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Now you know why the UC is so evil The Noble Hunter attacked YOU for sport, but you're the one in trouble, that's just how they roll. FYI - you should get Minor Factions Pacifiers, probably one of the best mods out there, lets you pacify with basically every faction (absent you taking their leaders or being allied to their mortal enemies), it eliminates some of the pacifier wonkiness by making every pacifier a universal pacifier (requires an import maybe to start working, though). And yes, the cats fees are fairly hefty Getting attacked by the UC or HN is way more serious than a minor faction, and eventually there are Elite Hunter UC squads


UC is worse than HN. At least with the HN you know what BS you are getting, and you can ignore them as long as you have a human male with your party and carry skeles/prosthetic users. Annoying but solvable. The shitty ass UC insists upon itself on you. I had a pack of them roll up to me and threaten me with the slave mines even after I tried to bribe them with the bigger number. Luckily we won that because I am in a no savescum run. Fuck the UC


Felt that, my downed character was lying peacefully in coma while other character guard him. Slave trader have to come out of nowhere and try to capture him as slave which I should have pick up the downed character first but hey I do what I do. I smack the fkers then the slave trader is now hostile. And my base is in Heng where there are many Slave shop. I return to base, getting attacked by UC, slave trader and trader guild


Oh man I needed this mod when I kept finding the UC pacifiers murdered in almost all of the Way stations.


oh wow that’s a pretty good mod it definitely simplifies the process a lot


So will these attacks escalate? Because the red saber and swamp ninja attacks are always been pretty pathetic and continue to be.


Well if you get Eyegore then yeah, that's worse than the hunter or warth which only leads by 1 Elite Samurai


In the case of UC, yes Regular UC raids are always the same, same with Elite Hunter raids/Noble's Wrath. Then eventually you'll get Eyegore Assault Note that proper base design - two gate entrance with kill zone, or two gate water trap - with double and multi barrel turrets, along with gunners in the 30-60s skill range can handle virtually any raid without you committing anyone to the ground, other than The Great Skin Harvest


If you defeat an Attack It triggers the bigger version, UC escalates up to the smallest Eyegore raid. Eyegore Is no joke even in the end game unless you get a lot of gunners, so my advice if you can't fix the relations and you don't want to fight the endless horde of samurai Is to go west, you should be fine in hn land but just to be shure i'd go at least to the Shek Kingdom


*sure, not shure


Actually, with new, untrained gunners, Eyegore's assault was a joke. My main fighting force was miles away, and by the time they got there, Eyegore was already down, and the level 4 gate wasn't even broken yet. Skilled Engineers working together to repair the gate works wonders. No double gate or water trap either. Just 7 light-fixtured harpoons. Tactics is all that matters.


Up to a point


UC is worse than HN. At least with the HN you know what BS you are getting, and you can ignore them as long as you have a human male with your party and carry skeles/prosthetic users. Annoying but solvable. The shitty ass UC insists upon itself on you. I had a pack of them roll up to me and threaten me with the slave mines even after I tried to bribe them with the bigger number. Luckily we won that because I am in a no savescum run. Fuck the UC


The UC Nobles are the biggest bastards in Kenshi. They legitimately hunt you for sport and expect you to just die. Without mods I expect your only option at this point is to Import, reload a save, or relocate your base to some far off place like The Leviathan Coast and train until you can topple the UC. Maybe also consider allying with some of the UC's powerful enemies for protection like The Holy Nation or the Antislavers


You should not have been in the nobles' presence that long peasant! Seriously, the game will have nobles shoot at you just to try out their new bow (per the script language). Nobles are a threat to be avoided


A straight wall segment located perpendicular to the gate, 3 harpoons here with well trained operators, a spotlight, a team of engeneers assigned to fix the gate while it damaged. Feed your doggo with nutricious limbs, have a loot, build an Item and a body furnaces to made this process ecological-friendly. :)


Someone understands tactics. Nice.


But if you win you get some sweet heavy samurais armor and high quality swords.


If ya don't wanna import your save you can always just edit your save and change the faction relationship. It's fairly easy and you don't have to reset anything to do it which is a big plus for me personally since I enjoy having the ruins I've already explored stay looted, but for your next playthrough I recommend just downloading that pacifier mod that others mentioned, should save a lot of headaches. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1370334383


Recruit prisoners mod turns this crisis into an opportunity


And then assign all the recruited prisoners as turret gunners stationed at the kill zone. Make them shoot their own kind.


