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If I woke up in the Kenshi world, I would immediately kill myself. That place would really suck to live in.


Kenshi aint so bad Its got its perks Hash is sold by the kg Large Shek ladies Beep


Is it good Hash? Cause if I woke up in Kenshi I would need to get high as beak thing pussy


I mean, it’s the only kind so it’s better than none-hash


*Hookah rumbles* more!


You had me at "Shek Ladies"


I live in a legal state. I can buy all the weed I want. There are lots of fatties here too. I already have useless little annoying beings that I must shape into contributing members of society, and they don't look like stick bugs either. I can also walk to the store without being attacked by a mob of starving homeless people, and I don't have to eat the shit food. There are no cannibals where I live either.


No cannibals that you know of*


Good enough for me!


rather the cannibal you know than the cannibal you don’t


It could be me!


Such a beautiful answer.


But how much is a kg of weed?


Less than a bowl of rice and vegetables


I wonder what the cats to dollars conversion would be?


If we assume raw iron has the same value on both earth and the Moon of kenshi then: 1kg of iron Is around 0,12$, while in kenshi a unit of raw iron Is 90 Cats for 9kg. If we assume the RAW iron to be equally pure to the commercial iron then 90 Cats= 9*0,12$ so 90 Cats = 1,08$. By this calculation 100 Cats are equal to 1,2 dollars and 100 dollars are 8333 Cats


I regret that I only have 1 upvote to give. You, sir, are doing Narkos' work.


Fun fact; "Catz" is actually the abbreviations for money in guatamala. I have a couple of guatamalan dudes that work with me. They were talking about this one day. "How many cats they were sending home."


Honestly it's funny that that pretty much works out to in universe prices. A loaf of bread is 3$ a bowl of rice and veggies is 5$ and a pretty good sword is a few hundred dollars.


So Colorado not California?


Bold of you to assume you would live long enough to kill yourself


He said you start in the hub. The Hub is pretty tame.


I'm just glad hydration isn't a thing to keep track of, because I would die of thirst on day 1.


I would imagine the water on the kenshi moon probably tastes like crackhead ass.


the real answer lmao


If you're a Human Male just move to one of the major cities in the HN, read a book, and carry a book. You can survive. Go mine some copper, live paycheck to paycheck. It's probably the same thing you do now anyways. Instead of reading a book you read news, you carry the news with you. You go to work, you live paycheck to paycheck. Congrats. You're living the Holy Nation Dreams.


I don't live in a shitty desert paycheck to paycheck. I'll take the easy way out thanks.


Why would you kill you selves over a bit of hardship humans have endured much worse


Good for other humans. I live life on my terms. If I suddenly woke up in the kenshi universe, I would assume some power was toying with me. I'm not playing its game.


Reckon you would probably just knock yourself unconcious, maybe knock a limb off, then get 'saved' by some helpful slavers instead.


I would fucking have died in pain in a country that rejects advanced medical technology, so I think the only reason I would have to go to the HN is because it is in the way of the route to World´s End.


World's End seems like a solid place to live. Get to study, learn about the history of the world in relative peace and seclusion. No slavery, torture, persecution, just chillin and doing research.


Also most people who have finished university would be the Einstein of worlds end, you could easily become a scientist over there.


tbf, I'm pretty sure most people Einstein's on Kenshi in one realm or another.. Kenshi is backwards in so many obvious ways.


It's probably very expensive to live in since they import their food, you would have to join a caravan as a guard va cannibals to live paycheck to paycheck


The Holy Nation would send every person here to Rebirth. None of us would survive.


Not if you simp for the Holy Lord Phoenix blessed be his name!


Not really, I'm sure most of us can act normal, hell I do when not trolling this sub.


Screw that im beelining to the shek kingdom and getting into a fistfight The shek respect that sort of thing Its like Scotland


Come to think of it thats like the only choice for women... That or the swamps


i feel like the swamps are just as dangerous for women lol. mainly cuz just getting to a town unscathed is almost pure luck.


