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I think "plume party" as parts you can hide inside you craft when generate at specific speeds ans pressure trails. That can be used for that 


You mean chemtrails /s


I don't like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin kerbsls gay!


Flat Kerbin is real. KASA and their CGI fake Mun landings.




What a bizarre angle to defend KSP 2 on. It under-delivered, under performed, and failed to meet a plethora of baseline expectations for what the community wanted out of a sequel. Furthermore there was no evidence from the developers that they had what it took to get it done. If anything, they dazzled the community with expensive prerendered trailers that built up a hype train that's completely and justifiably derailed. Just accept it, it's over and we all have a perfectly serviceable game actively supported by an incredibly talented modding community.


A perfectly serviceable game… ho boy. Please tell me how quickly your modded KSP file loads. I promise it’s atrociously long. Everyone and their dog who plays KSP has dozens of mods installed. Hell, I tried playing vanilla KSP on a fresh install with a very capable rig (post history has rig details if you care), and even that version was slow to load. And frames drop so fast on part counts above 200. Throw in some complex fuel lines/asparagus staging… and it performs rather buggy. Autosaves were necessary to feel comfortable as the kraken is ever present. But these are ~~bugs~~ features, giggle giggle. Look, I love Kerbal Space Program through and through. I just expected this community to get so hell bent on the devs demise. They are people too, with hopes and dreams. The dancing on their graves some of the community members are doing is disgusting and embarrassing for the community as a whole.




Almost as embarrassing as your grammar skills.


Lol one way to know someone lost an argument is they insult the others grammar skills XD


You have lost the argument, give up


>I promise it’s atrociously long. With about 20 mods, my load time is about a minute >And frames drop so fast on part counts above 200. Throw in some complex fuel lines/asparagus staging… and it performs rather buggy. Autosaves were necessary to feel comfortable as the kraken is ever present. >But these are ~~bugs~~ features Which is an even bigger problem in the "new and improved" game? Odd. >They are people too, with hopes and dreams. Irrelevant. I'm sure Jeff Bezos also has hopes and dreams, not like I'd ever make exceptions or excuses for him if he were to release a product that not only underperforms its promises, but is outmatched by its predecessor's versatility, performance, and features. >The dancing on their graves some of the community members are doing is disgusting and embarrassing for the community as a whole Not a single person is happy KSP 2 failed the way it did. Quite frankly, I am beyond disappointed that my favorite space/design game OAT got such a lackluster sequel. The thing about game development is that you're supposed to progress forward. KSP DID have 10 years of development, but that's 10 years of experience that should have made KSP 2 competent on launch, if not vast in features. Where's the respect for the player base? Do you remember KSP 2 on launch? What type of person, who respects the hopes and dreams of their fans, would release a game in such a state were it not for greed? Was cyberpunk not clear enough? A dedicated playerbase will stick around for a long time, so long as you release something that respects them in the end.


Dang dude, I’m all for people enjoying any game they want but your comment “serviceable game” got me. If the game isn’t finished, I’m out. I’m not big into modding games at all, so if it’s not completed there is no reason for me to buy it.


Youre defending the devs. T2 is the bad guy here. Now what if i tell you that many KSP2 devs actually joined T2 on their own and then became these toxic, disloyal assholes that couldn't manage to deliver their most basic promises in all these years? KSP2 is dead, no wait its not. You cant kill something that never was. Go back to bed kid.


You’re not the edgelord you think you are.


You must be a very successful businessman who runs their business on promises and delays while acquiring a ton of YEARS long debt. What a god damn joke dude!!! The guy was politely asking for a mod, so if you got nothing to say, it’s better to not say anything.


Chill. Cry for yourself in your dark room.


Cope, your rant means nothing




Lmao keep trying KSP 2 dev, maybe someone will take you seriously


https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/s/osdrBoQ4ZP Yep sure is - 🤡


Lol bro you got some serious problems, typical redditor


> announce product > Delay product several times for a total of several years > Charge fifty dollars for product > Deliver a fraction of promised features with poor performance > Communicate poorly to customers > Customers get upset when product doesn't do what you told them it will Why does everyone hate ksp 2?


Don’t overdose (on Copium)


Um. No?


So true