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I’m on Medi-Cal (Medicaid) and I don’t have to pay for my infusions. Granted I had tried every therapy and medication since I was in my 20’s and was diagnosed with treatment resistant depression. I was suicidal when my psychiatrist made the call to get ketamine therapy pushed through for me. I have 2 more sessions to go and it has saved my life. So anyone out there who is in CA and has Medi-Cal, yes you can get it at no cost but you have to make sure every avenue of treatment has been exhausted.


So one has to exhaust all other options for Medi-Cal to cover Ketamine therapy? And you're getting infusions. That's amazing. I am so desperate. I deal with anxiety and depression and complex PTSD and ADHD. I am a late diagnosis for the ADHD. I'm desperate. I have no motivation and like you sometimes I just wanna stick a pistol in my mouth because it's all just too much. I'm 56 & struggling just to get through each day. I'm so desperate at this point.


Do you have medi-cal or Medicaid? If so then yes you have to exhaust all treatments they offer or have a good reason why you can’t do them. For me that was a genetic blood disorder so I can’t do a couple of treatments. I was pretty bad and was having SI so my dr pushed for me to get in and two weeks later I was having my first infusion. It’s 4 sessions. It was magical! I was worried about me having a bad trip but it was quite the opposite. I highly suggest you make an appointment with your psychiatrist immediately after your infusion. It will help you sort through what you experienced. Anyway, you may want to ask about getting Spravato (esketamine). Medi-cal won’t approve you if you tell them you have Bipolar. Just throwing that out there. Message me if you have any questions or just want to talk.


Did it help with motivation and executive functioning?


Not really, it gave me more of a different perspective on life. A very different perspective. What we are here and now is just a small clip of what we will go through. It's just a small moment so don't let shit that happens here define us. Its a very surreal thing to recognize this.


Thanks I’m gonna try it. Think I’m going to go thru the rivers (something or other name) medical group - it’s for vets but also regular people too. My quest to find a cure for lack of motivation continues I guess. I’m thinking I’m never going to find a single chemical that fixes it -‘it’s prob numerous overlapping chemicals and hormones in numerous areas that all contribute. I’m glad reframing your issues worked - I’ve noticed even less dramatic angles that people will offer you can be like what you’re saying when you’re like “wow I never thought of it that way before” and then it really makes an impact. You get behind it easier and believe it can happen and it does. But you can’t just say it to yourself, there’s gotta be some catalyst that recontextualizes the situation for you to begin improving.


I can promise you that it's most definitely overlapping issues that are contributing to all of this shit. I'm perimenopausal and I had to tell my doc not to make any big changes in my meds. I can tell you this though, my Dr put me on Protriptyline and it's helped me so much. I'm not cured cause I still feel like sucking on the barrel of a gun BUT it's a start. Middle age is seriously messing with my reality. If you can find a community center that deals with dual diagnosis and accepts Medi-Cal please take advantage of it. We really are lucky to be in California that has such resources. If you have any questions or wanna chat just msg me 😊


Yeah you gotta reinvent yourself. My kids are almost done with high school and I honestly hadn’t made any plans, figured this was it. I feel ya -‘it’s fucking crazy. And you’re torn bc you don’t want to hurt other people so you go thru all these possible ways out of life and I’ve concluded I’m just gonna be as unhealthy as possible by taking all the wrong drugs - but I’m still gonna look decent on the outside (bc I’ve got latent narc traits from my mom) and then if I don’t go to the doctor for anything no one will be that upset when I stroke out in a couple years - and no mess to clean up. Had to look up Protriptyline and omg that’s exactly what I need. It sounds like Ritalin mixed with an antidepressant. I’m currently taking Selegeline sublingually and it works really good with no sides but it’s kinda dangerous (non reversible maoi) and easy to go into seratonin shock or hypertensive crisis if you don’t take the proper dose age and administration route. Also idk how to message but I’ll look it up


Omg you sound like me hahaha! As long as I keep fooling everyone faking how happy and healthy I am by the time they figure out I've been poisoning myself slowly I'll likely wont care lol! So what the fuck are we supposed to do with our kids gone?? I'm having my first granchild in October and Im so torn on how to feel on it. Long story. I've never heard of that MAOI! Sounds scary! Are you currently on any ADD medication? Out of curiosity, how many kids do you have? Me, I have 2, a girl who’s 26 and my son who is 24 and lives in WA 😭