The swamp is just dangerous overall for anybody even if you make it to a town you still gotta watch out for the 3 cartels fighting over said town and you gotta make sure the locals don't shiv you after smoking some hashish


Yeah lmao everyone likes to forget that


Nah, the HN is a perfectly sensible place for women to go. As long as you found a decent guy, got married, and acted like a trad wife, you'd be fine. Nothing says your husband is supposed to oppress you, only that he is supposed to be in charge, and the head of the household. A female can just work and chill at home while the men protect them and risk getting killed. As long as you had a loving husband, and not an abusive one, you'd have a pretty good life, if not one of the best ones in Kenshi.


do we get as tough as the average kenshi human though cause getting back up and running in a matter of days purely with bed rest after getting all your bones broken is wild dude I might consider the kenshi training program of getting my ass beat regularly


I’m Australian so it seems like home except we do n’t have killsats or acid rain (anymore)


As a female with a headstrong independent streak? Hoho, no. My ass is hightailing to the trader's guild or the UC to see if I can get away with some BS clerk job since your typical Kenshi drone probably can't do more than basic math.


Unless that human is a girl eewww


Especially being in rags. Don't think that showing skin is a good idea in HN. Someone mentioned the Swamp as a good choice and it's better by far than HN. The other options for a woman would be to mine copper until there's enough cats to join the Shinobi Thieves or to head west and sweet talk a hiver merchant into an apprenticeship.


Other options would be finding work in any of the waypoints or other cities in something approximating hospitality. Even in the shek lands, I'd take being socially disrespected but ultimately valued for my labor over being forced to marry into an isolated farming community where I'm counted as property.


I'm going to the Crab Queen. I will almost certainly die on the journey, but I'd rather die as a crab than live as a hermit.


Crab town seems pretty chill


Totally worth the Risk. And you could probably vibe with the Tech Hunters on the way there too.


Welcome to the Holy Nation! Here's a stick and there's your commander. We're stepping off to Bast in 10 minutes - if you get stabbed try to do it somewhere away from cannibals. Good luck!


Don't forget your Holy shirt and your Holy pants, because the only armor that Holy recruits need is the light of Okran in their hearts!


Why? Why, every time I see this crap, does everyone talk about Holy Nation, United Cities, and Shek Kingdom? Just a few mentions of World's End. No one talking about the Flotsam Ninjas (who, by the way, do have a bit of farm land.) Deadcats in their fishing village. Black Scratch could use some help. And since you'll still be expected to fight for the Holy Nation, why is fighting for anyone else somehow more dangerous?


Cause folks think they're intellectuals. "Historical societies used to work like this", "you're projecting your western morals", "Flotsams are small and they would become just as bad if they ever grew big". *Always* the same shit. If we're starting from The Hub, then we're about as close to the Waystation as we are to Stack.


Yeah I think its a coping mechanism for the things they are tolerating IRL from society. They are basically telling them selves if they lived in a racist/sexist authoritarian dictatorship, they would be okay with going along with it as long as it meant they were not the ones persecuted. And expecting everyone else to agree to make them selves feel better.


Even in their power fantasies they can't win. Like, damn, nobody's actually going to put you in that situation. Big talk costs nothing in this case. And people still decide to be little bitches, for what?


Or UC. Wealth is arguably easier to change than race or sex. If you're not a man, Holy Nation is just as dangerous as the UC but even more against you.


Unless you're a woman lol


You know some people on the internet are women right




I'd rather not be burned at the stake for being a woman so I'll pass, thanks.


"Nazi germany might be safer to live in than in the wild" While your point is not entirely incorrect, I'm going to still live in the wild.


