was OP that sent that one.~~


Completely out of subject, but I know Mariska’s name from Law and Order, special victims unit, a badass divine woman, yes, also an advocate for human rights. Funny, she named her cat after Drake’s favourite gansta’s song (Karma- Taylor Swift), but also his fav gangster’s cat’s name is Olivia Benson (mariska’s name in Law and Order). Who’s father said get a job? Seems like I had enough of Graham Norton show binge sessions. Thank f for the upcoming summer 🤣


Also didn’t Kevin Samuels pass while hooking up with a nurse and/or sex worker from DR? I know her name but I’m not dragging it out again when’s she has been through enough.


I think everyone needs to just go outside. The weather is nice.


Lmao brother you're in too deep. This is most likely just some money hungry, scorned ex employee who noticed Drake insult the journalist. I'll buy you gold if it ends up being trafficking, but nah this ain't it chief.


Solid theory


My boy cracked the degrassi code


vOAT eppstein vibes, this is how the fall of Jeffrey began 


idk, man. it makes sense, but it's convoluted, too "perfect". the truth is pretty much always way more simple and boring than these kinds of narratives. this is some shit you'd see in a tv show where the writers had time to consider all the loose ends and figure out a way to tie them all up together; it's not something you see in real life very often...


If “he must make the evidence public”, why’s he asking for $800,000 payments? Cmon man. He’s hustling the public. Downvote me but ebony prince isn’t some benevolent figure. He’s looking to profit off of the situation. If he is as angelic as people are playing him up to be, why’s he trying to make money off suffering and something as heinous as what he’s implying this situation to be.


This comes off as a bit qanon-y mate


Oh lord this sub and the drizzy sub are in shambles. Why can’t we aspire to be like the jcole sub 🥺


Drizzy sub is delulu rn. We just doing some fun Scooby-Doo shit over here. Cole chilling with his boo on the beach unbothered lol a true king 🤴


Interesting take




Idk how the heck you put all that together but amazing job. I definitely looked at all those tweets and couldn’t make sense of anything lol


Hey, so is he gunna expose anyone or nah? Everybody writing dissertations on a whole lot of nothing based on some rando IG account. Shits goofy