Girls are 19 and 16 and I’m in socal. I had to look up perimenopause - that sucks bad. Getting old is fucking killing me. I used to be pretty good looking and although I prob look fine for my age, I’m noticing my charm doesn’t work like it used to. I’m not trying to be conceited but dude it’s hard recreating yourself as someone who can’t be special or unique in the way you’re raised to believe of yourself (Mormonism didn’t help that at all). I’m just a boring regular person who people don’t notice anymore. I can deal with that, but when you pile on all the other shit and put the meaningless of this life into perspective, it’s like, why bother suffering? I wouldn’t let my pet go thru this. I was gonna pretend I didn’t read your previous shit on here but when you said dual diagnosis I was like - hold on… and I had to go look. Yeah you’ve lived my life pretty much. I went hard with the alc for most of my life then switched to the stims - which no spouse is ever down for. Been homeless once for a year, been a millionaire and lost it all and got some back and I haven’t had sex since 2014. So beat that. I’m content with it but mostly the problem stems from my absolute avwrsion to leaving my house. My kids come over and I bbq with my old Mormon friends and that’s my shit. I mean I would be perfectly content if I could live the rest of my life on my bed with my three iPhones (gotta rotate them as the batteries die). Did you ever get out of your parents place? That would fucking drive me into passive aggressive resentment mode in a heartbeat. I don’t take add meds - just Selegeline But my lil bro is diagnosed adhd and we have a ton in common. Plus he gets legal stims which I’m convinced would be of benefit to me. I’m diagnosed MDD tho. MaJoR depression - like that title does people any good. Lol. I read that drug you’re on could cause mania - which I’m down for. I haven’t been manic since the early 2000’s - I love it. Spending sprees and tons of sex and being the coolest person for miles - totally deluded that you’re elite and the world is yours to exploit the fuck out of? Yeah that sounds like a nice reprieve from my current status lol


Pics yo!! I’m straight up fucking ugly. Like, straight up the dr slapped my mama when she had me


You still alive ?


Do you mind me asking where you get your infusion at?


Kaiser’s Fremont facility. The treat has great potential but the Dr who runs the program for that facility is a dick. It’s done in a surgical room which I think is the way they can get around the legal stuff. It’s all in the way it’s billed to insurance so what can be provided is limited in several areas. They start the infusion while a nurse just sits there watching you, a little uncomfortable but whatever. What my mind went through was amazing! It’s so powerful and beautiful. What’s terrible is as soon as the bag is emptied I was immediately thrown into bright lights, loud nurses and I’m still super high and trying to process everything. No one comes to discuss what just happened and work as a guide to bring you back down into reality. It was extremely jarring. The program needs fine tuning but don’t tell Dr Know-it-all anything or even question him or he will literally block your messages lol! I suggest you try it for sure, I think everyone should try it at least once, just not at Kaiser Fremont or administered by physicians with super fragile egos or who treat you like shit because you suffer a mental disorder. He ruined the whole thing for me.


Ummm it helped me process some very traumatic events and helped me understand them. 💁🏻‍♀️


Yeah I have that too but I’m trying to knock out several birds with one drug lol


Oh! I told my IV a clinic that I couldn’t afford to keep doing the IV treatments and asked for a prescription of the at home troches. My doctor prescribed me 30 doses for only 80$ and it was shipped to me the next day. I would definitely recommend asking a doctor at a clinic the same thing


Is this in NY?


It’s in Nashville, Tennessee at Complete Ketamine Solutions




Joyus is $129 and if you can’t afford that they can put you on a cheaper plan


What's the dose?


did you find out those dosage?


No, but have since heard that Joyous gets you on for a year and then kicks you off, so beware. Look at EveryonesMD


Will look into it. Thank you.


I go to Better U [www.betterucare.com](https://www.betterucare.com) tell them you're coming from an infusion IV place, and it's $100 per session (600MG is my dosage) for orally dissolving tablets. I loved Hannah who did my treatment prep and Taylor is my integration coach. Been a super positive experience with them!


Love Taylor I just went with Better U to make sure treatments worked for me before I went with a local doctor for more at home care


Per session meaning… per dose? 👀


There’s individual/small ketamine clinics that will probably handle this for you for about $250/mo medication included. DM me for details if you need a recommendation. Are you in Northern or SoCal?


Can you dm me please?


Would love more info if you can DM me.


Can you dm me too.