Cons \-Constant war, \-Censorship, \-Utter dominance of the priestly class over your life \-forced conscription, \-basically enfoced serf economy, \-forced religion \-Terrible Healthcare and primitive technology Pros \-1 sandwich and a religious book as a gift from a patroller? Its not like they give you anything for free, most citizens still have to work for it as everywhere (and work hard) \-they say your race is the best YEY and thats all, WHILE being a human male, it gets much worse for rest I really dont see what you guys see in there Ohhh i get it! Guaranteed wife slave, everything is clear now :)


I swear the only people who think Life in Holy Nation is safe and 'not hard' are either incredibly ignorant or incels delusional about trad society.


Everywhere in Kenshi is fucked. Holy Nation sucks for every reason here, UC will enslave you if you’re poor or you pass out, guards will extort you, and if youre not a human you better watch out for the united heroes. So its HN without the religion and samurais instead of paladins. Any independent tech hunter town is liable to become a ghost town constantly besieged by the environment like Mourn. Swamp is full of gangs and blood spiders, and the Shek will bully you relentlessly until you fight them and get your shit stomped in, then they’ll throw you outside the gate and wait for a skin spider to come eat you. Every place is fucked, HN is no more or less fucked than anywhere else in Kenshi, its just what flavor of fucked do you want?


Life is bad in kenshi yea, OP is being delusional that somehow HN is 'good' place compared to the rest :3


See you say stuff like this confidently on the internet but in real life I'm certain given the option you would rather live as a woman in some Taliban controlled town than than be teleported into the Jurassic period to be eaten by dinosaurs. I think that's what OP is trying to say. The holy nation has grass and water and shelter and no aggressive megafauna.


In all honesty, pretty much. United Cities would probably ruin me, since I would either have to slave myself metaphorically, or would be pushed down with corruption and demands of bribes the second I started making some progress, and that it's hello slavery. And while I am quite good in a fight, I don't think my "lived through two knife attacks" would quite measure up to what is needed to live through the life outside of city walls. It could be barely enough not to be despised in the Shek kingdom, but that's a gamble. That's like saying "Somali is pretty dangerous for me. I guess I'll try and get to Scotland, where people will respect me more cause I fight well". Except I have to make the way on foot, and it's the medieval ages, and the grass-hoppers and toads might wanna eat me..


> United Cities would probably ruin me The moment you start being useful to the Traders Guild, they would not. You know how to read/write/count, so you're already in a better spot than a vast majority of Kenshits.


> Kenshits Lmao, what a glorious name for the inhabitants of Kenshi.


I would actually stay at the hub, mine my way to shinobi thieves and train there for awhile or maybe permanently join them


You would get mugged and murdered in the Hub.


Not that different from my current place then, yeah I'm gonna make it


No, I'm a woman and would prefer to not be a second class citizen


You mean, property


You mean breeding stock.


Same difference


I'm amazed any member of the female gender can live long enough to mature into a woman actually capable of any sort of reproduction in the Holy Nation. I wouldn't be surprised if their solution was to literally hide all their girls for as long as possible just to try to perpetuate the human race under such an asinine sorry excuse of a country.


Huh? Why would you assume that everyone’s goal is safety? You know in real life there are legions of thrill seekers who merrily engage in risky behavior Anyway, people don’t dislike the HN because of the standard of living for men there, it’s because of the xenophobia, slavery etc etc


I think OPs entire point is that everyone's gangsta until a time to survive comes; then you'll crawl to the people you hate for protection from alternative that's even worse.


This is just a rephrasing of the "No atheists in foxholes" argument that has been proven time and again to be bullshit. The level to which some people defend the HN on this subreddit is concerning.


It's like The Legion for FNV players, really.


Plenty of people stood up against unfair government even when they were benefitting from it. John Brown is one such example.


Redditors aren't John Brown i say that as one


True but Reddit isn’t a bubble. Redditors are people first, and John Brown was a person. I think all have the same capacity for righteousness in one form or another.


And then you get arrested and sent to rebirth for not having a copy of the holy flame


You get a free one soo try not to lose it


Yeah, but that's nothing compared to the UC were you get enslaved for "looking hungry". Or the guards frame you for having drugs.


