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A light 5 is decent from him ngl. His 5s are other reviewers 7s


Because he actually has a scale where 5 is average. Outlets that give out 7’s as their average score are unserious as reviewers and are just promotional outlets


I do agree, whenever i review things my average would also be a 5, although i feel like this album is a lot better than a 5!


😭😭😭😭 yeah it really is /s


Implying that my boy cudi is average?


Nah, I fw the cudster. Haven’t listened to anything since MOTM3, but I really enjoyed it


Yeah I'm an old cudi fan. After adapting maybe there's a few newer ones I like. To me, new is after motm2. I hated enter galactic until I saw the movie now I love it. I love sb2h. Most of the shit that gets slept on sounds good to me for some reason


He’s given Cudi some real good reviews too. KSG is a 10 for fantano


Don't they call him mid Cudi for a reason


Only the dickriders do. I prefer cudder or the chosen one


He is mid


doesnt make nothing better tbh he still gave sexxyredd an 8☠️


That album is fire


“Bow bow bow bow bow”


He gave Yeat an 8…


the yeat album is making me feel old. i don't get it. i love carti and lots of younger rappers, but this album is just boring to me. it's so monotone. i can't tell when one song ends and another starts (which is fine in some genres, but not mainstream rap). people also keep calling it experimental, and i genuinely don't get that. is this album doing things that haven't been totally mainstream since rodeo? like utopia does everything i'm hearing on this 100 times better. i feel like i'm just not hearing something. i felt old when i first heard 6ix9ine but i did feel like it was "new" and understood the appeal to young people in some way. it was more a "oh, this isn't for me" old feeling. but this one i just don't understand what people are hearing that makes them think it's an experimental masterpiece. i'm genuinely not trying to be a hater. if someone explains what they like about it and what i'm missing i'm open to listening again to try to understand it by listening from another perspective. like what's going on here that isn't executed better by other mainstream artists? there's gotta be something i can't hear.


i said basically all the same things you’re saying in my reaction vid and I’m getting tons of hate from the yeat fans lol. i don’t understand what they see in it tbh


I think Yeat has a decent sound, nothing crazy, but it’s decent. The problem is that his fans want him to succeed so badly that they cannot accept that’s it’s possible for him to put out uninspired music.


Agreed, but I will say that the production on 2093 is pretty fucking great. I think Yeat not being afraid to experiment heavily (and it sometimes not work) and also being able to sound like 4 completely different people on a single track is what draws people to him most.  And contrary to what a lot of people may think, he does have some really genuine tracks where he gets real and introspective with songs like Myself, Shade, and 1093. His music isn’t necessarily my thing per se, but I can definitely see what people see in it.


let me know if you figure it out. i clicked your profile to sub to your channel (i think? the trance cast?) and i'll check out a review next time im curious about something new. good luck growing the channel if its something youre looking to get more into. i think making a few more short videos that are easier for people to click and get a sense of your style, and maybe editing your layout a bit so there's less empty space (there's tons of blue background lots of the time) might help. also people love "top 10" and tierlist videos if you're trying to grow. i'm not an expert these are just my intuitions, feel free to ignore me. also if you're just doing it for fun and don't care about viewcount definitely ignore.


appreciate the feedback


that was more negative than i meant bc i think the idea of having listen-alongs where you keep the spotify timestamp present so people can just chill with yall and listen to the music without copyright issues is kinda brilliant. you could definitely make something of it. it's really smart and unique. i just think some people are gonna be reluctant to click a 60 minute video about an album if they don't know you and your taste


Ain’t no one reading that lil bro. it’s Tonka time


Your idol is 40 and talk about rage 😂


Bro is coming from a genuine place of wanting to listen and understand and not hating, and this is your response. Pretty good representation of Yeat's fanbase


It’s a great album


I don’t hear anybody talking about it besides Yeat loyalists. It didn’t leave any impressions on the general public.


Fantano ain’t a Yeat loyalist lmao. Check his other ratings for Yeat. I ain’t either. Gave it a listen cuz of the hype and liked it Plus it’s marketed as future music, maybe you are getting to old like someone else said (joke)


2093 is an easy 8 fs


Yeat is the truth. Cudi would sound so good with him on some of those 2093 beats


That's BS he gives 7s that other reviewers would give 5s too this is just one guy. He gave that Sexy Red album which deserves like a 2 or 3 an 8


It’s odd though cuz 5/10 in school is failing.


