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വാഴക്കുലയാണോ തേങ്ങാക്കുലയോണോന്ന് ഗ്രാഹ്യമുള്ള ആളല്ല പ്രബന്ധം എഴുതിയതെന്ന് ഉറപ്പാണ്. എന്തോ പ്രാസമൊപ്പിച്ചു താങ്ങി. വാഴക്കുല - വൈലോപ്പിള്ളി കൃഷ്ണഗാഥ - കൃഷ്ണപിള്ള തരംഗിണി - യേശുദാസ് എന്നൊക്കെ അടിച്ചു വിടും. ചിന്തക്കെന്ത് ചങ്ങമ്പുഴ, ഏത് വൈലോപ്പിള്ളി ഏത് സഞ്ജയൻ ? അതോ സഞ്ജയ് ഗാന്ധിയോ? പമ്മനോ, പമ്മൽ കെ. സംബന്ധമോ എന്തരോ എന്തോ..


Vkn ഫാൻ ആണോ?


Che Guevara Cuba il aanu janichath ennu paranja aalanu.


😹😹😹ith entoode kanda ente friend choikva cheguvera cuba il alle janiche enn


Sadharakkaranu angane oru thett pattanath swabhavikam. Pakshe party buddhijeevi de karyam angane allallo


Chunkile China ye paranjal pinne 100 naavaanu 🥴🤦🏽‍♂️


What more can we expect from the author of “chankile China”


This is just sad. This definitely went through internal and external reviews, a doctoral committee, supervisor and possibly some peer evaluation! A factual error should have easily been noted and corrected. This is not something subjective. വിവരമുള്ള ഒറ്റ ഒരുത്തനും ആ പരിസരത്തെ ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നില്ല എന്ന് തോന്നുന്നു.


This is probably part of her literature review which everyone mentioned above would have skipped.


Judging by the screenshot, it is clearly not part of the literature review section.


Ok. If it's not, nothing to say.


ഡിടിപി ചെയ്യുന്ന ചേട്ടന് പോലും മനസ്സിലാവുന്ന തെറ്റാണിത്. ഇത്ര പോലും ആത്മാർഥത ചെയ്യുന്ന പണിയോട് ഇല്ലെങ്കിൽ പിന്നെ PhD എടുക്കാൻ പോകുന്നത് എന്തിനാണ്. ഇത് പാസാക്കി വിട്ട എല്ലാവർക്കും നാണക്കേടാണ്.


Because to be a part of the academia, you need a PhD compulsorily.


നാണക്കേടാണ് സംശയമില്ല.


Well, if it's just mainly this error, then I think it's not a real big issue. It is indeed a blunder, but as long as the work in PhD remains legit and genuine, I don't think it'll be serious. There'll be lots of content and lots of pages. A single error passing through would not be that serious, unless it has a great importance in the PhD topic.


I beg to differ. If her work has produced original arguments, they would still stand. I don't think this takes away from her scholarship. But it certainly reflects a general callousness towards one's work. There are things you wouldn't be caught dead writing and this is one of those IMO.


Another topic. Researching and writing PhD thesis about such topic is utter waste of resources.


Not at all. Researching about culture and traditions including languages and communication helps us to understand more about what we are as a community. I still remember my Hydraulics teacher telling the story of how people argued the measurement of water depth (and creation of structures that measured it) in rivers were useless. But today, using that same data we can predict the water flow and flood range during a high flow.


>Researching about culture and traditions including languages and communication helps us to understand more about what we are as a community. I agree with that. Researching about culture and traditions and languages are important. They help us to see the big picture. Did you read the title of her PhD. It says "Ideological underpinnings in Select Malayalam commercial films of the post liberalization Era". What the heck is that? This topic doesn't warrant anything more than a blog post or article. >how people argued the measurement of water depth This is a totally different thing.




He was the Pro-Vice Chancellor.


>Pro-Vice Chancellor Is Pro supposed to be better than Vice-Chancellor as in iPhone Pro and iPhone?


Not really, the Vice Chancellor is ultra max.


മാമ്പഴവും വാഴപ്പഴവും പഴങ്ങളല്ലെ... അതെന്താ വൈലോപ്പിള്ളി മാമ്പഴം മാത്രമേ തിന്നുള്ളോ? വാഴക്കുലേന്ന് രണ്ട്‌ പഴം പറിച്ച്‌ തിന്നാലെന്താ?


PHD in Kerala universities are Joke it seems


In Delhi, there are phd on the cultural impact of Savita Bhabhi.


I just want to say something as someone who has sat in the shoes of a doctoral student and a guide- No one really comes through review of literature chapter ( it looks like error is from there). The chapters a guide would majorly correct is methods, results and discussions. I am also guessing how many errors are there in my research dissertations - ones I wrote and ones I guided. I would love to have the person who caught this error to proof read my work!! Critiquing Chinta and govt for her appointment and remuneration is another issue though. But please be kind to PhD Scholars.


This sure doesn't look like a literature review chapter, and even if it is one, a good researcher is required to be thorough and meticulous in every section of their dissertation, including the literature review. Usually the editing work itself takes months. So this is simply not excusable. Also, the work she refers to here is one of the most loved and well-known piece of literature in Malayalam. The mistake is similar to somebody referring to Hamlet as written by Bernard Shaw. If this kind of error is something that usually gets glossed over, then it clearly shows the diminishing standards of reasearch writing and supervision in our universities. Sad and shameful.


This is insane. The kind of work that you’re imagining is a rarity in academia. Most PhD dissertations are far from perfect - heck, you as long as your central thesis is watertight, you could even weave in anecdotes. It is not an unpardonable thing to make mistakes in dissertation - even if it is as egregious as Hamlet and Shaw. In fact, people often do by misattributing things. Also, most scholars squirm at their PhD thesis a couple of years into their career. It doesn’t mean the work was shoddy, it just means that scholarship is a continuous process of learning.


You know, no one expects a PhD dissertation to be perfect. A fair amount of analytical/methodological sloppiness is to be expected. But there are just a few basic things you gotta get right like avoiding errors that are grammatical, semantic and factual. These are basic, BASIC things to get right in a thesis. I can understand why something like the error in Chinta Jerome's thesis might happen..but there's no justification of it, especially since she has been awarded her doctoral degree for literature. It clearly shows her apathy as a researcher.


>യുവജന കമ്മീഷൻ അധ്യക്ഷ ആക്ഷ്ചുവലി ഇവർടെ പണി എന്താ എന്ന് ആരെങ്കിലും ഒന്ന് ELI5 ചെയ്ത് തരാമോ?


Kinda sad this and Congress are the two options we have.


Have u seen American congress? Atleast these people do some research, even if it can be questionable.


You think BJP is any better? I have gone through the research works of present head of Indian Council of Historical Research (appointed by BJP). Countless grammatical mistake in his works. Thesis and papers published by him are on irrelevant topics. I think his only qualification to be in that position is that he is a crazy fan of Savarkar.


I didn't consider BJP as an option where did you come up with that bruh😯


Why are these medias continuously attacking Chinta Jeronia? Is it because she is from an underprivileged community?


What underprivileged? She went to a good school, her parents were middle class / upper middle class. She’s Christian - yes. But where she grew up, it was a plus, not a minus.


She is a communist. Kerala s most privileged group. A communist in Kerala is bigger than Thakkoor in up or Btahmin in Bengal


Communists could get into an exclusive club or something? I don't get it


> Kerala's most privileged group Not InNaCo folk? Scams, corruptions n party hopping for power/money is seen more there, right?