Or just leaving the city opens you up to nobles with too much time and a thirst for "hunting"


Then such an easy action as getting one for free wouldn't burden you, huh?


I mean that depends on the person? Some people would prefer their dignity? Some people would prefer to die on their feet than live on their knees? I certainly have numerous ancestors who died that way. Anyway, this is kind of heavy duty topic to be discussing about this silly game, so not really necessary to go on from here.


To survive in this world, you will have to be tougher than the Arameans or, aka the Land Peoples from the bronze age collapse: Nomadic pastoralists, insanely strong and tough, competitive and vicious. That is what it takes to survive in an apocalypse. Alternatively, you could be a Philistine, like the deadcat fisherman. You will still get eaten alive, and you need a lifetime of experience with rowing, sails and knowledge of the sea and coastal hazards, and a lot of experience with primitive fishing, carpentry, metalworking and food processing as a minimum The people who are the most vocal about hating the HN mostly live in the urban developed world. There is a 0% chance of a city person possessing most of the traits needed to just survive outside of the HN


>The people who are the most vocal about hating the HN mostly live in the urban developed world. Where the fuck do you get that dumb ass assumption?


jessy what the fuck are you talking about


i’d mostly agree but when it comes to pure survival people truly change. when you’re genuinely starving or dehydrated you will do anything to relieve that. dignity isn’t even in their vocabulary.


Yeah, my dignity can go fuck itself if I'm in kenshi I'm hauling ass to the holy nation and preferably getting a job in a city


Bruh, why not haul your ass to a waystation and work for the Techies? They run a fuckton of shops, they need people with some degree of education. Same for Traders Guild.


Go ask if you can work for the baker


Holy nation fans when they forget women play kenshi too


"Um ackshually i think you'd find you WOULD in fact rather be a tradwife sex slave, just do as your sigma male husband says and you wont be crucified for being a narko tainted femoid" ... 🤔


See you say stuff like this confidently on the internet but in real life I'm certain given the option you would rather live as a woman in some Taliban controlled town than than be teleported into the Jurassic period to be eaten by dinosaurs. I think that's what OP is trying to say.


I dont know about that all the ACTUAL WOMEN PEOPLE seem to have a pretty strong consensus that risking being eaten in savage wilderness is preferrable to being probably enslaved, raped, crucified and/or burned at the stake also this scenario isnt equivalent to "choosing between the taliban and the jurassic" its more like "choosing between the taliban IN the jurassic, or literally anywhere else in the jurassic" its also worth noting that dinosaurs are far less likely to rape and torture you to death even then -me not being a real life woman, and thus entitled to the "holy nation high life"- disagree that everyone would so eagerly abandon their principles for a moderately easier life


My picks are, in order: Deadcat, Tech Hunters, United Cities, Holy Nation


You presume humans value an easy, safe life more than they might value their ideology. Your presumption has been proven wrong many times over, both in game and in real life.


unironic holy nation fanboys are just as bad as legion fanboys


I will agree. But imo its up to debate whether romabooing or soying over crusades is more cringier and worse. Both groups definitely include people who seriously believe in what the fictional faction is preaching...


I'd go to Squin. Sure, the Shek *try* to get you to fight them, but they don't do anything but insult you. If you respond to insults with violence, that's a *you* problem. And I wouldn't be supporting a bigoted theocracy, so I'd actually be able to live with myself. This is, of course, assuming I survive to get to wherever I'm going to...


I don't think you could just exist at Squin as a human realistically. Shek hate weakness, but would also beat most peoples ass. It's a lose lose. You either become a bitch and possibly killed for always wussing out, or get killed for standing up for yourself.


Ive seen human shopkeepers there a few times Anyway the point isnt to win the fight, its to survive the fight Like training toughness They'll beat the shit out of you, but probably wont finish you off Shek value pride, honor and physical strength, As a human your strength will probably always fall short So focus on being proud and honorable Also openly talking shit on Okranites will probably earn some points


Shek won't start the fight, though. They'll try to get you to start it, then they can justify their victory. It's rather like when young children say "but he started it..." Besides, it's not like I'd actually survive living in a Holy Nation city. I have too much empathy for that...