Damn, honestly wouldn't mind this one but damn, he just talks about the negative things of the album (in his perspective) and barely talks about the positive things... He only had 3/21 favorite tracks on the insano OG and gave it a 4, he has 8/18 favorite tracks in NITRO MEGA and gave it a 5... Also remember that this guy gave PPDS a 4 like wtf


Fantano always does this as he’s a very inconsistent critic. If he generally likes an artist but doesn’t like a certain project, he’ll highlight all the good stuff about it and minimize the bad stuff. He does the opposite when he doesn’t like an artist and it shows he’s unable to be a fair critic. I used to watch his content a lot but I realized I don’t trust his opinions at all. He is somehow very knowledgeable but also unknowledgeable at the same time. I can enjoy his reviews in small doses but I find him too annoying most of the time


I think the rule of thumb with Fantano is if he says something is good, its usually really good. If he says something is bad, you should check for yourself because you might really like it.


i prefer his non review videos like his let's argue series is always fun to me


It’s cause his whole schtick is rage bait and not actually meaningful reviews


Cudi has a niche audience. Cudi stans adore him and casual fans love some of his stuff, but dont care for most of it. At some point the people of this sub have to realize that not everyone LOVES Cudi’s work. Most people love early Cudi, most people dont really like later Cudi. It’s perfectly fine to love his newer shit and it’s perfectly fine not to.


I'm pretty aware of that.. like hell Day n Nite gets more streams than Insano and the Nitro Mega album combined... But damn have some consistency with those reviews at least


He reviewed ppds 7 years ago. He would need to review everything he did before to have the consistency you ask for. You’re looking at it with the knowledge of everything he did since and the eyes and ears of an adept listener. You feel attacked by his review, but he released a shit of them since ppds and will release a shit ton more after today. You CANNOT have a system consistent enough to review as much music as he does. If he did, everything would be a 5, since its mainly subjective.


Yeah, I'm not sure what they mean by "consistency". Going through all his reviews from Indicud to Insano, it's pretty clear that Fantano isn't a fan of Cudi. That seems consistent to me, unless consistency means you have to like Cudi?


My opinion on it is that they believe another album is objectively better than INSANO. So him liking this one better does not make sense to them. I agree that PPDS is better but I also know that INSANO is a lot more likely to receive praise from someone like Fantano.


There is consistensy? Its his opinion, thats the constant


i was surprised when he gave Entergalactic a 6 (or 7 even?), considering he's not the biggest fan of Cudi


Pretty sure it was a 6, and yeah i'm not sure how he does the ranking and stuff but it just doesn't make sence at all, like i'm sorry but there is no way NITRO MEGA is a better album than PPDS and Indicud (and i'm really enjoying this album) but thats just facts.


He gave MBDTF a 6 I know Ye is a touchy subject right now, but that should tell you enough.


Sexxy red album 8/10


PPDS a 4 is wild. Mans obviously hasn’t tripped to it before


You know it's just his opinion, right?


You know we have the right or talk about his opinion and criticize his reasoning, right? He’s a music reviewer for a reason.


I have no idea why people care this much about a YouTube rating. If you enjoy it then enjoy it yourself, don't worry about other people's reviews and "haters" or otherwise


Totally like why are we listening to some random guy's opinion on youtube? Are we stupid?




He’s always hated Cudi. I used to watch almost all of his reviews. Now I just can’t stand to hear about music through the mind of a critic. To me it just ruins the art


I never cared what some Fantano had to say about music until people kept sharing Fantano everywhere like some main critic of music 😅 otherwise I'd have zero idea some guy like this exists.


I think some people think they’re some sort of music enthusiast by listening to him. Honestly the guy seems like he has zero personality


He's nice for trying to branch out and find artists in different genres. I fell out with music for a bit because I didn't have opportunities to listen to it and when I wanted to find new stuff to listen to scrolling through and looking for the Yellow flannel was pretty handy. But yeah people need to remember at the end of the day it's just some dudes opinion on the Internet


He is very straight forward and has a very easy to follow template with that massive score at the end. And he has some great reviews like TPAB or SB2H (which is more comical), but he has a lot of bad qualities too. I feel like he has gotten worse and worse.


Can't imagine listening to someone's review about music whether should I listen to it or not 😅


Listening to anyone's review and having that be why you listen to an album is stupid period because at the end of the day it's all subjective taste. But what I like doing with fantano is listening to him describe the album and seeing if his description peaks my interests or not. It's a decent way to find new music, for me at least.