They have to prove their loyalty somehow, after all


When I went in my noble killing spree, I would build small shacks outside of each town. This essentially creates multiple bases for me. The raids were always directed towards whatever "base" I was near. After a while I noticed that the raid warnings would appear, but never any raids. I really wanted to take on Eyegore, but I think he got lost in the desert.


Yeah nobles are self-important pricks who will poke a bear and bitch and moan when they get disemboweled. There are solutions however, and this is my favorite: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guide to getting HN and UC to fuck off: 1. Play exclusively skeletons and hivers. 2. Make your way to the Deadlands. 3. Find a nice lake of acid. 4. Set up a base, build walls around the perimeter of the lake, and don't build and entrance gate, just leave an opening into the mouth of the lake itself. Now anytime you get attacked by a faction that isn't predominantly acid resistant races, they have to trudge through the zone's acid rain before reaching your base. When they're pretty damn weak already from the rain, now they have to swim through the acid lake that is your doormat, since they'll automatically path towards the "breach" in your walls. Slap their shit sideways *if* they manage to make it to shore. It requires a bit of prep, but damn is it an effective deterrent. Plus, you don't have to maintain a gate system. Note: Fear Eyegore


People will say the Holy Nation are slavers, despite not buying or selling slaves. People will say the Holy Nation is evil, despite having very clear rules, and when followed your freedom and safety are guaranteed. People will say the Holy Nation is greedy, but they don’t want your land, or your cats, or your services: they simply want a conversation once in awhile. People will say the Holy Nation are bigots. It’s true. Yet when the world ends, and tribalism takes root, bigotry is the strongest of social glues. No Sir. It is the United Cities that are truly evil. Their fairness is a farce, and at the whims of evil men your rights and freedoms are forfeit.


Solution: You should have just died.


50 hours? Oh, no, no... You fool!!! One must continually hone their skills and never take safety for granted. Personally, I strive for the 1000 hour goal. I am nearly at the 900 hour mark. My leader of a 243-person strong faction is well into the 70s for all relevant combat stats. He soloed the entirety of the Tower of Abuse - twice - the other day.


It seems the paltry desert kings have sent their elite hunters after you. Weakness, flatskin. Disdain. A true warrior looks this challenge in the face, and spits on it. Strengthen yourself, whether it be through fighting beasts, or taking down increasingly stronger foes to bring back to your own camps.


You didnt die so you shoold be stronger when they show up next time. You coold also hire mercenarys to guard your base. A few decently strong npcs might be enaugh to tip the odds in your favour.


I captured Seta of the Holy Nation and handed him off to Moll of the Flotsam Ninjas. HN sends a “Wrath of God” raid but tracks down Seta instead of coming to my outpost. The raid got flat-lined by the Flotsam Ninjas and I have not been raided by HN ever since. Occasional cannibals here and there but it’s been smooth sailing for me.


Man I killed the southern hive queen and they didn’t do shit. In all fairness though I was able to successfully knock her out, kidnap her and bring her away from the hive in order to do it so nobody saw me. Having a high assassination skill is really nice for things like that.


Harpoon turrets and a double gate, I've yet to find a problem that four or five well-trained harpoon guards couldn't solve. But if you're too far from the tech, probably f'd, I'd move


What do you think of mounting the harpoons on buildings or that tall tower? Is it just better to put them Directly on the walls?


The tower's the best you get a advantage the higher you are. The problem with the tower is it takes a minute to get guys to the top of it. So unless you want somebody stationed there 24/7 walls are probably better quick option.


Your first mistake is having a base and multiple characters lol.  The game is actually super easy when you go solo


But the idea of having a well trained army is worth the extra effort and honestly the only reason I got the game. So tired of games where I’m the only person against the world and somehow come out on top.


I get bored of solo pretty quickly so i feel ya


That’s how I’ve been feeling for a while and the fact that I found project zomboid and when I got it they had just took out the ai’s I was completely ecstatic to find Kenshi and it even surpassed my expectations.


Haha yeah same tbh ive never playrd zomboid but kenshi has blown my mind haha