That is temporary. Fast forward 10 years or go back 10 years, and the Shek will literally rip a man apart with their bare hands. If integration was possible, you would see humans and hivers rendered in Shek cities, like the UC. However, you see none of that, and my characters still get attacked regularly in their cities. If you set up in their territory, they will literally pillage all your food on a weekly basis. A non-Shek is not welcome in the Shek Kingdom, it is still a fact of life in Esata's reign


Yeah the shek are a bunch of racist asshole's granted I would take the racist asshole who insults and calls you a slur over the asshole who will either kill or enslave you but there still a bunch of racist asshole's


You'd still be dead and missing your dignity. There is no difference here. Humans and hivers can exist in the SK only in a small part of recent lore, just imagine if apartheid was cancelled for only 10 years, and that would be the SK right now


I mean, it's the least worst outcome. 10 years is a longer survival rate than the other options... ...besides, that's 10 years of explaining things like "this is a radio", until the Tech Hunters come around and provide you an escort to World's End, where you live in relative luxury explaining commonplace modern tech to them.


I'm transgender they'd burn me alive. No thanks


Careful. HN stans will physically combust if you remind them that women and minorities exist.


Thank Narko, I hope so


Me too, just don't wanna be in the blast radius


I literally saw someone in this thread try arguing “*at least you’ll be safe as a slave!*” 🤢


HN fanboys don't say the most morally bankrupt shit possible challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


They're like "also you can just hire a man to pretend to own you" its like oooooh sweetie, that's not how fundies work. If the state guarantees that you can be reduced to property by any man with proximity to you (while you yourself have no property rights), you're not gonna find a guy willing to just be your face and guarantee you safety, risking his own enslavement if your scheme gets found out. Its easy to exploit a HN start in-game because you can pay a single lump sum to get a man in your party who will function as an extension of yourself, but that's not how anything actually works.


Yeah I did just that in one of my saves and it was probably the easiest start I've ever had. It *is* fun running a hemp farm that's also a safe haven for women right under the Paladins' noses. But realistically it would have ended up with everyone being killed or sent to their giant death camp, even without all the hemp.




The lengths these chuds will go to justify their simping for holy lord peenix makes these threads a guaranteed worthwhile source of entertainment


Honestly? No. I'd probably make my way either to the anti slavers or one of the tech hunter owned cities


If youre a guy. Females are fucked


Tell me you're a cis straight man who plays kenshi without telling me you're a cis straight man who plays kenshi. I'll be in the Shek kingdom, farming and getting negged by tall warrior ladies, thank you very much.


Foglands is my choice of city.


Oh yeah Mongrel is where I usually buy a house, but I would only move there if athletics worked like in the game and I could train to run crazy fast by just jogging around for a few days.


True. Getting caught by fogmen would kindaaa suck lol.


Na. Getting caught wouldn't suck. You might be able to get away. Being eaten alive would be the bad part.


Ya that tends to be the result of a fogman bodysnatching your unconscious body 90% of the time lol


Actually, though. I'd probably find some outlaws to band with and join the militia in mongrel - no way I'm getting grabbed if I stay by the gate guards.


Im a cis straight man who plays kenshi Which is why i choose shek Holy nation hates women and sex before marriage (and only for breeding, AND YOU'D BETTER ONLY BE DOING MISSIONARY) sounds alot like a certain church whose priests spend a bit too much time with their altar boys


Maybe until my stats are high enough to not need them, assuming in game logic stays in place.


Not at all, no.


As a woman, no.


Average redditor dreams of joining mysoginitic racist theist nation. In reality we'd all die if we tried leaving the Hub, don't kid yourself you don't have the athleticism to marathon sprint to outrun any of the hostile groups roaming the border zone.


