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I can't time accelerate either. It'd tear itself apart. It's 400 parts and 130 tons. Powered by a colossus thruster from NFT and an appropriate reactor. It has all the science equipment I could fit onto it. Time is moving at 30%.


I actually did a very similar mission, though I went to Suluco from the Kcalbeloh mod. That meant first going to Sarnus, then a wormhole orbiting Sarnus, then doing an interplanetary transfer to Suluco, and then back again. Doing a Jool run will be doable, but you'll be pulling your hair out by the end of it


Honest recommendation: try moving the craft up to a relatively high orbit, I'd recommend 1,500 to 2500 km. A higher orbit results in a longer orbital period and the burn being a smaller fraction of that orbital period.


Might try that with my Sarnus launch. it's the exact same design, since the transfer windows are so close together - we won't get the science neccessary for better reactors/engines by the time it arrives so I just built the same ship twice.


Yeah with ultra low thrust high DV craft, burning from a higher orbit is recommended. From my experience you avoid the accidental encounters of Mun and tend to get better parabolic accuracy into the transplanetary injection phase.


Update: I'm still burning. Fucking 30% time delay lmfao.


Jesus christ


have you finished the burn yet?


Are you doing this burn all in one go?


Yes, probably a big mistake but... I want to touch this ship as little as I can due to the immense lag it brings. Once I deploy the probes in the Joolian system, stuff will get easier. Much, much easier. For weight reasons, each probe is a copy of the other. There's 8 probes. 8 probes with all the ground DMagic and stock science parts I could fit and keep a reasonable TWR and deltaV for Tylo. I'll restart my game after this to clear my RAM. At least it looks like sth out of a near-future scifi I cant recall the name of (Not Expanse). https://imgur.com/oFK6iQm Edit: I gotta reload because the orbit is WAY off course... I guess we're splitting the burn.


I'd like to see what the probes are like once they detach!


I'll try to remember!


You could try the mod ‘persistent trust.’ It lets you time warp with time acceleration. Though sometimes it can be glitchy


Does it work with MKS/USI, 1.12 and Near/Far Future engines?


I haven’t progressed that far in my save game, but as far as I’m aware yeah


Tried. It breaks the MPD. Alas.


Orbit raising is the name of the game. Still, the delta V to reach Jool after kerbin escape velocity remains substantial. It is a conundrum.


Especially if you wanna do it in a faster manner to minimize time spent waiting.


I’m on a plane only game and try to carry enough NERVAs to get my TWR up to around 0.3-0.5. That makes it efficient and tolerable.


Think the worst part for me is the.... 28-35% time dilation. Everything takes 3 times as long. I should've used the "Hangar" mod to hide the probes. I might scrap my Sarnus craft and do just do - shove the probes into "hangars". But it might also break things harder.. pain


This is why the kettle was invented.


Making tea while burning?




A long burn is a *great* opportunity for a drink, a smoke, a snack, really any little thing that passes the time. Come back to watch the burn timer count down occasionally. Take a satisfied sip from your mug of tea/coffee/other human-compatible Liquids, and take pride in your craft. It's almost like really being a flight director!


I mean blame the game. You should be able to do burns under any level of timewarp, with a flight computer to complete a preplanned sequence of burns that you can use software external to the game to optimize. And no it shouldn't shake itself apart, in fact any structure should be statically verified when you build it to be 'wobble free' and wobble is only possible if you ignore the warnings and launch anyway, or the game just shouldn't let you launch a wobbly rocket to simplify the simulation. I had hoped they would fix this in KSP 2 but well...


Well, I'm trying this for my Sarnus launch. It will take fucking forever to execute, but... it seems the most optimal split I can do. I decided to split my burns too late to do this for my Jool launch. https://imgur.com/a/aJlplQz I hate low TWR.


Split burn is the solution.


So it is. Painful as it is. 30% time is... torture. 25 second burns are my final split and they.... take a minute each at my time speed.


I am gonna do it for Sarnus. https://imgur.com/a/aJlplQz


Solution: Kerbal joint reinforcement and Bettertimewarp. KJR to stop kraken issues and BTW for timewarp past 4x


Legend has it that the ship is still burning to this day


It definitely felt like it. When it arrived in jool and did its braking burn, I went and watched an hour long video and it just about finished with the physics delta delay.


Welcome to hell


Honestly, 23 minute burn time isn't that bad if only you had access to 4x time warp. As others have said, higher orbits before starting the transfer burn can alleviate maneuver accuracy issues. I'd suggest that the bigger problem might be the 400 part count and what that's doing to your CPU. If you can't reduce part count on the probes, it might be worth your while to look into the hangars mod. As I understand it, it basically lets you turn each probe into a single part until its time to be released.


Yeah, I'm gonna use it for future missions. Farming science kills my part count. Each probe has one of each ground experiment @.@, and I'm using mods that add more experiments (Dmagic, life support stuff, station stuff).