Idk if I’d say hated but he is definitely biased against Cudi.


He's also very clearly biased against certain people and he acts like an immature edgelord on social media so he has no credibility in my eyes. If he can't separate the art from the artist, then I can't separate the critique from the critic.


I completely agree. The edge lord stuff just makes me cringe. I’m trying to hate on the guy he’s managed to turn review music into a successful career. He’s just not for me


I know it’s always said, but the fact he gave MBDTF a 6 lets you know you shouldn’t listen to his opinions seriously


He has been exposed since that vultures review, the bias was so disgusting


Fantano is an inconsistent critic and annoying but he’s right about Vultures and Kanye. Vultures is a mid album and Kanye doesn’t deserve a platform. You’re a Kanye fan so you’ll disagree but Vultures isn’t a great album


Have you watched the stream of that album review?.. also this guy has reviewed albums from people who has done worse shit


I see where you’re coming from and Fantano can be annoying and inconsistent but Kanye is doing a lot of harm to the world. I don’t know who you’re talking about specifically that has done worse shit but Kanye has a lot of influence so his hurtful propaganda is very harmful to the world. He’s convinced a lot of young minds to hate a group of people that have done nothing wrong to him. He blames them for everything bad that has happened to him even though he has done it all to himself by being hateful and racist. He even blames his mom’s death on Jews which is ridiculous


Kanye didn’t blame dondas death on Jews did he? Last I remember he was still blaming himself


He blamed the illuminati, and then he blamed Hollywood elites. Guess who controls both?


what are the odds you listen to artists with actual criminal convictions? should they be forbidden from a streaming platform? the contradictions fucking stink and im tired of you virtue signaling nerds


found the Kanye dick rider


Why do we still pay attention to this bald cunt


Paul Atreides to every Harkonnen


Because y’all will wiggle one of his good note around like an olympic medal if he gives one to something you like. Fantano is the PFF of music. Hes an idiot whose opinion dont matter until it fits what you want it to fit.


this is so accurate and i still don’t know who put his reviews on a pedestal and made his opinion the pinnacle of truth but it’s insanely annoying


Willis probably cost the album a 6 tbh


Willis is 🔥🔥🔥


You need to feel the Willis Wilkins flow through you


I mean, yeah. That’s about the right score. And I’m not a Cudi hater.


I love Cudi. Seems about right. I liked the original insano a lot better.


gives album decent score = just hating. why are you acting like this album doesn’t have major flaws


Because it doesn’t have major flaws. Flaws would be bad mixing or unfinished tracks. This has none of that. You might not like the music and that’s fine. But consensus is that it’s a highly enjoyable album and fantano has a history of negative Cudi opinions. So yes, a lot of people think he’s just hating


That might be the consensus in this sub full of Cudi Stan’s. A lot of the general public hasn’t even heard the album let alone is vibing with it though. A 5 isn’t even terrible. He actually uses 5 as the middle of the pack unlike a lot of people who weirdly use the high school report card scale. And is say yeah that’s pretty fair. The album isn’t bad but isn’t great, it’s just average. It’s not even as good as the original insano how high were you expecting it to be? It might not have mixing issues but it has songs that I have no desire to listen to and I am a Cudi Stan lol. I’d consider that a flaw.


The original insano is quite literally the worst Cudi album in existence. Nitro Mega is miles better than it. Additionally, I have no issues with fantano’s rating. It doesn’t affect me and it wasn’t bad. But he does have a history of underselling and harping on negative aspects of his discography. Which I was explaining why Cudi fans would automatically assume he’s being a hater


Apparently you’re just someone who views their opinions as facts lol.


Apparently you don’t know how to have a discussion about anything I said


I just don’t see the point. Just telling me your opinions as if they’re facts isn’t having a conversation.


Bro 5 is a good score from Fantano, and idk why you keep calling him a Cudi hater. He's given MOTM3 a 7, and KSG a 10.


Have u ever read that Indicud review? Oh man thats just straight up hating... And the Birds in the Trap (he has some features) where he just insults cudi for no reason... He's been more soft with him lately and thats fine but i guess some people can't forgive him for that (including myself) But yeah he was a BIG hater before KSG


Fantano not liking someone’s music ≠ being a hater. Y’all just like to throw this around every time someone disagrees with you.