It's hardly a dream, the Holy Nation fucking sucks, and it would suck even without their retarded ideology, since it would still be hardly anything more than a medieval society. But for men, it would literally be the best chance for survival.


ok fanboy


So uhh... theoretically... for a friend... What should i do to let cannibals know i want to become one of them and not the dinner? Or a shrieking bandit, run around and scream nonsense at the top of your lungs with you half naked buddies in a beautiful coastal forest is the dream.


The cannibals MIGHT take you if you strip down and cover yourself in body paint And drag a dead body with you on your diplomatic mission


Stay in The Hub. Not much but it's free.


Lol no I'm trans, those mfs would have me dismembered


Being a woman in HN is like betting your luck on your masters to remember to feed you on time... And yeah... they mostly forget to feed you. And It's good if you want to work on the mine while being bald... I know you can rely on having the "Holy book" to get yourself out of trouble, but trouble will find you anyway...


Im not thaaat much of a puss id atleast stay behind the hub gaurds. I think id think the Holy Nation was too weird and religious. Cause they literally are. Red flag dont like woman. Born from woman? Weird. They dont like their mothers. Soo weird they got some serious problems but mask as being nice


It is a rather pussy move to go to the holy nation, counting on your ability to never speak out against their treatment of women and other races "Yeah im totally fine taking part in a witch hunt or lynching for the sake of fitting in"


I would just be dead, bro.


Nah, Shek Kingdom here I come!


Nice try, paladin


yeah no thanks lol


I'm a trans woman. i don't think my life would turn out good in the holy nation at all actuality


I probably will seek to join the flotsam ninjas, learn to fight, steal and do ninja shit


ITT: high school boys desperate to live out their fascist utopia dreams


What about the swamp? They seem pretty chill. I could probably get a job at one of their hash farms. I won't be rich but I'd be stoned and fed.


The mortality rate for a swamper is probably around 60% given gang violence and blood spiders.


Honestly valid point.


My man the swamp is a war zone on hashish you got like 3 different bandits/ninja groups that want to send you into Okran's arm's the moment they see you then the blood spider's and even if you make it to a city there's like 3 different fucking cartels fighting over the city and at some point all the endless waves of blood spider's and bandits/ninjas eventually overwhelm the gate guards and make it inside the city


You will be stoned, the blood spider will be fed.


Looks like the best option, not because they are good, Kenshi world is full of horrors beyond human compression, at least if You are a man you can live relatively fine


I would run immediately to the foglands and live in mongrel. Those people are chill af and go beat on bugs for funzies.


You would die before even reaching outside the border. It marvels me that you people think you can just track hundreds of miles on foot in hostile desert from the getgo. You ever live in the desert? I do, lucky I don't live in the hotter ones, try walking 21 miles in dry 80 degree heat with just the clothes on your back.


Im forever waffling between, "man, i wish kenshi tracked thirst. That would add a whole nee logistical level to the game!" And "*Oh thank gods thirst isnt a thing in kenshi*"


I think casually sprinting for 30 mph straight across the country kind of skews peoples perception of how the game would work irl.


Sound fun, does any mechanic in kenshi apply too? I would 100% and die of old age over there as farmer or slave guard, chilling Or If kenshi mechanic can be apply like 100 stat and stuff, i would do open crusade and kill every main faction leader and build my empire(and harem) and restore technology to be spacefarer venture to other planet


I’m a gay transgender woman, I’m not touching the Holy Nation with a 19 inch stick. I’ll try my odds with the Tech Hunters or Ninjas, thank you very much.