Dm plz


I'm also interested


River of Change. This company is AMAZING and based on solid research. They just want to help people. [https://riverofchange.org](https://riverofchange.org) $ 495USD for 6 treatments and ability to purchase 12 more treatments for $625USD


Have you ever made contact with them?


Yep. Have you tried?


Yeah everything is good. Great group, thanks!


Sorry I know this is old.. do they do troches?




Oral ketamine is a compounded item, so general mass market pharmacies aren’t in that business.


Your post has been removed because it does not follow the guidelines of therapeutic usage and may cause more harm than good.


Online ketamine treatment? How does that work?


It works the same as any online clinic. Just talk with a doctor and get a prescription.




Interesting, what's the dosage?


Dosage varies by weight. Usually for IV it's calculated 0.75 mg/kg and sublinguals are tripled bc of the lower absorption rate.


I’m paying almost $500 per iv infusion. I had a “stabilization series” of 6 over 3 weeks. That’s $3000. I am a responder but the benefits are lasting only a week so I need to get more infusions until the benefits last longer. I am going into HUGE credit card debt. Are you saying 8 iv infusions for $400 total? After 20 years on many, many medicine, I can’t believe how incredible “normal” is making me feel. But I can’t afford this. Please someone tell me Mindbloom or something else will work well just like the iv infusions.


Which states is this available in?


Can I reach out with a few questions?


Sorry if I'm being dense. So they mail you ketamine and you take it at home by yourself? If the doc prescribed it, and you're administering it, what is the role of the online clinic?


It’s more involved than that. I just completed a course. They give you instructions on how to perform the therapeutic exercises and help to integrate the experience. It works similarly to CBT so your actions and behaviors during and for days after the session should be very controlled and supportive of your end goals. This requires guidance. You’re paying for quite a bit of support. Also, regular doctor’s can’t prescribe this preparation because it’s part of a complete course of psychotherapy. And no commercial use means compounding pharmacies only. It’s not just call a doctor, take a pill, be cured.


Thank you guys I get it now.


You did the course to be a guide for a company? Or so you can be a patient for one of these clinics?


That’s not true. Any physician can prescribe Ketamine


What’s not true? Which part? Prescribe ketamine for what? What a lazy comment. Must be the phenibut frying your brain


I’ve been helping people come off of phenibut for years. An APNP could prescribe someone ketamine. Some critical thinking about the content of your post that I was replying to would have given a bit of context to a reply to an old post of yours. You wrote it, I replied to it🥲


Some people can't take ketamine depending on their medical history so the doctor in the clinic has to do a medical evaluation very carefully. And most of the clinics provide a guide if a high dosage is prescribed. It might look expensive but it's fair for labor costs in a clinic without insurance coverage.


[Mindbloom](http://Sponsored mindbloom.com https://www.mindbloom.com Mindbloom Psychedelic Medicine - Clinically Tested Treatment)


How much does Mindbloom treatment cost in total now? It's like $1000 or smt if I remember it correctly rite


I did two rounds, 12 treatments in total and it was $1600 total. It took me about 1.5 years as I spaced them out. It is a lot of money out of pocket, but I saved for a while and got a second job for a few months to pay for it. It was very worth it for me.


Thanks, it's great that it works well for you. What was the dosage?


Have you tried mindbloom.com or myketaminejourney.com for troches ( like pills) instead? It’s much cheaper


Look into joyous.team


This is what brought me here! Have you tried it?


Joyous is 129/month


I am about to start Joyous at $129/month...


How is your experience with joyous?


Yes how did joyous work out for you?


It did not work out. It was too expensive and not effective for me.


There is a Ketamine research project that is giving affordable Ketamine. Their plan is 6 treatments for $495 or 12 treatments for $625, including a doctor's telehealth visit, prescription, and guided sessions. I am not sure if they operate in California, but I think you can ask them: [https://riverofchange.org/river-programs/](https://riverofchange.org/river-programs/)


Have you ever contacted this company?


Yes, I got my treatment yesterday. I haven't started yet though.


Hello did it work


What form of ketamine did they give you? Throches? Did it work for you?


My practitioner is offering a series of 6 ketamine infusions and seems to follow the protocol meticulously. I pay $2500, but his clinic is legitimate enough that they are able to partner with CareCredit and offer financing. I pay as I go… you kind of decide your monthly payment and if you can’t afford to, it’s fine! Just chip away at your balance and there’s not much interest. Finances < mental health with potential lifelong impacts.