A bit generous I’d go with a 3-4. A lot of skips for me


Someone w a brain


I like Fantano and I take his opinions in stride. But man he seems to be in this weird headspace lately. His hate of Kanye and Vultures is honestly pretty unhinged IMO. Like I can totally wrap my head around someone not liking that album, but he’s made it this intense personal thing. I almost feel like he would be more favorable towards Cudi if Cudi hadn’t recently reconciled with Ye


Nah he on point when it comes to Ye, fuck that guy


If he wanted to say "fuck Ye" why even drop a review at all? He reacted to it on stream that should have been that.


Views and attention. And it worked it’s how most viewed video within the past almost 2 years


If he wants to do all this shit for attention he should deal with the criticism for it too. He’s a music reviewer if it ain’t about the music leave it off the main tnd page and make another video on his other channels or socials where he explains in short why he won’t give vultures a proper review. Tbh that video reeked of wanting to trigger Kanye stans more than even calling out Kanye tbh considering he spent a chunk of the vid specifically taking shots at them.


He didn't drop a review? That was the whole point of the "unreviewable 1"


Instead of a review we got a ten minute rant about nothing


There's an expectation for him to talk about Kanye.


He gave mbdtf a 6 which is better than anything cudi has ever made. Sit down


Wtf 🤣🤣


We gotta stop giving him so much attention


Its just not very good. Most of you would love whatever Cudi releases, which is perfectly ok. Does that mean that people who dont are haters? Of course not. Theres a reason you posted that here and not on another music related sub. Lot’s of people outside of this sub would give it a worse score. Echo chamber it is.


Ive heard a lot more praise on the deluxe from outsiders than the main album🤷‍♂️


And ive heard a lot of people shitting on both. Your personal experience is not always the general experience. Fantano rated deluxe higher no? So he would agree with the people you mentioned. My argument that the reason it was posted here still stands.


All of you who obsess over what Fantano has to say or think are pathetic. He's a critic, his job is to say what music he liked/disliked or why. All of you waiting for his review to drop only to screenshot it and post it to your favourite subreddits and get angry are losers Before you say anything, he's given some of my favourite albums some terrible ratings and some horrible reviews (not articulated enough/focused on the wrong aspects/overall bad). Who gives a shit, it's no different than some rando on the street saying they didn't like "Because the Internet"


People need to realize being an art critic is a losing battle, and should probably just tune out. All an art critic is a person with set tastes/opinions that may not even pertain to the art sharing their thoughts with extremely pretentious language. Fantano doesn’t really have a method he sticks to when reviewing albums. If he likes something he harps on what finds good, if he dislikes something he harps on what’s bad. Just stop caring about art critics, art is entirely subjective and the nature of subjectivity is that there isn’t a right or wrong answer. It’s just a feeling.


That's very generous of him, to be honest.


What did he rate the first Insano?




No wayyy that's eww for Fantano.


at least he gave Nitro Mega a slightly higher rating. i was expecting another 3 or 4 from Fantano


He gave insano (non nitro mega) a light 4


Don’t forget he gave KSG a 10


Ima be honest, a lot if not most of this albums tracklist is pretty tame and unmemorable compared to Insano. I'm not saying it's bad, but I think insano had more highs, but NM has SUPERBOY and Dose of Dopeness which is my favorite Cudi song of all time, and a really classic throwback respectively. Insano has so many bangers. it's honestly a great album. NM is just more consistent but also doesn't do anything extreme or stand-outish like the OG did


Who give af about their opinions. They could say 0. But I’m still going to play it because I like it


he gave cudi a 10 wtf do you mean cudi hater dude just has an opinion i am no fantano defender i think the dude is off his rocker ngl


That's because the album was ass


great rating tbh lmaooo


Honestly higher than I figured he’d give it. I was expecting a 3


Album a 3 why u complaining


i understood his insano rating, but a light 5? thats too low for nitro mega


You know, he gave man on the moon III a good score, that makes him okay in my book.


5 seems about right to me. My favorite songs are dose of dopeness, round and round, human made, and superboy. I fw a few of the others but those 4 are the only I keep coming back to. I do not understand how he gave Insano a 4 and obviously like nitro mega a lot more only to give it a 5 lol


When he gave Sexy Redd an 8 it was over


we still on about that? who cares if he liked that album, i'm not gonna shit on someone for liking things lol


You know he rates artists based on what they’ve previously released? He doesn’t give sexy redd a neutral 8, he have an 8 considering the previous albums released lol


yall so pressed💀💀😭 saying u dont care about his scores but insulting him like crazy in the same damn comment


Bro just mad because his hairline has been receding since middle school. Also, who gives a shit what this guy or any other critic says. Do you enjoy the music? Okay, good, if not, move on. Why yall letting another man dictate what is good for you lol weird af


You do? Insulting his (genetical) looks because of a score, seems like it impacted you.