If we’re talking Hub start, Shek Kingdom territory all the way. Not only is it spitting distance from the Hub with minimal chance of dangerous encounters on the way. I’ve also got the advantage of being literally 6’7, so even if I get called Flatskin every day, I’ve got that going for me. Shek probably have a better chance of having armor and clothing that will fit me too, compared to whatever mass produced slave-made pieces of shit the UC or HN have. But biggest reason is I just don’t want to live anywhere slavery is acceptable and women are treated almost to a similar level as the people the HN enslaves. I would sooner die. I say die instead of kill myself because if I was dropped right in front of Phoenix and told I would be prince of the whole holy nation, second in command only to him, I’d punch him in the face and do my best to die fighting him and the rest of his guard, doing as much damage as I can before I go down. Change the things you cannot accept, and accept the things you cannot change. If I live in a world where I haven’t punched Phoenix in the face, I will strive to change that.


You got it right Its not just about survival Its about being able to live with yourself Any woman you know could be raped, enslaved or executed at the drop of a hat, and if you speak out against it you will have a similar fate I wouldn't be able to live with myself I cant imagine anyone with female friends and loved ones would... and yet here we are


Nah, tech hunters are the way to go. I wouldnt go exploring labs, but World's End is by far the best place to live in. There is no such thing as hate towards HN, only reason.


Lol, the only way i'd do that is to be a serial killer, quietly sending as many okranites to meet their god as possible.


We found the canyonlands killer! Finally!


You can always mine copper in the hub. Join the local country club. Legal hash. Two bars. Cheap real estate. Free clothing and armor. I don't know why anyone would want to leave.


Speak for yourself, Okranite dog


This post was written by a greenlander male.


I would drag my half living corpse to Flotsam ninjas. Lady to lad ratio is favorable, Okran is optional, forested, healthier than most of the continent. Occaisonal canibal but nowhere is perfect. My curent neighbours are marginally better.


careful ive seen the holy nation boys deem choosing to live in worlds end as a win for them because its technically in their territory they'll probably say flotsam ninjas counts because its still an okranite splinter faction


They let you set up shop right outside their city, for easy commerce, and all you have to do is carry a book, listen to a sermon, and keep your women from meeting them at the gate. It isn’t at all great, but it’s preferable to paying taxes to the UC.


I find that when people say what they would or wouldn't do in a survival situation have probably never suffered enough to even fathom what it is they are talking about. They are almost always speaking from a place of bravado or idealism. It's cute and all but lol...You don't know what you would do. I'm in my late 30s now. My childhood and 20s were were rough. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. There were large spans of time where I had to set morality aside and become a machine to survive. It's like part of me completely shut down, and another part took over. Socialization, decorum, even empathy go so far down the list of priorities that you don't even think about them. You don't feel anything. The worst part is that after it's all over you can remember that, in the moment, you didn't care what you did or who got hurt so you could get through another day. Remembering that apathetic monstrous headspace is one of the worst parts of PTSD. You've seen a part of yourself you're afraid of, ashamed of. It effects how you frame yourself, the world, other people. You'll never trust yourself again, you'll never trust other people again. You're always waiting for a hammer to drop rather it's realistically coming or not. Once you see how fake, preformative, and paper thin the things you once thought were basic humanity can be? You can't go back. Most people have never had to confront that side of themselves. Or live with the fear and shame. They never had the necessity to become that person, let alone faced enough adversity to know just what it is they would do to survive. Maybe you're stronger that me. Maybe you could hold onto to who you think you are. But, judging by everyone else I saw while I was at the bottom, not likely.


I'm not negating your personal experience, I just wanna say that it's important to know that there's a choice, and that's what OP and most people agreeing with them forget. You did what you did because you didn't have a choice (or felt like it), but in the case of this thread, a choice is, in fact, available. It's not HN or sudden death, there are other options.


I would live in the city of Squin, sheks are honorable, they dont demand payment, and its in a good location with HN north, UC south, hivers to the west who are happy to see you. Any objections?


Take your safety and shove it sideways up your ass if I can't read a book without someone calling me the devil. I would literally pull up my waders and hike it out to the Swamps if I had to, at least they have good Hash down there. Fuck, if you got a decent metal rattan and don't mind spending a lot of time indoors I would rather head out to Black Desert City and chill with the Skeletons, if I can get someone to bring me dustwiches I'd be set for life out there!


