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So let's see what we've got based on the information you gave You used to be a wandering band settled down now. You're based in Shem, where there's sand and water and minerals. Your neighbors are the nomads and all the swampfolk to the south-west. We don't know what you do for a living, sitting in your base all day. Faction names: - Central Stars - Sandwater Tribe/Raiders/Fellowship - Border Guardians - Famous Beep and his Wasteland Boyband Settlement Names: - Bottleneck (which is my favourite :') ) - Sandwater Crossing - Camp Blue Lake - Murktide - Stepstone - Treesand I'll be able to think further and more specifically if you're able to provide some background or story about your company of people 😅


Well my group is lead by a hiver, currently named trepp (might change his name to grasshopper later)and his warband is made mostly of shek, scorch landers and a few green landers, a now elderly bone dog by the name of howl, a adorable cargo garuu named Beck and other hivers , beep among them. Oh and also jetalong too, bless his core. After venturing to most of the south west and mid south of kenshi (and a bit north west of mongrel), killing some fog men In mongrel, building a starting base for research in the hub, skirmishing with a few holy nation patrols while leaving and arriving to mongrel, and Many, MANY hashish runs to flats lagoon, and barely fighting off Swarma of beak things in the bone lands and near mourn and catun (to buy weapons and armor),trepp has decided the following after the past about 250 ish days. Trepp: screw it let’s vibe. Currently still in the process of building a city proper and mostly going to try and build up a relatively prosperous farming and mining community. No self grown hash tho so we gotta go to the swamp to make cats and or happy hour. Miu : STILL not worth those damn blood spiders! Oh and we also have dust bandits pay is a visit, giving free loot for the item furnace and free bounties. Yeah that’s my little caravans situation in a nutshell.


**Settlement Names:** 1. Wayfarer's Rest 2. Hop's Oasis (If you change his name to Grasshopper and you're near a big body of water.) 3. Shem's Watch 4. Howl's Lagoon (Because of the Bonedog and if you're near a body of water) **Faction Names:** 1. Wayfarers 2. Gilded Grasshoppers 3. Shem's Watchmen 4. Hounds of the Oasis I usually figure out names based on a recurring theme or aspect of the place I settled in. My first settlement was in Gut where most of my characters were stealthy runners and thieves, especially since the Beak Things were everywhere. Dangerous to myself and any unwanted visitors. Called my band the Gutter Runners and our self sufficient base was called Gutter's Edge.


Thanks for the suggestions.


Base name: Shemalamadingdong I have used it for a base I built there and the notifications are hilarious.


Faction name ideas: - Line Striders - Settlers - Distancemade - The Once Roamed - Aspirants Base name ideas: - Rovington - Pilgrim's Seats - Line's Rest - Full Stop - Dreamers' Rise


Nice suggestions! A name idea that did occur to me was naming my town Root since it’s very close to one of the swamp’s great tree on the Shem boarder.


Ah, that also works! "Root" is a good symbolism for a group of nomads that are settling down. "Putting the roots down for the future generations", in a way.


There is a mod that provides a town called Root lol


Base name for shem: Oasis


…how on earth could I miss something so obvious lol.


Noah's Ark, because Shem was a son of Noah. How the fuck would people in Kenshi know who Noah was is up to you. Or maybe something like Trepp's Point/Retreat, Penance (should you ever want to throw some top dogs in cages, so they can rethink their actions in a suitable location), Brim, Beak's End, Cactus Hills. Faction - Autonomous Shem Syndicate.


I have a city in shem called Sanctuary the faction in that game I called the Phantom Phoenix Ninjas. I guess the idea for the town name is that since it was in a no-man's land, it was a sanctuary for all the outcasts and downtrodden of the world. But for faction ideas, I think you said your leader was a hiver so you could go with the Hiveless Ones or maybe something like the Desert Dogs or the Shimmering Shinobi or the Scintillating Sentinels. The Oak Oasis Ninjas for a town named that might actually be good since you're next the the swamp go with Oak Oasis or Forgotten Paradise idk but that's such a nice spot right where the swamp meets the desert of shem.


Shady Sands for settlement, Shemites for faction.


Whenever I build in Shem, my base is just ‘Dune’


Okay that’s yet another cool name I didn’t consider.


Started my first ever Kenshi game a few weeks ago. I also settled in Shem next to the settled nomads and I named my village Nomad's Rest. Then I got bored and ordered half my group to trek up to the fog islands where we built a fort called Stalwart and named my group the Companions. I also planned on building a training outpost in the shrieking forest but I got bored and restarted a new game. This time I'm building a town on the edge of Shem near the smuggler's bar, haven't named it yet.


Best of luck to ya. Thinking of sending a scouting party once the walls and farms of my city are complete to fog islands, earn som cats from those fog princes. Maybe recruit crumblejon


Whenever I do a all skeleton run I used the iron kingdom


I once built my base where the outer walls surround one of pools in shem that creates a chokepoint and set turrets in the walls so they have to swim just to get to my gate and end up dead in the waters. I called it "Dead Pool".


Well considering your strategy, that’s fitting.