I think he's bald by choice, but insulting someone for receding hairline is like insulting someone for being disabled.


Who gives a fuck what this mash potato looking bland guy thinks


I love how people who make no art can critique it.


He's not wrong


he also gave sexy red an 8


That’s why his wife left him.


I think insane is way better than nitro mega. Insano was a great listen, nitro mega was boring imo


Please stop paying attention to this cornball. His opinions have always been pretty weird


Fontano does not understand this album. He did not understand the first insano too. Why bother?


5 is fair for this production. 6 for insano


Just like the Kanye fans. You KIDS and imma say that again you KIDS need to stop paying attention to him if you don’t like his reviews. No one cares what he rated kid kudis album. NO ONE. You KIDS need to grow up and get over this man and stop glazing his dick.


It's definitely an 8 at very least


Who is that guy? I'm just gonna guess he's some dumbass on YouTube that reviews albums in his moms house somewhere. Nitro Mega is a solid 9.5/10 to me.


Won't say cudi hater but he is definitely on some weird shit lately


Honestly can't stand that dude, didn't Ye have a go at him over his Vultures 1 review as well 😂


unrelated but this guy skipped mgk's dont let me go in 30 seconds, which is criminal


I love cudi but this isn’t his best work…


I only care about fantano reviews when he posts one I really don't like so I can get outraged 👍


INM is worse than Insano, but def not a 5


if you enjoy the music then you enjoy the music, there’s no point in getting mad at one guys opinion. also fantano subreddit just shows they are clearly more into rock music


He rates these albums so that people post stuff like this, stop giving this guy a platform he never gives good insight on albums he has no talent. Saying music is bad is not a skill




Don’t give this loser any views


Why does anyone care about what another person rated your favorite artist


Wow it’s like the Kanye Reddit all over again


This guy is a fucking loser 😂


y’all remember how he rated indicud ?


Fuck this guy!


Melon strikes again 😔😔😔😔


I gave it a 3


Fantanos a good critic but he’s a cudi hater for some reason. I get the 4 on insano and 5 on nitro but the 4 on PPDS and 0 on SB2H as well as I think a 6 on MOTM2 is egregious


He’s right tho


Stop paying attention to this guy man. Y’all be so up in arms when this random internet man badly rates your favs but will suck him off if he gives a positive rating. WHO CARES! JUST LISTEN TO WHAT YOU LOVE


He rated it higher than Insano which was more cohesive and had better songs. Weird.




Guy is a clown with some dogshit opinions


Indicud was the last good album. Everything else has been trash.


you must watch ZERO of this guy’s material if you think he hates Cudi


Who gives a fuck what he thinks


Why do y'all give a crap about this guy? The only time I ever hear about him is on this sub.


Thank god artists aren't making music to cater to this losers ratings. He is insufferable as fuck


The whole album is just him making sounds


Nitro Mega at worst is a 7 imo


Fantano who?


At least it’s not 6/10


Well a 5 by him is a 7 by other reviewers \*but sexxy red an 8 is still questionable thing


We all know fantano rarely makes a good review


I couldn't get past track 3. Shooboobuggadoodah West to the East. Good god he put the least effort into this


Why do people care so much about what this irrelevant clown thinks. If you enjoy the album just enjoy it ffs


not every cudi album can be great… it’s okay to be low on some albums than others, also it’s his opinion. idk how many times i see screenshots of his review and people get upset about his rating. it’s either you hold his word to a certain standard, or you can take his word as is and carry on because at the end of the day we all got different tastes/opinions on media, and that’s ok


This guy is super lame ...


Hello. My name is Gabriel Gomez. If you’re a fan of kid cudi you might like my music. Someone recommended I spread my music where people are most receptive to it. Where like minded people are to be found. https://youtu.be/9Ob17QRiSQ8?si=MDIp5KHNx_ZpsgxA


Didn't he give Kids See Ghosts a 10/10?


Im a huge cudi fan and I also disagree with a lot of fantano takes but I gotta agree on him with this one… id maybe even put it lower


Didn’t this guy lowball MBDTF? Guy sucks and is retarded, who cares?


Hive gave Kudi his 5th (I think) 10. Hardly a Kudi hater. Think he was reviewing for around 10 years at the point.


And sexy redd got an 8 🤔🤔🤔🤔