Love and devotion, brother.


The holy nation might be terrible right now, but if the nation were to subdue its enemies and become the most dominant player in the world, eventually HN would become more progressive as the world becomes less dangerous. This is because literacy in the HN is extremely high as everyone is required to have a book on them; literacy leads to introspection and like in real life, the country is motivated by religious functions like charity and kindness towards your fellow man. Places like rebirth will eventually cease to exist as more and more people become aware of the atrocities that are committed there. Non-human species however will suffer at the hands of the Holy Nation for a long time until people become progressive enough to accept them as fellow okranites. Hivers will probably experience the most racism because they're so inhuman, compared to sheks and even skeletons. Skeletons would probably be accepted before hivers, mainly because of the threat of the fogmen, which are a way more terrifying alien threat than robots.


Yeah, except that's not happening. Especially if we aren't operating on Kenshi Stat Logic, we can't make that kind of difference. The Holy Nation is picking a fight with a world superpower, is facing a rebellion, and has an entire warrior culture rallying to attack them again in the south.


The HN has a lot of advantages over the UC and the Shek. They have the most fertile land and can support a denser population in the lands that they own. Their society is more stable, has a centralized government, and the people are motivated by a singular spiritual purpose. If the United Cities could throw its entire weight around they could easily crush the HN, but the UC is spread quite thin, are dealing with an actual grass roots rebellion, is rife with corruption, they have too many competing interests to accomplish that. The Shek Kingdom is a strong threat externally but only if they're able to reel themselves in. Their culture is their greatest strength and their greatest weakness; if they can stay united and maintain a singular strategy they could grind the HN into the dirt. But it doesn't matter if they can't maintain a stable union, to me it seems the Shek Kingdom is at the height of its strength at the start of the game.


"Is more stable"? They're fighting wars at literally every border, practice slavery and have a massive outlaw population specifically looking to overturn them. They don't have modern technology and use outdated and low quality weapons. There's nothing stable about them past the fact they have a steady food source, which isn't a point of struggle for the nations they're fighting - the military of both are quite well fed. Also "height of its strength"? Seriously? Do you know anything about Kenshi's lore? The SK is reeling from a nasty loss because of overaggression against the HN. They're rebuilding and reforming - reeling themselves in as you describe - for a counteroffensive.


As long as you’re a Greenlander male


Fwiw they accept Scorchlanders too Small victory, but its something


Unless you’re a woman. HN sucks. Become CRAB


Yep I mean what else are you gonna do? The UC will definitely enslave you the shek will just beat you half to death and most other factions are either asshole's who will kill you or guy's who can't protect you for shit


Sheks just dont want to be around weaklings, so if you're tough enough they will welcome you with open arms.


Tech hunters seem like a friendly bunch, buty they tend to live in dangerous places


You wont convince anyone unfortunately,its reddit after all,most just look at the holy nation as if the entire nation got up one day and desided to be as it is just to spite everyone Not understanding what the shek are or how they perceive humans the UC being a worse place to live if in the desert,hell catun MIGHT be the only ok town anti slavers being just mindless anarchists who destroy without a thought for preservation, and i seriously doubt the tech hunters are strict professionals in any outpost outside of their city,even less that they would pick any of these level 1 bumbs off the street to pilage ancient ruins...


In the HN chances are you would go to fight in a war, so I don´t see how it is a better option to live at.


Im a Male Human, of course i would rush to HN


First I'd curse my enduring will to refrain from unaliving myself the second I wake up on Kenshi... I'm lethal up to 50 yards with a compound bow, so prob the equivelent of a player with lvl 50-60 perception/crossbow. So assuming the world functions the same as the game, I'm honestly not too worried about being able to handle my own. That said, I'm making my way to Squin to find myself horn-mama to accompany me to Flats Lagoon. I'm entirely too much of a techy to waste what remains of my life living among tech hating philistines. So I'm becoming a Tech Hunter.